Chapter 9
No one looks at it but everyone knows it's there, like the calling card of death, which I suppose it is. A single long-stem rose in a small vase sitting on an empty desk, a traditional silent announcement that one of our classmates has died. It's the next day and the shinigami left me alone last night. But I freeze in the classroom doorway wondering what it may have done instead. I scan the room in disbelief, then I notice on whose desk it is sitting. A number of girls give me a sidelong glance and snicker. I realize it's a prank because It's Shizuku-san's desk and I don't think you can kill a shinigami. Those girls don't know how appropriate that flower is.
I walk over to Kioko-chan who is quietly talking with Himura-san and Shimura-san and exchange "Ohaiyou"s. I nod to Shizuku-san's desk. "Who did this?"
"That's what we're speculating about," Kioko-chan says.
Himura-san gives me a crooked smile. "My guess is Hanashita-san. She's made no secret that she likes Kurosawa-san, even though he has already rejected her, and he's made it no secret that he likes Shizuku-san."
"Perhaps someone should remove it," Shimura-san suggests.
I have to appreciate her kindness, though we all know no one would do that. The last thing one wanted to do when a class picked a target was to volunteer to take that person's place.
"Do you think she'll be upset?" Kioko-chan asks.
"Well, she should make more of an effort to fit in," Himura-san said. "You know what they say, one percent guilty is half guilty."
Most people would be upset by the flower, I think. No one likes to be singled out from the group, especially for this type of "humor." In this case the flower could even be construed as a death threat. But, then, Shizuku-san wasn't exactly a living person. I shake my head. "I doubt she'll even notice."
Kioko-chan and Shimura-san turn questioning looks up at me.
The classroom door slides open and Shizuku-san steps into the room. Hanashita-san and her friends look away as if they are busy with something else. Shizuku-san walks to her desk and sits, moving the vase aside to one corner. She takes her homework assignments out of her book bag and stacks them neatly, having-apparently-already finished them.
Hanashita-san and her friends start whispering, then trade disappointed frowns when she doesn't react. I try to hide my smile.
"Well, I guess that's that, then," Himura-san says, looking a little disappointed herself.
Takasagi-sensei enters and I check the time. Homeroom is about to start so I head back to my desk. Watanabe-san snatches a glimpse over one of his broad shoulders at Shizuku-san. He was a big guy who must have hit puberty in grade school and was just about the only friend I had made in this class before Kioko-chan and I started dating. I sit and tap him on the shoulder. "Did you see who did it?"
"No," Watanabe-san's deep voice replies. "Whoever did it must have come in very early."
"Some of the girls think it was Hanashita-san."
"Wouldn't surprise me."
The class president calls us to attention and we greet Taksagi-sensei and bow. Time drags on. In between classes, while we wait for each teacher to arrive, everyone moves around and talks with their friends. Shizuku-san just sits at her desk watching everything. She doesn't speak to anyone and no one speaks to her. Hanashita-san and her friends gather nearby in little clumps, with their backs to Shizuku-san, chatting about boyfriends and makeup and shopping. It seems a rather blatant attempt to ostracize her.
Any other student would be panicking right now. We are taught, from kindergarten, to always think in terms of the group and what is best for everyone else. To be excluded is every new student's fear. It would be like having your name erased and losing your identity.
Shizuku-san isn't the least bit concerned. Kurosawa-san, however, watches all this with a frown. This continues through every class.
In social studies we are studying Japanese history. The teacher assigns us a research project that requires both a written essay as well as an oral presentation. "I want you to pair up and chose a topic from the last three chapters to research," Takasagi-sensei says. "Highest marks will go to the ones with the most original and engaging presentation."
Watanabe-san turns around and holds out a massive fist. I give him a fist-bump. "So what do you want to do?" he asks.
"Something recent," I suggest. "It'll probably better documented and easier to research."
