30 - You're Still A Bad Dancer
Enjoy this chapter!
Question of the Day:
What's your favourite soda? 🥤
I woke up with the bitter taste of last night still on my tongue. Costa had promised to be there for me at the award ceremony, but he let me down.
Then his stupid cousins go and smash my trophy to rub salt into the wound. Actually, it was more like acid. That's not to mention Rocco laughing in the background - stupid little bitch.
Costa's apology last night did nothing to calm the anger and hurt that simmered inside me. I spent the entire day curled up in bed trying to process how yesterday became such a train wreck.
Yet, I actually won. With the way my heart was hurting, one would think I lost at the awards ceremony.
I was actually surprised by how hurt I was when I realised Costa wasn't coming last night. I sat patiently just waiting for him to come rushing in, flashing me that irritating grin as he sat down next to me with utter confidence and composure.
Because Costantino Salvatore Accardi always finds a way.
That's what I believed. I believed it would be okay. He said he'd make it to the event so I just knew he'd be there.
But he didn't come.
After I kicked him out last night, I struggled to keep control of my emotions. I got ready for bed in a tearful daze, sobbing quietly in the empty bedroom.
No one really talks about the paradox that occurs when you miss the person who hurt you.
Costa was the reason for 90% of my sadness - his family being responsible for the remaining 10%.
But I wanted him with me - for reasons I couldn't fathom. I wanted him to hold me like he did when I had that nightmare about Viktor Kozlov. I wanted his comfort.
I ached for that comfort all night long and then the following day. Yet, I was so full of anger at him that I refused to leave the room out of fear that I'd run into him.
From what I knew, they were all out of the penthouse all day. But I still didn't risk going downstairs. I couldn't bear the thought of seeing any of them.
I was actually thankful for once that Costa had so many staff working in the penthouse during the day. It meant I could have food and supplies brought to me.
I was happy taking my meals in bed - and all my snacks in between, of course.
I was sad. I deserved to snack.
I spent the day watching movies while creating a new list of extremely creative insults I could use towards my husband during our next fight.
This bitch didn't know what was about to hit him.
Then Costa decided to come storming into our room at 6pm, giving me orders like he owned the damn place. Which he did - but that's not the point. He didn't have the right to disrupt my movie after what he did yesterday.
"Get dressed." He ordered, asserting his authority like a bitchy highschool principal. "We have an event to attend."
I narrowed my eyes at him, pausing for a moment to contain the string of curse words aching to be released towards him. "What event?"
I can't believe I even graced the maláka with a response. But it was important to get all the information first before I let him know what I thought of him.
"A business gala." He replied, already heading off to get ready.
"Fuck you. I'm not going." I retorted stubbornly, picking up the remote to continue my movie.
My defiance had Costa stopping in his tracks just outside his closet. The tension radiated off him in waves - I could actually feel that shit when he paused with his hand on the door handle.
"Remember the contract?" He didn't turn around, but I didn't need to see his face to know he was furious. "You come to whichever events I need you at. So, get up and get ready. Make sure you look nice, it's an important one."
His tone left no room for arguments and even I knew my limits. I may have wanted to give him attitude, but unfortunately the life of a mafia wife isn't lived in a democracy.
She can't argue and throw bratty tantrums when she's angry.
It just...doesn't work like that - unfortunately. Perhaps if Costa and I were on better terms he'd tolerate it, but not after last night.
So I threw my bratty tantrum on the way to the event instead.
I ignored him completely, as if he wasn't even there. I actually decided to irritate him by calling Zari, letting her know every detail of what happened last night.
Costa had to sit and listen to me rant about how inconsiderate, selfish and self absorbed my husband was.
I could see his hands tightening on the wheel and at times his jaw was clenched out of anger. His body was rigid and tense, much to my satisfaction.
I just got off the phone when we pulled up in front of a grand building on the outskirts of the city.
"Talking shit about me to your friend, huh? That's real fucking mature." He muttered, rubbing his jaw as he parked the car.
"You deserve a lot worse, maláka."
He chose not to reply while we waited in the car for his security to give him the all clear. Then he got out, coming over to open my door for me.
I promise I don't just sit and wait for him because I think I'm a princess - which I am, obviously.
