[41] twingameplays
((media is another awesome edit by rose (solarethan) pls show her some love here and on twitter!!))
High school.
Senior year.
New school.
You can do this.
Steeling your nerves and inhaling deeply, you clutched your English binder close to your chest and entered the classroom. There was only a few other kids in there, you were quite early. Sitting at an empty desk not too far in the front or middle, just a few rows back from the teacher's desk, you took out your pen. You were ready to start the school day.
Kids flooded in, all of them taking a single glance at you before sitting with their friends, all people that they already knew. You were becoming discouraged as the seats around you were filled, but nobody actually sat next to you. You'd resigned yourself to being an island as the bell rang and the teacher stood up for the pledge.
Just after the pledge finished, a brunette boy walked in calmly.
"Mr. Nestor, late as usual. It's the first day of school." The teacher, Mrs. Martin, sighed as she looked at him over her glasses.
"I got lost, so I get excused for the first week of school, right?" He smirked at her, hands stuffed in his jean pockets.
"Not if you've been coming to the classroom for the past three years. Which you have. Unfortunately."
"Ah, you love me, Mrs. M."
"Sit, Mr. Nestor." She ordered the boy, and he lazily looked around the classroom for an open seat.
It was then that you realized the only seat left was next to you. You sucked in a breath, trying not to make eye contact with the student, instead focusing on the teacher as she began introducing herself.
"We're going to go around the room and say one thing we did this summer. Please, make sure it's school appropriate and not illegal, I don't want to be called as a witness in a drug trial." She sighed, gesturing to the boy at the front.
The kids slowly shared out until it was your turn, and you immediately felt everyone's eyes on you. Taking a shaky breath, you put on as confident a face as you could muster to talk. "My name is Y/N, and this summer I moved from Florida all the way up here."
"Welcome to Maine." The teacher smiled, which soon fell once she realized it was 'Mr. Nestor's turn.
"I'm Lucas," he said with much more confidence than you, "and this summer I... did nothing that Mrs. Martin would like to be a witness to."
"Oh Lord." She rolled her eyes, already done with this school year.
As the next kids introduced themselves, Lucas turned to you. "So, you're a Florida girl?"
"Uhm yes?"
"So you must have been in a swimsuit a lot."
You looked at the boy oddly. "Yeah, I taught swim lessons year-round."
"Could you, y'know, give me swim lessons?" The kid said with a smirk on his face, and you had to contain your laughter because the class was still introducing themselves.
"Whoops I've suddenly developed hydrophobia." You scoffed, looking Lucas dead in the face.
His smirk turned into a genuine smile as he reclined in his seat. "I was just messing with you, Y/N. Welcome to Maine."
"Thanks, Lucas."
Soon enough, the bell rang, and you started packing up your stuff. Strangely, Lucas waited for you to sling your book bag over your shoulder. Looking at him with an eyebrow rasied, you started walking out of the classroom, accompanied by him.
"So what class you got next, Orlando?" He asked, running a hand through his hair.
"My name's Y/N, not Orlando, and I have Child Development next." You were sure a kid like Lucas wouldn't have that class.
"Gross, babies."
"You were one once."
"Obviously I didn't come out of my mom's vagina like this."
"Oh jeez." You rolled your eyes, but were laughing nonetheless, Lucas was a pretty funny guy.
"Well, see ya around, Orlando." Lucas waved to you as he disappeared down the halls.
After Child Development, you had AP Calc. Not exciting at all, but you needed another math credit in order to graduate. When you walked in, you immediately recognized the only person you knew here, Lucas. Surprised that he would be taking an AP math class, and that he was wearing glasses, you sat next to him nonetheless.
"Hi." You said brightly, setting your stuff down.
The brunette boy seemed mildly confused, but replied. "Hi."
"You didn't tell me you had AP Calc."
"Not again," he groaned, rubbing his face in his hands.
You were a bit miffed, and cut him off before he could say anything, "I figured that you were kinda an asshole, but I didn't think you'd forget me in an hour."
