Chapter 01
S a c h i i s m y p r i d e a n d j o y . S h e ' d d o a n y t h i n g
F o r m e . I d o n ' t t h i n k s h e e v e n r e c o g n i z e s m e
A n y m o r e . B u t I s t i l l l o v e h e r w i t h a l l m y
H e a r t .
Ayumi: It was a rainy evening after school, just like this one... Running down the stairs, the kindly teacher lost her footing. She tumbled, and she fell...and she died. ...You've all heard story's, no? Before Kisaragi Academy was built here, there was another school on this property. Heavenly Host Elementry School, it was called. Such a horrible thing to happen... The principle was completely devastated. He cared for the school almost as if it were his own child, you see. But one thing led to another after the incident...and ultimately, a decision was reached. The school was to be shut down. The principal was so stricken with the grief over losing his precious child that on the day of its closure......he climbed up to its roof and threw himself to his death. Or so the story goes...
Satoshi: *gasp*
Ayumi: People thought Heavenly Host was cursed, you see. This was just the latest of many deaths to occur
There. That's why it was torn down... However! They say the teacher who fell down the stairs still has no idea she's dead, even to this very day... And on rainy evenings like this, after school days come to an end......some claim she roams theses darkened hallways...s t i l l b e l i e v i n g t h e m t o b e h e r o w n . . . In fact, it's almost time for her to make her rounds! Just after seven o'clock... That's when she appears, always accompanied by a sudden blackout that leaves the entire building dark as night... 'Knock knock,' you'll hear from the blackness...followed by the sound of the classroom door ssslowly sssliding open... As her pale white face cuts through the stillness, her soft voice always echoes the same question: 'I s a n y o n e s t i l l
H e r e ?' And then...
Satoshi: Yaaaaaaaaaargh!!
The girls: Eeeeeeeeek!!
Satoshi: It's...a blackout!
Naomi: Satoshi! Pull yourself together! Don't scare us like that!
Satoshi: But, it was scary!
Ayumi: I don't like this... This shouldn't be happening...
Yoshiki: Not bad, Shinozaki. You had me going there for a minute.
Ayumi: It wasn't me! I've been standing here the whole time! This is a real blackout!
Erie music plays
Mayu: Does...anyone hear that?!
Morishige: Sounds like it's coming from the music room...
All present: ...!
Ayumi: No way...
Mayu: (First blackout...and now the door...)
Satoshi: ...Hnnnnnng...
Naomi: What the hell is wrong with you, Satoshi?! Get a hold of yourself!... And get off of me! That's my chest!
Satoshi: Ack! Sorry, sorry! I couldn't see where I was grabbing!
Mayu, Ayumi, Seiko, & Naomi: ...!
Satoshi: I told you it was a bad idea to stay here so late and tell ghost stories!
Yoshiki: Hey, Satoshi. Aren't you gonna get the door?
Satoshi: What?!
Yoshiki: The girls are trembling in fear. Doesn't it break your heart to see them like that?
Satoshi: So why don't YOU get the door?!
Yoshiki: Well, it doesn't break MY heart...
Satoshi: ... That's cold, man.
???: Is anyone still here...? G o h o m e , c h i l d r e n . . .
Satoshi: YAAAAAAAGH!! * falls back and hits his head on the teachers desk *
Ms. Shishido: Heehee. Did I scare you?
Satoshi: ... Ms... Yui...?
Ayumi: Heya, teach!
Ms. Shishido: Shinozaki!
Ms. Shishido & Ayumi : * high fives each other * All right!
Ayumi: I'd call that an a rousing success!
Mayu & Seiko: Maaan, we've been had!
Ayumi: Your timing couldn't have been more perfect.
Ms. Shishido: heheh. I wasn't a student here too long ago myself, so when it comes to the ' seven wonders of Kisaragi High ' ... I'm pretty well-versed!
Yoshiki: Heh... Satoshi...
Mayu: Hahaha. I thought Shig's reaction was priceless, but yours was a whole different level altogether, Mochida!