It was actually Costa's choice that he be the one to always open my door for me. He didn't want to take a risk with my safety apparently.
He's just okay with my heart being shattered like the trophy.
We walked silently through the grand hallways of the building, our shoes on the marble being the only sound around us.
The hallway was completely empty suggesting the event was already in full swing. That also meant I had to paste a smile onto my face, pretending to be happy to be there.
Reluctantly, I let him lead me inside the ballroom. I expected it to be full, but the sight that greeted me took my breath away.
The hall was filled with people, all who turned to look at us as we entered - like we were the ones they'd been waiting for.
Applause erupted, which left me confused as hell.
I even turned around to check if someone was behind me, but it was only Costa who then placed a warm hand on my lower back.
I had no clue what they were clapping for until I finally saw the table in the center of the room holding a single item.
A trophy.
It was the most beautiful trophy I had ever seen - possibly even the most the beautiful thing I'd ever seen.
Unlike the plain glass trophy from last night, this one was adorned with diamonds and precious stones.
It glittered under the chandelier lights, an extravagant piece of treasure that left me utterly speechless.
"What's this?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
"A celebration." Costa replied to me, his voice carrying over the crowd. "For you."
I looked around, recognising faces I hadn't expected to see.
All my senior staff from my company.
My personal assistant.
Some of my Greek extended family who lived in New York.
Julius, Damian and his parents.
Even my parents were here, despite their current tensions with me and Costa.
He also invited some of the biggest names in the publishing and media industry. Somehow, Costa managed to get all of these people to come tonight with very little notice.
I turned back to Costa, my anger melting away as I saw the sincerity in his eyes. He'd gone to such lengths, not just to apologise, but to celebrate me.
The gesture was grand, yes, but it was also deeply meaningful.
Even if he did remind me of the contract to force me to come here. Bitch.
"You did all this?" I asked, my voice still weak from the shock. I also hated being the centre of attention which is unheard of for a princess.
Turning to face him, I imagined everyone else was drowned out around us. It was just us.
Just me and Costa.
"For you." He stepped closer. "To show you how sorry I am for last night. I wanted to make it right."
I had been so angry and hurt but now I felt a rush of gratitude and happiness. Costa had his flaws, yes, but in that moment, he was trying. Really trying.
I stepped in closer to him, his beautiful green eyes like a magnet pulling me in closer. When I was close enough to smell the luxury cologne, I stood up on my tip toes.
I placed a hand on his shoulder to stabilise myself in my heels. His hand instinctively went to my waist to hold me.
"Thank you." I whispered before pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek.
It was bold, considering how shocked I was when he kissed my cheek before he went to Chicago. But he didn't seem to mind the overt show of affection and neither did I.
"You deserve it, Millie. You deserve everything." He murmured, tucking some hair behind my ear. Then he cradled my jaw, his thumb gently stroking my cheek.
The electric pull hadn't subsided. In fact, it kept me close to him - pretty much in his arms. Our chests were touching, our stare charged with an unusual intimacy.
I was so sure Costa started leaning in, his green eyes flickering down to my lips. But it could have been my mind playing tricks on me - teasing me with me with I wanted so badly.
Before he could even try anything though, someone approached, causing us to pull apart.
"Millie." Aidan appeared - utterly clueless to what he could have just interrupted. "Do you like it? Your party?"
He gave me a tentative smile, obviously missing how fast my heart was racing at the thought of having my first kiss.
"I love it. Thank you." I forced a smile, begrudgingly pulling myself out of Costa's hold completely.
I missed his touch almost immediately.
"We're so sorry, Millie. We didn't mean to upset you." This time it was Giovanni who spoke, coming up next to his brother. "Aidan wouldn't let me see the trophy and then it broke because he-"
"It wasn't me." Aidan snapped. "Stop telling everyone it was me. You were the one who-"
"Okay, that's enough." Costa spoke through gritted teeth, annoyance burning in his eyes. "Just go before I smack you both."
"You'd actually do that? In public? Damn, bro." Aidan was the idiot who decided to carry on talking.
Costa wasn't in the best mood after we got interrupted - not that I'm even sure exactly what was interrupted.
Maybe he was going to lean in and kiss me? Or maybe he was going to check if my breath smelled before I went to speak to everyone?
