Chapter 10: The return of Elizabeth Hilton
(Y/N's POV)
I arrived at the mall to head over to the GameStop to collect the paycheck there for the last time and while the store is most likely closed, I bet he left it outside hidden somewhere for me. A little bit annoying to find my check somewhere but at least this will be the last time I step into this mall again so there's that. I was at the store and began to look for it and one of my guesses was that some of the fake plant pots around here had to be it and it could be at the bottom of the pot which meant I had no choice but to check and see if I'm right or not. After some digging and a mess later, I was right as I saw a white envelope with my name on it, that was the x marked on the spot I was looking for and, now to clean this up and leave to get for my second day tomorrow.
Y/N- Welp, so long Gamestop.
Not long after I left for my car, I felt something off like a pair of eyes are watching me so I quickly ran to my car and leave the mall for good but the feeling was not going away and my heart began to beat a lot faster but it wasn't because I was running at this point. Finally, I saw my car and opened the door, I quickly went inside and turned the engine on. I locked my doors so I breathe calmly for a bit but then...
I heard a loud noise in my car window and it was a hand but when looking up, I saw someone I never thought would be there.
*Tap Tap*
Hilton- *Muffled* Y/N. Y/NN! Come on out there Y/N.~
I tried to drive off but she quickly ran in front of my car with a small yet very creepy smile on her face.
Hilton- I'm not leaving here till you turn off your car and come out now. I think we need to have a talk right about now.
My heart was racing again, my arms and legs were shaking and I was sweating, but in order to make her move and to find out what was going on. I need to do what she says. So I shut the car off and stepped out of the car, walking to her.
Hilton- Nice to see you again Y/N.~
Y/N- Hilton, what the hell is going on here? Why are you here and how did you find me exactly?
Hilton- What's going on here is that I have found you once more Y/N. And here are your answers, first I have ways of finding people, many ways but that is classified information so that's that. Second, I wanted to see you and try to 'convince' you to come back with me and work for my company.
Y/N- B-But why? Why so much trouble?
Hilton- I like you Y/N, since the day you arrived at my office delivering my food. Your modest attitude, your interesting lifestyle, and your talent for hard work and work in general. So you're a perfect candidate for my store crew.
Y/N- Working for you may not be so bad if I wasn't already working.
Hilton- Working? Who do you work for Y/N?
I didn't want her to interrogate Clade about me and cause her trouble so I won't say anything to her. What is she going to do anyways?
Y/N- I am in my right not to tell you about my current work, cause I never worked for you in the first place, and two, it's against my rights and I could report you for this. I won't tell anyone about this but please Hilton, leave me alone.
She looked at me with a pissed-off face but didn't say anything, I stood my ground and didn't crack under her stare.
Hilton- You know Y/N, I traveled all this way to get you back and that's not going to change for me but it appears that tonight is not that night for that. Soooo, looks like you win today Y/N.~
She got out of my way, and I was feeling at odds like she is doing something I don't know what.
Hilton- This won't be the last you see me by the way but let me give you a temporary farewell gift.~
She then got out her phone and did something but not long after, I got a notification on my phone and it was from my cash app I didn't delete for some reason, I had this back when I worked for uber. Anyway, I clicked on the app and saw I got cash awaiting me, and when I clicked on it, my jaw drooped.
"User H has sent you $10,000."
I looked at her and all she did was wave and smile at me then she left. I stood in my car for a full minute just processing what just happened. Not only Hilton is back in my life but also I have a shit ton of money in my possession now.
Y/N- I don't feel comfortable going back to the hotel now that Hilton is out there watching me, I need some help. I know who to call, hope she understands.
(No POV)
Y/N ended up calling Clade and seeing if he can come and crash for a little while and Clade said yes without any hesitation at all which made Y/N feel a lot of relief. So she sent him the address of her house and Y/N went on his way, about an hour later he arrived at the address and saw the house in the picture she sent him.
He parked his car and knocked on her door, waiting for her to get to the door. The door opened and Clade smiled warmly at Y/N.
Clade- Welcome Y/N, please come in and make yourself at home.
Y/N- Thank you so much for letting me in.
Clade- It's no trouble to me at all Y/N, sit down and you can play some games on my TV while I make some food, sounds good?~
Y/N- Sounds good.
Clade- *Giggles* Great!
Y/N sat down and turned on the switch to play some Pokemon and Clade got ready to make Y/N feel welcome the best she can without fail.
(Clade's POV)
I was done with dinner and I gave Y/N his plate while he still played.
Clade- I hope you like lasagna, I made it myself from scratch.
Y/N- That looks good Clade.
He took a bite and his happy expression speaks for itself.
Y/N- Wow, that is delicious. Thanks for the meal.
Clade- Anything to make you feel better Y/N, you feel comfortable talking about your situation? It's ok if you don't want to tell me anything at all, I understand.
Y/N- I am all right telling you cause you are doing so much for me despite only knowing me for a very short amount of time, so I feel it's right you know about it.
Clade- I'm full ears.
He began to tell me everything about the past job he had before here and he told me a shocking fact about delivering for the CEO of whole foods which I knew what he was talking about already. So it seems like this Elizabeth Hilton is interested in him like I am based on what he told me, that is already a problem for me but also for him since he told me now that he met Hilton at the mall's parking garage and tried to get him back in her grasp.
Clade's mind- I'm glad she didn't get her way, but she is a problem that is out there.
Y/N- And that is the gist of it pretty much, I don't feel as safe as I used to out there knowing she could try to do something at any moment. Sorry for being sorta involved in my own problems.
Clade- Y/N, any problems you have, becomes my problems too and I won't leave you in the dark like that. So I will do everything in my power to protect you and you can stay as much as you like.
Y/N- ...Thank you Clade. You are a godsend to me right now.
Clade- *Giggles*~ I'm glad to be there for you, that's all.
Then he yawned in an adorable way, with some sleepy eyes.
Clade- Your pretty beat huh?
Y/N- I am actually, where can I sleep?
Clade- I have a spare bedroom, upstairs to your right. You can use that, it's yours.
Y/N- Great, I'm gonna hit the hay.
Clade- Sounds good, I'm gonna stay downstairs and clean the kitchen.
Y/N- Ok, well have a goodnight.
Clade- You too Y/N.~
I watched him go upstairs and waited till he entered the room and once he did, I went to the kitchen to clean up but also think of a plan of my own. He doesn't need Hilton anymore, she had her fun and let him go, and now it's only right I have him now right? Well, it doesn't matter, she won't have him, and I won't let her.
Clade- But don't worry Hilton, Y/N is now in good hands. Mine.~
(End...for now.)
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