[21] blooming (pt. 5)
((last one i promise!))
((also super long, 4k words! my normal parts are ~1k))
You and Prince Ethan collected as many flowers as you could hold, putting them in baskets upon baskets that were in your house. He looked around your house with a tilted head. "It's so... small."
"I am an orphan peasant that makes her living by selling flowers." You pointed out, lining your arms with baskets to carry as many as possible. "Now come on, the sun's up so the marketplace will be packed, we need to try to get ahead of the crowds."
He carried his own baskets of flowers on one arm, his other hand still resting on his sword. The only time you'd seen him relax and take his mind off that thing was when you two were alone in the meadows, picking flowers and sharing childhood memories. It was so serene and leisurely that you could almost believe the boy with you was human, and not some perfect deity on Earth.
Back on the town streets, you felt tense again, hoping that nobody would recognize that you were with Prince Ethan. As you carefully treaded, something knocked into your legs, where you couldn't see because of the baskets. One slipped, and Prince Ethan immediately drew his sword protectively. When you looked down you saw a familiar little girl staring at the blade with fearful eyes.
"Put that thing away!" You snapped at him before kneeling down the brunette girl's height. "Hey Lilly! You want a flower?"
She nodded, lips still shut as the prince sheathed his sword again. Reaching into a basket, you pulled out a flower of a deep blueish purple and held it out to her. "Thank you, Y/N!" Lilly squealed, kissing you on the cheek before darting back down the street.
You had an almost wistful smile as you collected your baskets and started walking again. "Who was she?" The man beside you asked curiously.
"My neighbor's daughter. She comes by the stand everyday so I give her a flower. Anything purple are her favorites."
"Wow. This is your living and you still give free flowers to little girls."
He seemed almost in awe at your generosity as he spoke, and you could only shrug bashfully. It was just something nice to do for a kid.
Back at the palace, Sylvester took the baskets from the Prince and led you towards a room that was empty except for a few tables. "This is perfect, thank you!" You smiled to Sylvester, bowed your head to Prince Ethan, and began looking over your selection.
After having arranged and rearranged several kinds many times, you realized you weren't alone. Prince Ethan was still in the room, watching you meticulously count out and piece together various flowers. Ignoring him, you finally decided on a ratio of forget-me-nots, baby's breath, and a couple touches of silver brunia for the blue/silver theme the Prince decided upon.
You eventually realized you'd need to acknowledge his presence, you needed ribbon to tie them together. "Is there ribbon I could use?"
He started, as if awaking from a trance, and quickly regained his cool composure, walking towards the door. "Uh sure, I'll be back."
A minute later, he returned with a few different colors of ribbon in his hand, and laid them out on the table. For the smaller arrangements like this one, you decided to use the silver one, and for the large centerpieces, the blue. Prince Ethan had already explained how many of each kind would be needed, thirty small ones for each guest table and two medium ones for the outer royal tables, and a large showstopper for the Royal family's table.
You'd already tied up four more small bouquets when the prince spoke up again. "Hm, now I see why Mark recommended you. You seem to know exactly which ones go together best."
"Thank you, sir." You thanked him absentmindedly, still focused on the task at hand.
Time seemed a forgotten concept to you as you threw yourself into your work, counting, cutting, arranging, and tying so many bouquets you felt like your fingers would bleed. And yet you kept going, because after every finished one you would admire it with a pride that scrawled a huge grin across your face. A loud grumbling sound broke your concentration, and your head immediately snapped over to where you'd last seen Prince Ethan, assuming that he had made the noise.
Instead, you found yourself alone. With a confused look, you continued looking around until the door opened, and he walked in with a tray of food. "It's lunchtime."
"Oh." You said, dumbfounded that so much time had passed. The grumbling occurred again, and you realized that it must be your stomach, you really were hungry. "Thank you, sir."
On the tray was assorted cheeses, breads, and cured meats. You nibbled on a sweet roll as you continued your work, still attempting to figure out the design of the humongous Royal centerpiece.
