Chapter 20 part 1
The five of us sit silently in the living room, trying to find separate corners in which to stare off into. Mom and dad exchange brief glances, their expressions grow more concerned each passing minute. A teacher visit is not unheard of. I don't think I've ever heard of a principal making a home visit.
"Um..." Mom looks toward the kitchen like she's about to run away. "I was thinking of making some tea. Are you sure you don't want some?"
"Ah, no. Thank you," Wakahisa-sensei says.
"Don't trouble yourself." Takasagi-sensei looks to Principal Wakahisa. "About why we've come..."
Wakahisa-sensei clears his throat and straightens, somehow adopting a more formal posture. "It is well known that Atarachi High School has a zero-tolerance policy toward violence..."
Crap! I had forgotten that. When I was admitted, I even had to sign an acknowledgment that any violence would result in immediate dismissal.
Wakahisa-sensei fixes me with his gaze. "Regarding that incident, we've spoken to the others involved—even that Shizuku-san—though it seems her parents are away traveling. We feel certain we know what happened, but we'd like to hear it from you."
I open my mouth but can't seem to find the breath to reply. I shoot my parents a pleading look. Dad gives me a reassuring nod. "Go ahead. Tell them what you told us."
I glance at the principal and my teacher then look down at the floor. "I was in the yearbook clubroom when I happened to look out the window..." Once I start the words flow and the whole thing spills out.
"That's fine." Takasagi-sensei interrupts and catches principal Wakahisa's eye. "I think we've heard enough."
Wakahisa-sensei's mouth presses into a straight line. "I believe we have."
What did I say? I feel like I've just awakened from a dream. After so much anxiety talking about it had been a relief, but Mom, who normally takes everything in stride, looks angry. The atmosphere weighs heavily with tension. I have no idea what poured out of my mouth, but everyone's expressions tell me it wasn't good.
"So," mom says, "Now that you know, what are you going to do?"
Wakahisa-sensei shifts uncomfortably in his seat. "We've already identified those responsible and expelled them."
Dad leans forward. "But what about Michi?"
"Although he did attempt to intervene instead of getting a teacher to handle the situation, everyone agrees he did not actually fight. Ito-san and the other perpetrators seem to take some pride in the belief he wasn't able to."
"He was beaten unconscious! He was hospitalized. He could have been killed!" Mom didn't quite shout, but her voice grew strained as she held it back. "What are the police doing about it?"
Wakahisa-sensei took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead. "Ah, well, we've asked the police to let us deal with the situation since the children are our responsibility. After what happened in the spring..."
Ah! I now understand why he is so nervous. This was not the first time such a thing had happened at Atarachi High School. Even the student council vice president, Miyamoto Mieko, had been involved in a fight earlier this year when her foreign boyfriend had been beaten unconscious by the boys' volleyball club. Atarachi High School was still a fairly new school. An elite school for wealthy families with gifted children, its reputation was still being formed and it couldn't afford one as a school for thugs. Enrollments would plunge and the school would have to close.
"What about the students you expelled?" Dad asked. "They're no longer your responsibility. They should be in jail."
"We would prefer not to trouble the community with unnecessary fears about student safety. As part of the agreement, the families of those involved will be leaving Tokyo and its surrounding areas."
This was no small punishment. To come to this school, their families would have well-paying jobs, most likely with big companies. To suddenly leave those companies would make them seem unreliable. This was almost certainly career suicide. Few other companies would hire them. The financial blow would be significant. I wondered if those guys had brothers or sisters and almost felt sorry for them.
"Coming to this school has certainly been a trouble for us," my mother mutters.
"We understand that." Principal Wakahisa and Takasagi-sensei both rise and bow deeply to us. "We deeply regret what has happened to Michi-san and your family and beg you to forgive us."
For a long moment, we sit frozen in wide-eyed shock. For such important people to bow so deeply to us was even a little frightening.
Dad looks away, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, and replies uncertainly. "Um, ah, yes..."
They both sit slowly, then Wakahisa-sensei turns to me. "We would very much like you to return and continue supporting the school." What could I say? He gives me a moment to reply before turning back to my parents. "In appreciation for your continued support, the chairman of the school board, Miyamoto-san, has agreed to have his company award you a grant that will cover all school tuition and fees for three years as well as all medical expenses."
Mom and Dad rocked back in their seats. This time, their surprise looks happier. We hadn't even finished paying for my first hospitalization when the second one happened.
"In addition, should he decide to continue to university and be accepted, Miyamoto-san's company has agreed to offer him a substantial scholarship."
My parents exchange incredulous looks, and then slowly turn on me. In a slow stilted voice as if he can't believe what he is saying, Dad asks, "What do you think Michi?"
To reject such a profound apology would make us seem like troublesome people. To refuse wouldn't change what happened. What's more, I still feel foolish for rushing into a situation where I wasn't really needed. How could Shizuku and I have both forgotten ourselves like that?
Everyone waits for my response. The school's offer gleams in my parents' smiles. Even if it is to buy our silence, the financial offer is more than generous but...
I shake my head. "I'm sorry. I can't go back. My classmates all think I am some sort of lying pervert."
My parents' disappointment is palpable. My homeroom teacher, Takasagi-sensei, nods in agreement. "Michi-san, you know how the school gives out various awards at the end of the year during closing ceremonies."
I didn't but I nod anyway. Most schools do things like that.
"Tomorrow is the regular weekly meeting. If you will come back, we can give you the Seo Kouji award for citizenship early and, at the same time, explain how Shizuku-san was attacked by some boys who are not from this school and how you saved her."
"But they were from our school."
Principal Wakahisa interrupts. "They are not now. That's the important thing."
The whole situation is a little sleazy. I understand they have a reputation to protect, but do I want to be a part of it? I look at my parents' hopeful expressions and remember the school isn't the only one with a reputation to protect. If the principal himself defends me, might Kyoko reconsider? A faint touch of cautious optimism returns. Then I realize I nearly forgot something very important and that optimism turns to a simmering anger. There are still some principles I won't betray. My expression surprises Takasagi-sensei.
"What about Shizuku-san?"
"What happened to her is inexcusable. Will you make the girls stop bullying her?"
Principal Wakahisa frowns at Takasagi-sensei. "Bullying?"
Like fighting, bullying is another issue that can damage a school's reputation. It's also much harder to deal with.
"Of course!" Takasagi-sensei gives us all a small twitchy smile. "I'll admit I may have been too hard on her, but honestly, what sort of girl would come to class wearing such a thing?" He chuckles nervously while Wakahisa-sensei looks at him sideways.
I try to think of any other reason to say no. I give up with a sigh. "Ok."
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