[26] colorful
au where everything is in black and white until you touch your soulmate and everything is in color
You were supposedly born without color in your life, and yet you couldn't remember when you started seeing it. People could instantly see in color as soon as they touched their soulmate. Your parents, for example, had bumped into each other at a grocery store in college. But you were nearly 20 now, and had been able to see color for as long as you could remember. It was so frustrating trying to figure out your soulmate, there were dozens of people you met when you were a baby that you'd never seen again.
Because of this, you never really ever had romantic interest in your life. In fact, you had so longed to get away from your hometown filled with empty promises of love, you moved out to LA. The only semblance of home you brought with you was your best friend Ethan. Your family lived beside his for years, they moved in just after you turned three. Thus, you had grown up with him almost as an older brother figure, he was only a few years older than you.
You loved it out in LA, but seeing so many soulmates with each other hurt. And it really hurt because you knew you had a soulmate out there, but you just couldn't, freaking, find them! In fact, most days you were helping Ethan and some of his friends out with some videos, you being a guest/editor often on both Ethan and Mark's YouTube channels.
"Hey Y/N!" Ethan yelled up the stairs of your shared apartment.
"Yeah Ethan?" You yelled back down to him, cutting some footage.
"Can you come down here for a second?"
"I can."
"Okay, smartass, just get your ass down here."
"I'm editing your Raft video, do you want to get it out on time or not?"
There was no response, and content that he had given up on dragging you from your desk, you put your headphones back on and continued editing. You didn't even notice that footsteps had trudged up the stairs and into your bedroom until hands gently took off your headphones and set them on the desk next to you.
"Ethan!" You snapped, spinning around in your chair.
However, your anger dissipated as soon as your eyes landed on his face. For some reason you could never say no to his sweet little face. And god, those color-shifting hazel eyes were probably the only part of seeing color that you liked. "Sorry princess, but you need to take a break." He declared, calling you the affectionate term that had become a regular part of his vocabulary when addressing you over the years. "Now, will you come downstairs?"
"Only if you carry me." You pouted, holding your arms up towards him.
He sighed, bending down to allow you to hop on his back for a piggy-back ride. You grinned, nuzzling your face into his neck at how comforting and natural this felt. Ethan truly was your only comfort in the world had been so cruel as to introduce and take away your soulmate at an early age. Downstairs you were greeted by three familiar figures. Mark and Amy, the soulmates that could see the world in stunning color, and Tyler, whom you hadn't asked about his color status. It was seen as taboo and offensive to ask someone, they had to tell you without prompting.
"Hey guys!" You smiled, still not letting go of Ethan. "Are we filming something today?"
It was then that you realized Mark already had a camera out, and had been recording you two coming down the stairs together. Ethan bent so you could hop off of him, and you rolled your eyes at the camera before sliding into the kitchen in your colorful socks. One was lime green and the other was a pastel purple. The clashing of colors and patterns in your everyday life brought small comfort, at least you could control what you saw to a certain degree.
"Quick challenge at the office, we popped in for Ethan and some ingredients. Do you want to come too?" Mark offered as Ethan joined you in the kitchen.
"Ingredients for what?" You raised an eyebrow as Ethan looked through the pantry.
"Sounds fun." You were about to say yes, but remembered that you still had to finish Ethan's Raft video and start on a compilation for Mark's channel, then your parents insisted you call them once a week. And you had to go grocery shopping too since it looked like Ethan was clearing out most of your food for this challenge. "But, I've got a whole to-do list for today. Next time?"
"No problem. Bye Y/N." Mark said before picking up one of the bags Ethan had packed. Tyler grabbed the other one and left with a wave. Amy flashed you a smile and mouthed a 'text you later' before following them out, leaving you and Ethan in the kitchen.
"You sure you don't want to come with? We're making pancake art, it'll be really fun!" Ethan tried to persuade you, but you steeled your nerves and shook your head. A lot of what you had to do today was for him and his career, so it was important to get done.
"Sorry Ethan. I'll make it up, how about a Harry Potter movie marathon tonight?"
"Hmmm, okay." he wrapped his arms around for a tight goodbye hug, pressing a kiss to your temple. "See you tonight."