"Is that gonna be the big one for my table?" Prince Ethan asked, holding a half-eaten apple.
"Yeah." You frowned, still looking at your remaining flowers. You thought about who this was for, Prince Ethan, and what comprised him. He was snarky, but caring when it mattered. Nonchalant but attentive and intelligent.
As if nothing else existed, your hands started piecing together flowers, light blues, dark blues, a couple purples, some small whites, and the silver brunia. The whole time, a perfect moment of Prince Ethan played over and over in your mind; when he had laughed at something you said, completely relaxed as he sat in the meadow looking up at the sky.
With the blue ribbon the same color as that sky in your memories, and of his eyes, you tied the mass of flowers together before gently setting them in the provided vase. "All done." You said with a tone of finality, nodding to affirm that you were finished.
Suddenly realizing that this meant you would go back to your small hut in your village and just be some peasant girl again, a sadness pooled in your stomach. You enjoyed the little time you spent with Prince Ethan, but you needed to return to your ordinary life.
"They're absolutely wonderful." He praised you, running fingers over some of the petals. "Fantastic."
"Thank you very much for this opportunity, sir." You bowed your head, nearly in a curtsy, but you remembered how the Prince disliked that.
You were about to leave to walk back to your house, but he started speaking again. "Would you do one more thing for me?"
"Of course, sir."
"Meet with Princess Amy, Prince Mark of Iplier's fiancée, in the foyer outside the kitchen."
"May I ask why?" You cocked your head to the side, thoroughly confused as to why Princess Amy would want to meet you.
"Nope." The Prince popped his 'p', his familiar mischievous grin coming back.
"Very well, sir." With another polite nod, you left the flower-filled room and began making your way through the halls towards the kitchen.
The humongous halls still confused you, so you were sure you took a couple of wrong turns before stumbling upon the foyer by the kitchen. Standing there was an absolutely stunning woman. Her blonde hair flowed in effortless waves down over her shoulders, a casual yet stunning dress draped across her elegant form, and when she turned towards your footsteps, you saw her gorgeous features light up into a bright smile.
"Hi! You must be Y/N, I'm Amy!" She introduced herself, and you quickly curtsied to show your respect to the royalty in front of you.
"Y/N Y/L/N, Your Highness. I am so honored to meet you." You said quietly, eyes to the floor.
"Oh my gosh, you're too precious! Stop!" Princess Amy squealed, wrapping you in such a tight hug that it forced you to stand up straight again. "Seriously, just call me Amy, I'm no more royal than you."
You obviously seemed unclear on what she meant, so she explained as she led you down the halls. "I wasn't born royal, my dad was a merchant. I only just got the title Princess once I got engaged to Mark. So we're pretty much the same, Y/N."
This story thoroughly shocked you, after all, everyone just assumed royals married other royals, because that's how it had been forever. "What do you mean, 'we're the same'?"
Amy didn't answer your question directly, opting to send you a comical wink before suddenly pulling you into a room. Behind the door you saw one of the many extravagant guest rooms the Cranken Palace had, and it appeared that Amy had already made herself at home. But you saw nothing seeming to belong to a man.
"Where's your fiancée's things?"
"Mark is in the room next door, since we're not officially married yet."
You nodded, this made perfect sense, and you felt stupid for not thinking of earlier. Then, you noticed a few dresses set out on wire mannequins, all of them were stunning colors. "Am I here to help you get ready?"
Amy laughed, waving off your submissive head bow. "You're not a servant, Y/N! And definitely not mine! I'm here to help you get ready for the ball. Ethan told me it was your first one, so I offered to help!"
You had gone slack-jawed at her statement, your eyes were surely the size of saucers, and your new companion laughed again. "Did he not tell you you were going?"
"Not at all." You shook your head, feeling overwhelmed. Why would the Prince want you to go to the ball? All you did was arrange some flowers.