"We have to think about the presentation too," Watanabe-san says. "I hear last year the top presentation had a scale model of a shinto temple made of popsicle sticks. They say the thing was huge."
"Bigger is not necessarily better." I laugh at his sarcastic smile.
"Pssst! Ametsuchi-kun!" Himura-san and Shimura-san say together in a sort of loud whisper. They both point to Kioko-chan who bows her head in what I can only hope is embarrassment instead of disappointment. "Don't forget!"
"Ah. Yes." I give Watanabe-san an apologetic look. "It seems I'm already spoken for."
He shrugs but I can see he's not happy. "I guess it can't be helped. At least you can be sure your presentation will be well researched."
I walk back over to the girls.
"Did you forget someone?" Himura-san cast a look from me to Kioko-chan.
I can't quite gauge how Kioko-chan is feeling, but I can see she's not entirely happy. "I'm sorry."
She looks up and give me a gentle smile. "It's OK."
I still feel bad for not thinking about her as well as for abandoning Watanabe-san. This boyfriend stuff is still very new to me and I have no idea what's expected. "It's just that," I look back over my shoulder. "Boys and girls usually do their own projects-I didn't think...."
A brief look of irritation ripples across her face. "I said it was OK."
"Ah." I scratch at the back of my head, stopping myself from apologizing again. I laugh and try self-deprecating humor instead. "I should have warned you I'm an idiot."
Kioko-chan's smile vanishes, replaced by a serious look. "Don't ever say that. I would never date an idiot. "
Himura-san looks over her shoulder and mutters. "There she goes."
We look up in time to see Hanashita-san walk over to Kurosawa-san. She is average in every way that average can be measured, but she tries hard to look cute. The end result-as far as I can tell-only emphasizes her average-ness. "Kurosawa-kun? Would you like to partner with me?"
Kurosawa-san glances at a friend of his sitting next to him and slaps him on the shoulder. "Sorry, I already partnered with Tarou-kun."
"Huh?" Tarou Yamazuki, who'd been messing with his phone beneath the desk looks up, confused.
"Besides, don't you usually partner up with Ikeda-san?"
Hanashita-san laughs uncomfortably. "Yeah, I guess so. I just thought it would be nice to try a different partner once."
Kurosawa-san shoots an accusing frown in our direction. I'm certain he's blaming Kioko-chan and me for starting the idea of mixed-gender partnering. "Maybe next time."
"Yeah." Hanashita-san walks back to her friends with a forced smile.
Kurosawa-san leans over and starts a whispered conversation with Yamazuki-san.
I hear my name whispered on a minty breath. "What are you doing this Saturday?" I jump back. Kioko-chan is leaning close and smiling. "We don't have class this weekend."
"I don't think I have any plans."
"Good. I was thinking of going shopping, you can go with me."
I smile. Her mood seems lighter all of a sudden. For some reason I am relieved. I grin back. "Sure."
"Good. Meet me at the station near the school. This Saturday at 10:00 a.m."
"OK." I'm a little surprised. She appears to have everything planned out. In order to deal with the strange grinning silence that follows, I change the subject. "So what do you want to do for our project."
"Oh, Don't worry about that. I've already got it all planned out. We can get supplies for the presentation this weekend as well."
"Ah, that's good..."
Takasagi-sensei 's voice rises above the general chatter. "Has everyone chosen a partner?" Takasagi-sensei hands a pile of papers to the class leaders and they begin passing them out. "These are the requirements for the report and the presentation..."
It takes a moment for the talking to die down, then all conversation is cut off when Watanabe-san says, "Shizuku-san doesn't have a partner."
Shizuku-san is quietly sitting alone in an empty space formed by everyone else pairing up. She looks around placidly as if she were unaware she had just become the focus of the entire classroom's conversation. I would have shrunk under my desk in embarrassment.
"Yes. I think we have an odd number of students," Takasagi-sensei says. "Would one of you girls like to have Shizuku-san in your group?"