I did just inhale a large bag of Doritos before he came to tell me to get ready.
"You stupid-"
"O-kay." I put my hand on Costa's chest, preventing him from grabbing Aidan by the throat. "Leave it before you make a scene."
Thankfully, the twins scurried away before Costa could throttle either of them in public. He was still glaring after them until he turned his attention back to me.
As soon as our eyes met, a weird kind of tension settled between us. It definitely wasn't awkward, at all.
It was more that we both understood there was some unfinished business - even if we didn't say a word.
Before it could actually become awkward though, Zari approached us in a beautiful black dress. It hugged her curves beautifully and showed off her golden brown skin.
"Millie." She grinned, pulling me into her arms.
"You're here." I laughed, sliding my arms around her waist in a hug. "Even after our phone call."
"That was funny. I was standing in here listening to you rant about your inconsiderate asshole of a...husband." Her sentence trailed off when she averted her gaze towards Costa.
He'd been listening intently to every word, his eyes darkening a little when she repeated my words from earlier. I could tell she was uncomfortable, especially after how rude he was to her at the bar.
"S-sorry." She muttered, her cheeks flushing a light pink colour under his glare. She looked up at him through her lashes, somehow not breaking eye contact like most people would do in her position.
There was something I couldn't understand about their interaction. She wasn't scared of him, that much was clear. Maybe she was intimidated. But it was almost like she was...
I shook the absurd thoughts away as Costa eventually cleared his throat, breaking their intense stare down.
"I'll leave you two to talk." Costa placed a fleeting hand on my lower back as he passed by me, heading over to his brothers and the twins.
My eyes followed him as he left and then I turned back to Zari who was also looking in his direction.
"Hm?" She turned to look at me, her eyes widening a little in realisation. "Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about that night - you know...your birthday."
"Yeah." I shifted uncomfortably, trying to come up with a good explanation. "Well, we met again a couple of weeks later and he apologised for his behaviour. We kind of hit it off after that."
"But Millie, the way he treated you that night was-"
"It was a misunderstanding." It really wasn't. He was a dick.
I have no idea what caused Costa's bad mood that night, and I probably never will.
I can't say I was over it, because I wasn't - not really.
"A misunderstanding." She repeated, her eyes shifting over to the five members of the Accardi family. "Those are his brothers? The ones we saw that night? The one who...pushed you?"
"Yes." I nodded.
"They don't look very friendly." She mused. "Or even approachable. Especially the one who pushed you."
I knew exactly what she meant. They commanded all the respect and attention in the room and they weren't even trying. Especially Costantino. He had this aura surrounding him - it was one of power, fear, opulence and seduction.
Her eyes lingered in their direction for another few seconds before she turned back to me. "Well, as long as you're happy. You didn't...you didn't sound so happy on the phone earlier."
So maybe it wasn't the smartest move to rant to my best friend about my husband - not with this particularly awkward past.
"It's okay, we're good now." I smiled, trying to convey as much honesty as I could. "He made up for it with this party."
"Well, you're a lucky woman." She laughed, the tension leaving her features. "To have your husband throw you a last minute party like this just to celebrate you - wow. I wish Ryder was like that."
"Yeah." I laughed, trying to shake off the queasy feeling. It wasn't easy pretending we were happily married to my bestfriend who kept looking over at him. "He's the best."
"Does he do a lot of things like this for you?"
For a split second my mind went back over the length of our marriage, all the way back to the wedding.
He left me standing at the altar alone. On our first day as husband and wife, we couldn't even go to that little town square on the outskirts of Palermo without arguing. We've argued and fought more than I could believe. He pretty much ignored me for three months until that whole Viktor Kozlov nightmare forced us to speak again.
But then, I remembered the way he got me a bag of chocolate while we watched tangled when I got my period. Or, how he took care of me when I had the flu in Dubai. He bought me both pairs of Jimmy Choo's when I was drunk. He sat with me when I cooked the Greek food. He took me for ice cream after I got spooked by the spider.
Those were just some of the things he had done for me since we got married.
"He does. Maybe not on this scale." I gestured to the grand ballroom we were currently standing in. "But he's definitely done a lot in the four months we've been married."
