Chapter 12
Chapter 12: Dream
Yuna's POV
I opened my eyes, to just see the ceiling.
I was feeling a bit of a head ache, 'maybe due to the impact?' I asked myself in my thoughts.
I then decided to just sleep it off once again.
Once, I finally really woke up.
I quickly looked around, and saw that It was already morning.
But, what confuses me is that this place, it looks so different.
But, it also feels like I've been here before.
But, I don't know when and where.
I quickly sat up.
I looked around some more just to get familiarize with the place.
Then, realization hit me hard.
It was my bedroom that was filled with so many plushies.
I looked over to the side and saw, a picture of me and somebody who was hugging me.
But, it wasn't Kai.
I quickly stood up from my bed, and looked around.
Unlike the dorm, this place only had one bed.
I was busy looking for something.
I have so many plushies and yet.
I couldn't see that one.
I tried to keep looking for it.
But, I never found it.
My bedroom was super untidy because I kept on looking for that plushie.
I was in the state of mind that, I don't know what to do anymore.
I went to one corner and started crying.
Because, I didn't know what to do.
I can hear footsteps, but I just closed all of my senses.
And started crying my heart out.
I finally got my lifelong dream come true.
But, once I did.
It faded away, just like smoke.
It disappeared into thin air.
I can hear knocking sounds, which I know I can't just ignore it.
Because, it's the only way I can get answer.
And once I did.
I found the person who was in the picture, beside my bed.
The girl who was hugging me.
She looked like she also just woke up.
But, she also looked so confused, and worried.
Just like Chaeryeong eonni.
She quickly rushed to my side, and comforted me.
I was shocked.
We stayed like that for a while, that is until I was already fine.
I started asking her, where Kai was.
Or where was the plushie he gave me.
But, instead of answering me, she just looked more confused than ever.
"What do you mean, 'Kai' Yuna?" She asked me, but I didn't answer.
"Are you actually seeing somebody without me knowing?" She asked me once again, I didn't know what to answer or if I should answer her.
I was still processing the things that she just said.
But, I do know one thing.
She's real and they're not.
I quickly hugged her and started sobbing once again.
She comforted me once again, until it was past 7 AM.
I was already living the fact that they weren't and will never be real.
It turns out that, the girl who hugged me and is currently cooking right now is my older sister.
That, I only remembered now.
And that school starts about next week.
So, she said I need to get those things out of my system.
So, she recommends me to go out with my friends, or maybe talk it out.
But, since I'm still uncertain about things, I asked her if I can go to the mall with her and buy stationeries with her as well.
For the next school year.
It also turns out, that I'm just starting 1st year once again.
It actually feels like Déjà Vu.
Because, I've been through that, in that world.
Or whatever it is.
But, now.
I'm in reality.
Now, there's no more Kai, Jeongin, Chaeryeong eonni, and Taehyun oppa.
But, I still find it weird; Yujin is both Real and was in that crazy place.
But, no matter what happens.
I should really live my life, and not let what ever happen last time happen again.
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