Chapter 20: A Job at Tiffany's
(Y/N's POV)
I was heading to Tiffany's and Co.'s main headquarters to do my in-person interview, and I was probably the most excited yet nervous I have ever been in an interview since it is one of the most elite companies in the world and even though it's only a janitor job, I'm willing to bet that it will be taken a lot serious than other places. But I'm more ready than ever I got my resume printed out and my answers to the various questions I know they'll ask, practiced and memorized every answer, and I'm ready to explain my references and whatnot. I looked at the building and its doors one time and went inside the building, I went to the front desk and asked the receptionist about who to talk to about my interview. They looked at me with confusion but went to call for a manager anyway; I didn't get the look, but whatever. They told me to wait for a little bit until one of the managers got here, I thanked them for the help sat myself on one of the chairs, and got out my phone to pass the time.
(Sometime later)
It must've been a bit of waiting but then I heard a voice call for me.
"Mr L/N?"
When I saw the person I assume will interview me, I stood up to greet them.
Y/N- Yes I am. It's nice to meet you.
"Same to you Mr.L/N. Follow me into one of the offices."
Y/N- Sure thing.
I followed the interviewer around the building and it was a nice-looking one, well that's to be expected for a luxury jewelry company to have, and of course saw a bunch of office workers which I don't admire their job safe to say. Anyway, we got to an office and I sat myself down in one of the chairs, the interviewer closed the door and sat down behind their desk.
"Well, now that we have settled, hello. My name is Ari, and again, it's nice to see you, Mr.L/N."
Y/N- Thank you, it's nice to be here.
Ari, I'm glad to hear that. Well, I'm going to say this already: I think you already are what we need for this role: an overnight janitor whose schedule is from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m., Monday through Friday, with some weekend requirements. Do those sound right to you, Mr. L/N?
Y/N- Yes, that sounds right to me.
Ari- Great, and I'm not even gonna do the standard interview questions since personally, you are going to be overnight, so most of these questions aren't related to the job in my opinion so there's that out of the way. What I am going to do is have you tell me some of your job history as I have seen you have quite a diverse Resume so can you tell me some of that?
Y/N- Yes, I have first started as a...
I went on to explain most of the jobs I have had over the last few years and while Ari asked the question of why the constant job switching and the open road method, I told them that I like to stay open to new opportunities and I believe that going from city to city across the country will do that for me.
Ari: Wow, I'm honestly kind of amazed that you are doing that. I have never heard someone do that before. Well, Mr.L/N, I was very skeptical of your job history at first, but it seems to me that you are a hard worker, dedicated to the job, and can adapt rather quickly no matter what job you have or where you are.
Y/N—Thank you. Although I move around a lot, I do not slack off when I'm on the clock. I always get the job done, no matter what.
Ari- That's good to know, and I was equally amazed by your references when you listed David Newport and Jessica Sanders.
Y/N- Yeah, I felt the same, I was driving along the road on the way to the city and saw that their car was not working well and they needed to go to some meeting so I offered to take them to the airport where they needed to be and as a thank you, they gave me their business cards and told me about if I needed a job, I should look into here.
Ari, I see. I had to call them to confirm, and they both approved me, so you're good there. However, your third reference didn't get back to me. I tried to call twice, but no one answered, so maybe he isn't available to confirm. To be frank, his reference didn't matter, as your first two are already proof that I need.
Ari then stood up from their chair and their arm extended to me.
Ari- I would like to offer you the job at this time, will you be interested?
Wow, I don't think I ever had an interview like this before, not only it was an unconventional one but also a job offer on the spot. I stood up from my chair and I shook Ari's hand.
Y/N- Yes, I'll take the job. Thank you.
Ari- It has been honestly exciting to have you on the team, now I'll get the standard background check started and you get a call later today when to come in for your first day.
Y/N- Great, I'm excited to get started, well Ari thank you for your time, and hope you have a nice day.
Ari- You too Mr.L/N. Goodbye.
I left their office and walked out of the building feeling very happy to score this one. Now, I will wait for that call to start work, now I need something to do.
Y/N's mind- Let me go visit the shops around here, maybe Fifth Avenue.
