Cough provides an essential protective function for human airways
and lungs. Without an effective cough reflex, we are at risk
for retained airway secretions and aspirated material, predisposing
to infection, atelectasis, and respiratory compromise. At the
other extreme, excessive coughing can be exhausting; can be
complicated by emesis, syncope, muscular pain, or rib fractures;
and can aggravate abdominal or inguinal hernias and urinary
incontinence. Cough is often a clue to the presence of respiratory
disease. In many instances, cough is an expected and accepted
manifestation of disease, such as during an acute respiratory tract
infection. However, persistent cough in the absence of other respiratory
symptoms commonly causes patients to seek medical attention,
accounting for as many as 10—30% of referrals to pulmonary
Spontaneous cough is triggered by stimulation of sensory nerve
endings that are thought to be primarily rapidly adapting receptors
and C-fibers. Both chemical (e.g., capsaicin) and mechanical (e.g.,
particulates in air pollution) stimuli may initiate the cough reflex. A
cationic ion channel, called the type-1 vanilloid receptor, is found
on rapidly adapting receptors and C-fibers; it is the receptor for
capsaicin, and its expression is increased in patients with chronic
cough. Afferent nerve endings richly innervate the pharynx, larynx,
and airways to the level of terminal bronchioles and into the
lung parenchyma. They may also be found in the external auditory
meatus (the auricular branch of the vagus nerve, called the Arnold
nerve) and in the esophagus. Sensory signals travel via the vagus
and superior laryngeal nerves to a region of the brainstem in the
nucleus tractus solitarius, vaguely identified as the "cough center."
Mechanical stimulation of bronchial mucosa in a transplanted
lung (in which the vagus nerve has been severed) does not produce
The cough reflex involves a highly orchestrated series of involuntary
muscular actions, with the potential for input from cortical
pathways as well. The vocal cords adduct, leading to transient
upper-airway occlusion. Expiratory muscles contract, generating
positive intrathoracic pressures as high as 300 mm Hg. With
sudden release of the laryngeal contraction, rapid expiratory
flows are generated, exceeding the normal "envelope" of maximal
expiratory flow seen on the flow-volume curve ( Fig. 34-1 ).
Bronchial smooth muscle contraction together with dynamic
compression of airways narrows airway lumens and maximizes
the velocity of exhalation (as fast as 50 miles per hour).The
kinetic energy available to dislodge mucus from the inside of
airway walls is directly proportional to the square of the velocity
of expiratory airflow. A deep breath preceding a cough optimizes
the function of the expiratory muscles; a series of repetitive
coughs at successively lower lung volumes sweeps the point of
maximal expiratory velocity progressively further into the lung periphery.
Weak or ineffective cough compromises the ability to clear lower
respiratory tract infections, predisposing to more serious infections
and their sequelae. Weakness, paralysis, or pain of the expiratory
(abdominal and intercostal) muscles is foremost on the list of
causes of impaired cough ( Table 34-1 ). Cough strength is generally
assessed qualitatively; peak expiratory flow or maximal expiratory
pressure at the mouth can be used as a surrogate marker for cough
strength. A variety of assistive devices and techniques have been
developed to improve cough strength, spanning the gamut from
simple (splinting the abdominal muscles with a tightly-held pillow
to reduce post-operative pain while coughing) to complex (a
mechanical cough-assist device applied via face mask or tracheal
tube that applies a cycle of positive pressure followed rapidly by
negative pressure). Cough may fail to clear secretions despite a preserved
ability to generate normal expiratory velocities, either due to
abnormal airway secretions (e.g., bronchiectasis due to cystic fibrosis)
or structural abnormalities of the airways (e.g., tracheomalacia
with expiratory collapse during cough).
The cough of chronic bronchitis in long-term cigarette smokers
rarely leads the patient to seek medical advice. It lasts only seconds
to a few minutes, is productive of benign-appearing mucoid sputum,
and is not discomforting. Similarly, cough may occur in the context
of other respiratory symptoms that, together, point to a diagnosis,
such as when cough is accompanied by wheezing, shortness of
breath, and chest tightness after exposure to a cat or other sources of
allergens. At times, however, cough is the dominant or sole symptom
of disease, and it may be of sufficient duration and severity
that relief is sought. The duration of cough is a clue to its etiology.
