×Until the end×
× Centered around Third Reich and his doggo
× Guys... This is literally 5500 words. One of my longest stories ever!
× It's rewritten
× Was inspired by the picture above! (Which I don't own but I don't know who made it)
× Disclaimer: This story contains graphic violence, blood, guns, suicide, character death and murder. If you're not comfortable with these things, please do not continue reading! Stay safe <3
× This story contains Third Reich and USSR. I DO NOT support communism or nazism! The characters are only used in a fictional story, they don't mean any harm!
It was a cold November morning. The streets of Berlin were covered in fog as the sun didn't even come up. A man in a black trench coat and uniform walked through the fog with a straight back, confidently forward, seemingly in a hurry as his boots tapped steadily on the pavement. The man would have been surrounded by the citizens if he was walking there sometimes later, that's why he chose to wake up so early. Anyone could have recognized him just by looking at the flag on his face: the one and only Third Reich.
He slightly shivered and pulled his coat tighter. Maybe he should have chose going by car. But he loved walking through the city. His city! Everything was great because of him. He did so much for the German people, for the country. He was so strong, unlike his brother, Weimar. It was a good decision after all to get rid of him. Maybe...
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a whimper. He looked around and noticed that a stray dog was watching him with begging, blue eyes. It had long, brown fur but its right ear, chest and left front leg were white. It sniffed the air then started to wag its tail as it took a step closer. Reich was confused for a moment but then realized that he had a sandwich in his pocket as he had a long day ahead. The mutt dog looked like it hadn't eaten anything in days and the country had money on him so he could buy some food later.
He sighed and took out the sandwich which made the dog more excited. The country got the food out of its paper wrapping then tossed it to the stray. It happily jumped on it and started eating it with big gulps. Reich countinued his walk while the animal was busy filling its stomach. The country didn't eat anything that day until he got home around 10 p.m.
Next morning, he was walking to the same place as yesterday. He was fantasising about his nation growing bigger and stronger when he tripped over something. He automatically cushioned the fall with his arms but his clothes got all dirty. He sat up just to get licked on the face by the stray dog he saw the day before. He jumped up and kicked to the direction of the animal to scare it off. He didn't mean to hurt it but it happened and the dog made an awful noise when his boot hit its side. Reich took a step back and the dog did the same as they were watching each other.
The country immediately regretted his action as he watched the dog look at him with dissapointment and fear. He slowly bent down and got his sandwich made for that day out of his pocket. When the stray heard the familiar rustle of paper, it tensed up and hopefully sniffed the air. When the food got into view, it started walking towards the country but after a few steps it stopped and backed away with its tail under its stomach.
"C'mon doggo. I didn't mean to kick you. Look! I've got some food for you. Come here!" Reich said in a tone he didn't use in a while. People usually talk to babies like that. Oh, he hoped no one saw him like this. It was the last thing he wanted other countries to talk about. The picture of a fearful man he built up with hard work would crumble to dust. God, what would Soviet think? He would probably laugh so hard. No, he couldn't let that happen. He quickly looked around just to make sure he was alone. The streets were empty.
The dog took a step closer again, still unsure about what to do. But Reich continued to encourage it so the animal slowly got closer and eventually it was able to reach the sandwich. It started eating so Reich put the food down, pet the stray's head, then left.
That night he got home around 11 p.m. but he still had a lot of work to do so he sat down to his working desk and started reading through and signing papers. It was hard to concentrate so he was happy it was quiet outside. Until it wasn't.
He heard a man shouting something but he couldn't understand it since the person was clearly drunk. He continued shouting angrily and then he threw a bottle which broke into little pieces with a loud crashing sound. And suddenly a dog's voices joined the man's but these sounds were filled with hurt and panic. Reich had enough of this. He had so much work to do and they were disturbing him. He grabbed his gun and hurried down to the alley where the voices came from. He had a whole block to live in that had four floors. Most of the rooms were set up as offices or temporary accommodation but there was one room that had a huge map on a table in the middle with various figures on it and an apartment set up as his home.
