[35] quick blurbs (pt. 1)
((hello! so, going back to part 27, where i had the little list of things ethan would do if y'all were dating, i realized that most of those i couldn't quite make into full stand-alone imagines, so here's a bunch of them in one part! there will be another part with the others i've written))
having to go along with his crazy videos with mark and tyler/being best friends with amy and kathryn
"You've got to be kidding me." You deadpanned as you stepped into the office with coffee for everyone.
Bob and Wade were visiting, meaning that the crazy challenges the other boys did got even crazier. And now, you saw them setting up muscle stimulators and heaps of sour candy.
"I know." Amy rolled her eyes, accepting her cup of coffee from the tray before turning back to setting up the camera.
Kathryn was also shaking her head as she fiddled with sound equipment, and Ethan perked up when he heard your voice.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed, running to give you a tight hug.
"Hey, Ethan." You smiled, hugging him with your free arm. "May I ask what the hell you guys are doing?"
"Stupid shit, as usual!" Mark yelled from across the room as your boyfriend nodded enthusiastically.
Wade looked about ready to kill himself and in the corner was Tyler psyching himself up for this new challenge. "Is it going to hurt?" You questioned, setting down the tray to cross your arms over your chest.
"Y/N, I'll be fine." Ethan assured you, and you looked over to the candies.
"Are those safe for you to eat?"
"We will find out!"
"I'll have your Epi-Pen ready." With a sigh, you sat on the couch just off the cameras where Amy and Kathryn were now that everything was set up.
"Why do we put up with these idiots?" Kathryn said as the boys started sticking the muscle stimulator pads on their arms.
Ethan jumped up as if he had suddenly remembered something, dashing over to give you a quick peck. "Because we love them." You watched him go back to the table, a loving smile on your face.
grandma nestor seal of approval
"I'm nervous." You whined as the airplane touched down in Maine. It was Teamiplier's Christmas Break, meaning that most everybody was going back home to see their family. Ethan had invited you to go to Maine with him for Christmas, then you two would visit your family for New Year's.
"They're gonna love you, Y/N." He took your hand in his, squeezing it gently. "After all, I love you."
"Stop being such a cheesy motherfucker." Turning away so he couldn't see the blush on your face, you took a few deep breaths.
Outside the terminal was a couple you easily recognized as Ethan's parents, you'd seen many pictures of them before. They first greeted Ethan, and he immediately introduced you.
"It's is so wonderful to meet you finally, Y/N!" His mother enveloped you in a hug, then his father did too.
"You seem like a fine young lady. Why Ethan?"
"Hey!" Your boyfriend said indignantly as his mom hit her husband across the chest, and you laughed at their interactions.
They drove you to their home, and your leg bounced nervously in the back seat of the car through the whole ride. This was going to be it, the real test, meeting Ethan's grandma. You knew he loved her more than anything in the world, and you desperately wanted her to like you. If that happened, you knew Ethan would be so happy.
You looked over to Ethan, habitually biting your lip with anxiety, and he put his arm around your shoulder to pull you close to him. "I love you." He whispered, kissing your temple sweetly.
"Here we are!" Mr. Nestor said cheerily, parking the car in the driveway. He carried your luggage up to the porch for you, and you thanked him quietly.
You tagged along behind the parents with Ethan, lacing your fingers with his in an attempt to get some comfort. As his parents opened the door, you were immediately greeted by Ethan's brother, Andrew. You'd met him once before, when you flew out to help Ethan pack for the move to LA.
"Good to see you again, Y/N." Andrew gave you a quick hug, and as he stepped back, you saw her. Ethan's grandma, coming at you for a full-force hug.
You were in awe as she enveloped you in her arms with a warmth that reminded you so much of your own grandma. "Hi, it's nice to meet you finally, Y/N."
"You too, ma'am." You said awkwardly, and Ethan gave you a discrete thumbs-up.
After dinner, you were out in the backyard with your boyfriend, reveling in the snow layered on the ground. The blue-haired boy gathered up some snow in his hands, pegging it at you.
"That's just rude!" You huffed, throwing your own snowball at him. It smacked him across the face, and you took the opportunity of him being shocked to pelt him with more.
"Get him, Y/N!" You heard an elderly voice cheer on from the back porch, and you turned to see that it was Grandma Nestor.