"I see you've met my brother."
"I'm Ethan, Lucas' brother. Identical twin brother." The boy introduced himself, and you were still a little unsure as to whether or not Lucas was messing with you again. After all, anybody can just put on glasses.
After studying this boy's face for a moment, you determined that his forehead was a little shorter than Lucas', and his teeth were more crooked. That, you couldn't fake.
"Oh, sorry, you must get tired of that."
"A bit, but it's nice to meet you. Sorry if my brother was a real asshole to you." Ethan apologized.
"He wasn't that bad. I'm Y/N, by the way. I just moved here from Florida."
Ethan smiled at you as the bell rang. "Winter's gonna be hell on you."
"I'm excited to see snow, I haven't seen it since I was five." You smiled dreamily at the thought of the beautiful white snow blanketing the ground.
"It's beautiful for the first day, after a few years it gets annoying." The boy said as the teacher began introductions. "But I'm sure you'll like it, Y/N."
After AP Calc, you compared schedules with Ethan, liking his positive attitude a bit more than his brother's coarse, joking attitude. You found out tht you shared your next class and lunch with him.
"Lucas also has lunch with us, but hopefully he'll go out to the bleachers with his weed buddies." Ethan informed you, holding open the door to Anatomy and Physiology for you.
"Lucas does drugs?" You asked, concerned. He didn't seem like the typical potheads you've encountered.
"No, thank god. But he hangs around some people who do. He's not that bad. Other than being a major asshole most of the time."
Laughing, you sat beside Ethan at a lab table. Finally, it was lunch, and Ethan offered you a spot at his lunch table with him and some of his friends. You slid into the booth table, and Ethan sat beside you as another brunette boy sat across from you two.
"Andrew, this is Y/N, she's from Florida. Y/N, this is my best friend since birth, Andrew." Ethan introduced you, and you said a quiet hi to the student.
"Florida? I've always wanted to visit." Andrew pulled out his lunchbox.
"It's horrible in the summer, it's humid and hot and so gross. But the theme parks are nice." You explained as Ethan stood back up.
"I've gotta go buy my lunch, do you bring or buy?" He asked you, and you opened your backpack to grab your lunchbox you've had since you were a kid, it had cartoon planets and spaceships all over it.
"I bring. School lunches scare me."
"Me too, but I eat it anyway."
As Ethan walked away, you unzipped your lunchbox, pulling out your bag of chips. "Cool Ranch Doritos? Hell yeah!" A familiar voice cheered as a figure sat beside you in the booth. Very close.
Turning, you recognized the boy by his clothes. "Hey Lucas."
"Good call, Orlando." He stuffed one of your chips in his mouth, and you rolled your eyes.
"You get too comfortable with people too quickly." You deadpanned, moving your chips away from him.
"Only you, Orlando." He threw an arm around your sholder, and you retaliated by flicking him on the forehead.
"My name is Y/N."
"You keep saying that, and yet Orlando fits you so much better."
"Do I fucking look like Mickey Mouse?"
"I was thinking Goofy."
With a scoff, you elbowed him in the side. A giggle escaped his mouth, and you turned to him, narrowing your eyes. "Oh, are you ticklish?"
"No." Lucas defensively clutched his sides.
Your fingers flitted against the exposed parts of his sides, and he started laughing and thrashing away from you. "Stop it!" He cackled helplessly.
"Why would I do that?"
"Because you're super nice and definitely not Goofy from Mickey Mouse clubhouse." Lucas wailed as Andrew watched the spectacle, clearly unsure of what exactly to do. "And so super gorgeous and wonderful and fantastic and I'm running out of synonyms."
You finally relented, a triumphant smile across your face. "Yes, I am. Apology accepted, Lucas."
"I'll get you back, Y/N." Lucas looked out into the lunchroom, gesturing to the approaching figure of his twin. "Gotta go, Ethan gets touchy when I sit in his seat."