In the alley he could hardly see the silouette of a man who was kicking something that was unable to run away since it was cornered.
"Hey! Hör auf damit und verpiss dich!" he said and walked closer as the drunk man unsteadily turned around to look at him.
"You heard me. Go" he hissed and stood aside to let the other one leave. The man didn't protest, he just started walking away. Reich grimaced as the smell of alcohol hit him but didn't say a thing. The man left and soon started singing.
Reich turned around and walked up to the dog that was still laying in the corner. The country could recognize it: it was the same dog he fed that morning. It whimpered as he got closer but when it smelled Reich's scent, it slowly wagged its tail. The country felt pity towards the animal and before he knew it he was holding the dog and was walking back with it. The animal looked happy as it laid in his arms, showing its stomach.
"Hündin" he mumbled slightly dissapointed as he looked at the dog. He took her up to his flat and put her down in his living room. He looked at the clock which showed it was past one so he decided he would go to sleep now, since he had to get up early. He quickly changed into something more comfortable and he was folding his uniform when he heard the dog get up and starting to look around. He walked into the kitchen and saw her sniffing the fridge which made him realize he didn't give her anything to eat or drink.
"Congratulations Reich" he mumbled to himself. "The dog can starve to death for all you care. You really do have no sense of responsibility. And you lead the whole nation." He sighed and opened the fridge to get out some leftover chicken he had a day ago. He put the plate down and put some water into a bowl and put it next to the chicken which was already half eaten by the dog.
"Eat and drink all of that and then sleep where you want just not in my bed. You're smelly and probably have fleas or something. I don't even know why I brought you here" he said more to himself than the animal. He looked at his new pet for one last time and then went to bed.
He was already half asleep when he felt something jump into bed next to him which made him sit up. He saw dog sitting right next to him, looking extremely happy as she thought she was going to sleep there.
"Nein! Get off the bed!" Reich said in a sharp tone but when the dog didn't move he pushed her off with a simple movement.
"And stay there." He huffed, then laid back. He felt exhausted and he was asleep in less than a minute.
He woke up to the feeling of something heavy and warm laying on him. He touched the thing and realised it was hairy and alive. He slowly opened his eyes to see the stray dog's head right in front of his face which made him yelp and jump out of bed. She fell off him and made a startled sound while Reich took a deep breath and shook his head. He really got scared from a dog. Pathetic.
"It looks like you're staying here. I should name you, shouldn't I?" he said and the animal watched him as he sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Kohle?" The dog huffed and shot him a glare which meant she didn't like it.
"Elsa?" Another unsatisfied huff.
"Winula? Ola?" She looked him with eyes that said: Is this all the creativity you have?
"Stop looking at me like that! I never had a pet" Reich spat angrily and tried to think.
It was true. His father never let them have any kind of pet. He always wanted to take care of something, especially a dog (he was afraid of cats) but German Empire said it was too much of a responsibility. There was one time when he caught a mouse and named it Jürgen. He was around six years old at that time.
He spent so much time with him and eventually they became friends. Jürgen was a tame animal and after two weeks, Reich could let him go because he would always come back for some love and food. He even taught him a little trick that he couldn't remember now but he knew it always made him giggle.
One day, Jürgen didn't visit him. He also didn't show up the next day. After the third day Reich started looking for his little friend because he was worried something happened. After two hours of searching he found the mouse in the attic. He was already dead by the time the young boy found his body in a mouse trap. Reich got the body out of the trap and buried Jürgen in the garden. His older brother also attended the funeral and gave a speech. After that, he didn't want to have more pets.
As Third Reich sat on the edge of the bed and watched the dog, something clicked in him.
"Müsli" he said and the dog started wagging her tail. "Your name is Müsli."
The dog barked happily and jumped on the country to give him all her love but Reich pushed her down.
"Nein! You're still smelly and you can't do things like this until I washed you. I'll have to wash my sheets too because you slept there" he growled and quickly changed into his uniform, ignoring the dog. He then sat down to his desk and continued signing the papers he started to read last night. Müsli laid down next to the desk and stayed there, half asleep.
