chapter 1
Every morning was the same for teenaged Spencer Reid. He would wake up, check on his mom and make sure her pills were somewhere she could see them when she woke up, he would then walk to school early and study in the library for a while without so much as having eye contact with someone else. Every morning went exactly like this, every morning but this one and even with his genius intellect he did not know that this would actually be the most important day of his life. The day the course he was on changed for the better.
He was on his third book of the day when he heard a frustrated sigh from the table across from him, usually he ignored stuff like that but for some reason he decided to look up today. He frowned at the sight in front of him, it was a classmate of his which he barely knew, and she was sitting there with two coffees and her head in her hands. Again, he barely knew her but something about the idea of her being sad just did not sit right with him so he decided to do something he never would have done before, he got up and just sat on the seat next to her.
"Hey" he said with a small smile after a few seconds of silence, she returned the smile easily despite her confusion "hi?" she replied in a somewhat questioning tone "I don't mean to bother you but you seemed upset so I wanted to make sure you were alright" she didn't know how to reply at the kind gesture so she just said "oh" which made him feel like this entire thing was a mistake.
He didn't have any friends and most people bullied him for being a nerd or too skinny so he probably shouldn't have expected a complete stranger to think any differently. He immediately tries to backtrack to save himself the embarrassment "but I can go if you want, yeah i should probably just-" he nods to himself and tries to get up and leave but before he could turn completely, he felt a hand lightly grab his wrist and stop him.
"No, I'm sorry please stay. I can't finish both of these myself" she smiled, gesturing to the two coffees with beautiful labels and the words 'Dove's Café' written in big bold letters with a little dove on the as the accent on the 'e'. He sat back down and returned her smile once again, somehow feeling more relaxed with this girl he just met without even knowing her name, than he has with most people he's met. This feeling of comfort gave him confidence that even surprised himself, he started off with giving her a nickname as he started the conversation "so Dove, you wanna talk about what happened?"
She blushed a bit at the random nickname but continued nonetheless "well if you must know. A guy on the football team asked me out and told me to meet him here for coffee, but he stood me up with nothing but a text making fun of me for thinking 'someone like him would ever go out with someone like me'." She scoffs, "it's not even like I actually liked him in the first place, I just agreed to go out with him because I thought-"
Spencer cut her off before she could finish "you thought that if you went out with Mr. Popular people would stop making fun of you for being who you are?" she rolled her eyes and glared at him playfully "thanks, very encouraging" he suddenly felt guilty "sorry, I'm just a very observational person. Plus It takes one to know one I guess, I'm only speaking from experience"
She smiles gently as she tries to make eye contact, but he avoids it at all costs "don't apologize, I get it. It's not exactly hard to figure out that I'm not the most popular person in the world" he scoffed unbelievingly and made eye contact with her for the first time during their whole encounter "are you joking? He's an idiot for giving up someone like you, from where I'm sitting I see nothing but absolute beauty" her cheeks turned a light shade of pink and she felt her eyes beginning to tear up but she willed it away, not wanting to make a fool out of herself.
Like any normal person would do, she decided to deflect her emotions with a joke "you don't normally hear those kinds of compliments from teenagers these days, how much Shakespeare does Mr. Thomas have you reading in class" they both laughed at the remark "well I've never exactly been normal anyways" he replied, earning yet another small laugh out of the much shorter girl in front of him.
After some more laughter he finally decided to ask "so Dove, what are you gonna do now?" she rolled her eyes at him again "you know if you keep doing that your eyes are gonna get stuck" she just did it again in response, partly by habit and partly to piss him off "I have an actual name you know" she decides to respond with, ignoring his other comment "I don't really care, Dove suits you" he smirked at her and she stopped herself from rolling his eyes at him once again before replying to his earlier question"
"I don't really know what I'm gonna do, but I do know two things. One, I'm never gonna believe a dumb jock when he says he likes me and two, I just made a new friend" he chuckled at her words "probably a good idea honestly" he replied "well, if we are gonna be friends I'm gonna tell you my name even if you don't use it" now it's his turn to roll his eyes at her "if you must" he says which makes her giggle.
