[39] soulmate tattoo au bonus bonus
((surprise! an update two days in a row. don't expect me to keep this up))
((i got this idea of doing like, a full epilogue for the soulmate tattoo au, so here's 2k words filled with cute children!))
"Anastasia!" You yelled after your four-year old daughter as she ran out of her bedroom half-dressed.
Walking out of your son's bedroom down the hall was your husband of nearly 6 years and your soulmate, Ethan. In his arms was a tired looking brunette boy with the same hazel blue eyes as his dad, your son Kyler. He was only two years old, but already was carrying a striking similarity to Ethan.
"You get dressed, honey, and I'll see about getting her ready, okay?" Ethan offered, kissing your temple.
"Thanks, I don't want to be late getting to the hospital."
Just a few minutes prior, your friend and coworker at Tuber Marketing, Mark, had called to tell you that his fiancee was going into labor. This was going to be his and Amy's first kid, and you wanted to support them as they had through both of yours.
As you pulled on a clean shirt, your small, black splotch on your thumb caught your attention. Your matching tattoo with Ethan. It was weird to think that a decade ago you'd nearly given up hope on finding a soulmate, and now you were married with two fantastic kids with soulmates of their own waiting out there. Anastasia had a small cartoon sun across her shoulder, and Kyler was born with a little blue sailboat on his left ring finger.
Your phone rang again as you changed out of your sweatpants, phone pressed to your ear. "Mark? Is everything okay?"
"Not Mark," a feminine voice came through the speakers, and you recognized it to be Signe, another coworker of yours.
"Oh hey Signe, did they call you?"
"Yeah, Sean and I are on the first flight over." Tuber Marketing had expanded to have an Ireland branch as well, allowing Sean to return to his homeland as president of it. "Tell Amy and Mark we'll be there ASAP!"
"Will do. I gotta go," you smiled, seeing your husband holding one of your kids in each arm. "Ethan finally got Anastasia's clothes on, thank God. See you at the hospital!"
"Bye Y/N! Also, Sean and Logan say hi to you and Ethan and the kids!"
"Thanks, bye!"
Hanging up, you grabbed Kyler and dashed downstairs to start buckling the kids up in the minivan. Ethan locked the door behind everyone and hopped in the drivers seat.
After finally getting to the hospital, you encountered Mark in the waiting room. He was pacing nervously, as would any first-time dad. "Hey, how's everything?" You asked, rubbing his arm to calm him down.
"She didn't want me there during the exams, but as soon as they're ready for the delivery, I'm going to be let in."
A few minutes later, a nurse came out to call Mark in, and you gave him your best wishes. "I'm hungry." Anastasia whined after nearly a half hour, tugging on Ethan's shirt.
"Let's get something from the vending machine. Do you all want anything?" Ethan stood, then asked you and your son.
Kyler shook his head from where he was sitting on your lap, he wasn't a very verbal kid. In fact, he was quite shy, and was already such a momma's boy. "Just a granola bar for me, hon." You answered for yourself, stroking Kyler's thin hair.
"Okay. Come on, pumpkin." He took Anastasia's hand in his, leading her down the hall.
You hummed to Kyler as you rocked him on your lap, knowing that it was just around his nap time and that this whole ordeal was going to keep him up for a while. Soon, another figure appeared at the end of the hall, and you stood to greet the man.
"Good to see you again, Tyler." You gave a friendly hug to your coworker, Kyler resting on your hip. Tyler Scheid had become one of your closest friends over the years, and you wouldn't trade his friendship for the world.
"You too, Y/N. And how are you, Kyler?" He smiled down at your son, and the boy burrowed his face into your side.
"Shy as ever, and I'm afraid it's almost nap time too, so he's tired." Walking back over to one of the couches, you set him down gently.
"Uncle Tyler!" A screech came from down the hall, and there was Anastasia, running full-speed at your friend.
"Hey, Anastasia!" He kneeled down to let her give him a big hug. "How're you?"
"I'm good! Did you come to see the new baby too?" She smiled brightly as Ethan joined the group, food in hand.
"Sure did." Tyler stood to greet your husband, and you smiled at the friendly interactions. As if the drama of the past had never happened, and everyone was just... content.
"Hey Tyler! Mark just went in for the labor, so we'll be here for a few more hours." Ethan informed him, handing you your granola bar.
Tearing open the package, you lifted Kyler up before setting him back on your lap as you sat on the couch to wait. In the meantime, Tyler and Ethan got caught up while you texted Signe updates.
'What do you think the sex will be?' She texted you, and you thought for a minute before responding.
'I know it'd be nice for Kyler to have another boy his age, he needs to be more social.'
'Logan wants a boy too, he says girls are gross' You snorted as Signe mentioned hers and Sean's only child, a six-year old boy.
'Kyler's only friend is his girl cousin, which isn't bad, I just want him to have more than one friend.'
You absentmindedly continued running your fingers through your son's hair to keep him asleep.
'And what does Anastasia think about this?'
