'Twas Another Tag
Whoop whoop here I am back with another tag that no one even cares anymore because I do too many and tag the same ppl smh oh well soz guys.
I was tagged by @KuroNeko414 to do this tag.... Idk it looks familiar. I think I've done it before?? Idk. I'm too tired for this XD
1. My Nickname(s)
Lucifer; Luce; Number 4 (don't ask); Spanish Keeno??? ... Wait no it might be Drunken Spanish Keeno... (Also don't worry I don't get drunk it's a piss take! *ba dum tsk*)
Yeah I'm not even one fact in and I already need to kill myself smh.
2. My Eye Colour
I thinks it's bluey-green with a little bit of brown idk I cba checking.
3. My Hair Colour
Light/Golden Brown~ (it goes low-key blonde in the summer, but like a dirty blonde)
4. One Fact About Me
I'm doing my maths GCSE a year early?? Idk I'm a very boring person.
5. Favourite Colour(s)
On clothes it's definitely black/grey. But I do like pastel pinks, blues and lilac~~
6. Favourite Place(s)
Bruh I'd say my bed but that's too obvious, I'd then say Seoul in South Korea but I've never been so that doesn't count. I guess it'd have to be in a little village in North Wales where me and my family have a caravan and we go there at weekends. It's vvv nice and pretty in the summer and I always see ma pals there so...
7. Favourite Celebrity
Park Jimin is famous. He counts. Plus American/British celebrities are too overrated these days; let's give the little guys some fame.
8. Favourite Animal
Doggggooooooooo. I have a dog called Scooby but I only have like 1 photo of him - take a look
It's a fuzzy picture because it was taken in 2012 on my iPad 2 so apologies.
9. Favourite Song(s)
AAAAAAAAA YOU'RE MAKING ME CHOOSE!? Boiis that's evil. I'll just choose my top 10 faves that I'm listening to atm because I love all songs.
1. Not Today - BTS
2. Symphony - Clean Bandit
3. Beautiful - MONSTA X
4. Never Ever - GOT7
5. Take You Home - Baekhyun
6. Last Young Renegade - All Time Low
7. Go Higher - GOT7
8. Galway Girl - Ed Sheeran
9. Easy Love - SF9
10. She's A Baby - ZICO
Mostly Korean (there's more English in my playlist I promise) but ahh well.
10. Favourite Book
Ahh this is where I say that I don't read and I haven't read a proper book since the hunger games trilogy but they were lit.
Right then. Now I tag 20 people, here we goooooo~
1. _grace01_
2. vxnillagaskarth
3. fayepx
5. Chum_of_FT
6. Abbyleew05
7. AmelieGowlett
8. fairynalutail
9. blue_noobX
10. HawaiianJesus
12. Books4Cats
13. RoyalTKingdom223
14. mercedeswisner
15. ashl321
16. stydia_stancy_delena
17. SenSaee
18. Forgotten_H4cks
19. Skyfire131
20. @bethhill_
Thanks for reading ♡♡♡
Word Count: 492
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