Maybe I don't give him enough credit?
"That's nice. So, what does he do?" Her tone was laced with curiosity as she sipped on her champagne.
"I've told you before, his family own a bunch of businesses like mine do." I shrugged, becoming weirdly uncomfortable by the number of questions she had about my husband.
"I remember, but what kind of businesses? He works with his brothers if it's a family business?"
"I...uh- just you know, a mix. His family owns some clubs and casinos among other things." I shrugged scanning the room for some kind of way to get out of this conversation - there way too many questions for my liking.
At that exact second, my eyes locked onto Costa's green ones from where he stood at the bar. He rose an eyebrow at me, as if to ask if I was okay.
I took a subtle step away from Zari, sending him a pleading look while she continued speaking - barely even noticing the way I was feeling.
"Well, they must own a lot of businesses. Just from what I can tell, they're filthy rich." She laughed, talking as if it was a normal thing to say. "I mean, you know I love my brands. I work in Prada."
"Yeah." I laughed, just as Costa approached the two of us.
"I need to borrow you for a second." He leaned in to whisper, although it was purposely loud enough for Zari to hear.
She didn't seem to mind, her eyes flitting between Costa and I as I promised to catch up with her again soon.
As soon as Costa whisked me away, I released a breath of relief I didn't even realise I was holding.
"You okay?"
"Hm. I just need a drink." At my request, Costa gestured for a server to come over with the champagne tray.
"You didn't want to talk to your friend?" He frowned, handing me a glass when she arrived. Then he took one for himself.
"She was asking too many questions." I didn't need to elaborate, Costa understood straight away what I meant.
After all, he would have also been used to giving evasive answers and changing topics when they became uncomfortable. It's something you have to master growing up in this life.
Before I knew it, we were thrust into endless discussions with all the other guests at the party. Costa stayed by my side the entire time, playing the part of a supportive husband extremely well.
But while I stood there watching him happily converse with every person, I felt this longing - this ache in my chest.
I wished it was real - his smile when people asked him if he was proud of my achievement. The way he'd agree when they gushed about how talented or hard working I was. Every time he talked about my dedication or work ethic - at one point even mentioning how I took a business call on our wedding night.
I wanted it all to be real.
He even took the chance to meet every single one of the senior managers in my publishing company. He stood and listened like a proud husband while they all raved about how I was so young yet doing such a great job.
But it wasn't real. Our marriage was fake.
"You okay?" Costa nudged me with his leg while we were sitting down with his brothers and the twins, waiting for dinner to be served.
"Yeah." I nodded, straightening my cutlery just so I could avoid his gaze.
I was still thinking about our potential kiss and the way he had a possessive arm wrapped around my waist pretty much ever since.
"Is your party not to your taste, princess?" Rocco quipped from his place across from us on the circular table.
"Why are you even here? You don't like me." I snapped back at him. "You were laughing last night when my trophy got broken."
"Sì, because it was funny." He spoke as if it was an obvious answer. "And to answer your question, your husband required my presence. You didn't think all of these high profile guests came here by choice did you?" He smirked, lifting his drink to his lips.
"What?" I turned to Costa who was glaring at Rocco, probably for throwing him under the bus.
Eventually Costa sighed, explaining what he meant. "Rocco was the one who managed to get so many of these people to come here tonight on such short notice."
"Wait...you blackmailed them?"
"No. Well...sort of. Not properly." Costa awkwardly scratched his neck while Tristano rolled his eyes, deciding to offer some clarity.
"We softly suggested they come to this event, otherwise things might not go well for them in the coming days."
"So you threatened them?" I scoffed, looking around at the table of highly amused Accardi men.
"I have to say, threatening book publishers was a lot more fun than I thought it would be." Rocco added, grinning when he saw my expression.
My very angry expression.
"I can't believe you threatened some of the most important people in my industry. How am I ever supposed to look anyone in the eye after this? You can't just behave like that. It makes me look bad."
I think that was an understatement. Having the Sicilian Mafia threaten my guests to attend made me look a lot worse than just bad.
"Ah. I think you'll find we can do whatever we like." Rocco grinned arrogantly, unsurprisingly finding contentment in my misery.
