Chapter 5
"Evannn! You better get back here, right this instant!" Mark shouted, from a few feet behind.
"Fuck no." He muttered to himself, as he kept running.
"Evan, if you.. st-stop now, we'll only beat you up, instead of doing the other stuff we planned" Jack tried to bait him, but Evan wasn't having none of it.
"Come on Evan! Just let us beat you up a little, that's all we'll do!" Felix begged. "R-right guys?" He quickly added.
"Right!" Ken and Jack agreed, but their leader thought otherwise.
Mark growled, before telling them to shut up.
Evan just kept running, no matter how much they tried to trick him.
Running and running all day, better have gave him some muscle. Evan chuckled and turned down another turn.
He came to a full looking, junk yard and decided to hide behind one of the large trailers that was parked there. He quickly ducked behind it and sat down, finally resting his aching legs. Looking up at the sky, it looked way darker than it was earlier. Pulling out his phone, he checked the time and his eyes widened. It was now 6:59! He really has been running for a long time, hasn't he? It's definitely been the longest he's ever ran before.
Catching his breath, he peered around the side of the trailer, to see them walk through the entrance.
"Well Evan.. You dragged us all the way across the whole city! I hope you're proud, because I'm definitely going to be proud, when I'm pounding your face in, and abusing that virgin hole of yours!" Mark shouted out, making his loud voice echo.
Evan shivered out of fear, he really was afraid of what they'll do to him once they finally caught him. He could basically hear Mark's voice ringing in his ears and the smirk in his voice when he said the last sentence. He for sure, would be lying if he said he wasn't terrified right now.
"You hear me bitch?" He asked, with venom lacing each word.
Evan didn't dare respond, soon enough they'll find him on their own, even if he responded or not.
"...Go find him." Mark spat and turned the opposite direction of where he was currently hiding.
He watched as the three left over boys went in their own directions. Felix went towards the middle, Ken went up to the very back of it , and Jack stood by the entrance.
There doesn't seem to be another exit, so I guess I'll just have to run pass Jack before anyone else realizes too. He thought.
Making sure he knew where everyone was, he prepared himself for the upcoming events that was probably going to be the end of him.
He took a few breaths, in and out. And started counting down...
"Evan, come out, come out, where ever you areee." One of them sang creepily.
"Come out already, you little bitch!" Another one shouted, not too far away anymore.
"I swear, when I get my hands on you, I'm going to make you wish you were dead!" Mark definitely said that..
They're getting closer..
I'm running out of time!
"Oh, I think I just found a certain lil owl, that's scheduled for a beat'n." Ken teased.
Time to go!
4, 3, 2, 1!
And just like that, Evan bolted right out of Ken's grasp and right passed Jack.
In an attempt to stop Evan, Jack reached out to grab him, but missed and fell right into an open pile, of broken pieces of metal from cars and what else they had there.
Evan didn't have time to do a quick victory dance, before Jack started crying out in pain and almost instantly, out came Mark, looking even more pissed than he was earlier.
"Oh Jack! Are you okay?" Mark asked in the most gentle voice he could muster.
"No, my leg's cut! It hurts so much Marrrhk!" He whined and that just made Mark even more angry.
"Evan, mark my words, when I finally catch you, You. Are. Dead." Mark glared holes right into him.
Not wanting to let him ever catch him, he made a run for it again.
Evan ran and ran all over again.
He was so incredibly exhausted, he felt like he would pass out pretty soon.
Never in his life, did he thought, he'll be in this situation.
Running for his life and virginity, In the middle of the city, on a fucking hot and windy night. Nope, sorry. Never thought he'll die like this.
After running for his life, for hours. Evan Fong, has finally had enough.
He finished running to the other side of the street and ran into a nearby alleyway, before just giving up and collapsing.
Here he was, just laying down on the cold cement. He was so tired right now and all he wanted to do was sleep in his comfy as fuck bed of his.
"Where'd he go?" One of them could be heard from down the street.
"I don't know. Look for him!" There goes Mark again, barking orders like the ass hat he is...
Evan has officially had enough of this day.. He made up his mind, he was just going to lay here and pray they make his death quick and swift.
He heard their voices getting closer, but all he did was look up at the starry sky.
"Very pretty." He quietly, complemented the beauty up above.
"That's not the only thing that's beautiful." A deep voice said, causing Evan to instantly sit up to look at his company.
This guy looked like a literal god! He was standing under the street lamp, making his tan skin look shinny, he had really nice dark brown hair, styled up in a quiff and stunning blue eyes that ranked over Evan's whole body. He was wearing a plain blue jacket with black pants and matching blue shoes. He also looked very buff. Damn, he's so fucking hot..
Evan just realized what he said and couldn't stop the blush from spreading across his face.
He watched as the man smirked and walked closer to him.
Turning his head away from him, he tried to remember what he was doing before he started talking to this god of a man. He tried for a minute, but just couldn't remember..
Evan was still lost in his thoughts, when the man came even closer and stood in arm's reach of the cute Asian. He slowly crouched down, and gently grabbed the boy's chin, turning him so they could look into each other's eyes.
"W-wha?" Evan tried to say something, but was cut off when the bullies finally found him.