Acute cough (<3 weeks) is most commonly due to a respiratory
tract infection, aspiration event, or inhalation of noxious chemicals
or smoke. Subacute cough (3—8 weeks duration) is frequently the
residuum from a tracheobronchitis, such as in pertussis or "postviral
tussive syndrome." Chronic cough (>8 weeks) may be caused
by a wide variety of cardiopulmonary diseases, including those of
inflammatory, infectious, neoplastic, and cardiovascular etiologies.
When initial assessment with chest examination and radiograph is
normal, cough-variant asthma, gastroesophageal reflux, nasopharyngeal
drainage, and medications (angiotensin converting enzyme
[ACE] inhibitors) are the most common causes of chronic cough.
Cough of less than 8 weeks' duration may be the early manifestation
of a disease causing chronic cough.
Details as to the sound, time of occurrence during the day, and
pattern of coughing infrequently provide useful etiology clues.
Regardless of cause, cough often worsens when one first lies down
at night or with talking or in association with the hyperpnea of exercise;
it frequently improves with sleep. Exceptions might include
the characteristic inspiratory whoop after a paroxysm of coughing
that suggests pertussis or the cough that occurs only with certain
allergic exposures or exercise in cold air, as in asthma. Useful historical
questions include the circumstances surrounding the onset
of cough, what makes the cough better or worse, and whether or not
the cough produces sputum.
The physical examination seeks clues to the presence of cardiopulmonary
disease, including findings such as wheezing or crackles
on chest examination. Examination of the auditory canals and
tympanic membranes (for irritation of the tympanic membrane
resulting in stimulation of Arnold's nerve), the nasal passageways
(for rhinitis), and nails (for clubbing) may also provide etiologic
clues. Because cough can be a manifestation of a systemic disease,
such as sarcoidosis or vasculitis, a thorough general examination is
equally important.
In virtually all instances, evaluation of chronic cough merits a
chest radiograph. The list of diseases that can cause persistent coughing
without other symptoms and without detectable abnormality
on physical examination is long. It includes serious illnesses such as
Hodgkin's disease in young adults and lung cancer in an older population.
An abnormal chest film leads to evaluation of the radiographic
abnormality to explain the symptom of cough. A normal chest image
provides valuable reassurance to the patient and the patient's family,
who may have imagined the direst explanation for the cough.
In a patient with chronic productive cough, examination of
expectorated sputum is warranted. Purulent-appearing sputum
should be sent for routine bacterial culture and, in certain circumstances,
mycobacterial culture as well. Cytologic examination of
mucoid sputum may be useful to assess for malignancy and to distinguish
neutrophilic from eosinophilic bronchitis. Expectoration
of blood—whether streaks of blood, blood mixed with airway secretions,
or pure blood—deserves a special approach to assessment and
management, as discussed below.
It is commonly held that use of an angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitor; post-nasal drainage; gastroesophageal reflux; and asthma,
alone or in combination, account for more than 90% of patients
who have chronic cough and a normal or noncontributory chest
radiograph. However, clinical experience does not support this contention,
and strict adherence to this concept discourages the search
for alternative explanations by both clinicians and researchers. On
the one hand, chronic idiopathic cough is common and its management
deserves study and discussion. On the other hand, serious
pulmonary diseases, including inflammatory lung diseases, chronic
infections, and neoplasms, may remain occult on plain chest imaging
and require additional testing for detection.
ACE inhibitor-induced cough occurs in 5—30% of patients taking
ACE inhibitors and is not dose-dependent. Any patient with
chronic unexplained cough who is taking an ACE inhibitor should
be given a trial period off the medication, regardless of the timing
of the onset of cough relative to the initiation of ACE inhibitor therapy.
In most instances, a safe alternative is available; angiotensinreceptor
blockers do not cause cough. Failure to observe a decrease
in cough after one month off medication argues strongly against
this diagnosis. ACE metabolizes bradykinin and other tachykinins,
such as substance P. The mechanism of ACE inhibitor cough may
involve sensitization of sensory nerve endings due to accumulation
of bradykinin. In support of this hypothesis, polymorphisms in the
neurokinin-2 receptor gene are associated with ACE inhibitor—
induced cough.