Lucas left the booth, and Ethan sat back down, eyes narrowed. "Did Lucas bother you?"
"No, we had a very good chat." You said, popping a chip in your mouth.
"Okay." Ethan said, unsure, then looked as if he suddenly throght of something. "Y/N, where do you live?"
"I mean, in general, because I can give you a ride home if you need one." He quickly realized his mistake, and nervously laughed it off.
"I live near the Groves, fifteen minutes that way." You pointed in the direction of your neighborhood. "And you would really give me a ride?"
"Yeah, we live over there too! If you don't mind riding with my brother for fifteen minutes."
"No, that sounds great! Thanks, Ethan."
"Meet me at the gate to the parking lot after seventh."
"Sure, I'll just have to double-check with my mom, because she was going to leave work early to get me, but this works out really well."
Ethan offered you another beautiful smile before biting into his pizza. Once the bell rang for fifth to be over, you said goodbye to your new friends then headed upstairs for your Government class. Government wasn't really your cup of tea, the endless politics and processes and paperwork and legal mumbo-jumbo were boring, and you were prepared to just sit in the way back of the class with your headphones.
Someone else apparently already had the same idea as you, and you stood confidently in front of their desk. The boy looked up at you, and his confusion turned into a deep smirk. "Hey, Orlando."
"Lucas," you nodded to him, taking the desk to his left. "How was your lunch?"
"Would've been better with you."
"Ha, you have such overwhelming charm." Your sarcasm flowed out of you as you recognized another boy that entered, Andrew that you had just met at lunch.
He saw you as well, and took the desk just in front of you. "Hi, Y/N, Lucas."
"You didn't mention you had this class next."
"I kinda forgot, honestly." Andrew shrugged.
"Andy, I exist too!" Lucas waved his arms, and his brother's friend sighed as you held in your giggles.
"It's kind of hard to forget when you insist on reminding me of that every other minute."
"Only because you ignore me." The twin crossed his arms and fake pouted, to which your other friend rolled his eyes.
"Mr. Taylor's here." He announced, turning back around to the front to see the teacher.
When you left your sixth period, you found that Lucas was following you down the halls, and you addressed him when you stopped at your locker. "May I help you?"
"I think I can help you." He grinned as you twisted in your combination.
"You sound like a corny salesman, so get to the point before I leave you for gym."
"Gym? Gross, I got that done my freshman year."
"So did I, but my credit didn't transfer so now I have to take it again and be stuck with a bunch of annoying freshman!" You hissed, throwing your books into your locker in frustration.
"You could just... not go."
You narrowed your eyes at Lucas, his eyes were just a bit more green than his brother's, you were realizing. "I'm not skipping on the first day of school."
"How about the second day of school?" Lucas persisted.
"Second week." You relented, acknowleding that it was your senior year and you really didn't want to go to gym. "As long as we don't hang out with potheads or whatever."
"I'll take you to the Wendy's across the street and we'll be back in time for your ride to pick you up."
"If you pay."
"Deal." He extended a hand, which you shook firmly before slinging your backpack over your shoulder.
"See you at the car." You called over your shoulder.
"Ethan offered me a ride home with you guys."
You could almost hear the grin in Lucas' voice as you retreated down the halls towards the woman's locker rooms. Seventh period would not be fun, but you were sure the ride home would be.
"Orlando!" A voice yelled from behind you as you stood waiting at the gate to the parking lot.
"Lucas, her name is Y/N." The exasperated tone of Ethan came soon after, and you turned to the twins with a smile.
"Hey guys!" You smiled, clutching tight to your phone. "Thanks again for the ride, by the way."
"It's no problem, Oak Groves is right by us anyway."
Lucas then exlcaimed, "Holy shit! You live in Oak Groves? That's not even two minutes from us! Awesome!"
"You're totally coming over for video games and mvoies, by the way." Ethan said, leading you to a small blue sedan in the middle row of cars. "Lucas, Y/N gets shotgun, by the way."