(Brigitte's pov)
All I saw in front of me was Marcus, lying on the floor with both his eyes stabbed with my metal nail files and dying from loss of blood after I led him to my room to tell me about Y/N's departure in front of me. He didn't expect his life to end tonight but his stupidity of letting Y/N go without my knowledge of it after the fact is what led to his doom. Now, replacing him is easy I can promote one of the shift assistants probably Garry to take his place, I'll do that another time, now I need to get rid of the body. I walked over to the garage to get a black bag, went back to the room, stuffed his body inside then dragged it to the basement. I opened the door and threw the body down the stairs, I'll deal with that trash later, I locked the basement door so the housekeeper doesn't know what's down there or she will join him too. Now, I need to find out where he went so I can go from there but the problem was, I have no idea how to locate him since I didn't think to bug his phone sooner, I was unwise to do that now I'm gonna have difficulty to track him down.
Brigitte- God Damn it, now what?
Then, my phone rang and when I checked to see who was calling, it just said "Unknown Number". I was skeptical of answering it but something told me to answer so I did.
Brigitte- "Hello"
"You have him."
The voice on the sounded like a woman and did she mean by "I have him?"
Brigitte- What?
"Don't play dumb, you have him working at your company Miss Brigitte Balmer."
How did she know my name and who is this "him"?
Brigitte- Look bitch, who are you calling me at this number and keep saying I have someone, what the hell are you talking about?!
"Does the name Y/N ring any bells?"
My heart stopped for a second, how does she know Y/N? Y/N knew someone else?
Brigitte- How do you know him? Who are you?
"He used to work for me before he left. Now, that he worked at Amazon, I knew who to talk to. Now, Do. You. Have. Him?"
Brigitte- N-no, he left me, without my knowledge, he didn't even say goodbye or anything, wait does that mean...
"Yes, he did the same thing to me and I'm not the only one, I'll say that."
So this caller woman experienced the same thing I did, is Y/N hiding something that he didn't tell me at all? Why would he do that? But, I can't waste time with this, I need to look for him and he must be farther away by the minute
Brigitte: Well, he did leave me, but I will find him. If you excuse me, I will do that. Now, hang up this call, or I will...
"I can help you find him, I know where he is."
I stopped in my tracks on what I was about to say when she said she knew where he was, is she telling the truth?
Brigitte- Really? You do? I don't believe you.
"Really, or maybe the bug I had installed in his phone before he left is of no use to you? Well, if that's the case then we have no business, goodb-."
Brigitte- Wait. Ok, I'll bite, what do you know about Y/N's location?
"I think we should meet face to face, I'll send you an address, that's where we will meet and talk about a solution where we can all benefit. Does that sound reasonable to you Brigitte?
Brigitte- Yes, it does.
"Excellent, I'll see you then. Bye for now Brigitte Balmer."
She hung up the call and I checked the address she sent me by text, I clicked on it and it showed pictures of an old warehouse no one had used in years, I'm a bit skeptical of this meeting but if I want to find Y/N, then that's what I'll have to then, see what this mysterious woman offers in doing so. But, before I went I went to my closet and grabbed the gun safe to get my 1911, just in case I needed to defend myself if she tried anything funny. Once I knew it was loaded, I went to my car to follow the address, I hope this proves to be a fruitful one.
30 minutes later...
I arrived at the abandoned warehouse and I saw a car already there so the woman was already inside, I got out of the car with my gun at my side, hiding underneath my jacket. I walked towards the doors and once inside it was pitch dark so I had to use my phone flashlight to find the woman.
Brigitte- Hello?! Anyone here?
Then, two of the place's lights went on and I saw two shadow silhouettes that looked like they were female.
Brigitte- Hello? Are you the one who called my phone?!
"Yes, I must say I knew you would show up, that offer was too tempting to refuse wasn't it?
Brigitte- Yes, now let me ask again, who are you?
"You mean, who we are."
Then, one of the silhouettes stepped into the light and it revealed a woman I know from the past.
Elizabeth Hilton
Brigitte- Ah, well if it isn't the CEO of Whole Foods.
Elizabeth- Correct and Brigitte Balmer, CEO of Amazon.
