[28] another royal au (pt. 1)
((another royal au coming at you from your neighborhood trash can, me!))
A hand shaking your shoulder jolted you awake, and you rubbed your eyes to see your younger sister leaning over you, and eager smile on her face. "We're going to Gizmonia today!"
"Right." You grimaced, sitting up in your bed. Your sister, Rachel, climbed onto your lap, hairbrush in hand.
"Can I brush your hair?"
"Sure, make me pretty, pumpkin."
"You already are pretty, your suitor is so lucky!"
Her compliment made you smile, however the reminder that you were going to meet your arranged fiancee today was not pleasant. Your kingdom and the kingdom of Gizmonia were always on rocky terms, so this arranged marriage between you and the Prince was supposed to be beneficial and strengthen the ties between the kingdoms. However, you'd never met this Prince before, so now, two months before your wedding, you were meeting him for the first time. If the Queen of Gizmonia had her way, you would have been his bride in two days time, but your parents had managed to convince her otherwise. Thankfully, they too, were unsure about arranged marriages, theirs had been partly love and partly politics. Your was going to be purely politics, however.
Rachel was a little rough as she untangled the knots from your hair, but you still beared through it, knowing that it made her happy to help you like that. She rambled on about all the things a seven year old rambles about, and you waited patiently for her to be done. A knock came on your door, and you called for them to come in.
It was your mother, looking as though she were forcing her excitement. "Y/N, you need to get dressed! Big day!"
"Yes, mother." You stood to begin choosing a dress from your wardrobe. A few handmaidens came out to help you dress, while your mother ushered your sister out to get dressed in her own room.
You were stuffed into a light blue dress that wasn't as elegant as your ballgowns, however was still very formal, more than you preferred. The corset was pulled tight around your stomach and you bit your tongue to hold in your complaints. You've survived this before, you can do it again. Next, they seated you in a chair in front of your vanity for hair, makeup, and jewelry.
"You look so wonderful, Lady Y/N." The woman who had partially raised you, Katya, gushed as she adjusted a piece of your hair.
"Thank you, Katya." You nodded, and could see in the mirror that she frowned at your disheartened tone.
"Is there something bothering you, my lady?"
"I'm meeting my husband for the first time today and I'm not supposed to be bothered by it. But I am."
"Don't fret, my girl, I've heard that the King of Gizmonia's son is very handsome. After all, your parents wouldn't choose anything less suitable for you."
With a small laugh, you stood up. "Of course. Thanks Katya. Are you accompanying me to Gizmonia?"
"I'm afraid not, they were very insistent that you would have your own set of servants given to you at their castle." She explained as your little sister burst into the room, throwing herself at you with excitement. "Besides, I've still gotta teach this one manners." Katya pinched Rachel's ear to get her off of you. "Come on! That's a new dress!"
"Sorry, Y/N." Rachel mumbled, but immediately got her spirit back, grabbing your hand. "The carriages are waiting, let's go!"
"Just wait, Rachel." You yanked her back, then turned to your handmaiden/nanny. Wrapping your arms around her, you held her close for one last time, the woman who had helped raise you, and was another mother figure. You didn't know if you'd see her again. "Goodbye Katya. Thank you again, for everything you've done for me, and everything you're going to do for Rachel. Take good care of her for me. And my parents, Lord knows they'll need it one day."
"You're welcome, Lady Y/N. I have been honored to serve you and your family, and will do so for all my years with eagerness and love." Katya stroked your hair, then let you go. "Now go on, I don't think Rachel can wait any longer. Although I keep telling her that patience is a virtue."
Rachel snorted, latching onto your hand again and starting to drag you out of your room. You looked one last time at your room, not knowing if you'll ever see the woman standing in it, or the place you'd grown up in ever again. Your sister was in a lilac dress that you recognized as a dress from your own childhood, it was one of your favorites. You didn't realize your parents had kept your old dresses, you'd always assumed that they just bought new ones because they could. With a deep sigh, you followed Rachel into the carriage holding your parents. As it rolled away from your castle, you murmured one last goodbye to the grounds you'd known your whole life. Once the castle had faded form your view, you began steeling your nerves for what waited ahead of you, a marriage that you needed to do for your kingdom's sake. This was bigger than you, it was for the good of your family and your people. You just had to keep reminding yourself of this.
The carriage finally pulled into the pathway that lead up to grand gates of Gizmonia. The guards in shining metal armor bowed in respect to your family as they allowed you passage. The castle coming into view was stunning. It seemed to be slightly bigger than yours, but however, was made out of pure white marble, accented with gold and adorned with sapphires. No wonder your kingdom wanted a good relationship with Gizmonia, it was probably the richest castle you'd seen.
On the steps to enter the castle were a whole entourage of people, made up of the king, queen, someone who looked to be their daughter of sorts, and a few servants. Your parents exited first, your father helping your mother down, then lifting Rachel out with ease. You left last, eyes scanning the group to see if you perhaps your future husband was there. But nobody seemed to be a Prince. Your eyes landed on the young lady standing with the King and Queen of Gizmonia, and you looked over her golden curls and kind smile with a small glimmer of a grin on your own lips. She seemed nice.
