[43] twingameplays - ethan
You were in the middle of sixth period when your phone buzzed, which you ignored initially, then felt it buzz six more times. With a sigh, you made sure Mr. Taylor was facing the board and took out your phone to check the messages. They were all from Ethan, and you skimmed through them.
'are we still on for studying tonight?'
'Y/N come into the hallway'
You texted him back, 'I'm in class rn'
He immediately responded, 'I know, just get out for a few minutes!'
"Are you texting Ethan?" Lucas whispered, and your head snapped up to look at him.
"How'd you know?"
"You always get this dumb lil' smile on your face when you talk to him."
You felt your cheeks go red as you fervently shook your head, hissing back at your friend, "Shut up, asshole!"
"Y/N!" Your teacher suddenly appeared in front of your desk. "I completely understand your language towards Lucas, but does it have to be so loud in my class?"
"I'm sorry, sir." You apologized, trying to discretely slip your phone back in your pocket, but your hawk-eyed teacher missed nothing.
"And phone out?" He held out his hand, and you reluctantly handed it over as it started buzzing again, and he glanced down at the screen before setting it down on his desk.
After a few more minutes after Mr. Taylor's powerpoint on elections or something and the thought of why Ethan could possibly want you out in the hall, you finally thrust your hand up in the air.
"Yes, Y/N?" He asked after he saw that you had raised your hand.
"May I please use the restroom?"
He sighed and paused for a moment, you hoped he hadn't seen any vaguely incriminating texts from Ethan. "Very well."
Lucas looked at you quizzically as you stood from your seat to leave the classroom quickly. Once out of the room, you looked around and saw Ethan at the end of the hallway, typing away at his phone.
"Ethan?" You said, walking over to him, and his face broke into a huge grin as soon as he saw you.
"Y/N!" He tucked his phone into his pocket and pulled you in for a hug.
"Hey, Ethan." You hugged him back, reveling the short-lived contact as he burrowed his face into your neck for a moment then let go of you. "What did you want me out here for?"
"Do you have your jacket?"
"Uh, no?"
"Didn't you see my text?"
"Mr. Taylor took my phone."
Ethan held up his big overcoat he had on his arm and slipped it around you. "Here, take mine."
"Where are we going?" You asked as he guided you down the stairs of the school.
"You'll find out."
Just before you reached the ground floor, Ethan stopped you in the stairwell. "Close your eyes."
"Just do it!" He insisted, and you obliged, covering your eyes with one hand and feeling for Ethan with the other.
His hand gripped your free one, fingers lacing together with yours to lead you down the final stair. You could only focus on Ethan's warm hand holding yours, and the racing blood roaring in your ears. You knew you were blushing at his gentle yet insistent touch. Lately your feelings towards your friend had become much less platonic. God, what you wouldn't do for this to be a regular thing, you two being together, holding hands, and just enjoying each other's company.
You could sense that he had opened the door, the cold wind from outside nipping at your nose. Ethan pulled you out of the school, and stopped you just as you felt a crunch under your feet.
"Open your eyes." He said, and when you opened them, you saw something you could only describe as a true winter wonderland.
"It snowed!" You breathed out in awe, this was your first snow you'd ever seen in your life.
The trees, ground, benches, bikes at the bike racks, and the cars of the student paking lot were blanketed in a glistening layer of white snow. Ethan kept holding your hand, leading you over to a barren tree also covered in snow. You looked up at it in awe, letting go of Ethan's hand to reach up towards the branches, a few icicles hanging off of them, reflecting the light beautifully. Hesitantly reaching your hand out, you scraped some snow off the branch, not being able to wipe the stunned grin off your face.
"Ethan, this is wonderful." You turned to your friend, seeing him with his phone out, clearly taking pictures of you in your childlike wonderment under the tree. "Ethan! Stop taking pictures and enjoy it with me."
"I've seen snow plenty of times, but never an image as beautiful as this." He walked over to you, pocketing his phone back before it got even more snow on it.
"I want to see it." You tugged on his arm, but your friend shook his head.
"My phone will get ruined out in this snow. Now come on, you've got a few winter traditions to do with me!"
Following Ethan further into the grassy area at the front of your school, he found a particularly wet patch of snow, and showed you how to roll perfect snowballs up. You immediately threw yours at his face, giggling as he had to wipe it off his already red nose. He retaliated by throwing a few at you at lightning speed, and you had to run behind a tree laughing to get away from the assault.
