[36] quick blurbs (pt. 2)
bringing him food to remind him to eat when he spends hours editing
"Ethan?" You called into the dark apartment, having just gotten back from a ladies night dinner with Amy and Kathryn.
No response.
With a sigh, you started up the stairs towards your bedroom, where Ethan had a small office tucked in the corner. There, he was sitting with his knees to his chest in his chair, headphones over his ears, and his video-editing software up on screen. He was currently editing what appeared to be his playthrough of Night In the Woods, a half-drank coffee next to his mouse. As he moved to drag a clip across the screen his hand hit the cup, spilling the drink across his desk.
"Aw fuck!" Ethan screamed in frustration, throwing his headphones off and onto the ground.
"Babe." You rushed towards him, and he seemed not to have noticed you before then.
"Oh hey Y/N." He calmed down almost immediately as he pulled you into a hug. "Sorry about that."
"We should probably wipe up the coffee."
After wiping up the coffee and making sure all his electronics were okay, he immediately went back to editing, wanting to get this episode done before he went to sleep. You didn't even get to ask him the last time he ate, but you figured it was a while ago. Going to the kitchen, you brought out some sandwich ingrediants and put together a sandwich for your boyfriend, then added some chips to the plate. After microwaving a cup of hot chocolate for him, you carried the meal up the stairs for him.
Taking his headphones off his head and setting the plate in front of him, you demanded, "Eat."
"Thanks, Y/N." Ethan smiled up at you, stuffing half the sandwich in his mouth. "Want some?"
"I just got back from dinner with Kat and Amy. Thanks though."
You kissed the top of his head before resting your cheek on his blue hair, looking at the screen. "When are you going to sleep?"
"Another fourty-five minutes?"
"Okay, I'll wait for you."
"You can sleep, Y/N-" He set his food down to look at you frankly.
You crossed your arms across your chest, your best mom face on. "Ethan. Mark. Nestor. Eat your sandwich. Now."
"Fine. If you go to sleep."
"Wake me up when you're going to sleep, okay? I want a goodnight kiss." You relented, going over to your dresser to start getting into your pajamas.
You weren't sure how much time had passed when lips peppering your face with kisses woke you up. "Goodnight, princess." Ethan murmured against your skin.
going to conventions with him and hanging out with his best friends, G and Brian/temple kisses/support from fans
You were in the convention hall for PAX South, in utter awe at how many people were there and how many booths and vendors there were. If you weren't careful, you would probably blow your whole savings account in this one weekend. Ethan was holding your hand as the both of you walked and talked with your friends, G and Brian. Sure, you'd only met them after you started dating Ethan, but they were great guys you honestly thought of as brothers.
"Hey, that's Anusha's booth." You pointed out your game developer friend's booth she had for her game. "I'm gonna go say hi, you guys coming?"
"I wanted to hit up the OmniBus booth real quick to check up on some updates before the signing." Ethan looked at his watch, there wasn't enough time to go to both before the three boys' signing.
"I'll meet you guys backstage then."
Your boyfriend seemed reluctant to let you go off by yourself, until G piped up. "Hey, I wanted to check out 'Dating Frank' anyway!" He mentioned your friend's game, it was a cute little dating sim game about Dr. Frankenstein and his monster.
"Alright, I see you guys in fifteen?" Ethan gave you a kiss on the cheek before heading off towards the Subnautica booth with Brian. "Thanks, G." You started towards your friend's booth. "Ethan's always worried about me when we go to conventions. Something about ccrazed fans or being kidnapped or something."
"It's fine, Y/N. You're really cool to hang out with anyway." G smiled, adjusting his snapback as you all walked up to Anusha sitting on a stool behind the table.
"Hey Y/N!" She smiled brightly. "Where's Ethan?"
"OmniBus booth." You explained, looking over to G, who was already at the computer where the demo was set up. "This is my friend G, he wanted to check out your game."
"I need it right now." He declared, having only gotten through two lines of dialogue.
"Thanks, uh, it's free to download on Steam, and we have a Patreon page if you want, or can, support us." Your friend behind the booth handed him a small card.
"Thanks! I'll definitely put the word out!"