"So all of these people didn't really come to celebrate me? They came because you forced them to?" I turned to look at Costa again who was back to glaring at his family.
"Not all of them, Millie. Just a few."
I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. I mean, I seriously doubt the CEO of a billion dollar publishing company would drop everything at the last minute to come to my little party.
"I'm sorry." Costa leaned in to whisper to me when the rest of them started up another conversation.
"You really went to a lot of trouble for me." Using my hair as a curtain between us, I avoided looking into those captivating green eyes. Instead, I focussed on my cutlery again.
I just couldn't get the stupid knife straight.
"I told you before that you deserve it. Millie, I-"
"Costa you think I can send our jet to Sicily to pick Bianca up and bring her here?"
I'm getting so sick of the twins interrupting us.
"No." Costa immediately shut down Aidan's dream of reuniting with his girlfriend.
"Shut up before I kick your ass." Rocco growled at Aidan, his impatient side rearing its ugly head.
"Yeah, bro. Brianna doesn't want to come to New York." Giovanni pitched in, as usual, getting Bianca's name wrong.
"Bianca." He corrected. "But I miss her. And every time I see Costa and Millie all loved up together, it makes me miss her more."
"We're not loved up." I quickly clarified with a scrunch of my nose while the rest of them laughed. "Don't say things like that."
"We could be." Costa leaned in to whisper, although it was stupidly loud enough for everyone else to hear too.
"Sure?" He smirked, moving my hair over my shoulder to expose my face to himself again.
"Positive." I turned to glare at him, only for it to falter when I saw just how close he was.
His body was angled towards mine in his chair as he leaned in closer to me. He had one arm resting across the back of my chair, caging me in.
I stared into those captivating green eyes, and for the second time that night, I imagined everyone else had disappeared.
That electric charge from earlier was back in full force.
My lips parted as if I was going to say something, yet my mind had gone completely blank. All I could think about were those plump pink lips that I was aching to kiss - my first kiss.
"Excuse me, ma'am." Once again we were interrupted - this time by a stupid server bringing our starters.
And just like that, reality caught up to me again. I turned away from Costa, clearing my throat awkwardly.
I didn't dare look up at the four amused expressions I knew were surrounding me right now. It could have been five, but Costa was the last person on the planet I wanted to look at. So I had no idea how he was feeling.
Thankfully they didn't mention it. The twins quickly started up another conversation about the food and soon Costa and I were old news - for now, at least.
After we had dinner, we spoke to my family briefly, although I didn't acknowledge my father even once. As it turns out, the only reason he even bothered to come was to speak to Costa.
So while I was being congratulated by my family for my award, my father was trying to urge Costa to take stronger action against the Serbian Mafia.
Seriously, this guy had no chill. He was pretty much begging Costa not to crush his dreams of dominating most of Europe.
"I'm not discussing this now." Costa muttered, sparing my father half a glance.
Surprisingly, he'd actually been trying to stay present in the conversation I was having with Damian and Julius. But my father was desperately nagging him on the sidelines.
"I threw this party for my wife. I invited you here to celebrate your daughter. I told you already I don't want to discuss business tonight."
Usually, at these events Costa would only be discussing business - nothing else. This time every conversation was about me and my work - not his. And he didn't seem to mind it at all.
My father finally took the hint, stepping away with my mother following obediently behind.
"Damn." Damian laughed. "Touchy today, Accardi?"
"Don't." I narrowed my eyes at my cousin, knowing he was only trying to stir the pot. "For once can you guys just get along?"
"I didn't even say anything." Costa immediately defended himself, probably hoping to avoid being in my bad books again so soon.
"You don't need to say anything. Just your presence is enough." Julius muttered with disgust, sipping on his drink.
"You didn't have to come." This time it was Rocco who spoke, suddenly appearing by Costa's side. "Your presence here wasn't required."
He said that like his presence was required. Rocco and I hate each other and nothing on this earth will ever change that.
"It's a party for my sister, of course we came." Julius spat at the youngest Accardi brother. "She's still part of our family even if you fuckers try to keep her away."
The accusation only made Rocco laugh - his tone sardonic and void of any emotion.
