[23] secret
You were a YouTuber with just under a million subscribers, and part of a gaming quartet, you could say. Your best friends that you constantly collabed with were OGChan, Girbeagly, and CrankGameplays. To say that you loved these guys like brothers would be an understatement. They had made your place on YouTube a safe haven and given you the best friendships of your life. Although, Ethan admittedly gave you a little more than the other two.
In fact, you all were at PAX South together to do a panel and just hang out since you four were all over the country the rest of the year. Brian and G shared a hotel room while you and Ethan occupied the one next door. You were already his roommate in LA, so it made sense to just split the cost of the room.
Knocking on the door that connected your room to the other boys' room, you frowned when you didn't get a response. Two arms wrapped around your waist and the person feathered kisses down your neck.
"They went to check out the snack shop in the lobby." Ethan informed you, and you spun around in his arms to face him.
"Oh really?" You linked your arms around his neck, kissing his jaw. "How long are they gonna be gone?"
"We're back!" A knock on your front door answered that question for you. Groaning, you gave Ethan one last kiss before walking over to open the door.
"Hey guys!" You smiled brightly at your friends, opening the door wide for them.
Each man had a carton of ice cream under each arm. "We brought ice cream!" G yelled, setting his down on the small countertop in the hotel room.
"Oh hell yes!" Ethan leapt up from his bed to rush over to them.
"Shit, we don't have any spoons." You frowned, looking through the drawers. "Were there maybe some in the snack bar?"
"Oh yeah, there were." Brian remembered. "Ethan, you wanna come get them with me?"
"Can't, I've gotta scour the ingredient lists on these." The blue-haired boy shrugged, picking up the vanilla one.
You quickly pulled out your phone and launched the Uber app. "I need to reserve our Uber to the convention center."
"Okay, well come on, G." Brian grabbed his arm.
"I love how I'm your last choice." G said sarcastically, nevertheless following him out.
As soon as the door closed, you immediately turned to Ethan, to find him already looking at you.
"When are we gonna tell them about us?" He asked, and you sighed, sitting down on your bed and biting your lip in exasperation.
"I don't know, because once we tell them, we're gonna have to tell the fans."
Ethan sat on the bed next to you, lifting your chin up to look at him. "You should really stop biting your lip if you don't want G and Brian to find out within the next five minutes."
You smiled softly at what he was insinuating. Not how you wanted them to know. Letting go of your lip, you took Ethan's hand in yours, entwining your fingers with his. This relaxed you, you hadn't been able to hold his hand for hours, you were always around your friends or fans.
The click of your door unlocking startled Ethan into standing up and running back to the ice cream and you to whip out your phone again. G burst through the door, keycard in hand. "I grabbed one of your keycards on my way out. Hope you don't mind."
Brian followed, holding one out to you. "And here's one of ours."
"Thanks." You slipped it into your wallet, next to your own.
After everyone had served themselves, you all sprawled across the various furniture in your hotel room with your bowls. You were curled into the corner of the couch as Ethan sat in front of you on the ground. He tried to take a spoonful of your ice cream, and you quickly yanked it away from his utensil.
"Well that's just rude, Y/N." He pouted.
You flicked his forehead. "It's peanut butter, dumbass."
"Oh, thanks babe."
Your eyes went wide as the term of endearment slipped out of his mouth. Your hopes that your friends didn't notice went out the window as they turned to you two with confused looks.
"What did you call her, Ethan?" Brian asked, setting his bowl down.
G also turned on him. "Yeah, Erica."
You quickly looked at the time, noticing g that your Uber would be arriving in a couple minutes. "Uber's almost here, we gotta go guys!"
Not even bothering to see if they had relented, you threw your bowl in the sink, grabbed your jacket and threw open the door. Three sets of heavy footsteps followed you, assumably the three boys running after you. Down in the lobby, you ran out to secure the Uber.
Since there were four of you, one person had to sit in the front, and Brian took the passenger seat. So you were smushed in the back in between Ethan and G, buzzing with excitement. Your Uber driver was a young guy probably no older than 25, and definitely attractive.