Anusha came around the table to take a picture with you two, then waved you off to the signing. After dashing through the convention hall, you and G made it back behind the curtains with three minutes to spare. It looked as if Ethan and Brian had barely gotten there before you.
"Alright, go have fun, boys!" You gave Ethan one final hug before the three men walked out, much to the crowd's excitment, cheers immediately reaching your ears.
Sitting on the couch, you curled up with your phone to tweet out your picture with Anusha and G, making sure that everyone knew about your friend's new game. There were many fans tweeting about how cute you looked, that they would check out the game, and a few asking where Ethan was. You replied to one, 'he was with Brian at the OmniBus booth', then closed your phone to talk with Morgan, who had just come back from her own wandering around the convention.
Your phone suddenly dinged violently, and you looked to see a heated twitter discussion between a few fans, in reference to your picture you had just tweeted. One had shipped you with G, and immediately, many more swooped in, yelling at them not to ship you with someone who wasn't your boyfriend. With a sly smile, you found a photo of you and Ethan you had taken in front of the PAX sign out front, you had your arms around his waist as he kissed your cheek and you were smiling widely. 'Wouldn't want to be here with any other boy 💙' you captioned it, tagging your boyfriend.
Content that that picture would settle it, you went back to chatting with Brian's girlfriend.
"Are they chanting your name, Y/N?" Morgan said during a lull in the conversation, and you listened closely to the crowd out there, it did sound like your name.
Standing up, you poked your head out from behind the curtain, confused. Immediately, screams met your ears and you waved sheepishly to them before ducking backstage again. "Morgan, come here!" You waved your friend over, and she reluctantly poked her head out for a moment too.
Then, both of your names were being chanted over and over, and you recoiled back from the curtain, looking at Morgan in alarm. "What do we do?"
Then, Ethan was peeking in, a bright smile across his face. "They all want you two to come out."
"This is your signing, not ours." You shook your head, and Morgan sat back on the couch as Ethan grabbed your wrist, pulling you out.
"Morgan, help!" You cried out, but she just waved you goodbye as the screams reached deafening volumes, and the black curtain closed behind you.
"They love you, Y/N!" Ethan dragged you out towards the table where everyone else was.
"There she is!" Brian cheered along with G, and you waved out to the line of fans.
"Hi!" You yelled to them, then immediately looked back to your boyfriend. "Can I go back now?"
The fan that was next in line looked at you hopefully, and you sighed, staying to take pictures with those who wanted to. You were in between Ethan and G, with Brian on the other side of G. One fan shoved past you to get to Ethan, and you stumbled, more startled than anything.
"Woah, you alright?" G asked, and Ethan's attention immediately snapped over to you as Brian looked concerned as well.
"Y/N, something happen?" Brian asked, and Ethan left the fan's side to rush over to you.
"Geez, guys, I'm fine." You laughed, and the fan came back to you to apologize.
"Hm, okay." Ethan frowned, kissing your temple with worry.
More screams.
being dragged into some random videos of his
"Y/N's turn!" Mark cheered excitedly as Ethan grabbed your hand to pull you up off the couch.
The boys were doing a Don't Laugh Challenge while Bob and Wade were visiting, and Amy had just been convinced to do a round of the challenge. Since you were sitting beside her on the couch to watch the idiots, you were also persuaded to get up and do a round. Taking a sip of the water, you clasped your hands behind your back and tried to put on the straightest face possible. You broke in fourty-five seconds, because Mark had put on the fuzzy blue fez while Ethan had the black furry fez on, and they did a mock roleplay together.
Later in the week, Ethan was recording a game, and suddenly burst out of his studio. "Y/N! I need to your help with a video."
"What video?" You asked, pocketing your phone to stand up with him.
In the studio, he held out the gamepad to you, and on the screen, you saw what game he was playing. Mr. Massagy. "Oh my god." You said, and accepted the buzzing gamepad from your boyfriend.
"Just put it on your neck." He encouraged you, and when you did you squirmed, not sure how you were enjoying it.
"What the- hell no!" Taking the controller off your neck, you handed it back to him. "Nope, nope, nope."
"Alright, well, thanks for popping in, bye Y/N!"
"Bye everybody!" You waved to the camera before going back to the living room.
Your boyfriend might not have the most conventional job, but it was still fun when he chose to include you into it.
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