Chapter 7
"Oh my god, Evan. I can not thank you enough!" A high pitched, British voice brought Evan out of his thoughts.
"What do you mean? What did I do yesterday?" Evan chuckled and raised one of his eyebrows at his love-struck friend.
"What did you do?!! Oh, how humble you are!" He teased and threw one of his hands to his forehand, like how a princess, who just got rescued from their castle would do. "Oh, my hero!" Is more like it.
He chuckled, before closing his locker and turning to Craig. "No seriously, what did I do that was so great?" He asked with a big smile, loving the way his friend was visibly beaming.
"You jackass, you really don't remember?" He questioned, slightly unamused.
Evan answered with a simple nod of his head, as he locked his locker and waited to finally find out what he did that was so wonderful, it could make Craig smile so much.
"Really?!! What were youuu doing that made you forget yesterday's events?" He asked again, growing suspicious.
"I was..." He didn't get to finish his sentence, due to his group of bullies passing by.
He made eye contact with all of them, but they didn't stop walking or walk up to him, and even if they didn't walk up to him, they sure looked scary nonetheless.
They all had deadly glares and evil smirks as they walked passed and into their first class.
Also, there's a bonus! He had most of his classes with them, great... He sighed and ran his hand nervously through his long hair.
"Uh, hello Evan... What were you saying? Hello, Ev?" His thoughts were brought back to his now worried friend.
"Um, what?" He asked, probably sounding very out of it.
"Hello- Oh, you're back! We were just talking about what you were doing yesterday, but you never continued. Are you okay?" He responded, with a worrying tone and a frown on his face.
"Uh, yeah! Everything's fine man! I was just busy yesterday, is all." He smiled, reassuringly.
Before Craig could question him any further, he beat him to it "Come on Craig. We need to get to class before we're late!" He shouted out, cheerfully. And wrapped his arm around the shorter's shoulder, tugging him along to their class.
Today's going to be a long day...
"And then, we played Gmod for like, four whole hours, before ordering pizza and spending the rest of the night playing Cod and Mario Cart with you! Oh my god, it was so fun! That's why I basically owe you my life, for pushing me and helping me and Tyler finally get together!" Craig fanboyed so hard, the whole walk to Evan's house.
"Geese man, correct me if I'm wrong, but it kinda sounds like your head over heels for my boy Tyler." He teased and smirked when Craig's face was overrun by the color of tomatoes.
"Shut up, you prick!" He jokingly replied back, while closing the front door to Evan's house.
"Oh, home, sweet home!" Evan singed, as he planted face first into the cushions of the living room's couch.
"Wheeee!" Craig shouted, as he jumped over the back of the couch and landed next to Evan.
"So what are we going to do until Tyler gets here?" The smaller of the pair asked.
"I don't know, what do you wanna do before youuur boyfriend gets here?" The other boy responded, cheekily.
"Meh, maybe eat some snacks and play some games upstairs." He responded, halfheartedly.
"Gotcha." Was all Evan said before he went and retrieved the snacks.
The two teens sat criss-cross applesauce on the floor, playing their share of video games, before falling asleep together on Evan's comfy bed.
Little did they know, their guest were already arriving.
"Is this really his place, Tyler?" I asked the fucking tall as fuck titan that was occupying my passenger seat.
He scoffed in response, before answering me properly. "Of fucking cores, it's his house, I've been here so many times! I think I'll know where it is by now!" He raged loudly.
"Shuch up, already. It was just a simple question!" I responded, annoyed with how loud he always is.
"Alright, fuckboiis! Let's get a move on!" Marcel shouted, causing me to wince in pain. Do they really have to scream all the time, geese! They act as if nobody could get tired of hearing their loud as screaming every second, of every day!
"Come on Jonathan! Hurry your ass up!" Brian yelled, already losing his patience.
"Alright already, alright!" I shouted back, after popping a pill in my mouth.
Looking around my truck for a drink to take it with, I grew even more frustrated because I couldn't find any. "Fuck!" I shouted out loud, gaining an amused chuckle from my left side.
Turning to its source, I glared at my smug best friend. "Shut up, Luke!" I shouted at him, before resuming my search on something to drink. Gotta hurry up! It's going to start dissolving if I don't get a move on!
"Looking for something, Jon?" He teased and I just about lost it.
"Fuck off, Luke! I'm fucking trying to find my soda, so I can fucking take my pill and go talk to Evan! If you're not going to help out, fuck off!" I bitched at him and all he did was laugh harder.
I just rolled my eyes and kept my mind on the mission. Gotta find something to drink and fast! I can already taste the bitter taste of it, gross!
Just then, I heard the liquidly sound of a drink being shaken around by my head.
"You asshole! Give me it." I commanded, as I snatched it out of his hand and took a few long gulps of sugary cancer for my teeth.
Gathering my fill of it, I screwed the cap back onto it and finally got out of my truck.
"About time." They all groaned out in annoyance, while I walked up to them and pushed through, to get to the front.
"Did you knock already?" I asked Tyler and he replied with a "Really, look?"
"Nawww Delirious, I didn't. I just decided to stand here and wait until you finally got your ass out of your sucky ass truck and finally joined the rest of us!" He growled but soon broke out into a small smile.
"Did you really?" I asked, holding back my smile.
"No, I actually did just stand here and wait for you..." He admitted and broke out into his out of breath laughter. And so did everyone else.
"Fuck you man!" I shouted over everyone's laughter and knocked on the door a few times.
"But seriously, man. You'll thank me when you see what answers the door... unless my Craig does, then your hands are going to fucking be chopped off if you touch him!" He playfully started, then it turned to a warning at the end of it.
"Yeah, I know. I know!" I raised my hands up in surrender, playing along.
"Knock again." Brian suddenly commanded.
Rolling my eyes, I did just that.
Haiii TeddyHoes <3
I just wanted to say, I knowwwww I'm WAY behind on chapters, but I promise you... As long as I don't give up and delete this story, I'll continue to write it until all 31 chapters are done, even if by the time it is finally done, it's no longer October...
I LOVE the amount of support I'm getting and all the wonderful comments!
I hope, I'm not wasting your time, and after reading every one of my chapters, you all feel either happy, sad, angry, or any other feeling I make you feel, based on what happens in that chapter!
Thank you all for the love, votes, and comments. (Please, continue to vote and comment)
And I'll see chuuuu, in da next chapterrrrr! Peace!
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