They stayed there like this for hours: Reich working and Müsli sleeping. But after a while the dog slowly got more and more bored. She wasn't hungry at that moment because she ate so much chicken last night but she wanted to go and do something more interesting. So she stood up and started to look around. This wasn't too exciting because she didn't find anything new in the small flat. She walked back and nudged the country with her nose, whining, trying to get more attention.
"Go away, Müsli" Reich grumbled and continued writing. Müsli sniffed the desk and a paper that was slightly off the table. She thought it would be easy to grab it so she carefully took it in her teeth and at the right moment started running.
"Müsli! Gib es zurück!" Reich yelled and ran after her. Müsli thought they were playing tag so she started running even faster. Reich almost grabbed her a few times but she always managed to avoid his hands. They ran around in the flat: the country yelling angry German words and the dog wagging her tail.
They were in the living room when the door of the apartment opened and a confused sergeant stood there.
"Ist alles in Ordnung?"
Both Reich and Müsli froze for a moment before the dog started sprinting towards the entrance.
"Close the door, for fuck's sake!" Third Reich shouted but it was already too late. Müsli slipped out of the apartment and ran down the stairs. The country pushed aside the (now even more confused) man and ran after her.
They kept almost every door open in the building so it wasn't hard for the dog to hide or run away from her new owner who was now getting embarrassed as he ran after the animal, while the people just watched with surprised gazes. They never thought they would see their boss like this and though the situation was pretty funny, no one dared to laugh. When Reich finally grabbed Müsli by her neck he got the paper out of her mouth which was now covered in saliva. He grimaced and quickly threw it in the bin next to him. Well, someone will have to write a new report.
He looked at Müsli who just watched him curiously and wagged her tail when their gazes met. Reich was able to do so many things but he couldn't scold the dog. He sighed and let go of her.
"I should just take you out for a walk, right?" The dog barked happily. She definitely needed to be taken out for a walk.
"Alright. C'mon doggo" Reich mumbled and walked out. The city was filled with people since it was around one in the afternoon. He walked with straight back with a blank expression as people got out of his way and greeted him respectfully. He wasn't afraid that someone would try to murder him as most of the Germans loved him. Also, it was impossible for a human to kill him. They could cut him in half and he would still survive it and regenerate. Only countries were able to end his life and it was difficult even for them.
Müsli looked really happy and she ran up and down the street, smelling everything she could reach and wagging her tail. Though, she never lost sight of his new owner and when she thought she was too far away she ran back to Reich and stayed close to him for a few moment before running off again. The country just kept walking seemingly not caring about the dog but he got really happy every time she went back to him.
When he arrived to his destination – a shop of a leather worker – he whistled and the dog instantly appeared next to him. He slightly smiled before stepping into the shop. The shopowner was stunned and very nervous as Third Reich told him that he needed a collar for his dog. He could barely say a word and opened the door for the country as he left, telling the human that he'll be back in an hour. He then went to get a tag and a piece of red cloth for Müsli who looked really happy about the presents she got. Reich also got bowls, toys and dog food: everything he needed to take care of one.
He went back to the leather worker and after making the man take the money (he wanted to give him the collar for free) he finally went back to his house. Müsli looked really tired and Reich thought this would be the perfect time to wash the dusty dog. He believed that the dog was too tired to resist. He clearly underestimated her.
It was easy to make the dog jump in the bathtube since she didn't know what it meant. But when Reich grabbed the showerhead and started pouring water on her she immediately wanted to leave. The country closed the door the moment they entered the bathroom but there was still enough space for the dog to run so she did. It took Reich ten minutes to make her go back to the bathtube and another ten minutes to make her stay there. Müsli eventually calmed down and let the country wash her and get all of the ticks out of her fur. She got praised a lot for this and every time Reich said something she slightly wagged her tail.