"Fucking bitch." He groaned, opening the backseat.
"Fucking asshole." You shot back, then both of you broke into grins.
"I don't know if I should be alarmed or relieved that you can put up with him so well, Y/N." Ethan shook his head, climbing into the driver's seat and starting the car.
A few months later had you finally settled into your new life in Maine, riding in the Nestor twins' car in the morning and afternoon.
"There's a Dunkin! Go!" You yelled, spotting the coffee shop on your way to school one morning.
Ethan sighed, "Y/N, we're gonna be late if we stop-"
"Ethan Mark Nestor either go to Dunkin or I will tuck and roll out of this car."
"Fine." He sighed, and turned into the drive-thru, a hint of a smile on his face.
Lucas was napping in the backseat as you ordered your regular, a medium iced dark roast with cream and no sugar. Ethan just got a donut for himself and his brother. The bell for first period rang as soon as you pulled into the parking lot, and you turned to the boys with a shrug. Not like you were really excited for Mrs. Martin's class anyway.
You said goodbye to Ethan at the front doors, walking towards English with his brother. "Y/N, if we're gonna be late we might as well just not go." Lucas said, taking a bite of his chocolate donut.
"Lucas, we're gonna be not even two minutes late, and come on, you're failing as is." You sighed, pointing out his grade. "Besides, it's a seventh period Wendy's day anyway."
"Oooh I forgot!" Your friend perked up as you pushed the door open to your first period.
"Ms. Y/L/N, Mr. Nestor. Why are you both late?" Mrs. Martin asked from where she was writing the Do Now onto the whiteboard.
You heard someone say 'they were probably fucking' from the back, accompanied by some snickering, which you ignored as you took a casual sip of your coffee. "Ethan drives really slow."
"Yeah!" Lucas concurred, voice muffle by the donut that was stuffed in his mouth moments prior.
"Sit you two." The teacher gestured to your seats, which you sat in and immediately pulled out your journal.
After English, you ushered Lucas towards his second period before ducking into your own just seconds before the bell rang. Collapsing into your seat beside your partner, out of breath, you offered them a smile before taking out your notes. Partway through class, you spotted a brunette head bobbing past the classroom, and then it came back. Peering in through the window was Lucas, either skipping or 'using the bathroom'. He started frantically waving to you through the window, and you tried to usher him away without alerting your teacher. Eventually, you had to flip him off so he could get the message, but of course Mrs. Hendricks turned around at that exact time and assumed you were flipping her off. Thankfully she gave you just a warning, but next time it would be detention. Fucking great.
In AP Calc, you slammed your binder down on your desk beside Ethan's.
"Lucas do something?" He asked, obviously picking up on your bad mood, to which you nodded. "I can run him over with the car."
"Thanks, Ethan, but I've got it." You assured him with a smile as your teacher passed out the quizzes you took last Friday.
"Ah, there's your cute little smile." The boy pinched your cheek teasingly and you grabbed his hand to get him to stop.
"Y/N, maybe if you focused in class, this would be different." Mr. Maltry said monotonously as he set your paper down on your desk, looking between you and Ethan disapprovingly.
Picking it up, you groaned at your 56%, you knew your parents would not be happy.
"Study session tonight?" Ethan offered sympathetically, and you looked up at him, nearly getting lost in his caring blue eyes for a moment.
"You have YouTube videos you need to edit." You referenced the channel he had that he was slowly growing. It was his big goal in life, and you supported him through and through.
"I can take a night off to help one of my favorite people."
"Thanks, Ethan." You nuzzled your face into his arm for a moment. "But my parents are still gonna kill me when they find out."
Today was just not gonna be your fucking day, and you knew it.
((hi hi! so if you've read my markiplier imagines, one of the last ones i did was a twin au where i had a choose your own ending thing where in one part, you ended up with mark, and in the other you ended up with his twin. i'm gonna do the same thing for this one! i think lucas' should be out before ethan's, but don't hold me to that, idk which one i'll get done first))
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