"Classic Ethan." She shook her head as if she were scolding a child, then pulled you towards the rich aquamarine gown. "Here's your dress!"
"I'm... going to wear, this?" You said dumbfounded, taking some of the silken material between your fingers in utter disbelief.
"Yes, now go get changed!"
Amy ushered you behind a privacy divider before ducking behind her own on the other side of the room. You admittedly struggled a bit at first, this was the first time you'd worn something this fancy or complicated to put on.
Eventually, you had the garment on in what you assumed to be the proper way. It was heavier than you expected, but easy enough to walk in, you decided as you took a few steps out from behind the divider. Amy was already standing there in a deep scarlet dress adorned with gold accents. The way it glittered in the sun made her look like fire as she strode across the room towards you.
"That dress looks fantastic on you!" She exclaimed, grabbing you by the wrist to pull you in front of the mirror. "Look at you!"
Your retort to her compliment got caught in your throat as you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. The gown went down to your ankles, flowing across your frame in the most flattering ways. It seemed to have silver thread sewn into intricate patterns across it. The shade complimented your skin tone, and you were speechless at your reflection.
"And I haven't even done hair, makeup, shoes, and accessories yet!" Amy proclaimed excitedly, pushing you towards the vanity.
You watched with fascination as she applied makeup to your face, curled and braided your hair into an elegant updo, laid a silver necklace across your chest, and presented you with your silver heels for the night. Standing back in front if the mirror, you felt yourself tearing up. Amy's kindness and your transformation filled your eyes with happy tears, and she quickly gave you a handkerchief.
"Don't cry! Your makeup!"
"Of course." You laughed, sniffing and dabbing at your eyes.
After you regained your composure and used her shoulder as support to get into your heels, Amy quickly did her own hair and makeup, put on matching golden jewelry, and a set of red heels. Your fingers nervously fiddled with the pendant on your necklace. It was a simple blue fire opal on a silver chain, but the coolness of the stone beneath your fingertip calmed your breathing.
At last, the Princess stood up from her chair, completely prepared for the ball. "Y/N, you're dazzling!"
"Are you kidding? You're one of the most beautiful things I've laid my eyes on!" You gushed, both of you circling each other with wonder.
A firm knock on the bedroom door stopped Amy's next words, which were sure to be a rebuttal to your claim of her beauty. "Are you girls ready?" Prince Mark's sonorous voice resonated through the wooden door.
"Yes!" She called out, quickly fixing your posture then her own. Linking her arm with yours, she quietly asked you, "ready, Y/N?"
"As ready as I'll ever be." You admitted, unoccupied hand rubbing at the pendant again.
Together, you walked to the door, and you opened it for her to go through before you. With grateful nod, she passed through, and you quietly followed, closing the door behind you. When you looked up, you found three sets of eyes on you.
Prince Mark was wearing a black and scarlet ensemble that matched Amy's dress, and he gave you a friendly smile. Princess Amy was giving you a humongous grin and a discrete thumbs-up. Your eyes glided to Prince Ethan and stopped in awe. He was wearing a deep aquamarine outfit that perfectly matched your dress, and made his eyes an even more brilliant shade of blue. A blush spread across your face as those blue eyes stared at you in absolute wonder.
"Ethan." Prince Mark said, pinching his friend's arm.
Prince Ethan suddenly snapped out of his trance, and spoke to you, procuring something from behind his back. "I'm not as good as you are, sorry."
In his hand was a small bouquet of leftover flowers from your arrangements. The colors and size proportions clashed a little, but you still grinned because it was obvious he had put effort into it. "Thank you, Prince Ethan." You accepted them graciously, opting to look down at the blooms instead of having to acknowledge the pink hue across your skin.
"Well, party time!" Prince Mark announced cheerfully, starting to lead everyone down the halls, Amy holding his arm.
Just like he'd done this morning, Prince Ethan offered his arm to you, and you slipped yours around it. "I still don't understand what's going on." You admitted quietly, looking at the Prince hesitantly.
