Chapter 8
The last two years since Emma and Jasmine moved to New York have been quite an adjustment for the young doctor but seeing them almost every weekend whether he went to visit or they came always brought him joy. There were time like these though where neither of them could spare time for visits that really affected him.
He talked to them on the phone at least three times a day but he hasn't seen them in person for almost three months, it was driving him crazy. He buried himself in work most of the time to distract himself from not seeing them, he didn't have time for anything else. Which is why the team were starting to worry about him but none of them said anything.
That is until he started acting even weirder the second they mentioned having a case back home in Las Vegas. While Garcia was presenting the case the second she told Spencer he was going back home his eyes widened and he murmured "shit" under his breath. In the plane he kept zoning out thinking of something to the point where he missed them mentioning exactly what he wanted to know.
They split off into groups when they landed Emily, JJ and Rossi went to the crime scenes while Morgan, Hotch and Reid went to the police station. In the car on the way to the station Spencer was holding a cup of coffee that they bought when they landed and he was bouncing his leg up and down with anxiety. "it's fine there are several different police stations in Las Vegas, what are the chances were working with-" his thoughts were interrupted by Morgan screaming "Reid?" he looked up at him "yeah?" Morgan gave him a worried look.
"You alright kid I've been calling you for ten minutes" he nodded "yeah sorry, just thinking" Hotch and Morgan both shared a look "are you sure Reid?" Hotch asked and he just nodded again in response "okay good, when we get there I need you to start making a geographical profile from the victims we already have while me and Morgan talk to Chief Sloan and his officers" Spencer spit out his coffee when Hotch said those last words.
"Chief what?" he raised his eyebrows before answering slowly in a questioning tone "Sloan?" Morgan continued after wiping the coffee from his sleeve "why do you know him?" before he could answer they pulled up to the station and got out of the car "you know i could go help them at the crime scenes, there are four of them to see and-" he stopped talking when he saw them open the door and walk in, he groans and walks after them.
"Alright maybe if I just keep my head down and avoid everyone-" he cut his own thoughts off this time because he knew he was being stupid there's no way he could hide while in the same building, his fears were confirmed when he walked in and immediately had a gun pointed at him "give me one good reason not to shoot you right now" when he said that all the officers looked up ready for a fight but when they saw Spencer they just went back to work, some shaking their heads in amusement.
Spencer had his arms up and Hotch and Morgan were still too shocked to do anything but put their hands on their weapons. They stayed like that for a few seconds before Spencer let out a small laugh "because you'll miss me too much?" the two agents looked at him like he was crazy and Chief Sloan just sighed and put away his gun "I hate it when you're right" Spencer laughed again and dropped his hands before going to hug Mark "I'm always right" "yeah yeah" he replied while hugging back.
Hotch and Morgan finally relaxed but were still extremely confused as to what the hell was going on "is this why you were so scared to go in here?" Morgan finally asked while gesturing to Mark Spencer turned to look at him and started to search the room "not exactly there's someone else I'm much more terrified of" he looked back at at his father before continuing "please tell me she's not here today" before he could even answer they heard what sounded like a battle cry.
"You bet your scrawny little ass I'm here you asshole" he looked back to see where the scream came from and immediately started running away "Spencer come back here" she chased him around until she finally caught up and tackled him, he fell to the ground with a loud thud and when he went to get back up there was yet another gun pointed at him. He glared behind her when he heard Morgan and his dad laughing at him "jeez kid two guns pointed at you in five minutes, what the hell did you do to piss so many people off"
Instead of him the girl answered instead "well if you must know, this jackass has been radio silent for two months without so much as a text to stop us from worrying about him like crazy" he looked up at her apologetically but that just made her angrier "do not give me that look or i swear to god I will shoot you, do you understand me" he sighed in defeat before looking behind her again "a little help here dad?" Morgan immediately stopped laughing and the look of amusement on Hotch's face disappeared.
"Katie come on, get off your brother" she rolled her eyes and got up, stretching out a hand to help him up "I still can't believe you gave the violent twin the means to actually wield a gun" he laughed but it was cut off abruptly when he saw the look on his team members faces and realized what he said "uh oh" his sister gave him a look which he recognized as her "we're not done yet look" Reid asked them not to say anything for now and that they would talk about it after solving the case and they agreed.
He still slipped up more than a few times during the case by calling Mark 'dad' but nobody mentioned it on Hotch's orders, except of course Penelope who had to ask after Derek told her. He just told her to come down when they finish the case so he could explain to everyone in person and she agreed, while still being extremely curious. Spencer was looking through some files with Morgan when he noticed that he was actually the only one working because Derek was too busy staring at something else, well rather someone else.
Reid immediately went into protective brother mode "stop doing that" he said calmly from behind a file and Morgan looked back at him "doing what?" he asked innocently "stop looking at my sister like that it's never gonna happen" he replied without bothering to look up "and why not?" he rolled his eyes and looked up to meet the older man's eyes "well for one she's my sister" Derek smirked playfully "so, I'd be an amazing brother in law" he teased but Spencer just rolled his eyes again.
He continued, extremely amused about what was about to happen "second of all you're not her type" he raised his eyebrows "oh really and what makes you say that pretty boy?" now it was his turn to smirk "well she's married and-" he leaned in slightly and whispered the rest "i don't think her wife would appreciate the way you're staring at her" he smiled at Derek's facial expression after the last part, he went back to the folder with a smirk on his face.
"She has a-" he started to say but Spencer cut him off "wife? Yes" he answers, still smirking "why is there a problem with that" he asks just to get Morgan's reaction "what? No of course not" he looked back at Reid with a playful smirk "you mentioned she was a twin right?"
