Chapter 06
Chapter 06: Waiting
Yuna's POV
While, waiting I started playing with my phone.
Which, took away both my boredom and let time past by quickly.
Sometimes, I wonder why time seems to fly fast whenever we're doing something not that important or something fun.
But, slow when it's something boring?
I quickly set those aside, due to me playing on my phone.
I quickly paid attention to my phone, and started playing on it once again.
I was busy, playing when somebody spoke out of the blue.
"Hey. Sorry for the wait." The person said, while also panting.
I silently and secretly smiled, and quickly looked at him.
"Yeah. It's fine. I guess?" I said and shrugged it away.
I looked at the buzzer, which was right in front of me.
And it had so much time left.
About fifteen minutes more?
He sat down, on the sit right in front of me.
He was busy, wiping his sweat of him, and didn't notice that I was already staring right at him.
I was still staring at him, when he finally noticed that I was looking at him.
He quickly raised his eyebrow at me.
Which, I do admit hurt me and my pride.
But, I returned the favor to him, once again.
I turned my gaze towards the buzzer that was in front of me, and looked at him once again.
Which, he finally got the message, after a few minutes of him thinking, what I meant.
He quickly got the buzzer and placed it right in front of him, and was still busy wiping his sweat off, his face.
While me?
I went back to what I was doing earlier, before he even came here on the first place.
We started waiting for the buzzer to ring, that we didn't we realize that the buzzer was already ringing.
So, he quickly stood up and went over to the counter to get our order, and when he saw the waiter who gave him the order, he just quickly turned into a stone.
But, he shook it off and turned around just to meet my gaze.
He set down our order and sat in front of me, while also fixing up our orders.
Once, he was done fixing our orders, he stood once again and returned the tray that had our orders earlier to the staff.
He quickly bowed and went back to where I was sitting.
Once, he was comfortable enough with it.
He stared at me. Then he quickly tilted his face, and looked at my confused.
To which, I returned the favor.
He quickly pointed at the food that was right in front of me.
I looked at him, once again.
He sighed, before looking at me.
"You know. You should eat." He said, and started slicing his cake.
And once he said that I was quickly sent back to my senses.
"Ah!" I said, and started eating as well.
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