Chapter 4: Culprit
Well! I had really no desire to investigate into this matter but it seemed like I didn't have much choice. After all , I was the one suspected here after all. But still how did last unsent message to me made me suspicious.
"What was the message?"
"This bastard stabbed --" Before he could complete the message , he must have lost consciousness. So teachers speculate that he was pointing that message refering to as it was about to be sent to you to name you."
"What are your thoughts?" I looked at him .
"It really is quite absurd . After all , how would Nagumo even get your number and why would you simply not erase that message . " He tilted his glasses. I nodded leaving the room.
Right! After all, if he was really stabbed and then was trying to send that message, someone must have heard his screams and the culprit would have been caught. So it was more likely that he was meeting with someone that he wasn't on much guard with to let them in at night and then was first knocked out and stabbed and then message was supposedly shown to be intended to be sent to my name.
One of the conjecture will be that an second year upper-classmen who was supporter of Horikita Senapi ideals and close with Nagumo tried to end him and then place it on me since I was also close with him and it would lead to elimination of enemy of President and me who was getting close with him too . He probably must have thought that I would be appointed to some important position in Council so he wanted to tarnish that reputation by such act .
It would have gone well if not for certain flaws that were evident and if he hadn't chosen me to be his prey .
Though right now , I should probably return to class . My lunch break is already over. Well! I lost my appetite too after hearing this. Really! Sometimes it is just troublesome to be right . But I still wasn't sure of what I was thinking . Even though I already knew from beginning.
"Hey Kiyotaka! So where did you eat lunch today?" Shiori asked me as I entered . Several boys glared at me. Did they just forget how she insulted them all yesterday?
"No! I didn't have lunch today . I was busy ." I stated to which she widened her eyes .
"What? Are you well?" As the class began . I was kinda annoyed by her chitter chatter but it was still better than having to deal with Horikita.
"Aayonokoji! We need to talk ." Horikita demanded as me and Shiori walked out after class. She was standing there desperately trying to keep her cool. I looked at Shiori who nodded and left us. Horikita took me to other end of hallway and then turned .
"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked.
"Don't play dumb . You know what I want to talk about. I told you I was going to handle the matter with Kushida. Why did you expel her without telling me ?" She glared.
"I really didn't do anything. She was just trying to cheat and I prevented that . It wasn't my intention to let her get expelled because she didn't study." I replied as she gnashed her teeth fuming.
"Oh ! And what about Matsushita? Do you really think that it went unnoticed by me how you have got in cahoots with her ? There is no way she could have that much evidence to clear doubts unless you had a hand in it ." She looked at me .
"I simply happened to posses some things that could negate the damage done by Kushida and gave them to Matsushida as she was stalking me to shut her up . It was all just a coincidence."
"So that is how it is? Are you still planning to help me reach class A..?" She bit her lip.
"I told you that I would do that . I would play my part in class as much as everyone else. But don't expect too much from me . Now can I go ?" She looked like she wanted to stab me but she controlled herself as I sighed leaving her .
I had to focus on investigation though too . After all , teachers would likely reveal it in one or two days and obviously second year students will already be in panic wondering where Nagumo had gone . So I need to take advantage of this situation but obviously if I go myself , then it would attract lot of attention towards me as to why a first year boy who is seemingly close with Student Council President want to enquire into affairs of second year . That is why ...
"Senapi! Would you spare me a minute of your time?" Shiori called out a random second year from Nagumo's Class. If a cute kouhai aporoaches Senapi , it is quite possible to lead mind towards romantic inclination rather than suspecting them of something else . That is just how emotions work . A flow that can be diverted so easily by simplest of actions that you can gain any information from correct usage . I had already tried this with Kushida so I was even more sure of it this time that it will do the trick.
As Shiori lead him to me , his expression turned to distaste seeing me. I hadn't done anything to offend any second year so why was he already feeling such way towards me. Well! I couldn't care less what he thought of me .
"I have information regarding Nagumo Senapi but before that , I want to confirm few things." I told him as he raised his eyebrows .
"What do you mean ? You are just a first year term brat .." He stated to get angry.
"Now! Now! That is no way to treat your kouhai, is it Senapi?" Shiori smiled as he seemed to calm down a bit. Great! Looks like her presence really helped in mollifying the situation.