After half an hour they were done and the dog jumped out relieved, that she was finally free. She looked at the country with a mischievous glint in her eyes and Reich knew what she was about to do. He quickly reached for a towel but it was too late: the dog shook herself as hard as she could, soaking the country. Reich just stood there with a towel in his hands looking at the dog dead in the eyes. Müsli just trotted to him and looked at him like she was asking: What happened to you?
At that moment Third Reich bursted out laughing and petted the dog's head.
"Okay, I think this was fair" he said then sighed, wiping the dog dry with the towel. After Reich got dry as well, he sat down and started working again but this time Müsli let him do his thing.
Around midnight the country stopped working and got ready to sleep. As he sat down on his bed Müsli appeared and looked at him with begging eyes.
"Alright. But only for tonight and after that you'll start sleeping on the floor. Deal?" Müsi wagged her tail happily and jumped on the bed, quickly getting comfortable pressed against the country's side.
The next day, Reich took her for a walk early in the morning then started working again. Müsli didn't feel like annoying him so she just laid down and waited patiently for something to happen. After a while, she could smell the country's mood changing: he was slowly getting excited and happy as the minutes went on and after half an hour he couldn't concentrate on his work. When Müsli thought his owner would start running around at any moment, someone knocked on the door and Reich jumped up from his chair and literally ran to the door. He stood there for a moment, then took a deep breath and opened it.
Müsli saw a man standing in the door so she got up and went closer. The stranger wore a brown trench coat and black boots and he also had a really strange hat on, that covered his ears as well. He smelled like alcohol which made the dog a little bit uneasy but she could also smell something friendly on him which she could describe as home. The country didn't see the dog watching him.
"Sowjet! How was your journey from Moscow?" Reich said and let the other one in.
"It was fine, thank you for asking. How are you doing?" He had a thick accent and a deep voice.
"I'm fine, and you?" They countinued small talking for a while and during that, Soviet sat down in the living room and Reich offered him a drink which he accepted. They were sitting there, just talking and Müsli could smell how great both of them felt. When she made sure the new one wasn't dangerous, she walked over to him and sniffed his hand that was hanging off the armrest of the sofa.
When Soviet felt the cold nose pressed against his hand, he looked down, surprised to see a dog.
"Well, hello!" He gently petted her head and Müsli immediately started wagging her tail. "What's its name?" He looked back at Reich.
"Müsli. Her name is Müsli."
"You never said you had a dog." Soviet stopped petting her so she started sniffing his boots, legs, pockets and everything she could reach. He let her do it.
"I've been having her for two days. It was a sudden decision but a good one." The German smiled.
"Yeah, she looks like a nice dog. I can't have dog next to so many kids." he sighed and started petting Müsli again who sat down and just enjoyed it.
After that, Soviet came over almost every day. He made Reich laugh so many times but could get really serious when they were down in the room where the big map was. Müsli wasn't allowed there so she usually just walked around the building or laid down somewhere when the two countries were in that room. Müsli figured that they made each other happy because both of them enjoyed the time they spent together. After a while the dog could smell something new in them, that was a stronger thing then the one before but she didn't know what it was. The only thing that bothered her was the bitter smell of lies that sometimes came from Reich. And as the months went on, she would recognize it more and more times.
One night, Third Reich came home with mixed up emotions. He was sad, angry at himself but satisfied at the same time. Müsli smelled the blood of Soviet on his clothes. She knew she wasn't going to see the tall country again.
It's been ten years since that night but Müsli didn't really change. She was still that happy, energetic dog she has always been. Only her fur got a little greyer as time went on and maybe she got a little more tired.
Reich was the one to change a lot. He got colder and more stressed especially after Soviet stopped visiting. After that Müsli could feel regret coming from her owner and she tried to make Reich feel better by bringing him her toys but he always just sent her away which she didn't understood. She also never understood why he would yell at her for no reason or when she just wanted to play with him. But despite all these things she never stopped loving him and she knew he still loved her too. He also loved the two little boys who came into their life not so long ago.