"Bye." You watched Ethan walk out the front door, casting you a final smile before closing it behind him.
With the exciting plans with Ethan in place for tonight, you grabbed a drink before heading back up to your bedroom/office. But you still couldn't get the little twinge you felt in your chest whenever you touched Ethan out of your head. In fact, it seemed that sometimes the colors you could already see were even brighter. But it was definitely just your eyes playing tricks on you. Your soulmate was probably some kid you ran into on the playground in preschool and then moved out of state, never to be seen by you again.
After finally finishing his Raft video, the whole time you were just appreciating the beautiful shade of blue he had dyed his hair, you switched tabs to a relaxing playlist and picked up your phone. Dialing your mom's number, you flopped onto your bed with a disgruntled sigh. Your mom picked up, cheery as ever.
"Hey Y/N, what's going on in LA?"
"Nothing much, I just finished up a video for Ethan's channel, and I'm relaxing before starting one for Mark's."
"Don't you do anything besides be a slave to those boys?"
"I'm not a slave, they pay me really well, and Ethan lets me live with him, so I think that's a fair trade."
"I think he would let you live with him for free even if you didn't work for him." You could almost hear her loving smile at Ethan's kindness. She really did see him as a son. "He's too nice to you sometimes, Y/N."
"What are best friends for?" You normally would try to divert the conversation, knowing that talking about one boy often brought up the topic of soulmates, she was always wondering if you'd found your missing link. This time, however, you decided to dive headfirst into it. "Mom, can I ask you a question?"
"Anything, honey."
"How did you know Dad was the one?"
"Well, the colors of course-"
"No, I mean, when did you feel it, like you knew that you wanted to spend eternity with him?"
"I suppose it was on our fifth date, I could feel something deep inside of me that just told me that the Universe had chosen well for me, and I was happy to call him the man I would love for all my life." As she answered, you chewed on your lip in thought. "Why are you bringing this up now?"
"Just wondering. Oh, one more question?"
"When did you guys find out that I started seeing colors?"
"It was sometime after the Nestors had moved next door, and we noticed that you were choosing your blue bear over your green bear everyday, so we took you to the doctor. He confirmed you had started seeing color."
"How old was I?"
"Three. I promise honey, your father and tried our best to ask everyone you had contact with over those months, but you know full well we couldn't just force anybody to give up theirs or their child's color status."
"I know, thanks Mom." You smiled half-heartedly, even though she couldn't see it. Answers, but so many more questions now. "I gotta go, I want to finish most of the video before Ethan gets back, we have a Harry Potter marathon planned."
"Alright, by sweetie, love you."
"Tell Dad I love him."
"Will do, and you know he loves you too."
"Of course, bye."
After the click came signalling the end of the call, you pulled yourself off your bed to throw yourself back into your work, But your mind was still off wandering, wondering about your soulmate and mulling over this new information your mother had given you. Mark's video was only a third done when the sound of your door being thrown open echoed across your room.
"Y/N, how was editing?" Ethan asked, a grocery bag under his arm.
"Oh god, is it that late already?" You groaned, looking at the time, you had only accomplished about half your to-do list, and dusk was already approaching. "I didn't even finish Mark's Resident Evil 7 compilation."
"How much do you have done?" Ethan bent down beside you to peer at the screen. "Hm, I can finish that tomorrow for you."
"You have your own videos to work on."
"I have the next three days prerecorded and edited, it's fine." He insisted, taking your mouse from your hand to press save on the file before closing out of your editing program. "Now come on, you promised me a Harry Potter marathon."
"Fine." You looked at the bags he was holding, they were filled with popcorn and a bunch of your other favorite movie junk food. "You pop the popcorn, and change into your pajamas, I'll get Sorcerer's Stone set up."
"Deal." He ran back down the stairs, and you heard the microwave whirring and his footsteps running back up the stairs to his bedroom, assumably to get changed before the popcorn was finished.
Just as it beeped, his heavy footsteps thudded back down the stairs, and you giggled to yourself as you popped the DVD into your tv's DVD player. Your door opened again just as the title screen had come up, and you snuggled into your many blankets and pillow, remote in hand. Ethan sat beside you, placing the popcorn between you two, now in casual grey sweatpants and a simple blue t-shirt. Even though you could see color, you still appreciated his simpler outfits.