Ethan suddenly appeared on the other side of you, grabbing you by your waist and tickling you fervently through the heavy coat you had wrapped around you. "Ethan stop!" You whined, squirming in his grasp until you fell onto the ground.
From there, you could easily knock out his knees form underneath him, and he was sent sprawling onto the ground as well. "While we're down here," he said, lying on his back. "Let's make some snow angels."
You swished your arms and legs through the snow, occasionally hitting Ethan's hand due to your proximity. Once you stood up, you saw Ethan grinning at you, white flecks of snow all through his hair.
"You've got a little bit of snow there, Ethan." You said, reaching up to brush it off his head, and his thumb gently rubbed along your cheek.
"You've got some there too, my little snow angel." He said sweetly, and your blush intensified, and you hoped that the flush in the cheeks from the cold was able to cover it up.
"Thank you, Ethan."
"What for?"
"For letting me spend my first snow with you."
"I told you you'd like it, Y/N." Ethan pulled you into his chest for a long hug, and you burrowed your cold nose into the crook of his neck as his arms wrapped around your waist tightly.
You kissed his freezing cheek with your chapped, numb lips briefly before nuzzling back into your former position again. "Y/N, you're shivering, we're going back inside." Ethan suddenly insisted, leading you back inside with an arm around your shoulder.
You didn't even realize you had been shivering, too wrapped up in the lovely feeling of Ethan against you to realize that you were immensely cold. "Will the snow be here later?"
"We can play in it after our study session tonight."
Ethan held the door open for you, and just as you two reentered, the bell rang for sixth period to end. Groaning, you realized that you would have to run back up to the third floor to get your bag then run to the gymnasium for PE when the principal suddenly came onto the loudspeaker.
"Students and faculty, due to the coming snowstorm, the rest of the school day is cancelled, and school is postponed until next week. Have a good weekend, drive safe." He said before the intercom clicked off.
The students in the halls cheered wildly, all rushing out to the parking lot and bus loops, and some reaching for their phones to call their parents to come pick them up.
"Come on, let's meet Lucas out by the car." Ethan said as the other students swarmed around you. "My stuff in in the car already."
"My phone and bag are still in Mr. Tayor's room." You complained, standing on your tiptoes to see if the crowd was thinning yet. It wasn't.
"No they're not." A voice said from your side, and you saw Lucas standing their cheerily with your bag on one shoulder, and your phone in his hand.
"Thanks Lucas!" You grinned, reaching for your stuff, but he held your phone above your head. "Lucas James Nestor, give me my phone back!"
"But these texts are so interesting! 'Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! pls come outside! i need to see you! i have a surprise for you! please Y/N! if you're going to come, bring a jacket, ok? Y/N, i rlly wanna see you!' Jeez, Ethan, you're such a needy boyfriend." The other twin teased his brother, and Ethan rolled his eyes.
"Fuck off, Lucas." He growled, reaching for your phone, however his brother was taller, and managed to keep it away from him.
Tired of his antics, you sent a swift hit to his crotch while he wasn't looking, and the taller boy keeled over with a grunt. You wretched your phone from his hand triumphantly. "Now come on, I want Dunkin on the way home."
"Please tell me you're not getting iced dark roast in this weather." Ethan said, Lucas following behind you two, still in pain.
"Lord no, I'm getting regular dark roast, hun."
After that day, the teasing from Lucas about you and Ethan dating never ceased, but you were getting better at ignoring him. Outwardly, at least. On the inside, your feelings for Ethan still brewed and manifested in the worst way possible; you were barely able to spend time alone in a room with him without becoming stupid, tripping over your words and your feet whenever you were with him.
Ethan's channel was starting to grow, he was hitting milestones pretty quickly. You'd been doing behind-the-scenes stuff for him, setting up camera equipment, audio equipment, doing the odd job here and there to help him prepare challenge videos with his friends. You knew Charlie, of course, and had appeared in several vlogs alongside him and the twins, but you were never properly introduced in a video of Ethan's.
Some of Ethan's most popular videos, in fact, were the ones he titled 'twingameplays', or when he played games or did challenges with Lucas. Those were always your favorite to help out on.
After graduation, you attended community college, not sure exactly what you wanted to do with yourself. Maybe something with film, after all, you had gotten plenty of experience with editing software and filmography from helping in Ethan's videos. You didn't really enjoy the classes, however, you found that you learned most stuff when you played around when helping with your friend's videos. Ethan didn't like you 'working for free', but you insisted that this basically just your homework, and you loved doing it.