Brigitte- When was the last time we chatted, when I tried to acquire your company but you threatened to sue me because of anti-trust law or something of the sort?
Elizabeth- Yes, I did say my company wasn't for sale but I think we have bigger issues than that, Y/N L/N. You said he wasn't with you now, he left Amazon to pursue "better opportunities" elsewhere, didn't he?
Brigitte- Yes, one of my managers informed me of that, and his reason supposedly, something about his past.
Elizabeth- Correct and we have been doing digging around that and we have found something interesting.
Brigitte- Wait, we?
Elizabeth- Oh, that's right, I'm not the only one looking for him. Turns out, Y/N didn't just leave me and you, he also did it to her.
Then, the second female silhouette stepped in and I also know her, but not personally.
Angelica Clade
Brigitte- Hello Ms.Clade.
Clade- Brigitte Balmer, so you are the woman who had him before he ran off to find his next gig.
Elizabeth- Yes, but now we have something to offer Brigitte that I know she won't refuse.
Brigitte- Infomation, now what the catch with you two, what do you want?
Elizabeth- While we won't like this we believe that all three of us join forces to get Y/N and have him detained to ourselves, basically all three share him.
Brigitte- What? Thats absurd! He is mine.
Elizabeth- I said the same thing when I began my hunt for him then I crossed Clade here who Y/N worked for at Nintendo headquarters, we fought a bit then decided that teaming up is better in the long run.
Clade- Trust me, I didn't want to also at first but then I realized that she was right in teaming up, she had the bug installed in his phone first so I did the wise thing and teamed with her. You'll agree that three is better than two in this situation.
As much as I hate to admit it, they are right. They have the tools to track him down and it would take me forever if I tried to do this alone, so I had to let go of my pride and distrust for now to get him back to me.
Brigitte- As much as I hate to say this but...we have a deal. I'll join you too but I demand one thing.
Elizabeth- And what is that?
Brigitte- I want to be the one who doles out the first punishment for him, for breaking all of our hearts.
Elizabeth- I can accept that.
Clade- Me too.
Brigitte- Then it's settled then.
I shook both Elizabeth and Clade's hands and now an alliance has begun.
Brigitte- So, where is he then?
Elizabeth- In New York City, who he is working for, not sure about that yet but we can discover that on the way.
Clade- I may have some good guesses, but the plan is to find the right time to trap him, take him out of the city, and put him in one of my condo homes in the West Virginia mountaintops so we can do whatever we want to him in peace and without disturbances.
Brigitte- Then what are we waiting for, lets go already.
Elizabeth- I like that already, Clade and I are gonna ride in the car we drove in, you can just follow us from behind.
Brigitte- Ok, let's go.
All three of us left the warehouse and got in our cars, and once they drove a bit of distance, I began to follow them. While I drove, I made a phone call to the COO to take charge while I was doing some "business" outside of the company at this time and to my housekeeper that I wouldn't be there and to continue their usual work and to make sure to bring strong cleaning chemicals to clean the "lead red paint" from my room carpet, I even added another 600 dollars to their base pay to not question it. Once I took care of all of that, I played some music and daydreamed of seeing Y/N again and began to plan my punishment for him.
Brigitte's mind- You're not getting away from me this time Y/N and I have company that has the same feelings.
(No POV)
It was 9:50 pm in New York as Y/N was heading to the Tiffany's building to start his first day he got the call a few hours earlier that he was ready for his day and to report to the night manager named Alvin so he could show him around and tell him of the daily duties and whatnot. As Y/N approached the building, he typed in the code he got from the same call into the keypad and that unlocked the door, he entered the building and headed over to the sanitation and janitorial room. He arrived at the room and saw an older man sitting at a desk and saw Y/N walk in.
Y/N- Hi, are you Alvin?
Alvin- I sure am, Y/N?
Y/N- Yes sir.
Alvin- Great, well please to meet you, welcome to the overnight time, and as you can see not its not too many of us as the company likes to have less of us overnights as possible. most likely to not have to pay much overtime in my opinion.
Y/N- Yeah, I can tell, well here I am and I'm ready.
Alvin- Sweet, I'll show you around the place, just to let you see where you'll be doing the daily cleaning most of the night and whatnot.