Morishige: It was pretty impressive. I could never hope to compete with that.
Ayumi: Hmm-hmm! Mochida's always got the best reactions. I just LOVE it when my scares are so thoroughly effective! It's simply...delicious...
Satoshi: Hmph. Who ever heard of a class representative with such a sadistic streak, anyway?!
Ms. Shishido: Sorry about that, Mochida! But I can't deny, your reaction WAS pretty amusing.
Satoshi: Ugh...
Ms. Shishido: All planking aside, though, I ran into a rather adorable individual in the hall who's come to see you.
Satoshi: Hmm?
Ms. Shishido: What are you standing around out there for? Come on in! He's right here!
A little girl comes in
Yuka: ... H-Hello, everybody...
Satoshi: Yuka What are you doing here?!
Yuka: Big brother!
Ms. Shishido: Seems Mochida fkrgot his umbrella this morning, so little Yuka here has come all this way to deliver it.
Satoshi: Oh, yeah, I guess I did. Sorry about that, Yuka. Thanks!
Yuka: Eheheh...
Naomi: Is she from junior high?
Yuka: Nice to meet you. My brother's always like this. Always kind, I mean!
Ayumi & Mayu: Awwww!
Naomi: I had no idea you had such a cute little sister, Satoshi.
Satoshi: ... Really? I never told you?
Naomi: You never said a word!
Yoshiki: You sure do love your big brother, don'tcha?
Yuka: Heehee. I sure do!
Aymi: Oh-ho!
Naomi: Hmm? Seems like she's met Kishinuma before...
Seiko: Hey Naomi... Looks like you've got yourself a rival, eh?
Naomi: Uhh... I'm sure I don't know WHAT your talking about... I swear, this mouth of yours says the craziest things!
Ms. Shishido: All right, everybody! It's past seven. Isn't it about time you all get ready and go home?
Mayu: ... Ooh...
Ayumi: Awww, do we have to? Shouldn't we clean up all the red bean cafe stuff first? It'd be a shame to leave so soon!
Yoshiki: Yeah, with the classroom like this, it almost seems like we could hold another culture festival tommorrow .
Ms. Shishido: Isn't that what you were supposed to be doing here in the first place? You promised me this room would be ready to go by the time I got here, as I recall!
Ayumi: Hnn...
Ms. Shishido: Heh. Well, it's getting late. How about you leave it for now, and come in early tommorrow?
Ayumi: Yes, ma'am!
Ms. Shishido: Suzumoto... I know how hard it is to say goodbye......but I wish you the best of luck at your new school. I know you'll do just fine.
Mayu: ...
Naomi, Seiko & Ayumi: ...
Mayu: ... Thanks...
Seiko: won't be the same around here with out you, Suzume...
Ayumi: I know you Suzumoto. You'll make new friends in no time flat. I'm sure of it!
Naomi: And it's not like you're moving THAT far away. Come winter break, we'll all make sure we come visit!
Ayumi: Yeah, totally! Don't look so glum. We'll see you again real soon. We're friends forever, after all!
Mayu: You guys...
Yuka: (Hey brother, is that girl transferring to a new school or something?)
Satoshi: (Yeah. Today's culture festival was her last day.)
Yuka: (Aww...)
Mayu: Thank you so much...all of you... I'm so have you as friends... You all have a special place in my heart...and you always will!
Morishige: ...
Naomi: Heh... *sniffle*
Seiko: *sob* Ohhhh, Suzume... Take care out there... *bawl* ... I'll always be watching over you from above!
Naomi: ... Uh, Seiko? Earth to Seiko?
Seiko: My spirit will guide your path!
Naomi: You're not dead you know...
Morishige: Mayu? Come on... Let's see that smile of yours.
Mayu: ...O-okay. But how about we get everybody in the shot?
Ayumi: Ooh, yeah! I totally want in!
Yoshiki: Me too!
Satoshi: Hahaha. Me three.