"You really think we care that much about your little family? Or her? If it wasn't for Costa, she'd be dead by now." Rocco's menacingly cold eyes met mine as he said that. Flashbacks to the anniversary of their mother's death came to me - the same night Rocco pulled a gun on me.
I took an uncomfortable step away, something that didn't go unnoticed by any of the trained made men in that circle.
"What the fuck did you just say?" Julius's temper suddenly flared as he stepped towards Rocco. "If you hurt my sister, I swear-"
"You'll what?" Rocco goaded, also taking a step closer.
"Stop it." Costa quickly grabbed Rocco by the arm, pulling him away from the impending confrontation with my brother. "Te l'avevo detto che stasera era importante. Litigare con la sua famiglia non mi aiuterà." (I told you tonight was important. Fighting with her family isn't going to help me.)
Whatever Costa said had Rocco standing down, but only after another few seconds of glaring into the eyes of my brother.
A premature sense of relief filled me. I say premature because my idiot brother decided to open his mouth, pouring gasoline over the fire.
"So you're the one who can tame Rocco?" Julius laughed, eyeing the way Costa had placed a hand on Rocco's chest to stop him. "If only your father could keep you three mutts on a similar leash."
Costa immediately spun around, his green eyes burning with anger. I could tell it was taking every ounce of his strength not to unleash whatever retort was on the tip of his tongue against my brother.
So there we stood, just the five of us - the fiery tension almost visible in the way they glared at each other.
Costa and Rocco stood across from Julius and Damian while I stood to the side watching the four of them.
"You know, this is pointless, right?" I muttered, sipping on my champagne while I watched the four idiots stand toe to toe.
The sound of my voice had them all breaking their silent stare down to look at me. Three of them seemed confused by my statement while one of them only looked annoyed by my interruption.
I'm sure you could guess which idiot that was. His name starts with an R.
"What is?" Julius snapped, as always lacking tact when he spoke about business - especially with me.
He just couldn't handle it when I got involved.
"This." I gestured at the four of them and the way they were squared off against each other. "You guys being at each other's throats is only helping Aco and Viktor."
"You don't know what you're-"
"-talking about?" I finished Julius's sentence with narrowed eyes. "Of course I do. They're coming for both the Greeks and the Sicilians, idiot. They want you guys to hate each other."
"Just stay out of it, Millie." Rocco sneered at me. "It doesn't concern you."
"Exactly." Julius apparently decided he wanted to side with Rocco. Meanwhile, Costa was glaring at his younger brother. And Damian was glaring at Julius.
For once there were new teams.
"Don't speak to her like that. She's still part of our family." Damian defended me. "She has every right to give her opinion."
"Her loyalty will be towards them from now on. So she can give her opinion to her husband. That's what he's there for - to listen to her whine." Julius shifted his gaze towards my husband who'd so far done well to control his temper.
"One more fucking word." Costa spoke with such a calm voice it just gave away how angry he really was. "One more fucking word disrespecting her and I'll kill you right here."
On instinct, Julius stepped towards Costa threateningly. "Do it, you son of a-"
"Julius!" I stopped him before he could finish, this time stepping between them. I placed a hand on my brother's chest, shoving him backwards.
"Just stop. All of you need to stop fighting. We're all going to end up dead if you focus your anger on each other." By this point I was utterly defeated, especially when Rocco released a string of curse words directed at me in Italian.
Ignoring the fact Rocco called me a bitch, and some other words, I turned to look at Costa.
"I want to go home."
If looks could kill, the three idiots behind me would have been turned to dust. Since he was way taller than me, Costa continued to glare at them over the top of my head - much to my frustration.
It's time like this I wished I drank my milk when my mother told me to as a child. Maybe I'd be a bit taller.
"Costa. I said I-" I didn't get the chance to finish my sentence when Costa grabbed my hand, guiding me away from them.
"You can't." He continued walking through the ballroom while I complained behind him.
"Why? Look, I really appreciate all the effort you went to but I'm just not in the mood to socialise anymore. People are leaving anyw-"
"You're not going home yet, Millie." He finally came to a stop, giving me a heart stopping smile. "Not until you dance with me."
"D-dance?" I stood there like an idiot, too stunned to move.
Sure other couples were dancing, but that didn't mean we had to. Did it?