"Well, well, well. Look at this, our lil faggot found himself a new crush!" Mark laughed at his own joke and glared at Evan and his new friend.
Evan bit his bottom lip and looked down. Great, now this smoking hot guy won't even consider being friends with someone like me!
"So, what do you say, bud. You leave us alone with that bitch right now and you'll get to fuck him after, how does that sound?" Mark smirked, smugly and started walking forward to retrieve his "bitch."
Evan let out a whimper, but didn't move. He already gave up, there was no point in running anymore. All he did was let the tears fall and wait for his very painful death.
Mark walked closer, but suddenly came to a halt when the stranger cleared his voice and commanded him to freeze.
The man, than turned to face Evan again and asked him if these guys were bothering him.
"U-uh yes, t-they want to beat me up and r-rape me.." Evan stuttered out. And without thinking, he leaned in closer to the stranger.
The stranger hummed, before asking out loud "Is that so?"
Evan just simply, nodded his head.
"Well, don't worry. I won't let them hurt you any further.." He said and wrapped his arms securely around Evan. Hugging him and making him face away from his bullies.
Evan hesitantly, wrapped his arms around him too and buried his head in his neck.
"You guys best get out here and leave him alone." He threatened, rather calmly.
"Oh, and what are youuuu going to do if we don't? Old man!" Mark replied, annoyed.
"...I'm not going to do anything... They will." He answered nonchalantly.
The boys grew silent, wondering what he meant by "They will."
"What do you mean, they will? We don't see anybody here besides you and our bitch!" Mark spat back.
Even Evan was confused, he couldn't see anything from where he was facing now, but he definitely didn't see anybody here besides for them either. What's going on?
Just then, the man that was holding Evan, started laughing maniacally. Creeping everyone out. Evan was a little worried now, but the arms around him tightened, reassuring him that he had nothing to fear.
"W-what are you laughing at? W-what's so funny?" This time it was Jack who spoke up.
The man didn't answer, he just kept laughing and hugging Evan in his arms.
"You sociopath, stop laughing!" Ken barked, with the last of the tough guy act in his voice.
"G-guys, let's just go.." Felix pleaded, but his request reached deaf ears.
"There's nothing to fret guys. He's just laughing, there's nothing he can do against the four of us and only one of him-" Mark tried to say, but got interrupted when the man cut him off.
"Oh but that's where you're wrong, punk." He said, dangerously.
"Oh yeah, ...well go ahead and do something already. You lil chicken bitch!" He countered back.
Evan stayed silent, just waiting to see what happens. Truth was, he just wanted this whole thing to be over. He wanted to go to bed or play some video games with his friends. He was just starting to question if he should get out of this guy's arms and run back home finally, when the stranger suddenly wrapped Evan's legs around his waist and stood up with him.
Evan squeaked out in surprise and got a very hot, sounding chuckle out of his prince charming. Wrapping his muscly arms under the boy's legs, the man made sure he had a good grip on him.
"Wrap you arms around my neck, baby." He whispered in Evan's ear, and Evan did just that.
The man started walking backwards with Evan still in his arms, raising the bullies's eyebrows at his questionable actions.
"What? You're just going to walk off with our fuckboii? Not if I can help it, you aren't!" And with that last threat, Mark came charging at them.
That man didn't move, he didn't even flinch. As for Evan, well he was a different story. He was terrified at the pace Mark was coming at them at. He tried to get out of the tight hold around him, but couldn't. Great, yet another person who's stronger than him. He huffed out in annoyance at his thoughts and leaned in closer again to ask the man to let go so they won't get hurt.
He just chuckled and took his eyes off of the boy who was charging at them, just to meet the scared boy's pretty brown eyes. "Calm down, baby boy. Just watch what happens.." He smoothly said, making Evan blush even more from the name calling.
Regardless, of being flustered from being held in a hot's guys arms and being called baby boy, Evan focused his attention back on Mark, who was now just a few feet away.
When he finally got close enough, he smirked smugly, and pulled his arm back to finally land a punch on the stranger and Evan. Evan freaked out and closed his eyes. He flinched, readying himself for the pain, but it never came.
The hot god of a guy, chuckled again and leaned in close to whisper in his ear. "Trust me and open your eyes." Was all he said, bringing confusion and curiosity to Evan.
He slowly obeyed, and was completely surprised with what he saw!
There, out of nowhere, were six other guys fighting with Mark's group. Evan's eyes opened cutely, as he watched everyone fight with each other. He ran his eyes over each group, before landing on the closest one. This one was between a tall guy, dressed in a dark red jacket, with a very awesome beard and a X shaped scar covering one of his eyes. Another guy was with him, taking turns beating up Mark. He had dark skin and was dressed like... Fin from Adventure time?! Cool.
Helloooo TeddyHoes!
I'm very sorry for NOT uploading this chapter on the actual 5th day of October...
Shit happened and I just couldn't get it out.. I hope chu all understand tho and can find it in your hearts to forgive mehhh! <3
I love chu allllll and I hope you're all enjoying meh story so far!
Pleaseeee, don't forget to vote and comment :)
And I'll see YOU in the next CHAPTERRRRRR!!!
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