Müsli laid in the living room, watching as the twins played with little animal figures. Reich was sitting on the sofa and was watching the kids with a strange expression. There were no sounds of cars on the streets. Only Müsli could hear the gunshots in the distance but she was used to it by now. You could even say it was a peaceful spring night for someone who was at war.
"Alright kids, it's time to sleep" Reich suddenly said and stood up. The twins immediately started pouting.
"But Vater, we're not tired at all!" East whined.
"Yeah, please let us play for ten more minutes!" West said, looking at his father with puppy eyes. But Reich wasn't going to let them stay up.
"Nein. Come on kids!" His voice was strict but he was smiling as his sons got up and went to their bedroom, followed by their father and Müsli.
The older country watched as the kids laid down onto their bed and kissed both of their foreheads.
"Please always take care of each other, no matter what happens. Okay?" His voice slightly cracked but the boys were too tired to hear it.
"Of course Vater." West yawned.
"And we will also take care of you! We love you!" East said sleepily and West murmured a silent Ja.
"I love you too. Gute Nacht!" Something was off about Reich, Müsli could smell it. He smelled like something she never felt before. It was like sadness but much stronger than that and she knew Reich wanted to hurt someone but she had no idea who was the victim. He also never did or said anything else other than 'Good night'. Müsli had no idea what was going on but decided to stick with her owner in case he needed her.
They stepped out of the apartment and walked down the stairs. The whole building was empty since the country sent everyone away days ago so they could run before the Americans and Soviets get to Berlin. He wasn't completely heartless after all. He went to the room that used to be the place where he planned everything on the huge map. The map was now in pieces as he tore it apart with his nails during one of his anger outbursts. He felt like he started losing his mind as the Allies got closer and closer. He knew he was going to lose but he still couldn't accept it. But now he was strangely calm.
He turned to Müsli who was staring at him with her bright blue eyes.
"You know what I'm about to do, right? You can feel it" he said and sighed. It was a tired sigh.
"Gosh, I fucked up." He sat down on a chair, buried his face in his hands and for the first time during the ten years they spent together, Müsli saw him desperate and helpless. Like a little kid.
"I shouldn't have done so many things, Müsli" he mumbled. "Everyone thinks I'm a monster, and you know what? They're right! I killed people, I tortured countries, I tore families apart. I started a war that caused suffering to millions of people." He slightly laughed but a tear ran down his cheek and hand, then dropped onto the carpet. Müsli whimpered.
"I backstabbed one of my few friends. I regretted it many times and I wanted to say sorry but when you try to invade someone, you can't just apologize. He wants me to rot in hell, just like everyone else does." More tears followed the first one. Müsli gently poked his left arm but the country didn't react.
"My sons" he whispered. "I screwed up their life. Everyone will know them as the sons of the Nazi. I really hope they won't remember me at all. They'll make Germany great, I know it. Maybe they'll be okay one day" Reich sobbed. Müsli stopped nudging him and rested her head on his lap.
The country put her head between his palms and looked into the dog's eyes who returned the glance.
"You're the only one who stayed with me, no matter what. I yelled at you so many times but you never stopped loving me. Danke." He hugged the dog, burying his face into the soft fur and cried without making a sound. Müsli let him, she even snuggled closer to him and they stayed like this for long minutes until Reich let go.
"I think—" His voice drailed off but he took a dreep breath and tried again. "I think this is the end of my story."
He stood up, went to one of the cupboards and grabbed a revolver from it. He checked the cylinder if it had the bullets in it. He pulled back the hammer which made a quiet sound that made Third Reich shiver. He did this so many times over the years and thinking about that this was the last time he would make these so natural movements was strange. Maybe sad. Maybe even scary. Reich couldn't tell. He was never good with emotions.
He slowly put the gun to his head and looked at Müsli with teary but determined eyes.
"Please don't let them hurt my children."
He pulled the trigger right after he finished the sentence. There was a loud bang. Then there was a thump. Then there was silence. Dead silence.
Müsli whined as she made her way to the body that slowly became colder. There was blood everywhere near the country. It splattered on the wall, became a small puddle under Reich's head and covered his clothes. Its strong, iron-like smell disturbed the dog but she laid down next to the body anyways. She would have cried if she wasn't a dog but she couldn't. So she just silently mourned through the night.