"Sì." He smiled, gently taking my hand when I still refused to move in my mild - or severe - state of shock.
He was just so angry and now the psycho wants to dance.
I let him pull me into him until our bodies were pressed against each other. He wrapped an arm around my waist, keeping his other hand firmly on my hip. On instinct, I put my hands on his shoulders, allowing him to lead us in the dance.
At first it was quiet between us, neither of us breaking the odd sense of calm and peace. I was busy looking around the room which was quickly emptying as the minutes passed.
I guess since they'd stayed until after dinner, everyone who was threatened to come now felt like they'd fulfilled their obligations.
Then my eyes landed on the glistening trophy still on display in the middle of the room. It was made of solid gold with only a bit of glass, unlike the original. The gold was encrusted with diamonds and a few rubies to give it some colour.
"What am I supposed to do with that?" I couldn't help but smile at the thought that went into it, but it really wasn't practical.
"What? What's the problem with it?" But he didn't understand, because he's a rich guy and they never understand.
"Costa, it looks like it belongs in a museum under 24 hour security. How could I ever display it in my office in public?" I don't know how, but he'd managed to get a replica of the original trophy made but with all the added diamonds and gold.
"I'll have someone watch it for you." He dismissed my concern, tightening his arms around me.
"The other one wasn't good enough. It needed some diamonds." He murmured while I continued to stare at the extravagant trophy.
There was very little I could do now, so I released a soft laugh with a shake of my head. "Fine. But it's probably better we put it in your penthouse. I don't want it to get stolen."
"Whatever you want." He replied, his green eyes remaining fixed on me.
Now that I'd finished looking around the room, I was forced to give him my full attention again - something I didn't have the lady balls to do without feeling extremely nervous and awkward.
Our bodies were closer than ever before and I completed melted into his touch. The proximity wasn't for the faint of heart.
"We haven't danced together since our wedding day." I whispered, becoming uncomfortably aware of just how well I fit in his arms.
It just felt so...right.
"It's been four months and you're still a bad dancer." He murmured, a playful glint in his eye.
"I'm not bad!" I scoffed, my defences immediately going up.
"No? You're very...tense." He leaned in closer, his voice becoming huskier and his accent getting thicker.
I'm so fucked.
"You're just...well, you're just...you know...-"
"No, I don't know." He smirked, pausing to release his hold on me. Costa stepped away, twirling me around and then pulling my back firmly against his chest.
The contact caused me to gasp as he leaned down, whispering into my ear over my shoulder. "Am I making you nervous, principessa?"
"N-no." Yes.
"Yes." No.
I felt his chest rumble as he chuckled before he released me from his hold. He turned me around before pulling me back into his arms, now with our chests touching again.
He kept a hold of my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine. The other remained on my waist.
This time, he leaned down so our faces were so much closer. Any closer and his forehead would be resting on mine. I could smell the unmistakable scent of whiskey on his breath and it mingled perfectly with his musky, woody cologne.
The scent was intoxicating and comforting all at once.
For the third time that night, I got lost in those captivating, murky green eyes. The room, although much emptier than earlier, once again faded into the background. I could hear the faint sound of the gentle piano notes in the background.
Something was in the air ever since we stepped into the ballroom.
I don't know what it was. Maybe it was finally admitting my feelings out loud to Damian that did it. Or maybe it was seeing how much effort he put into my party that had my feelings overflowing.
I'd never felt anything like it - this intense urge to act on my feelings. The intense urge to close the gap and kiss him.
It could potentially ruin everything. It could hurt more than anything if my first kiss became a mistake - especially with the man who was taking my heart captive.
He was coming in close - so close that our noses were nearly touching. The intimacy sent a shiver down my spine, making my heart race wildly in my chest.
"Millie..." He whispered, unconsciously licking his lips. His gaze flitted down to my own lips, then back up to my eyes again.
"Costa." That's all I could manage to get out as he leaned in, the gap becoming increasingly less as the seconds ticked by.
The anticipation was electric. His fingers tightened slightly around mine, his grip on my waist firm yet tender. I felt like my body was moulded perfectly with his as we leaned in, our lips inches away from touching.
The tension 👀🥵 What did you guys think? Would you forgive Costa?
Do you think they'll kiss in the next chapter?
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