The end of the world we know
"You may now kiss the bride!" Joey said with a big smile as Joel and Lizzie stepped closer to each other.
Once they stood close, Joel yanked her down and kissed her, the rest of the emperors clapping in congratulations. They then walked out of the church, Jimmy and Kathrine following (Groomsman & bridesmaid), and soon the rest followed.
Once outside, Lizzie grew to her usual height, picking her husband up and running down to the docks, where fWhip had disappeared to, to set up the fireworks. Once it was ready and they all stood looking over the sea at the moon rise, fWhip flipped the lever.
After staring in awe, Joel kissed his newlywed wife on the cheek. She turned and kissed him on the mouth, and he kissed her back. Then the picture was taken, and Pearl stepped forward to retrieve it. It was a good photo, all the rulers were in it, and the two newlywed were kissing. As the rulers went to stand in a circle to see it, clapping was heard.
"That was beautiful! Oh, I wish the Claiming would have gone like that, but it didn't. Oh, it was so sad. My trusted sibling sent out the order to kill me as I flew. If it weren't for my God, I wouldn't be here today. So, tragic. Right, Xornoth?" The new person told, wings flapping in the wind.
All the rulers turned and saw a man in his twenties with large, white, owl-like wings standing in the middle of the docks. Jimmy couldn't shake off the feeling he had met him before, mainly the way he spoke but also a bit of his appearance. Gem's eyes widen in recognition, and she's about to say something, but the man shushes her by putting a finger over his mouth.
Jimmy closes his eyes to concentrate better, and in the next second, he can hear laughing, so he opens his eyes again. And there stands Xornoth with a sword in the wood that makes up the docks, the winged man flying above them, laughing as Xornoth tries to stab him.
The man landed on the ground a few feet away from Xornoth, and as soon as their sword was out of the ground, Xornoth sprinted after him. Their brother laughed again and ran in a circle between the rulers, winking at Jimmy, waving at the Nature Wives, Niki, and Gem, and smiling at the rest as if he knew them.
After a bit of chasing, the winged man turned around and spread his arms and wings as if accepting death; Xornoth saw this and immediately jabbed their sword toward the man. At this moment, Oli thought it would be a good idea to lean towards Pixl, to whisper something in his ear, but that never happened as the unknown male decided this would be a good moment to soar upwards, unaware of Oli being directly behind him.
Oli screamed in pain; Xornoth had stabbed him in the side. He fell forward into Pix's arms as Gem cried at Xornoth to not take the sword out, but they didn't listen. They just look around after their brother and rip the sword out of Oli when they see what they think is their brother behind them.
Oli sobs in pain as Pix quickly takes him to the side, Sausage and False running to help. Then the man appears behind them, leans down, and says something in a different language than common, and soon there are purple bandages that emit powerful magic False's lap; he then flies away, but not before a piece of purple parchment lands on Sausage's shoulder, falling the ground.
After a few more pitiful tries of stabbing and dodging, the be-winged man freezes Xornoth so he can have a pause from the chase. He then walks up to Jimmy, goes down on one knee, and says;
"I missed you."
Before kissing his hand and standing up again and unfreezing his sibling, flying upwards.
Then in rage against their brother, Xornoth slashes with their sword in multiple directions; luckily, no one is in the danger zone. Scott lands behind a few emperors and puffs his wings a little before standing straight again and seeing his sibling barreling toward him. He steps to the side, Xornoth face-planting into the wooden dock and a few of the rulers getting a laugh. One of the not-so-subtle laughers was fWhip, who almost face-planted himself of laughter. Xornoth recognized the laugh and stared at fWhip, who had gotten up but was still shaking in laughter, his sister shaking her head.
A yell directed at fWhip is heard, and many people turn towards the still unidentified man, who's pointing to Xornoth still flying; the person in question walks quickly toward fWhip, who apparently didn't hear the yell. The elf ruler's pace began picking up, and soon they were running toward fWhip, sword in hand as if they were about to slice his head off his body.
Pearl tackles Xornoth just as they go for the cut, and only a part of fWhips throat gets cut, but still enough to severely damage fWhip. fWhip eyes widen in pain, and his mouth opens as if he's about to scream, but no sound comes out. He holds his hand over the intense wound and slowly collapses to his knees. Pearl is able to take Xornoths sword and throws it to Kathrine for maintenance to see if there are any poisons, as it has cut two people now. She then quickly runs toward fWhip, while ripping a piece of her very delicate sunflower dress, using that as a bandage as fWhip struggles to make a sound.
A swooping sound is heard, and most of the uninjured people turn to see who it is. They see it's the man who now is next to Xornoth, a foot placed on their chest, pressing down slowly. Joey is about to surge forward to help his love but is stopped by hands on his wrists. He looks behind him and sees Niki, they lock eyes, and she looks away, clearly reminded of something or someone. Joey decides not the pay attention to that and looks back at his lover and their brother.
Runes begin filling the air, and walking forward is Gem, staff in hand, casting a spell, anger vicious in her eyes. The be-winged man lifts his foot, places it down on the wood, and steps backward before flying to the top of one of the ships in the dock and sitting on the mast.
Gen begins talking in Latin, and Xornoth gets surrounded by purple magic. Then Gem opens her arms up in a wild motion, and the injured people, Pearl and Pix, are gone, then she disappears. Joey then feels the hands on his wrists loosen, and he runs to his partner, now lying on the ground in a cage in Gem's signature purple colors, gold, and the color of the sunset/sunrise. He takes his pickaxe out and tries to mine it but fails.