'She's just excited to have another baby around, Kyler's gotten too old for her liking.'
'Imagine when she's a teenager. Oh, Logan woke up from his nap, gotta go!'
'See ya!'
You clicked your phone off, and looked up to see your daughter fast asleep against Ethan, snuggled in the crook of his arm. He and Tyler were talking quietly, as to not disturb the two sleeping children.
Another two hours passed before Kyler began stirring, sleepily rubbing his eyes. When he looked up at you with the same eyes as Ethan, you could feel your heart twinge at just how lucky you were. Kyler yawned, and you adjusted him on your lap because your foot was starting to fall asleep.
Ethan stood to pick the boy up. "I'll go change him."
"His diapers are in the bag." You gestured, squeezing his arm for a minute in thanks.
Looking over to your daughter, you saw her deeply focused on a paddy cake-like game with 'Uncle Tyler', her small tongue poking out and her eyebrows furrowed across her petite forehead. She messed up once, and huffed, crossing her arms.
"This is stupid." Anastasia complained.
"Anastasia Marie." You warned, she wasn't old enough to start calling things stupid.
She sighed, changing her words. "I don't wanna play this anymore. I wanna see the baby!"
"The baby's not here yet." You gestured for her to sit on the couch beside you, and she obliged. "Do you want me to braid your hair?"
She nodded, and you began combing your fingers through her thick hair. It was so thick, in fact, you could see it in the sonograms when you were still pregnant with her. Parting her hair down the middle, you decided to do two Dutch braids. As you weaved the strands of her soft brown hair, just like her brother and father's, you felt yourself relax, the process was one you'd done so many times it let you fall into a calm state. Your friend giving birth was obviously stressful, you just wanted her and the baby to be happy and healthy.
When Ethan came back with your son, he immediately tried to clamber back up into your lap, but you were still braiding Anastasia's hair. "Kyler, go sit with Daddy."
He instead sat down on the floor right beside your seat on the couch, and you laughed. "Sorry, Ethan."
"It's okay, you're Mom." Your husband kissed the top of your head.
"I like you, Daddy!" Anastasia piped up, beaming at her dad.
"I like Daddy too." Kyler grumbled, clearly sullen about his love for his dad being called into question.
"But Mommy's prettier than you."
You couldn't contain your laughs at your daughter's words, and Ethan smiled too. "Yeah, your mother is the most beautiful woman I've laid eyes on."
Your chest swelled with happiness as you tilted your head up to get a small, sweet kiss from him. Finally finishing the girl's braid, she hopped off the couch to go back to the seats where your friend and husband were. Kyler quickly scrambled up, pressing into your side.
"You're going have to make friends someday, bud." You said quietly, cradling him close to you.
"I have Patty." He pouted, referencing your sister Sadie's daughter, whom she had just months after you had Kyler.
"Maybe you can be friends with the new baby."
"Babies can't do anything."
"You can be its friend when it gets big enough to do things. Promise you'll try, bud?"
"Yes Mommy." Kyler fiddled with his fingers, blue sailboat tattoo catching your vision as he flexed and unflexed his hand.
"Good." You kissed the top of his head, snuggling him even closer to you. After all, he wasn't going to be this small forever.
After an hour of Anastasia trying (and failing) to teach her brother the hand game that Tyler taught her, and the three adults just talking and reminiscing, a wild-eyed Mark burst out of the delivery room at the end of the hall. Everyone immediately leapt up as he raced towards you guys.
"He's here!" Your friend yelled, panting.
"So it's a boy?" You asked, and he nodded fervently.
Mark ran back down the hall, followed by you, Ethan, Tyler, and your kids. In the hospital room, you saw an exhausted Amy cradling a small form swaddled in a pale blue blanket. She smiled up at you as everyone crowded in the room.
"Everyone, meet Daniel Tom Fischbach." Mark announced, and you awwed, nearly tearing up at his name, understanding the significance those names meant to Mark.
"He's beautiful." You breathed as your friend let you hold him.
He had the same jet black hair as Mark, and you were sure he shared the same dark brown eyes as both his parents. Bending down so Anastasia could see him, you reminded her to be gentle. "Say hi to Daniel."
"Hi Daniel. You're so cute!" She squealed, and you shushed her, not wanting to wake the baby.
Kyler was on Ethan's hip, and they both leaned over to view the baby as well. "Has he done anything?" Kyler said bluntly.
"He just got here, give him time." Amy said kindly, holding Mark's hand as she looked at her son with pride.
You passed to baby into Tyler's waiting arms, and he looked down at the boy with joy. Tyler's bright smile showed just how happy he was for his friends. After all, 'Uncle Tyler' loved his friend's kids as much as he would love his own, and you appreciated that so much from him.
"So, have you... looked?" Ethan asked the question everyone was thinking. What was this baby's tattoo?
Mark took his son back, and gently moved the blanket covering his hands. Pulling out the boy's small left hand, his father presented the tattoo that would bing him and his soulmate forever.
A tiny blue sailboat etched clearly on his ring finger.
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