Once he was at nearly 50,000 subscribers, you were surprised to find that a fancy new laptop was on your desk when you returned home from classes. Sitting on your bed, looking content with himself, was Ethan, complete with his recently dyed blue hair. You loved how it looked on him, and seeing him so casually in your room made your heart skip a few beats.
"Since you won't let me pay you, I gave you an upgrade." He said, standing up, and you rushed over to the computer in disbelief.
"Ethan, this is a three thousand dollar laptop, what the hell?" You exclaimed, opening the screen and running your fingers giddily along the keys.
"You deserve it, Y/N." Your friend came to stand beside you, and you threw your arms around him tightly.
"Thank you!"
"Y/N, I have to tell you something." He admitted, you looked at him concerned, leading him to sit back on your bed.
"You can tell me anything, Ethan."
"Mark offered me to move out to LA with him."
A lump formed in your throat. You knew Ethan had finally gotten to be good friends with one of his biggest idols, Markiplier, and that they had spitballed idea of Ethan working as an editor for him. But you never knew how serious it had gotten for Ethan to genuinely consider moving across the country.
"That's awesome!" You forced a smile out, knowing that Ethan was finally going to able to chase his YouTube dreams.
Ethan frowned, pulling you into a tight hug and pressing a gentle peck against the side of your head. "Turn it on."
"The laptop. Go turn it on."
Curiously, you walked over to your desk and pressed the power button, watching as the screen hummed to life. A video was on the screen, and you eagerly pressed the play button. A short montage of pictures popped up, and you recognized a few as the pictures Ethan had taken that day your senior year, your first ever snow day. On all of them, you looked so happy, and you could tell they were all taken by Ethan. You could remember what you two were doing each of those days. Quite a few contained you and Ethan, looking so beautiful together, smiling, having fun.
As the screen faded out to black, you felt your eyes welling up. "Ethan, that was beautiful-"
"It's not done yet." Ethan gestured back to the screen, and the black screen changed to Ethan in his recording space, nervously fiddling with his headphone cord.
"So I guess since you're watching this, I've told you that I'm moving to LA. But that's not it, and the only reason why I'm able to say this right now is because it's almost 3 am and all I've done tonight is think about you, Y/N."
"LA is where my dreams are at, where I can hopefully flourish in my YouTube career, with the help of Mark and my other friends out there." The Ethan on screen took a deep breath, nervously running his fingers through his blue hair as the Ethan beside you was playing with his jacket zipper, looking away from you anxiously.
The video continued, "Of course I'm going to miss Maine, my parents, my brothers, my friends, everything I have is here. But I want to take the most important thing I have with me. Not my phone, or my computer, or even my recording equipment. You, Y/N. I want you to move to LA with me. Not as my best friend, but my girlfriend. Because it's a great unknown and I want someone with me that I love to the ends of the Earth."
You turned to the Ethan that was with you as the video ended and faded out, tears falling down your cheeks.
"So, Y/N." He cleared his throat, obviously on the verge of crying himself, reaching into his pocket to procure two plane tickets. "Will you move to LA with me?"
"Yes." Your voice cracked as you answered, throwing you arms around his neck for a hug.
Ethan pulled you close to him, and you could sense the relief and excitement buzzing through him. "It's going to be so great! You can work at our office, you'll be mine and Mark's editor along with Amy and Kathryn, so of course we're going to pay you! We can look at apartments together after we get settled there! And you can do videos and livestreams with us all the time! The fans will love you, everyone is going to love you! Obviously not as much as I love you, but-"
You cut off his adorable rambling with a gentle kiss, and he was immediately shushed as his lips pressed back against your sweetly. "That sounds wonderful, Ethan."
"Did she say yes?" Lucas suddenly burst through your bedroom door, and you jumped, startled. He saw your current position, and grinned the biggest shit-eating grin you'd seen on his face ever. "She did! Yay!"
"Did I mention that Lucas is moving there with us?" Ethan said sheepishly, and you laughed.
"Twingameplays will live on!" The taller twin yelled, joining the hug, thoroughly ruining the intimate hug between you and Ethan, But that didn't matter. Because you were about to move onto the next big development of your life with your two favorite boys in the whole world.
((finally done! a quick fluff, quick angst, or a sort of dystopian au will be next, idk which))
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