chapter 5
A/N: Ok I haven't updated in almost 2 months and that's bc i have no inspiration and I'm dreading writing a high school romance bc ik I'm gonna end up putting in a lot of unnecessary crap to channel my real life anger so we're just gonna fly through the important parts of their relationship in these chapters. Plus at this rate we're never getting to the actual story. I'm also going to be changing my writing style a little bc I find this a lot easier and clearer. Okay, I'll shut up now have fun babes, love you💖
The next few years were amazing for the new couple, they thought that their transition from friendship to dating would be weird and awkward but surprisingly it was an easy change.
Most best friends who start dating feel the need to change the way they act towards each other and that's why they don't work out and they end up ruining their friendship in the process.
That never happened with Spencer and Emma because they acted the same as they always did around each other, constantly making fun of each other, hanging out every chance they got and just generally being idiots together.
Of course there were some things that changed which was bound to happen, but they weren't bad changes they were great ones. They didn't have to hide their feelings anymore, they went on dates, they could kiss each other, they could just be together.
Emma even got closer to Spencer's family, they were always close because of her being his best friend but when they started dating they became like her second family. Her and Spencer's sisters even ended up becoming best friends.
She loved having the twins as friends, it was nice to have someone to talk to if her and Spencer were in a fight. Or even about things that she couldn't tell Spencer, there wasn't much she couldn't but some things she just felt more comfortable telling Lindsay or Kate.
Actually, her and Spencer barely fought, if they ever did it was always for something small and meaningless. they would end up resolving it pretty quickly, but it was still nice to have the girls to rant to when she was pissed at him. There was one time a few months after they started dating where their fight ended up pretty bad, they actually broke up for a few days after it.
It ended up being a huge misunderstanding, some girl had showed Emma a picture of Spencer kissing another girl and she went and broke up with him. They didn't even have time to fight about it, the second she saw the picture she was heart broken and just broke up with him, not even giving him an explanation as to why.
When Lindsay asked her about it, she told her the truth and her and Kate told Emma that they would talk to Spencer about it. When the girls went home, they barged into Spencer's room and found him sitting on his bed and looking at pictures of the two, trying to figure out why she would break up with him.
They came in extremely angry and Spencer looked up at them concerned, if someone had hurt one of them he was gonna kill them he didn't care how small he was. "how could you be so stupid Spence" what Lindsay said just confused him "what are you talking about?" Kate sat next to him and hit him on the back of the head "you know for a genius you can be a real dumbass sometimes"
"hey! what did I ever do to you" she just hit him in the back of the head again "OW! okay, is one of you going to tell me why you're so mad and why I'm being hit" he moved away before he was hit again "because you hurt Emma you idiot, she's amazing and you went and broke her heart" he snapped his head up to look at Lindsay.
"what the hell are you two talking about I would never do anything to hurt Dove, she broke up with me" "we saw the picture Spence" he looked back at Kate, I swear this conversation was giving him whiplash from how fast he kept turning his head "what picture?" he looked genuinely confused and so were they "someone took a picture while you were kissing another girl and showed her it"
he smiled at that, which honestly just confused them even more. this whole conversation was just so confusing "thank god, this means I can get her back" they both looked at him, furrowing their eyebrows so he continued "this was all just a big misunderstanding, I was buying some coffee from a stand when a girl from our school just ran up to me and kissed me, I pushed her off right away and I was going to tell Emma about it but before I could-"
"she broke up with you" they both finished for him "do you guys know where she is I have to go explain this to her" he asked and they told him that she was at home still. He took off running, it wasn't as close as his old house but he could still easily get to her house by running. When he got there, he knocked frantically when the door opened it wasn't her but her sister.
(quick A/N: I don't remember if I said that she was an only child or not and don't freak out over her sister's name in due time you will understand. I have a plan and I think it would be great)
"Maeve thank god someone opened the door! is Emma here I need to talk to her" he tried to walk in but Maeve just closed the door a little further, blocking him. He looked at her and saw how angry she was "why would I possibly let you in, you hurt my baby sister. She loved you an you cheated on her" He shook his head and held back tears at the use of past tense when she said 'loved'. "Please I need to talk to her, this was all a huge misunderstanding if you just let me explain to her-"
He was cut off by a broken voice coming from behind Maeve "it's okay, let him in I wanna talk to him" her sister was hesitant but eventually let him in, they went up to her room and she sat on her her bed. He was a little awkward and nervous, not knowing if she would believe him so he took a deep breath and started "Dove-" he was interrupted before he could continue "don't call me that"
The hurt and anger in her voice broke him, he couldn't hold it back anymore and let a tear slip "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I should've told you the second she kissed me then none of this would have happened. I was going to tell you the second I saw you but if I would've just called then you wouldn't be so hurt right now" he rambled and she was so confused at this point "wait Spencer slow down for a second, what do you mean" he looked at her and wiped one of his tears
"Do-Emma I would never cheat on you, you have to believe me about this. The second Lindsay and Kate came into my room and told me why you broke up with me I understood what happened. I never kissed that girl-I mean I did technically, but it's not what you think." he took a breath to calm down "I was getting a cup of coffee at that cart next to the library and when I turned around Sara kissed me, I pushed her off right away I guess I wasn't fast enough since someone took a picture. Please you have to believe me, I love you so much and I would never ever do anything to hurt you"
For a while she just sat there silently, trying to decide whether or not she could believe him and he was terrified that he would lose her. He knew that even if she broke up with him it wouldn't hurt as bad as the fact that he was also going to lose her as a best friend since she thought he had betrayed her. He didn't think she would forgive him or even believe him so he just sighed and turned to walk out the door but stopped when he heard her voice "don't leave"
He turned around and walked to the bed, sitting next to her "I-" they both started at the same time "I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions without even asking you first, everything would've been fine if I just asked you about the picture" he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding "does this mean you believe me?" she just turned to him and smiled, she leaned in and kissed him "does that answer your question?" they closed their eyes and kept their foreheads together
"I don't know, you might have to clarify a little bit" she smacked him on the arm playfully but kissed him anyways. They were both so happy to have each other back "you should've seen me, I felt like I was in a teen rom-com" she wiped away Spencer's tears that had fell "you didn't put all of our stuff into a box and put it in the back of your closet did you?" he asked, jokingly "I knew I'd regret making you watch Gilmore girls with me" they both laughed and he hugged her tightly.
That was the first and only big fight they had in their relationship throughout high school, they stayed together after that and even ended up at the same university afterwards. Their relationship never wavered in the next years, but in their last month of university Spencer started acting weird and Emma started to get suspicious.
A/N: AND THEN HIS BROTHER VISITED SAYING THAT THEIR DAD WAS MISSING AND EMMA BURNED ON THE CEILING!!! Haha kidding but if you understood that reference i love you. Also 1673 words for y'all to make up for not posting for so long, I'm also going to try to update again today.
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