"So I want to know whether there are some students in your class who aren't supportive of Nagumo Senapi as a candidate for student Council." I stated
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Just answer the question. "
"Fine ! There are a few. Probably Kiriyama , Kaduna and others ." He stated.
"Do any of them wish themselves to be candidate for student Council President?" At that question, his expression tightened a bit as if he wasn't really supposed to tell that information . It looks like he was guarded a bit and wanted to ward off from people getting any ideas about choosing other people as candidates which must imply that he is a Nagumo suporter. Well! It looks like my work here was done .
"Let's go ,Shiori." As I started to take my leave, the man tightened his grip around me .
"You didn't tell me anything related to Nagumo."
"Oh! Well I was just going to tell you that he is not coming today or tomorrow to class." At which his anger exceeded even more and he took a jab at me which I dodged and kicked him in the left ankle of his leg making him fall to ground..
"Please refrain from sudden outburst. I am just an ordinary kouhai of yours. It would be rather troublesome indeed for you if I happened to get injured because of your action." As he gave a disgusted smirk before brushing the dust off his coat and leaving.
"Kiyo! What was the point of all this?" She asked me enthusiasticlly.
"You are rather fast giving ne nicknames after we barely met." I said.
"Aw! Don't say that . You are internally flustered and glad to know i gave you nickname, aren't you !" She smiled. Not particularly but I didn't choose to say it aloud. Thanks to Internet sensei advice, I avoided a troublesome future.
"I can't tell you yet. But if you want to know , you can come with me tomorrow at 7am ." I told her at which she nodded curiously to know what was going to happen.
At night , I got into touch with another second year from class 2- B and messaged him from my second account that I had created to transfer private points to send to a second year to threaten Kushida back then . Here , I told him that if he provided me with info as to who was rivalling Nagumo in presidency , then i will send him 20,000 private points. Of course! I collected all those from Kushida when she left as she was threatened by second year and then he transferred them with some commision back to me . So I had no loss of money right now.
The second year guy seemed quite elated at earning 20,000 points for just a name.
As I transferred the points , I recieved a single name .
At morning , I found Shiori already waiting outside my door. Did this girl really wait outside a boy's room at so early in morning. It really seemed contradictory to how most girls are and frankly even boys who go to girls dorm only for short time but she seemed completely oblivious to the panic she could have caused across boys dorm.
As we entered the lift , I saw younger Horikita already in there who seemed quite surprised and widened her eyes seeing me and her together entering . What was she even doing here so early!
"What were you doing so early with Aayonokoji, Sawaki ?" It seemed fortunately she ignored me to her target of enquiry.
"Oh! Are you thinking of something indecent, Horikita? I didn't think you would be so bold." Shiori crushed my hopes of peacefulness soon after as she averted her eyes looking at disgust at both of us.
"Come in." The voice said as I knocked on the door of student council President.
He was surrounded by Tachibana Senapi , second year Vice President Kiriyama and a girl with flower in her head and orange hair. The way she was looking at Elder Horikita probably meant she was a second year .
"Hey ! Nice to meet you, kouhai ! I am Aashiana from Class 2-B. " She was a certainly cheerful person .
"I am Aayonokoji Kiyotaka from Class 1-D. Nice to meet you too " I replied as she seemed intrigued by my poker face .
"I am Sawaki Shiori if anyone wants to know..he he." Shiori bit her lip seeing tense environment.
"So you are the one in question here." Kiriyama looked at me .
"So it seems like you have arrived at conclusion, Aayonokoji." Elder Horikita looked at me with seriousness.
"Yes! I know who stabbed Nagumo Senapi." I nodded.
"Wait! Nagumo was stabbed?" Aashiana senapi's eyes widened. Didn't she know? Why was she even here. Well at least Tachibana Senapi was looking annoyed at me as usual. Shiori was shocked too.
"So are you saying Kiriyama did it ?" Horikita asked as Kiriyama caught attention of everyone but he looked unfazed. It seems Manabu already knew that most people would arrive at him considering circumstancial evidence.
"Shiori! Roll up your sleeves" I asked her as she tilted her head at strange request but did as she was told as all looked at her with interest.
"You were the one who stabbed Nagumo Senapi, weren't you Shiori?" I stated as she flinched.
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