"Welcome to Gizmonia." The King said, beginning introductions. "This is my wife, and our eldest daughter, Princess Amy."
"It's a pleasure to meet you." You curtsied politely, and looked at your sister with a pointed look to do the same. She awkwardly did so before standing up again.
"And you as well." Amy spoke eloquently as she shook your hand. "I hope we can become friends. After all, you are marrying my brother."
You could only nod, trying not to cringe at the thought of your arranged marriage. "As do I."
"Speaking of which, where is your son?" Your father leapt immediately into it, asking the ruling couple.
"He's playing inside, my husband will fetch him. In the meantime, could I interest you all in our exquisite rose gardens?" The queen offered, and your family followed her around the back of the castle.
Your mind wandered at her wording. 'Playing' inside. You assumed she meant he was playing an instrument of sorts. That would be nice, marrying a man that could perform music. You kept a tight hold on Rachel's hand, knowing that she desperately wanted to run around and look at everything. Amy walked beside you, occasionally pointing out certain flowers that were her favorites, or telling you stories from her childhood of growing up on these lands. You had to admit that their gardens were impressive, and you'd quite like to spend some time alone out here one day, but you still couldn't forget your nerves at meeting your arranged fiancee. What was taking so long?
"Ah, here they are." The queen gestured towards a path coming from the castle, where three figures walked towards you all.
One you recognized as the king, his crown adorning his head that stayed on elegantly as he strode with a little boy beside him. The child seemed to be dressed nicely, he was probably the youngest brother. The boy behind both of them was older, your age for sure, and when he looked up from the ground, your heart leapt up into your throat. He was definitely handsome, brown hair atop his head in an attractively disorganized way, light eyes scanning in front of him. This has got to be him, the Prince you were to marry.
Your eyes never left his form as they neared you, you had already made up your mind that you would probably enjoy marrying him, and that Katya was right. The king's son was handsome, and your parents had chosen well for you. But your heart dropped in your stomach when the guys stopped in front of you, and you realized that the cute guy was in basic servant's clothes, and the King was presenting the little boy to you.
"Princess Y/N, this is my son, Prince Leopold." The little boy stepped forward nervously at his father's prompting. "Sole heir to the throne of Gizmonia."
The kid couldn't have been any older than your sister, a gap in his smile proving that he was still losing his baby teeth, and his dark brown hair falling in his eyes evidencing that he needed a haircut. Badly. You couldn't believe this, you were supposed to marry a child. And yet, you still had to be cordial, polite, and gracious. "It is an honor to meet you, Your Highness."
"A-and you, Princess Y/N." He stuttered back, lisp from his missing front tooth messing with his s.
Glancing back at your parents, you could tell they weren't expecting this either. However, Gizmonia's queen clapped her hands excitedly. "We have breakfast prepared out in the gazebo. Come, Leopold."
The boy obediently followed his mother, and you fell behind the group, feeling dejected and just overall hopeless. You were to marry a boy that wouldn't actually be able to rule for another decade and probably just got out of diapers. Your parents walked in front of you, your sister holding one of their hands each. And you trailed behind, looking over your shoulder occasionally at the servant that had come out with the king and Prince, he was following the group to the gazebo as well.
"What's your name?" You finally gathered the courage to ask him quietly.
His eyes snapped up, clearly bewildered that you had spoken to him. He looked hesitant to answer, but before he could make up his mind, the queen's snappy voice came back to you. "Y/N! Come on dear, he's just a servant!"
You looked back in front of you to see that you'd arrived at the outdoor terrace and Amy was guiding you to a seat. She sat you between her and your little sister, and you were so grateful for her to have distanced you from your 'husband'. He was on her other side. The same brunette servant poured tea for everyone, and you noticed that everyone had thanked him except for the queen and king. In fact, she chastised her son when he had quietly thanked him, and the king merely gave him a slight nod. You studied this dynamic, interested as to whether or not they treated all of their servants this way. If so, you were sure that was going to be another thing to add to the list of reasons you didn't want to stay here.
Breakfast was soon served, pastries with various jams were set in front of everyone. Rachel quietly asked you to serve her, but the brunette servant stepped in before you, doing the task with ease. But incorrectly. "Thank you, however, Rachel can't eat the ones with strawberry jam. I'm afraid she has an allergy." You explained, offering him a reassuring smile as you placed those ones on your own plate. "However, they're my absolute favorite."
"I apologize, my lady." He bowed deeply to your sister, and this gave you a soft smile as his sincerity.
The queen seemed about to say something, and you felt as though it would be something horrible to the kind servant boy, so you quickly spoke up again to divert the conversation. "So, do you all have any horses?"
"Yes, there are many in our stables. Do you like riding, Lady Y/N?" Amy turned to you, following this train of thought.
"Very much."
"I am going on a ride tomorrow, you are more than welcome to join me."
The Princess' kindness brought a new hope for you. Even if you had to marry a child, you'd have a friend in this castle. Until she got married off herself. "I'd love to, thank you, Lady Amy."
"How about it, Leopold? Going riding with your fiancee?" The queen looked pointedly at her son. You were starting to dislike her more and more as the minutes in her presence dragged on.