Müsli woke up to the creaking sound of the entrance door and to footsteps that only she could hear. Footsteps of people who were definitely intruders and wanted to stay hidden. There were four of them and she only knew the one who had the heavy and confident steps. She jumped up from the dead body and tried to get out but the door was closed. She tried to scratch it a few times but her claws didn't work so she tried to remember how Reich used to open these doors. She stood on her back legs and tried to push down the door handle. For the fourth attempt it opened and she sprinted out which made the intruders stop.
"Someone's here" one of them hissed quietly.
"Of course someone's here, capitalist. We're in the 'nest of the eagle' as some would say" another one scoffed. He had a heavy accent and Müsli recognized that voice but she didn't go to greet the country, no matter how much she wanted to. She had more important things to do. She had to protect the twins.
Müsli sprinted up to the apartment where their bedroom was and started scratching the door. East opened the door with a sleepy expression on his face but as soon as he saw how nervous the dog was he woke up fully. He let Müsli into the room who ran to West who was still laying in bed. She grabbed the blanket and pulled it off of the country who groaned but went silent when he saw his brother. East put a finger in front of his mouth, signalling to the other one to stay quiet. The intruders weren't so quiet anymore, which meant they probably found the body.
West quickly got out of bed and walked up to his brother so they could leave. As soon as they took a step closer to the door, someone got in their way which made them back up to the wall of the room. It was USA. Müsli stood in front of the kids, pinned her ears back and lifted her tail in a threatening posture.
"I found the kids!" the country shouted and three more joined him in a few moments. The four of them just stood there, looking at the kids. United Kingdom looked tired and battered but had a straight back and a determined look. France looked like what a country would look like after being invaded and trying to fight for its freedom. USA was as confident as ever but he was tired as well. And USSR was cold and emotionless, like always.
"Alright let's just take them and leave. I don't want to stay here for long" the American one said ant took a step towards the scared kids but was stopped by Müsli who snarled and barked at him. He backed off and looked at the others.
"It's just a dog, Merica. You've seen worse before." UK sighed and America rolled his eyes. He started walking to the two Germans again, this time not being bothered by the barking dog. Müsli saw that making loud noises won't scare off the country so she did what she has never done before: she bit America's leg. The country yelled and tried to kick her but she jumped away and then attacked again, now biting his ankle. It was like a dance. She bit America, avoided his kicks and bit him again in another spot. The only thing she didn't think about was USA's gun.
Müsli heard a bang — similiar to the one that killed her owner — and right after that she felt burning pain in her stomach. She whimpered as she fell and blood started pouring onto the ground. One of the kids yelped but couldn't move from the shock. America was panting and bleeding from multiple fresh wounds as he was just staring at the animal. Then he spat on the ground.
"Fucking dog."
He stepped over Müsli who whined and tried to bite him one more time but didn't have the strength to do so. America stepped to the trembling twins and without hesitation, he grabbed West's forearm. The German cried out in fear but USA just dragged him to the door and looked at UK.
"Let's get the hell outta' here." UK opened his mouth to say something, maybe scold America for shooting the dog, but then he just closed it and picked up the crying West Germany to calm him down a bit. They left Soviet there with the crying East and the dying dog.
"Ну ёбана" he mumbled to himself and sighed, looking at the kid. He slowly made his way to East who didn't even try to defend himself as the Russian scooped him up. He just silently continued crying. Soviet kneeled down to Müsli who was barely alive and gently pet her.
"You were a really good dog, I hope you know that" he said and while holding the German with one hand he got his pistol out of his belt with the other one. He put the weapon to the head of the dog to end her suffering. He looked at Müsli who looked back at him and he could swear she was smiling. Then he pulled the trigger.
[I hope you enjoyed if you did please press the lil star! I also appreciate every comment and please tell me if I made a mistake so I can learn from it and fix it. Don't forget to drink water! <3]
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