Y/N- Ok, lead the way, sir.
Alvin showed Y/N around the building and he was amazed that the place was huge and had lots of floors to go to which meant he had lots of work cut out for him. As the tour continued, Alvin showed him the main central room of the place, and this according to Alvin needed to be cleaned no matter what before his shift ended because that is where all of the top executives and the CEO came to meet so this was a priority when doing the job. After Alvin finished explaining it to him, Alvin finished the tour by showing him the janitorial closet and break room.
Alvin- Well, Y/N I guess that's everything I needed to show you around the place, now come on and I'll take you back to the office to have you do some computer training then show you the list of tasks once you're done.
Y/N- you got it, Alvin.
Alvin and Y/N went back to the office and had Y/N log in to complete some modules about the company, what tasks are required of the role, and other generic stuff that Y/N watched countless times in the past. Once he was done with that, he went to Alvin he was done and once Alvin got his completion in the system, he showed Y/N the list and it had three pages worth of tasks.
Alvin- As you can see, there is a lot of stuff to do, especially on your first day plus, I have to go in a couple of hours but I will assist you while I'm here, sounds good?
Y/N- Yeah, thanks Alvin, let's get started.
As Y/N got to work, Alvin split the tasks between them while showing Y/N what to do with that particular task. Y/N already got the hang of it which was no surprise since Y/N had done this before working in a high school, and at a mall too.
Three hours later...
Time seemed to pass by so quickly as Y/N was getting the list done with no sweat, he took a little water break to catch up with his breath, and as he was doing so Alvin walked in to let him he was leaving.
Alvin- Hey Y/N, so I am about to go for the night so I leave the rest to you, I have no worries since I know you have done this before based on what I saw, so no worries from me. Your gonna be alright?
Y/N- Oh yeah, I'll hold on my own from here out, have a good night sir
Alvin- Thank you, but just in case you have any questions, my number is by the desk so use the phone to call me and I'll respond as quickly as I can. Anyway, see you tomorrow night.
Y/N- You too sir, bye.
Alvin left and Y/N finished his break a little while later and got back to work, since he was alone, he got out his AirPods to play some music, to pass some time,e and make the job less tedious in a way.
Y/N's mind- Back to the grind.
(Y/N's POV)
I checked my watch to see it was 6:30 AM and I got almost everything done except for cleaning the front windows so I got the rags, cleaners, and wiper to get started on that then it looked like I was done. Sweet, I got started and went through the front windows then I went to the side windows and while I was working, I thought I heard something.
*Muffled tapping*
I paused my music and got one of the AirPods out to see if I heard that correctly, I didn't hear anything for a couple of seconds until...
I heard a knock at the front door, I didn't look to see who it was just in case it was someone who wasn't supposed to be there. So, I walked slowly to the door and opened the door to see who it was.
Y/N- Hello?
"Oh, who are you supposed to be?
I saw that the person at the door was a woman.
And she looked like she was someone important.
Y/N- Oh, well I'm the overnight janitor ma'am. It's my first day.
"Oh, well that makes sense, well if you excuse me and let me in please, and thank you."
Y/N- O-oh yes yes, pardon me.
I let the woman in and she headed towards the path to the main room which I didn't follow and continued with my task. I was just about done when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"New Hire, if you would stop what you are doing and follow me if you will."
I was confused about what was going on but I did just what she said and I followed her and she took me to the main central room.
"Did you do this?"
Y/N- Yes Ma'am I did.
"And you said that this was your first day here?"
Y/N- Yes
"Well, I must say, for a new hire, you did an excellent job cleaning to room to almost my standards. I don't praise people much so take it to heart, understand?
Y/N- Yes Ma'am. If it's ok, who are you, ma'am?
"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Saira Knight. CEO of Tiffany and Co."
Well, I didn't expect this so soon and on my first day too.
(End...for now)
Hi folks, here is the very late chapter of this book and I must say, I should've done this sooner but I have been job struggling for a long while now and haven't had the motivation or time to write then I think of you guys and that makes the fire to write again and I'm so glad to have followers like you to wait as long it takes and being very supportive. Thank you all for that and I hope you enjoy this until then, I'll talk to you folks later.
See ya'll later!! :) :)
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