"Emma Mills" she says as she extends a hand for him to shake "Spencer Reid, but I don't shake hands sorry. The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering, it's actually safer to kiss" She slowly puts her hand down and smirks "is that a proposition Spencer Reid?" it was finally his turn to blush as he stuttered to explain what he meant, he stopped when she started laughing "relax, I'm just messing with you. So do the random facts play any part in the not being normal thing or-" "well that, the not really talking to anyone besides the occasional conversation with bullies right before they beat the shit out of me, not having any friends and the IQ of 187 as a teenager definitely don't help matters"
Her eyes go wide at the last part of his sentence and he realizes what's about to happen but before he can stop her, she screams "YOU HAVE AN IQ OF WHAT!?!?!" his eyes go as wide as hers were a second ago at the intense volume in her voice as everyone around them start shushing them and they earn a few glares "maybe no more screaming in libraries from now on?" he suggested teasingly "probably a good idea sorry, sorry everyone" she said the last part a little louder as an apology to everyone in the room but it just made matters worse because she was once again, screaming in a damn library.
She looks to Spencer with pleading eyes, completely embarrassed and ready to leave "please take me somewhere before I humiliate myself even more" he lets out a soft chuckle and gets up with her following suit "you wanna walk a little before class begins?" her smile returns "I would love to" she responds before they both leave the library with barely any space between them, not that either of them are complaining.
Classes start in less than half an hour, so they don't stray too far, they walk in comfortable silence for a while before Emma's curiosity get's the better of her "okay, I wanna know everything" she says and he looks down at her confused, the height difference between them much more noticeable now that they're not sitting down "what do you mean everything?" he asks and she smiles brightly as she responds "well we're gonna be friends now right?" "right" he responds, still confused.
"You will soon realize that I'm a very impatient person so I like to know everything I can about a person straight away so that there are no surprises afterwards" he nods, understanding where she's coming from "okay, how about we just spew off random questions and both answer them as we walk" she thinks about it for a second "smart, I'll go first. Umm age and grade?" he's relieved at the easy question to begin with "16 and I'm in sophomore year" she nods and replies "I'm 15 and I'm also in sophomore year, your turn"
He thinks for a moment, trying to find a good question but all he comes up with is "siblings?" she nods happily "I have a big sister and we're extremely close, you?" he shakes his head "only child" he responds. They go back and forth with easy questions, not many that are uncomfortable to answer until Emma asks something that makes him freeze in his tracks "sexuality?" she had said, like it was easier than asking for his name. He cleared his throat and hoped this wasn't the end of their newly founded friendship "well I'm pansexual, which basically means that I'm not limited with regard to biological sex, gender or gender identity. I fall in love or become attracted to a person due to their personality rather than the way they look or what's in their pants"
Before replying she hugged him tightly "thank you for trusting me Spencer" he hugged back just as tight, happy that she wasn't disgusted by him or mad "what about you?" he asks as they pull apart "well I'm straight but I was raised to always love and respect people no matter what, I'm a really big ally but not in the way people say they are just to not seem homophobic. I've been helping fight for the right for an LGBTQ+ club at school where everyone who's questioning their sexuality, needs some advice or just needs someone to talk to who will understand can go and feel safe. I also helped organize it when the school finally agreed, I hate that some people don't even feel like their own home is a safe place all because of their sexuality you know? It's not like they can chose who they fall in love with"
(*Darcy coming out of nowhere: "we thank you for your service, but not in a sarcastic way this time!) please tell me someone understood that reference, no? never mind.
They get back into their game but once again Emma asks a question that raises the tension in the air, this time though there's no going around it "how about family?" they had already talked about siblings so he couldn't avoid the question with a simple answer of having no siblings. Instead he decided to dodge it altogether by obviously, running away "actually I just remembered I had to do something before school, sorry Dove, I'll see you around" and then he just ran and she stood there confused.
She wanted to go after him but decided against it, a decision she later regretted when she couldn't get him to wait five seconds to talk to her in the hallways for a full week. They day she finally got him to talk to her, it wasn't exactly the best of circumstances. She walked out of the school and immediately spotted him, her hand flying up to her mouth as she gasped and ran towards him "OH MY GOD SPENCER! Are you okay oh my god?!"
A/N Okay this is an apology rerwrite of chapter one to make up for never updating, I haven't given up on this book I just need some more inspiration and time. Hopefully fixing my shitty writing will help with my writer's block, a girl can only hope. Oh, and let me know what you guys think about the change I made to Spencer's character, I was gonna introduce it later but I wanna see if I can develop it a little more instead of just throwing it in there randomly. Until next time babes. Love you all.
A\N Just fixing a continuity mistake, ignore this update! just making sure that they're both in the same year in school since they graduated at the same time!
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