Author's Note
I want to thank everyone who has followed me through this story. I'd hoped to have finished it by now, but it's been a demanding year and I'm afraid progress has fallen behind what I had hoped. There are so many cool things ahead:
Tamshii Shizuku's journey of self-rediscovery...
The brewing storm between Kyoko and Tamashii...
Unexpected attacks from Yomi...
A terrible loss...
And Michi's impossible choice of who will live and who will die....
Unfortunately, after nine years of doing NaNoWriMo, I just can't make myself skip this year...which means I'm going to have to put this story on hold until at least December, but most likely until January. (Though having decided that, I may get an irresistible burst of inspiration and have to post a chapter or two.) Despite already being way behind, I'm quite excited to begin work on The Awakened. It's going to be a great story and I think you will like it.
In the meantime, feel free to check out my other work if you haven't read it all by now. Also, I know people sometimesget caught up in the story and forget to vote, but please vote for each chapter so that (hopefully) my stories won't disappear entirely from wattpad. And though it may take some time for me to respond, I do read and treasure every comment, so tell me what you think.
And if you've happened to stumble on this but haven't already followed me, be sure to do so. I may not be around much, but I'll try to keep you informed of what's going on.
Thank you, my Faithful Few. You are all indeed the best!
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