No body says anything. All the girls are looking away. Takasagi-sensei looks around the room but the silence stretches on uncomfortably. "Anyone?"
I hear Shimura-san take a breath. Himura-san gives her a puzzled look, but I'm sure Shimura-san is going to offer to let Shizuku-san join her when Kurosawa-san interrupts. "I'll be her partner."
All eyes turn on Kurosawa-san. He looks a little surprised at himself.
"Thank you," Takasagi-sensei says.
Kurosawa-san doesn't seem to noticed the shocked look Hanashita-san sends his way or the hateful glare she turns on Shizuku-san
* * *
The rest of the day passes painlessly. Kurosawa-san invites himself over to Shizuku-san's desk during lunch to talk about their project even though Shizuku-san assures him that she doesn't need his help. They end up agreeing that she will handle the history paper part and leave him with the actual presentation. Kurosawa-san seems pleased with himself. I silently cheer him on.
Afters school, Kioko-chan and I go to yearbook. I'm amazed at how easily Kioko-chan joins in, making new friends and participating in the planning. She has so many ideas that they make her co-editor. The current editor is a third-year. Most third-years have dropped out of their clubs by now so they can concentrate on studying for university entrance exams, but she was worried about how her final yearbook would come out. She appears to trust Kioko-chan because Kioko-chan seems so competent. I'm feeling a little left out until Kioko-chan walks up to me.
"Would you like to walk me home?"
I'm happy to go with her even though it's a half-hour walk out of my way. I feel like I've spent the whole day with her but haven't had a chance to actually talk to her. Along the way, Kioko-chan runs down her list of ideas for the yearbook, asking me who I think is best suited to which task. I can't even remember more than one or two of the other club members' names, so I can't really answer her, but I feel like it was a rhetorical question anyway. She obviously has everything figured out.
The conversation lags. I try to think of something we can talk about but I'm too intimidated. Watching her organizing the plans for our report and seeing her talking to the upperclassmen in yearbook, I realize just how smart she is. She's in a completely different league from me. I can't think of anything to say that wouldn't sound trite or just plain stupid to her.
"Thank you for walking me home." Kioko-chan smiles and drops her eyes, blushing a little. Somehow it makes her look both younger and cuter. "Would you like to come inside? My parents keep asking me when you're going to come over for dinner."
The sun is close to setting, throwing shadows of trees and houses across the street. I smile and think how lucky I am to have such a good relationship with my girlfriend's parents. I'm about to say yes when I see movement in the shadows at the street corner.
"I'd love to..."
The shinigami's pale face peers out of the shadows at me.
Kioko-chan follows my gaze over her shoulder and I hear a slight gasp as she sees it.
"...but I think it would be best if I went home today."
Kioko-chan turns worried eyes back on me. "Did she follow us here?"
"I don't know. I only saw her just now."
"She really is a creepy stalker." Kioko-chan grabs my arm. "You should come inside."
I know the shinigami is up to something. My first thought is to get her away from Kioko-chan. "No." I slowly pull her hand off of me. "Go inside."
"If she's following me, then she'll leave when I leave."
"What if she's dangerous?"
"That's why I don't want her around here with you."
"You might get hurt."
"She's a girl. I think I'll be alright."
"OK." Kioko-chan says in a frightened tone, looking at me uncertainly.
I try to give her a reassuring smile though it feels a little stiff. "Go inside, and be sure to lock the door behind you." I watch her go, giving me several reluctant backward looks along the way. I wait until she's inside and I am alone with the shinigami.
With a parting frown at the shinigami, I turn around and leave it behind. Why would it follow me when I'm with Kioko-chan? My suspicions flare and I wonder if it Is trying to break us up to prove a point about love. The gloom gathers before me at the end of the block. The shinigami steps out in front of me.
"We're almost too late."
This is the last thing I expect to hear. "Too late for what?"
"The spirit has almost become a yokai. We must collect it."
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