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Okay so it's been some time since I last ranted about Q. All I can say is that some shiT has happened.
So last time I remember it was Christmas holidays. We didn't really talk much, so when we went back to school we weren't as "comfortable" (I guess is the word) with each other as we were before the holidays. I then got nervous thinking that he didn't like me anymore (even though I didn't know if he liked me in the first place)?so I was a little hesitant if I was gonna do anything like smile if I walked past him.
Then after about a week of worrying about us getting further apart I realised that I was literally ignoring him. Whoops. It was a Tuesday, early/mid January, so I decided to pop up and be like "hey, haven't spoken in a while, how's things?" and we managed to get a convo going.
The following Thursday - this gives me nightmares but hey I'll put it on the Internet forever 🙃 - Q put on his story "got a spare ticket to a flower show, anyone wanna go?" So I told my friends and all of them said ASK HIM.
It took like an hour or so to properly convince me, but I did. But we had a lil bit of banter first, then I dropped in a "So is that ticket still available?"
Thinking logically about this one; if he didn't want me to go, he could've answered "sorry my mate Jack asked first" or some shit like that yeah? That's why I didn't just go "can I go?" Bc then he would have to say "no." I gave him an easy way out, basically.
He replied: "gosh take me out for a meal first."
So here I am, heart racing at a million miles an hour, thinking 'does this mean he wants to go for a meal with me?' so mans like crying over here,
so i say: "we can do if u want"
he puts: "..."
So irl I went oh shit. I then replied "well there goes my confidence😛" and he replies with "lol"
He left me on lol.
And that was it. I had maths the next day. I was sat next to him in maths.
So I rock up to school on Friday, I had chemistry first and then maths second. I walk into chemistry (I sit next to my friend Jess; the only person in the school who knows I like Q) I sit down and go: "Well, I'm royally fucked."
Maths wasn't too bad tho. Yes it was awkward, but as the lesson went on it got more normal, although when he spoke he was kinda like rambling on, a bit like he was nervous? Idk.
Anyway, after that 'incident' I actually kinda think we're closer than we were (I think?) I found out he plays Clash of Clans (like me lol) and brawl stars too. We showed each other our bases on clash of clans and he even invited me to join his clan. I didn't join, I'm already in a clan and mans is loyal😌✊🏻
But yeah the other day he was literally showing me his roblox gameplay and I was like wow we've peaked.
Key info: a "sixth former" is a student between the ages of 16-18 studying A-Levels in a "sixth form" (aka college)
This weekend was our "sixth form social" where basically our sixth form committee (consisting of sixth formers) rents out a club venue, sells tickets and we basically go party for a night. This was my first one, but there had already been two others: I didn't go to the first one because I didn't really know anyone, and I was away for the second one.
Anyway, I went, he went. It was weird because at the start i didn't see him much (maybe because I was too busy dealing with drunk people throwing up and people getting upset that their crush made out with someone else) but then later on we were both dancing and I could literally see him even though we were on opposite ends of the dance floor. We kept making awkward eye contact for like a millisecond lol.
I did smile at him a few times if I walked past him, and he'd smile back. It was getting towards the end of the night and one of my friends (who we'll call A) had a little bit much to drink, to the point she'd just go up and speak to random people who she'd never spoken to before. And that wasn't like her.
But yeah, she went up to Q and started talking to him. Bearing in mind she doesn't know I like him (well I haven't told her) I was like ey up what's going on. I couldn't hear what they were saying but he looked embarrassed at one point. Then afterwards he went to dance and she grabbed mine & my other friend's (J) hands and pulled us over to dance with him. It was fun; A and J kinda went off dancing to the side, but A was really drunk so we all kept laughing at her. But yeah we kept smiling at each other and it made me soft lol.
Just to clarify: I did have a little alcohol but I wasn't drunk; tipsy at most. Like I still remember the whole night clear as day. But I used the excuse that I may have been drunk to act a little more confident than usual, which is why I danced with him for a while. Completely sober me would've run away like a baby.
Well, actually I did. My drunk friend (A) then decided to run away, and I could've left it up to J to sort her out and I could've stayed dancing with Q, but I didn't, and I left to go find her.
So there we go kids, that's me up to date on everything. It was my first club kind of party so it was exciting lol. I never thought I'd enjoy it but turns out I enjoyed it a lot. I'm 99% sure I stayed dancing from like 10:30 to 12:30 without stopping, and my legs were sore the next day because of it ripppp.
Thanks for reading if u got this far lol x
Word Count: 1072
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