Chapter 7
They got married a few months after graduating, it was a small wedding with only their close family members. Spencer was upset that his mom couldn't be there, but it was still the happiest day of his life. After that, they both went into the FBI academy together but for separate things, the only class they had in common was profiling 101.
Spencer took it as a serious course for his job but Emma only took it to have a class with Spencer since she didn't know what to pick for her last class, they still both ended up as top of their class by the end. While at the academy, the young couple came to a big decision regarding their relationship, well actually two big decisions but the other one came a year after graduation.
The first one was about how they were going to cope with their jobs, the teams they were assigned to saw a lot of terrible things practically everyday and they needed to find a way to make that easier on the both of them. They decided that it would help them to leave work in the office and not talk about it when they're together.
They didn't take the decision lightly, they left work at work and didn't mention anything about it when they came home to see each other. They even decided not to tell each other what team they were assigned to or the specifics of their jobs. It made life easier in most aspects but it did bring complications as well.
They didn't always know where the other one was when they left for a case and it scared them sometimes, especially with the flipside of their deal. Not only could they not bring work home, they also couldn't bring home to work or at least Spencer couldn't. Emma's team knew that she was married but her husbands name, only the fact that he also worked for the FBI.
They couldn't tell anyone that Spencer was married because he had an in case of emergency plan that it would interfere with. By that i mean that they found out a while ago that Emma's sister, Maeve was being stalked and came up with a plan. Spencer had told them that the team he was joining was supposedly the best at finding worst of the worst.
As hard as it was to say, they needed a plan in case the stalker ever did something to Maeve. They came up with a plan to make sure that he could get his team straight on the case, if anything were to happen he'd tell them that Maeve was his girlfriend and they hoped that if the team was good that they would make it high priority and they could help Maeve as much as possible.
Of course this also meant that Spencer's team couldn't know about his wife, now that wasn't too hard at first but then something unexpected happened. Emma was working a case for domestic violence when it took a turn for the worse, the mother to a 4 year old little girl was murdered by her husband, he was arrested and put away for a long time which was a good thing but it meant that the child had no parents.
Emma somehow ended up being put in charge of her until the social worker got there, which apparently was going to take over a week because of some complications. Luckily though the case was in Virginia so Emma could take the kid home, unluckily though in the time that they spent with her Spencer and Emma both fell in love and couldn't let her go. To make a long story short, it was difficult but they ended up adopting her.
Jasmine Dakota Reid was their second big decision as a young couple and they never regretted it for a second, they loved their new daughter with all their hearts. Of course much like many things in their relationship this new change did come with some challenges, at first it was extremely hard to get Jasmine to trust them and to be genuinely comfortable around them because of how her father had treated her and her mother but after a while she started to feel safe and warm up to them.
They never pressured her into calling them "mom" or "dad" because even if she was only four years old, she had gone through a lot and it was understandable for her to be a little confused at first plus Spencer knew how hard it could be for a kid just like it was for him. The hardest part for Spencer was really having to hide not only his wife but now his new daughter from his team, he had basically become a master at making excuses for why he had to leave work early or why he needed a few days off which was easy but other things were harder to explain.
One time Morgan had seen a little teddy bear fall out of Spencer's messenger bag that Jasmine had put there the night before, when asked about it she said that in case he had to go away again she wanted to give him her favorite toy to keep him safe, he had to come up with a dumb excuse about babysitting which most everyone questioned because of what they call "the Reid effect" that seems to repel children and small animals. Oh if only they knew.
It got easier to make excuses when it wasn't a normal occurrence but that all changed when Emma heard the news that she was being transferred to a field office in New York, it was only an hour long plane ride away or 6 hours in a car so it didn't put much of a strain in the relationship but the problem was that Spencer had to take a lot more vacations now to see his family and he had to come up with excuses on why he was barely free on most weekends.
They decided that it would be best if Jasmine live with Emma because her new job required her to travel a whole lot less than Spencer which was better so that she wouldn't need a constant babysitter and since she was going into the third grade it made it easier if her mom was there often enough to help her study. It had been 6 years since they adopted their daughter and she barely even remembered all the terrible things from her past besides a few nightmares here and there, she even started calling them "mom" and "dad" after a while which they loved.
It was admittedly extremely hard for Spencer to be away from the both of them so much but he knew that this was a good opportunity for his wife and he didn't want to interfere with it so he settled for seeing them as much as he could, every spare moment, every day off and every vacation he would rush over to see his 2 favorite girls and it would make everything he saw at work melt away. There were sometimes where he wouldn't be able to go see them and they wouldn't be able to come visit for a long period of time and he hated those moments.
Something else that became harder was the communication between Maeve and Emma, in the past the stalker was a little scary but it became a lot worse after married her fiancé, Robert Donovan. Maeve had to stop working, move houses, live without her husband and limit contact with everyone. The sisters had to communicate through Spencer most of the time because she wanted to be extra careful so her and Spencer would have a weekly call on Saturdays to get an update on her baby sister and beautiful niece.
She also helped Spencer with some really terrible headaches that he was getting since she was and extremely smart geneticist and no other doctor could figure out what was happening to him. She helped figure out the problem and a solution as well which was great because Spencer was beginning to think that he was going crazy or something. The last thing he wanted was to figure out that his mother's illness had been passed down to him, he knew how hard it was to watch someone you love just fade away in front of you and he hated the though of his family having to go through that luckily they didn't have to worry about that yet.
Author's note: hey babes!! i just wanted to thank you guys for putting up with my shitty upload schedule, i am currently working on 3 stories at the same time, 2 published and 1 that i'm not sure of yet. All of them are a different show criminal minds, supernatural and teen wolf so please bear with me right now. Alright that's all babes i love you all and Ramadan kareem 2021 for all my fellow muslims out there, good luck to you all and have an amazing day <3
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