"So I'm guessing you're Y/N." He looked back at you in the rearview mirror. "Pretty name for a pretty girl."
"Thank you." You said politely, squeezing Ethan's forearm to reassure him, then began introducing everyone to get the attention off of you. "Uhm, this Ethan, G, and Brian. Guys, this our Uber driver Josh."
"Nice to meet you. Now, what are your intentions with our dear Y/N?" G grilled him intently, and you wanted nothing more than to tuck and roll out of the car.
"I think she's really pretty and I want to get to know her better."
"She is single." Brian pointed out, and you rolled your eyes. You actually weren't, but they didn't know that.
"And I also live in California and am not looking for a relationship at the moment!" You snapped, shutting up your friends, then regained your composure. "Sorry, Josh, you seem really sweet though. Good luck."
"Not a problem." Josh sent you in a wink the mirror.
Thankfully, you had just pulled up to the convention center, because Ethan seemed about ready to pounce on your Uber driver. "Alright, thanks Josh!" You thanked him, pushing Ethan out of the car.
Entering the convention center, you took a deep breath and felt a huge grin spread across your features. The three boys were already running off in different directions, and you sighed, pulling out your phone. Opening the group chat (named 'get shitstomped' by Ethan), you sent out a quick message.
me: meet up at booth 126 at noon for our panel
G: a'ight
Brian: yes, mom
blue babe: ok Y/N :)
After their confirmation texts, your phone dinged with a separate message from Ethan in your private chat.
blue babe: i'm at the subnautica booth if you'd like to join me
me: be there in a sec 💙
Following the map you had pulled up on your phone, you weaved through the crowds, occasionally getting stopped by fans wanting a picture. Finally, you spotted Ethan's bright blue hair and dashed towards it. You threw your arms around him tightly, figuring you'd be out of sight from your friends and fans.
"Oh hey Y/N!" A cheery voice said, and you looked over from Ethan's chest to see G standing with your boyfriend.
You realized you'd have to make it seem like you weren't giving Ethan special treatment and let go of him to pull your friend into a bone-crushing hug as well. Squeals came from somewhere, and you whipped around to see some fans holding up their phone cameras.
"I ship it!" One squealed, and her friend elbowed her.
"Nah, Y/N and Ethan are meant to be!"
"G and Y/N!"
"Ethan and Y/N!"
You looked between your friends at the awkwardness of the situation. As if they'd had this planned out beforehand, Ethan wrapped an arm around your waist and G placed his across your shoulders before walking way from the girls still bickering. Once you were sure you were out of sight of them, you released yourself from their grasps to resume waking normally.
"Thanks guys, I'm always uncomfortable when stuff like that happens. I never know what to say." You chewed on your lip out of habit.
"What are friends for, right Ethan?" Your friend turned to your blue-haired boyfriend.
"Right!" He agreed maybe a little too enthusiastically.
"Ooh, look at that!" G picked up his pace, obviously finding something to his liking.
You and Ethan speedwalked behind him, you trying to avoid talking to him. "Y/N, I'm sorry, G ran into me just moments before you did."
With a sigh, you looked over him, and your anger faded away. "I just wanted to spend a little time with you today."
"We will, promise." He took your hand in his, squeezing it once before letting it go again.
At the booth G had spotted, Brian was already there, talking to a couple fans. They all swarmed around the four of you, taking pictures with all of you. You didn't miss how one elbowed you away from Ethan to take a picture with him, but you shrugged it off. Being the only girl in the group warranted you a small amount of fans who disliked you, but it didn't bother you that much. None of them knew that their opinion didn't matter to you because you had the most wonderful boyfriend.
The four of you wandered around for a bit longer before the alarm you had set on your phone for the panel meet-up time went off. You led the way to the backstage, feeling a lot like a momma duck, having to turn around at one point to count and make sure everyone was keeping up.
The stage manager found you all got you set up backstage, helping you get wired up with mics. "Oh god, I'm gonna puke." You wiped your sweaty palms on your jeans. "I mean, do we even know what we're gonna talk about? An entire hour and a half of just us?"
