Il est beau
Translations at the end! :3
'Cereal, Marshmallows, and Popcorn' a mantra that kept floating through my head as I made my way into the store. I absentmindedly found my way into the aisle I needed.
"Marshmallows, Marshmallows..." I muttered to myself as I scanned through the food.
A smile found its way onto my face as I found my prized possession and held it to my chest.
I heard a whisper and I looked around, I saw two boys. My heart stopped and I held my breath looking at the beautiful being in front of me. He was just about my height, but pale. He has brown hair sitting upon his head and the sides of his head shaved. His eyes were blue, and they were beautiful.
The guy next to him had hazel eyes. He was taller than the blue eyed male. He had curly brown hair.
I tipped my head as I watched them. They were saying something. All I heard was "Il est..."
That was French wasn't it? I heard their accents and I immediately knew I was correct. I kept trying to hear what they were trying to say.
They two guys were about two aisles away from me. The aisles are pretty close and I could see them standing at the end of the aisle.
I saw the green eyes one smile lightly and roll his eyes.
What were they talking about. I wondered.
They must have felt me staring because they turned and saw I was looking, I turned around quickly. I felt my face heat up and I knew I was blushing.
I heard a whole bunch of rushed words pouring from the one with the brown eyes. I didn't catch what he said but I heard the other reply, "Oui, il t'a regardé!"
I wracked my brain trying to remember what that means. I took three years of French years ago. I remember the basics sure, but they were fluent. I finally found what I was looking for in my brain. Regardé means watched... I though to myself.
He had said: Yes, he was watching you.
I feel my face burn, did I scared him? I didn't mean to. I sneak a glance over and see the blue eyed mans face was red, probably mirroring mine. I walk closer to them but acting casual. I go to an aisle closer looking at all the chips in the aisle, like I was interested. In reality I was just trying to hear more of their conversation.
"PJ! Il a de très beaux yeux." I heard the taller man say. 'So the taller one must be PJ then.' I hummed thoughtfully. I continued my "journey" to find the chips I "wanted".
I smile inwardly at the compliment. Guilt starts creeping into me as I realize they dont know I am ease dropping in on their conversation. I shook the thoughts and feelings away to continue listening.
"Tu devrais aller lui parler." I heard PJ say.
My heart starts pounding and I feel like I can't breathe. The most beautiful guy I have ever seen might talk to me.
"Non! Non! Je ne lui parle pas!!" The other boy says loudly.
I take a sideways glance and see him waving his hands ferociously around at his friend.
He is so adorable. He looks back at my again and I smile at him before turning away. His frantic screaming stops and I hear him say is awe, "Il Est beau." He says nearly above a whisper.
I try to catch my breath when he says those words. No one has ever said that about me. I smile and make a decision.
I walk over to him and I see his face turn red and him nervously fidgeting with his fingers.
I stand in front of him, and I feel my palms sweating slightly. I look at him and our eyes lock. "Toi aussi tu es beau." I mutter.
His face turns to red, he realized I could understand him. PJ is laughing in the background but I just pay attention to the man infront of me. He looks back at me and smiles. "Merci..."
I nod, "De rien. Je m'appelle Mark." I hold out my hand hesitantly. He grabs it and shakes it and says, "Je m'appelle Ethan."
I nod and we let go of each others hands. "Do you speak English?"
I silently pray to whoever was listening that he could, the only French I knew was running out.
PJ walks up to us after laughing, and nods with Ethan. "Yes." Ethan replies.
I feel the guilt come back, "I am sorry I listened to your conversation." I rub the back of my neck, hoping they weren't mad.
"It is okay, sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable."
I shake my head, "You didnt! I was very flattered."
We both blush and smile at each other. PJ coughs and gets both of our attentions. "Ethan we have to go! We have homework and stuff to do."
Ethan groans and looks at PJ, "Alright."
He turns back to me and I can't help but look at his beautiful eyes.
"Can I give you my number?" We ask at the same time. We stare wide eyed at each other and then laugh.
We switched numbers and PJ and Etan walked off. I watched them go and they waved by to me. I automatically sent Ethan a text saying that we should hang out. I locked my phone, and put the marshmallows back on the way out. The list of stuff I wanted forgotten. One thing kept repeating in my head, something Ethan had said, "Il est beau." I smiled to myself. Ethan had called him beautiful. It made it even better that his first words to Ethan were, "You are beautiful, too."
"Oui, il t'a regardé!"
Yes! He was staring at you!
"PJ! Il a de très beaux yeux."
PJ! He has very beautiful eyes!
"Tu devrais aller lui parler!"
You should go talk to him!
"Non! Non! Je ne lui parle pas!!"
No! No! I am not going to talk to him!
"Il Est beau."
He is beautiful.
"Toi aussi tu es beau."
You are also beautiful
You are beautiful, too
A/N: Me? Uploading 2 days in a row?? It is a mystery 😂 I hope you enjoy!! Merry Christmas!! Or Happy Holidays ❤ I hope you enjoy!? And as always, I will see you in the next update! Ba- baiii
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