The king spoke up, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. "I promised the boy I'd teach him swordfighting tomorrow. Sorry, Y/N."
You grinned, shaking your head. "It's no problem."
Breakfast was soon over, and it was nearing the time for your family to leave. You approached their carriage with a heavy heart knowing that you wouldn't be getting on it with them. Saying your goodbyes, you kissed your dad on the cheek, then your mom. "I'm so sorry, Y/N." Your mother whispered as she hugged you, and you could see the tears filling her eyes.
"Be steel, Mother. Just as I'm going to." You murmured, dabbing at her tears.
Next, your sister latched onto your leg, tears already soaking your dress. "Hey pumpkin, new dress." You half-heartedly repeated what Katya told her earlier that day. She perked up, grabbing both of your hands.
"I don't want you to go, Y/N."
"It's okay, I'll still see you. I love you, Rachel." You picked up her small body, cradling her against you for probably the last time. Whenever you were able to visit her again, she would be a few feet taller and grown up so much. Too much.
"Love you." She sniffled, squeezing you tightly. "Can I have your hairbrush?"
"Of course, pumpkin."
With one last tear-filled grin, she boarded the carriage with your parents, and you watched them roll away, fervently waving.
Even after the carriage had dipped down the hill and was completely out of view, you stood there even longer, not wanting to turn around and truly face what was your new life. A large, warm hand on your shoulder startled you into turning around. Nearly everyone had left except for the king, the brunette servant boy a polite distance behind him.
"Princess Y/N, please get settled in your room, make yourself at home, I want you to start thinking of this place as your home. Ethan will be your own personal butler," the grey-bearded king beckoned the servant to come closer. "He'll accompany you everywhere except your dressing room, and if you ever need anything, he will get it for you."
"Thank you, Your Majesty." You curtsied to the King, still looking at the attractive servant you now knew to be named Ethan.
"Please come directly to me with any complaints." He said, giving you one final nod before walking back into the castle.
After the large mahogany doors had closed behind him, you turned to Ethan with intrigue. "So, what now?"
"Whatever you wish, Your Highness." The boy replied quietly, clearly startled that you'd asked him a direct question.
"What's your favorite place on the grounds?"
"The young prince quite enjoys the archery range-"
"I didn't ask for Leopold's favorite, I asked for yours."
"My lady, I can't answer that question-"
You gritted your teeth, apparently the only way to make this boy be friendly with you was through force. "Answer the question. That's an order now, Ethan."
He looked at you, breathing shaky as his blue-green-brown shifting eyes darted everywhere except your own. "I like going to the creek to fetch water for the horses."
"Well then, let's go."
"It's six-miles away, and I believe My Lady's feet will be tired from walking that far."
You observed him as he spoke, it was clear that he really did have your best interest in mind. "Very well, another day. Could you show me to my room? I think I'd like to get acquainted with my lodgings."
"Of course, My Lady."
Ethan quietly lead you to the west wing of the castle, still quite a polite distance from you. "So, where's Amy's room?" You tried to make small talk.
"The Princess Amy amd Young Prince Leopold's quarters are in this wing, and all other members of the royal family's room are in the east wing of the castle."
Soon, you two came upon a large, mahogany door. Ethan retrieved a small key from his pocket and opened the door for you before handing you the key. "I am the only other person in this castle with a key, My Lady. For your safety, of course."
"Thank you, Ethan." You stepped into the room, stunned by exactly how luxurious it was. Yes, your old castle was fantastic and majestic, but this was even more over-the-top, tiny gold threads seemed to be sewn into anything they could, and gems adorned the rare woods and stones making up the furniture. The carpet was so soft and plush under your feet that you just wanted to take your shoes off and never put them back on.
Walking over the dresser, you opened it to see so many dresses that you felt like you would have one for every day of the year. Every piece of jewelry you could have dreamt were in the drawers, the metals and gems glittering in the light. Everything was perfect, even down to how your window was positioned, so you could see a small waterfall dipping into the hillside in the distance. But, there was still a discomfort in you at it all.
"Does My Lady like it? I can always request the king for anything you'd like, I'm sure he'd-"
"Ethan, it's wonderful." You said quietly, sitting down on the bed.
"Then why do you look so melancholy, My Lady?"
"It's not mine."
"Of course this is all yours, the royal family had most of it made just for your arrival."
"No, I mean, it's not my bed that I jumped on as a little girl and would get yelled at by nanny for. It's not my carpeting that was host to many of my failed attempts at tea-serving etiquette. It's not my dresses that I got to help design and make sure the tailor and seamstresses got paid well for their labor. None of this stuff is a part of me." After your sad rant, you realized you were crying and had unloaded so much on this poor servant you'd just met.
"Did you bring anything from your home with you?"
You looked up at the kind boy, who seemed genuinely pained for you. "My mother's engagement ring from when my dad proposed other her. When people still did stuff like that instead of arranged marriages. It's funny, as she gave it to me, she said that it would help me find my happiness. And I'm getting the feeling that some ten-year old is not my happiness."
((long-awaited 3k part! probs one more part, two at most tbh))
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