"Your quite an idiot, JoeyGraceffa. Only Gem and Gods can break that material. Shame PearlEscentMoon isn't here anymore. Probably the reason Gem teleported her away." The still unidentified man said.
"Um- Excuse me? It seems you know our names, so can we get yours? It just seems fair."
"Oh, of course! Please call me Smajor, MythicalSausage!"
"His name is Scott." *cough* "He's the one Niki was talking about when you first met her-" Xornoth manages to say between his coughs as he got hit down into the wooden planks quite hard.
"Shut up, Xornoth. I'll step on you again. Oh, and your boyfriend is also really dumb." Smajor said, pointing to Joey, still trying to break the blocks.
He then teleports away, leaving a ton of snow and ice. The remaining emperors look at each other and decide to part ways. Jizzie flies to the Ocean Empire for their honeymoon, while the others fly to the Crystal Cliffs to see if they can help with anything.
Darkness starts filling the docks of Mythland as Joey sits there, praying for any god to help his partner. Soon the darkness gets so intense Joey realizes it's there and looks around to see if he can see anyone who's caused this darkness. He is only met with a dark stag and a distorted voice.
After a while, Jimmy flies home to the Cod Empire and walks into his home to be met by Norman meowing, rubbing up against his legs and tail, trying to get Jimmy's attention. He leans down, pets Norman, and walks into his kitchen. He opens a cabinet and takes out the cat food, fills up Norman's bowl, places it back, and closes the cabinet. He then refills the water bowl and pets Norman while he eats.
He then walks to his bed and kicks off his boots, and takes out his communicator as it has been blowing up. Apparently, there's a snowstorm in most other empires, but it doesn't seem like it in the Cod Empire. He decides it wouldn't hurt to check and takes on his boots again before walking outside.
And just as he expected, there was no snowstorm. Tho it is snowing, which is quite unusual for the Cod Empire. He types it in his communicator, and soon Shelby answers with the same answer. Gem and Niki say they don't really have a saying in this as it's usual that it snows in their empires, while Pix, Joey, Joel, and Lizzie can't say anything as they live in places where it can't really snow. (Desert, Jungle, Mesa, Warm Ocean). Xornoth says that it is usual for them to get snow, but right now, it's harsher than it has ever been so-
Kathrine says that her empire has a magic dome protecting it from destructive weather like snowstorms, and the dome only lets light rain in. But outside the some, it looks like light falling snow, and if she ventures farther out, it becomes a snowstorm.
Jim decides to go down to the docks and sit there listening to all the sounds of civilization. He begins to walk down towards the edge of his empire and greet everyone he meets. Sitting on the edge of one of the docks, he sees an export ship sail away, and if he turns his head, he can see the free-roaming cod playing in the water.
"AH!" Was all that he could say before falling into the water. He quickly resurfaces and turns around to see the fairly handsome man from earlier.
"Sorry if I scared you. Just saw you sitting here all lonely and decided to pop down!"
"Um- Well, I'm the Cod father, then, and your Smajor, right?"
"Oh, I know that, Jimmy! And call me Scott. It feels weird for you to call me that."
"Wait, what do you mean? I don't ever remember meeting you before today."
"That must be what Aeor meant..." Scott began mumbling, Jimmy feeling this scenario has happened before under different circumstances.
"How about we just tell each other different things about ourselves? Like I'll go first, my favorite flower is the Poppy."
"I can see that; your whole empire is covered in them. They seem to thrive here. Mines the forget-me-nots." Scott giggles as he stands up, walks over to where the wood turns into grass, finds a ton of poppies and a few forget-me-nots, and walks back.
He sits beside Jimmy, legs crossed, and begins making a flower crown.
Once done, he turns to Jim and places it over the Codfather-head. He then begins on a second one. Jimmy shifts to use the ocean as a mirror and sees a beautiful flower crown that could easily compete with Kathrines placed on his head. It increasingly feels like this has happened before, so Jimmy has to ask a question.
"Have I ever shown you my face?" He asks, taking the flower crown off carefully before taking off the Codfather-head and placing the flower crown back on.
This question seems to startle Scott, but he nods, placing the other flower crown on his head.
(Timmy's: Forget-Me-Nots, Scott's: Poppys)
"Yes, yes, you have. I believe that was a year before I had to leave. I remember staying in the area around your empire and you questioning your mother about where I was... Then you found out" Scott looked away, tears starting to form as he recalled.
"That was the worst day of my life, Timmy. I hated hearing you cry... I think that's the day I realized how evil Exor is." Jimmy was taken aback by using his nickname, but it felt right.
"I might not remember anymore, but can we be friends? Like a reset. If you want to?" Jimmy asked.
Scott wiped his tears. "At some point, I might wanna be more than that, though, cutie." Scott kissed his cheek and stood up, ready to fly away.
"Wait! Um, how am I going to be able to contact you?" A flustered Timmy asked
"Just do how you'd contact anybody else privately, but with Smajor1995. I'll see you around Sunflower!" Scott kissed Jimmy's forehead and flew off, leaving a very flustered Timmy on the docks. Jimmy decided to message Scott once he was inside and wasn't wet. He had to come up with a nickname for him.
He puts on his Codfather-head and walks up to his house, takes off his boots, and decides to take a shower. Once he's out and has gotten clothes back on, he checks the communicator and sees there will be a meeting the next day, in the Crystal Cliffs, about some corruption. What corruption? He looks out his window, and there seems to be nothing unusual besides cyan and gold crystals in the sky! When did they appear? He rechecks his communicator, and this time there is a message from Scott
^Aya Sunflower! I hope you like the crystals! You can take them down if you want. Petal^
2367 words. Honestly, I impressed myself.
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