"Woah, calm down, Y/N." Ethan stood in front of you to stop your pacing. "Come on."
He wrapped his long arms around you in a comforting hug, and you heard G yell 'group hug!' before two more bodies joined the fray. You grinned into your boyfriend's chest, your own swelling with the love these boys were instilling in you.
"Two minutes!" The stage manager yelled out, and you all let go of each other.
Brian and G went to bathroom, and you turned back to Ethan, a plan forming in your mind.
Standing in front of the the curtain between Ethan and Brian, you took a deep breath. G was on Ethan's other side, adjusting his snapback. "You guys ready?" Ethan whispered.
"Hello no." You shook your head, listening to the clamor of the fans on the other side of the curtain.
"You'll do great, Y/N." Brian assured you. "After all, they're mostly your fans. You've got more subscribers than us three combined."
"Yeah! You're the best!" G agreed.
"Ten seconds!" Stage manager yelled out again. "Mics on in 5!"
"Thanks guys." You braced yourself as the curtain slowly started rising.
Dozens of flashes blinded you and the screams were absolutely deafening. You cheerily waved to all of them, and saw that your friends were waiting for you to kick it off.
You bombastically did your intro, and the others followed suit. All through the panel, you laughed until you were crying and interacted with your friends and lovely fans. At one point, a game console was set up and the four of you played Mario Kart which was projected onto a screen for the audience to see.
Ethan won a tournament by knocking you off the side. "Get shitstomped!" He yelled, using his phrase he made-up during OmniBus.
"I fucking hate you!" You groaned, pushing on his shoulder.
"Nah, you love me."
You scoffed, remembering that hundreds of fans were watching. "In your wildest dreams, blue boy."
He suddenly got a mischievous grin on his face. "I guess I'm always dreaming, then."
You realized he was initiating your plan, and a slow smile spread across your face. "I guess so." You said cryptically, and the entire audience screamed.
Your friends looked at you curiously, but you quickly redirected the event to the Q and A portion. The first few questions were about favorite games, what games you were looking forward to, etc. Then you noticed a girl with a shirt that had yours and Ethan's ship name on it, and called on her. The volunteer brought the microphone over to her, and she introduced herself as Elizabeth before asking the exact question you were hoping for.
"When are you and Ethan gonna date?" She giggled.
"What ever could you mean?" You feigned being taken aback.
"We all see how you two look at each other! And you would make such cute babies!"
You were definitely caught off guard then, and broke down laughing so hard that it turned into a coughing fit. Brian and G were about to call on a different fan when Ethan suddenly stepped forward. "You're getting a little ahead of us there, Elizabeth."
"What?" G exclaimed, looking over in time to see Ethan take his hand in yours and place a kiss firmly on your temple.
You had sobered up from your laughing fit enough to lean into his comforting embrace. "How long have you been keeping this from us?" Brian was dumbfounded as well.
"A year?" You said sheepishly, bracing yourself for the backlash of this revelation.
"How are we so stupid, G?"
"I don't know man." Your other friend sighed. "But congrats, guys, you've officially broken the viewers."
"Sorry everyone." Ethan said into the mic, but both of you were still grinning.
Elizabeth still had the microphone, and quickly added another question. "Are you happy?"
"Hundred percent."
"So fucking happy." You grinned up at your boyfriend. It felt so good to get this off your chest.
The panel finally ended, and so did your last day at PAX South, the fur of you finally heading back to the hotel. Checking your Twitter, you saw the hundreds of tweets from fans who couldn't go but found out via social media.
"Babe, I think we broke them." You laughed, showing Ethan the tweets as you two laid in bed, his arm around you.
"I guess we could have done more formally than that." He said, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. "I love you."
"I love you too." You turned around to kiss his lips sweetly.
The click of your door unlocking didn't startle you this time, and you kept looking lovingly at your boyfriend as your friends walked in. "Oh god, you guys are disgusting now." G complained, reaching into the freezer for his ice cream.
"You have Brian." You teased him, and they both rolled their eyes.
"Don't have sex, because we will know and that's just gross." Brian gave a final warning before they left to go back to their own room.
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