"You're attending my ball with me." He seemed to have regained some of his snark again, allowing you to relax enough to roll your eyes.
"I know, but why? Why me?"
"Do you always have to ask so many questions?"
At his snappy tone, you averted your eyes away from his handsome face back down to the bouquet in your hand. Obviously he'd noticed your demeanor change, and sighed. "I'm sorry Y/N. Could we address that later? We're almost to the ballroom."
"Of course." You nodded, relieved that he seemed to visually relax.
"So," he immediately changed topics to a much lighter one. "You are looking absolutely ethereal tonight."
A deep scarlet spread all across your face at his kind description of you. "You're quiet handsome yourself, sir."
"Please call me Ethan."
"Okay, Ethan." You tried out his name, liking how it felt rolling off your tongue.
Your brunette companion smiled at you before slowing down. The group of four had reached a set of tall oak doors, and two guards moved to open them for you. Amy turned her head to shoot you an elated wink before stepping forward with Mark.
Trying to control your breathing, you gripped Ethan's arm tightly as he guided you out to the ballroom where the party was being held. Hundreds of sets of eyes were on you two, and you realized that across the staircase you entered from were other people, the couples from neighboring kingdoms. You and Ethan glided past Amy and Prince Mark of Iplier, Prince Sean and Princess Signe of Septica, and Prince Felix and Princess Marzia of Pewdonia before finally stopping beside the King and Queen of Cranken.
Ethan's dad was speaking, introducing the royal couples on stage. "And now, my son will kick us off. After all, this is is his ball. Ladies and gentleman, Prince Ethan of Cranken."
"Welcome, everyone." Ethan began addressing the room filled with honored guests and nobles with a confidence you could never possess. "I hope you all thoroughly enjoy yourselves tonight."
With that, the band began playing at top volume, and the princes and their dates walked down from the high staircase. The groups whispering among themselves and pointing at you didn't escape your vision as your eyes nervously swept across the room. Ethan looked down at you, concerned. "Everything okay, Y/N?"
"I've just never been to a ball before." You half-lied, blinking your eyes quickly then throwing on a smile. "It's exciting!"
"If you think talking to random nobles and family members you last saw when you were three is exciting, then tonight will be a blast for you."
You didn't miss the sarcasm in his voice, and bumped your shoulder against his playfully. "It can't be that bad."
An hour of walking around and talking to random people you didn't remember the names of later, you admitted that it was that bad. Your feet ached from the heels and your cheeks hurt from all your forced smiles and laughter.
"Ready for a break?" Ethan whispered in your ear as you were in a conversation with a couple of nobles, his best friends he called them.
You could only nod in shame, and he excused you both from Brian and Gordon, two very nice and funny men. Ethan showed you over to a seat at the Royal family's table. To your surprise, your name was engraved on the name card at the place setting. The Prince continuing to talk distracted you from it.
"You can take them off. The heels."
"Are you sure?"
"I won't tell anyone." He grinned, and you slipped them off before hiding them under the table.
You cracked your toes, enjoying the feeling of freedom before Ethan stood and bowed before you, presenting his hand out to you. "May I have this dance, Y/N?"
"Yes, Ethan." The light pink on your cheeks became more prominent as he kissed the hand you placed on his before he whisked you onto the dance floor.
A peppy waltz was playing, the tune being something even you as an uneducated peasant could move to. There was the occasion that you stepped on Ethan's toe, but he barely noticed since you weren't wearing shoes. Thankfully, your bare feet were hidden under your long dress, and you managed to get all the way through the song without falling on your face once.
Next, a partner-switching song came one, and before you could escape, Ethan's strong arms pulled you back into him before a different set took hold of you. You were face-to-face with Prince Mark.
"I've meaning to thank you, Prince Mark." You said loudly above the music.
"For what?" He yelled back, helping you stay in time.
