R4BB1T P13 D4Y
T1M3 L1N3 H45 5H1FT3D
Jungkook felt the wood under his fingertips. Trying to gather enough strength to move.
"Don't move. It'll hurt."
Jungkook froze as he heard a voice. "I can't see..."
"I put a cool cloth on your head," Jin said. "You got pretty roughed up in that fight."
"Where are we?" Jungkook asked, reaching up to take the cloth off his eyes.
Jin kept the cloth in place. "Somewhere safe. Don't worry..." Jin hummed a song under his breath.
Jungkook tried to move again only to get pulled in another direction. "What are you doing to me?"
"Helping," Jin answered simply. "You're hurt. Rest."
"Who else is there?" Jungkook muttered.
"Doesn't matter."
"It does. WHO ELSE IS THERE?" Jungkook asked raising his voice.
There was a sound of something scraping on the floor. Jin holding onto Jungkook's shoulder. "Jungkook you're freaking out. Please rest."
"Hyung I apologize in advance for this if I'm wrong," Jungkook muttered before twisting and giving Jin a quick kick to his side. The cloth falling from his face so he was able to see again. "But I'm right..."
Even with the cloth off of his eyes, the room was still dark. However, Jungkook knew he was still stronger than them combined.
Carefully feeling around the wall until he felt a crack. Something resembling a door. Pulling it open and locking himself inside.
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