He didn't even answer that question he just glared at his coworker and best friend before seeing someone walk in to the precinct and going to talk to them. First, he went to see his dad to make sure he hadn't said anything yet and when he confirmed that, he started to sneak up behind someone slowly while they were doing something on their phone.
"Who you texting?" He asked quickly, startling the person in front of him "what the he-" the sentence was cut short when they looked up to see Spencer standing there "oh my god Spence!?" Suddenly he was wrapped in a tight hug he happily returned "hey kid" he finally said, with a relieved sigh at seeing his little brother again.
"I'm not a kid I'm 16 man" Spencer laughed "yeah well I'm seventeen years older than you and my entire team still calls me kid so deal with it" they pulled away when they heard someone walking towards them "that's because you're the youngest and smallest one on the team"
He rolled his eyes and immediately became defensive "We're the same height Morgan" he argued but he just ignored him and began to address the slightly shorter teenager next to him "hey man I'm Derek, i work with Reid" he said while holding out his hand, the younger male shook it with a smile "i'm Zack, Spencer's little brother" he said back.
The older of the three looked shocked for a second "really, i mean i kind of understood why maybe him and your sister didn't look alike but you guys do not look like brothers" he laughed a little at the end "well that's bec-" he started to explain but stopped when Spencer pinched his side "we can talk about all this later, right now we should be focusing on our case" he eyed him suspiciously but didn't question it "are you staying at home or a hotel?" he asked instead.
He smiled at his little brothers hopeful expression "i have to ask my boss but i don't think it'd be a problem to stay at home, let's just hope i don't get yet another gun pulled on me" Zack didn't even look surprised he just smirked "dad or Katie?" he asked and almost fell over with laughter when Spencer replied "both" he definitely should have already guessed that "well that's what you get for ghosting all of us for months dude" he joked but Reid could clearly hear a bit of sadness in the statement.
He quickly pulled him into another hug and ruffled his messy hair a little "i'll explain everything tonight okay" he nodded before letting go of his older brother and walking to their dad's office. Spencer sighed and shook his head a little as he watched him walk away, Morgan put a comforting hand on his shoulder and they walked back to the room thy were working in and finished looking through the files.
By the end of the day Spencer went home with his family after getting the okay from Hotch so that he could talk to them about everything and catch up on all the things he missed, he told them that he was burying himself in work to pass the time because he knew that he couldn't see Emma or Jasmine anytime soon and that's why he hadn't been in touch. He apologized and promised that he wouldn't let it happen again, they all made up and talked for hours.
At some point while working the case Spencer went to grab a cup of coffee and J.J followed him so that they could talk alone "hey Spence?" she called after him and he slowed down so that she could catch up "everything okay?" he asked and she just nodded before continuing "so i know that Hotch said not to ask until the case was over but i just have one question that's really been bugging me this whole time" he nodded, telling her to ask away.
She stopped in front of the coffee machine with him and finally asked "you keep calling officer Sloan dad right but we had that case a few years back that you wanted us to look into and i could've sworn you saw your dad again for the first time in like twenty years and that definitely wasn't him" Spencer put down the sugar after pouring like half the bottle into his mug and opened his mouth to answer before being interrupted by someone behind them.
"You saw your dad again and never told us?" Reid closed his eyes and sighed, looking down before turning around and facing Mark "no i saw the man who impregnated my mother and then left the second things got hard" he moved closer and put his hand on the older man's arm "my dad is standing right in front of me" he smiled and took a deep breath, dropping his arm "and as for the not telling you guys, i just really didn't want you to worry about me"
He smacked him lightly in the back of the head before saying "we're your family, we're always gonna worry about you" he messed up his hair a little before walking away and leaving Spencer to rub the back of his neck a little and turn back to J.J and sighing "can you just trust that it'll all make sense when we finish the case?" she nodded and shot him one last smile before they walked back to the rest of the team.
The case didn't last much longer than that and the team went back to the hotels for the night as they waited for Garcia to come in the morning since they planned a dinner with Reid's family the next day. Spencer introduced them all to his three siblings and his parents before explaining that they had adopted him after his mom got sent away and even went on to talk about everything Mark had done for him before that day aswell.
They all got along amazingly, Hotch and Mark talking mostly about Spencer, Alex and Rossi cooking dinner together since Rossi insisted on helping, Morgan and Zack got to talking about a lot of things they had in common and all the girls gossiped and talked about when Spencer was younger no doubt embarassing the hell out of him but he couldn't bring himself to care. He was happy that his two families finally met and hoped that one day maybe the team could somehow finally meet the family he had made for himself with Emma and their daughter.
He took a picture of everyone laughing together when they weren't paying attention and sent it to his beautiful wife with a text saying 'missing you everyday, wish you were here to see this' not a minute later he got a text back which also contained a picture. It was a picture of his daughter and a text saying 'missing you more, we love you so much' and he just smiled brightly and replied with 'i love you guys too' before rejoining the conversation with the girls, the smile never leaving his face for the rest of the night.
A/N: Hey babes, okay so it took me like forever for some reason but i finally finished this chapter. I'm gonna keep the "on hold for a while" in the description to this story bc i know how bad my writing schedule is but I'm gonna try my best to publish more and more of these.
💖💖Thanks for sticking with my dumbass, love you guys💖💖
A/N pt.2: currently fixing some continuity errors, please ignore this update (just made it so that spencer is 17yrs older than zack now. i will also be fixing the third chapter with zack in it to help with timelines and stuff)
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