Ethan suddenly launched himself at you, and you both fell down, tumbling in the snow. He was cheesily hovering over you, the snowbanks concealing the both of you as he pressed his freezing lips to your numb ones. "I think she approves." He whispers, pandering to your doubts.
"Thank god." You muttered, kissing him once more.
cute fanart
Reclining on the couch in the office, you were ready to take a quick nap on your lunch break, having just finished a crucial part of a new project Teamiplier was working on. You were nearly asleep when someone sat down next to you on the couch, dipping the cushions underneath them.
"Babe," they whispered, and you easily identified the voice as your boyfriend, Ethan. "Baaaaaaaabe, wake up!"
"I'm not asleep. Unfortunately." You mumbled, opening your eyes to see the beaming face of Ethan looking back down at you.
"I just wanted to tell you that we're going out for lunch if you want to come with." He gestured to Tyler, Amy and Mark. Kathryn was still at her desk, doing a bit more work. Mark was holding up his phone while Amy was holding Chica's leash.
You narrowed your eyes at Mark. "Are you livestreaming?"
"Day With Chica!" He exclaimed, pointing the camera down at the cute dog, stroking her head.
"Bring me something, I really need some sleep now."
"Okay, good dreams, princess." Ethan kissed your nose sweetly, and you wrinkled your face in response, burrowing further into your pillow.
Little did you know at the time, Mark had turned the camera back to you and Ethan just before that happened. So when you went on Twitter after your nap, you saw a few cute little sketches and drawing of the tender moment that had happened. You liked, retweeted, and replied to a bunch of them, your heart thoroughly warmed at how much the fans respected your relationship with Ethan. Quickly texting your boyfriend, you sent him some of the drawings you liked, even making one your lockscreen. You replied to the artist with a screenshot of your lockscreen now, praising and thanking them.
Your phone binged a few minutes later, a tweet from Ethan. He had replied to your reply with a picture. When you opened it up, you saw a horrible stick figure doodle Ethan had done on a napkin, probably in a moving car, judging by the squiggly lines. His caption was 'aw babe but what about this awesome fanart of us????'. Rolling your eyes, you reluctantly quoted it, saying, 'i want this tattooed on my forehead'.
constant pda
Hand grab.
Pulled onto his lap.
"Yes, my love?"
"We're in public."
You sighed, rubbing your face in your hands as you sat beside Ethan in the restaurant booth. Some other YouTubers were visiting, and so everyone had gone out to eat together. Normally, you appreciated Ethan's affectionate side, but tonight you were slightly embarassed as all of your friends took not-so-discrete pictures of the two of you.
"Could you tone it down a bit? Please?"
He pouted, but scooted back a little from you nonetheless. "Better?"
You nodded reluctantly, turning back to the conversation at hand. After dinner, the idea was suggested to all get drinks at a bar down the street together. However, neither you nor Ethan could drink, so you requested to go home and call it a night.
"Let's all get a picture first!" Mark declared, pulling the big group over to a lamppost so there would be enough light. He stopped a passerby, and all of your friends crowded around each other.
Just as the person behind the camera said to say cheese, Ethan's arms snaked around your waist, and he pulled you close to his chest for a deep kiss. You were blushing too hard to move from that position, burying your face into his chest as a few more were taken. Later that night, when Amy had sent you all the photos, you could see that out of all six or so that had been taken, Ethan was kissing you in two of them, and in all the others it was apparent that you two were totally in love with each other. And you definitely were.
stealing his multitude of hoodies
"Y/N, have you seen my Stay Cranky hoodie?" Ethan called from across your apartment.
"Hmmmm, nope. Maybe you left it at the office." You replied over your shoulder as you were snuggled underneath a blanket playing video games.
The blanket suddenly disappeared, and Ethan was standing over you with a single eyebrow raised. "Left it at the office, huh?"
You slouched further into the couch to hide your shame, you were in fact, wearing Ethan's missing hoodie. "It's so comfy!" You tried to defend yourself as Ethan crosses his arms, his best 'disappointed dad' face on.
"I know, that's why I offered to buy you your own."
"But that one wouldn't be yours." Pulling the oversized sleeves over your hands, you rested your chin on your 'sweater paws' to look up at him sweetly.
"You're lucky you're so cute." He sighed, leaving the room in the direction of your bedroom. Ethan's voice reached your ears once more, "Y/N, where's my orange hoodie?"
You giggled to yourself, knowing exactly where that one was, your side of the dresser.
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