"Recommending me to do the flower arrangements."
"Your talent spoke for itself, Y/N."
You couldn't utter another thank you before the partners were switched and a different man had a hold of you. He seemed familiar, but you couldn't figure out why. The curly hair, tall stature, stoic face. Maybe he was a noble you'd seen in town? They tended to roam the streets sometimes.
"Tyler Schied, you are an excellent partner, ma'am." He introduced himself cordially.
"Thank you sir." You nodded, then switched again.
Something had gotten mixed up, because the arms you landed in were Amy's, and Ethan ended up in Mark's. Neither pair knew who was to lead, so you and Amy giggled your way through, hands and arms in a friendly tangle. The princes saw the humor in the situation too, complete with Prince Mark trying to elegantly dip Ethan, however Ethan ended up slipping and nearly pulling his friend down with him.
You and Amy had to stop dancing together to laugh until you were both holding to each other for support as you were in stitches. The final switch came, and Ethan took you back into his embrace.
"Long time, no see." He joked, and you shook your head at his lameness.
"I know, its been eons." You played along melodramatically.
"Aw, did you miss me?"
"Like the ocean misses rain."
He still had his smirk on his face at your snarky response. "Ouch, Y/N, you're starting to sound like me."
"Oh Lord save me before its too late." You laughed with him as the song ended, and he pulled you into a tight hug against his chest.
"You're never escaping."
"Who said I wanted to?" You mumbled, nervous at how close he was to you.
Ethan gave you one final squeeze before letting you go and taking only your arm in his. He looked around as if to see if anyone was watching before pulling you off to the side. A window was open, and you leaned against the windowsill to catch your breath in the crisp air.
"Thank you very much, Ethan." You thanked him for probably the twentieth time that night as he stood in front of you.
"You can stop thanking me, Y/N." He shrugged, almost as if your gratefulness was borderline annoying.
"Could we finish our conversation from earlier?"
"From before we entered the ballroom?"
He took a deep breath, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Isn't it obvious? I'm trying to court you, Y/N. If you'll accept me, of course."
You were dumbstruck. Prince Ethan of Cranken wanted to court you. This was unbelievable. He snapped his fingers lightly in front of your face. "Y/N? You in there?"
"Yes! I am. And yes, of course I accept you." You nodded fervently.
"Not because I'm a prince?"
You quickly shook your head and assured him, "No, because you're Ethan."
A loving smile graced his lips at your answer. "But," you continued. "Why me? I'm just a peasant girl that sells flowers in the marketplace."
"Its not about bloodline anymore, Y/N, haven't you noticed? Amy was a peasant, and so was Signe. Marzia was a middle-class noble's daughter. All of us are marrying for love, not power, for the first time in generations." He took your hands in his, blue eyes penetrating into your soul. "And I chose you because you were so kind, and intelligent, and independent, and strong. God, you're steel, Y/N, look at everything you've gone through. Oh and have I mentioned that you made my heart race every time I've seen you since that time in the throne room?"
His words were giving you your own heart palpitations, not wanting to believe your own ears. Or eyes. Or anything your brain was processing. "I can't find the words to express what I'm feeling right now, Ethan."
"Good? Bad? Meh?"
"Good. So good. Very good. Fantastic! Ah, I've got it!" You beamed up at him, using his hands to pull yourself up. "Content."
"I like that word." Ethan smiled back at you, giving you a quick kiss on the forehead. "Content." He murmured against your skin as he gave you another kiss on your cheek.
"Content." You repeated, pressing your lips to his cheek, lacing your fingers together.
"We should get back to the ball, somebody will think the wrong thing. Namely Mark and Tyler, they will gang up on me in an instant."
"They sound like good friends." You started walking back towards the ballroom with him.
"The best." Ethan gave you one last peck on the cheek before you two reemerged into the ballroom.
((if y'all can't tell, i'm trying to get on a schedule of every other day/every three days so i don't feel pressured about uploading every day))
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