"Alright, let's do this!" He cheered as you pressed OK on your remote to start the movie.
The first movie was nearly over, Harry was with Quirrell and Voldemort at the end, and you found yourself cuddled deeply into Ethan's side. His arms were around you snugly, and your head laid against his chest.
You relished in how perfect this felt. Sure, you'd had movie marathons before, for years as kids. And you always called him something like your older brother, because there was such thing as platonic cuddling. But today it just felt different, and your mind couldn't get off the topic of soulmates.
"Y/N." Ethan said from above you, and you could feel his chest vibrate.
"Hm?" You asked, really not paying attention.
"I asked you a question."
"Oh I'm sorry, I kinda spaced out."
He laughed lightly. "Yeah, I noticed. I asked what you were thinking about."
You sat up, wanting to face him as you spoke. "Soulmates, again. Wondering why the Universe hates me so much. You must be tired of my ranting by now, but, I don't know, it's so frustrating I wonder why I was given a soulmate in the first place if I couldn't be with them."
"Y/N," Ethan comfortingly took one of your hands in his.
He looked like he was about to say something, but you cut him off, still rambling. "I'm sorry, all I do is complain about this shit."
"God, you haven't even told me your color status and all I can do is talk about my struggles! I'm sorry, Ethan, you really don't need to tell me anything. I'll shut up about it."
"Y/N." He said firmly, breaking into your word vomit. "I'd like to tell you about my status."
"I can see color."
"You can?"
"Why do think I dyed my hair a bright blue?" Ethan teased, clearly amused that you had looked over this simple fact.
"Right. So, do you know who it is?"
"Yeah, I can remember exactly when it happened, but I don't think she does. Which makes sense, I was older than her when it happened."
"Do you still talk to her?"
"And you haven't told her about it?"
He shook his head, a small smile on his lips at your concern. "Just kind of afraid she'll reject me, I guess."
"She can't do that! You guys are soulmates. And besides, she's got to be the freaking luckiest girl on the planet to have you as a soulmate." You declared, with clearly no room for argument on the subject.
"I'm glad you think so, Y/N. Because it's you."
Although you had overflowing with words for the entire conversation, you were suddenly speechless. You were sure if your jaw could unhinge, it would have hit the bed.
"Say something, I'm getting worried. Y'know, the whole fear of rejection thing." Ethan said nervously. "You know, I'll just go back to my room, see you tomorrow."
You grabbed his arm as he was getting off the bed, and he sat back down beside you. "When was it?" You asked, desperately wanting to know for as long as you'd been alive, pretty much.
"It was the second time your family had us over for dinner. You were crying because you'd lost one of your stuffed animals. You had left it at my house the day before, so I gave it back to you. You hugged me to say 'thank you' and suddenly I could see that the bear was blue. Its been my favorite color ever since." He said, absentmindedly running a hand through his aqua hair.
"Why didn't you tell me? Or anyone else?"
"Honestly, I didn't want to be soulmates with someone I considered a baby at the time."
"I was three!"
"And two years younger than me, so that was huge back then."
"What about now?"
"Now, you're the single most important person in my life, Y/N. Even if you still are a bit of a baby."
You scoffed, but scooted over to wrap your arms around Ethan nevertheless. Here he was, in your arms, your soulmate. And to think, he'd been there the whole time. "Would it be too early to say I love you, Ethan?"
"Well we are soulmates, princess."
"Good point." You smiled up at him, pressing a kiss to his nose.
He retaliated by gently leaning down towards you, clearing waiting for permission. You nodded ever so slightly, closing the space between your lips. The feelings of finally belonging and overwhelming love swelled up in you as your hands tangled into Ethan's hair and he pressed himself further into you.
"I love you, Ethan." You breathed once you two had come up for air.
"I love you too, Y/N. Now and forever."
((i'm well aware that if you do the math, ethan ends up being about 21/22, but bear with me, this is fiction, after all))
((have i mentioned my ethan/general yt fandom twitter? i'm @ crankymelkra if y'all wanna follow me and my shit tweets))
((10k reads!!))
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