Post-nasal drainage of any etiology can cause cough as a response
to stimulation of sensory receptors of the cough-reflex pathway
in the hypopharynx or aspiration of draining secretions into the
trachea. Clues to this etiology include symptoms of post-nasal
drip, frequent throat clearing, and sneezing and rhinorrhea. On
speculum examination of the nose, one may see excess mucoid or
purulent secretions, inflamed and edematous nasal mucosa, and/
or nasal polyps; in addition, one might visualize secretions or a
cobblestoned appearance of the mucosa along the posterior pharyngeal
wall. Unfortunately, there is no means by which to quantitate
post-nasal drainage. In many instances, one is left to rely on a
qualitative judgment based on subjective information provided by
the patient. This assessment must also be counterbalanced by the
fact that many people who have chronic post-nasal drainage do not
experience cough.
Linking gastroesophageal reflux to chronic cough poses similar
challenges. It is thought that reflux of gastric contents into the
lower esophagus may trigger cough via reflex pathways initiated
in the esophageal mucosa. Reflux to the level of the pharynx
with consequent aspiration of gastric contents causes a chemical
bronchitis and possible pneumonitis that can elicit cough for days
after the aspiration event. Retrosternal burning after meals or on
recumbency, frequent eructation, hoarseness, and throat pain are
potential clues to gastroesophageal reflux. Reflux may also elicit
no or minimal symptoms. Glottic inflammation may be a clue to
recurrent reflux to the level of the throat, but it is a nonspecific
finding and requires direct or indirect laryngoscopy for detection.
Quantification of the frequency and level of reflux requires a somewhat
invasive procedure to measure esophageal pH directly (a catheter
with pH probe placed nasopharyngeally in the esophagus for
24 h, or pH monitoring using a radiotransmitter capsule placedendoscopically into the esophagus). Precise interpretation of test
results enabling one to link reflux and cough in a causative way
remains debated. Again, assigning the cause of cough to gastroesophageal
reflux must be weighed against the observation that
many people with chronic reflux (such as frequently occurs during
pregnancy) do not experience chronic cough.
Cough alone as a manifestation of asthma is common in children
but not in adults. Cough due to asthma in the absence of wheezing,
shortness of breath, and chest tightness is referred to as "coughvariant
asthma." A history suggestive of cough-variant asthma tiesthe onset of cough to typical triggers for asthma and resolution
of cough upon withdrawal from exposure to them. Objective
testing can establish the diagnosis of asthma (airflow obstruction
on spirometry that varies over time or reverses in response to
bronchodilator) or exclude it with certainty (negative response to
bronchoprovocation challenge, such as with methacholine). In a
patient capable of making reliable measurements, home expiratory
peak flow monitoring can be used as a cost-effective method to
support or discount a diagnosis of asthma.
Chronic eosinophilic bronchitis causes chronic cough with a
normal chest radiograph. This condition is characterized by sputum
eosinophilia in excess of 3% without airflow obstruction or bronchial
hyperresponsiveness and is successfully treated with inhaled
Treatment of chronic cough in a patient with a normal chest
radiograph is often empiric and is targeted at the most likely cause
or causes of cough as determined by history, physical examination,
and possibly pulmonary-function testing. Therapy for post-nasal
drainage depends on the presumed etiology (infection, allergy, or
vasomotor rhinitis) and may include systemic antihistamines; antibiotics;
nasal saline irrigation; and nasal pump sprays with corticosteroids,
antihistamines, or anticholinergics. Antacids, histamine
type-2 (H2) receptor antagonists, and proton-pump inhibitors are
used to neutralize or decrease production of gastric acid in gastroesophageal
reflux disease; dietary changes, elevation of the head and
torso during sleep, and medications to improve gastric emptying
are additional therapies. Cough-variant asthma typically responds
well to inhaled glucocorticoids and intermittent use of inhaled betaagonist
bronchodilators.Patients who fail to respond to treatment of the common causes
of cough or who have had these causes excluded by appropriate
diagnostic testing should undergo chest CT. Examples of diseases
causing cough that may be missed on chest x-ray include carcinoid
tumor, early interstitial lung disease, bronchiectasis, and atypical
mycobacterial pulmonary infection. On the other hand, patients
with chronic cough who have normal chest examination, lung function,
oxygenation, and chest CT imaging can be reassured as to the
absence of serious pulmonary pathology.
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