Yuka: Me four!
Naomi & Seiko: Heehee!
Yuka: Big brother?
Satoshi: Hmm?
Yuka: Your friends are really great, you know?
Satoshi: ...They sure are.
Seiko: Ahahaha! Gimme, gimme! I wanna see!
Naomi: Send it to my phone, would you, Morishige?
Morishige: Of course. I'll send it to all of you right now.
Ayumi: ... Hey, Teach... Before we head back, there's something I'd like to do with everyone...
Ms. Shishido: Hmm?
Ayumi: Since we're losing one of our own, do you mind... If we try it? It's called 'Sachiko Ever After.'
Naomi: Who's Sachiko? And what's with the paper doll? Is this another one of your a cult things?
Ayumi: Yeah, kind of. This is... Well, it's a charm that I found on the internet. If we do it right, then all of us will be together forever! ... Or we'll always be friends, anyway. That's the gist of it.
Mayu: Ooh, it's a charm?
Ayumi: Yep! A mystical charm!
Mayu: Awsome! I totally wanna do it!
Ms. Shishido: (I think Shinozaki had her at 'charm.' That girl is totally bonkers for that kind of stuff!) (... Guess it can't hurt.) Is everybody okay with this?
Naomi, Seiko & Yuka: Yeah!
Satoshi & Yoshiko: Yuo bet!
Ms. Shishido: Morishige? You, too?
Morishige: Ah, yes.
Sound of a stone being pushed
Ayumi: All right, we're ready to go. Everybody, gather in a circle around this paper Sachiko doll? And in your head, repeat the words, 'Sachiko, we beg of you'! Yeah, repeat it nine times! Don't worry if you flub it a little, just make sure you don't stop partway through. You have to say it onetime for every person present. No more, no less, or the charm will fail.
Satoshi: Uhh, Shinozaki?
Ayumi: Hmm?
Satoshi: What, uh, happens if it fails, exactly?
Yoshiki: This whole paper doll thing seems a little sketchy to me...
Ayumi: Failure is not an option. Just give it all you've got!
Satoshi: Hehh?! ... Uh, okay...
Ayumi: All right, let's get started. Everybody remember the charm? 'Sachiko, we beg of you.' Nine times. ... Ready? Begin! *exhale* ... Everybody said it nine times?
Mayu: Yup!
Satoshi: Yeah
Yoshiki: If we don't get on with it, I'm afraid I'll wind up saying it again...
Ayumi: Okay. Now, everybody, reach towards the paper doll and grab hold of it, anywhere you can.
Naomi: Got it, I think...
Ms. Shishido: Like this?
Ayumi: Exactly. Now, hold on reeeeeally tightly. Dig your nails into it if you have to -- just don't let go. We're going to pull on it until it rips apart into nine pieces, okay? On the count of three. One...two... Three!
Satoshi: Gyaah!
Ayumi: Nicely done, everyone! Now, just make sure you keep that scrap of paper safe. Slide it in your student ID holder, or wallet. Basically, anywhere it won't get lost.
Yoshiki: Hmm... So the paper doll scrap has some sort of meaning to it, then?
Ayumi: Yep. As long as we all have a little piece of Sachiko with us......we'll always be connected with one another as friends. That's the purpose of this charm.
Naomi: Wow. That's actually pretty cool!
Seiko: PRETTY cool? Try SUPER cool! I'll have to be extra careful not to lose my piece!
Mayu: Thank you, Shinozaki. I'll treasure this.
Ayumi: No problem. Consider it our promise that we'll all definitely hang out together again.
Mayu: Definitely!
Naomi, Seiko, & Ayumi: Heheh...
Ms. Shishido: Well. I hate to say it, but think it's about time we all get packed up and start heading home.
All present: Yes, ma'am!
Ground starts shaking
Naomi: Eep!
Satoshi: Gah! An earthquake?!
Morishige: Whoa!
Naomi, Seiko, Mayu & Ayumi: Eeeeeeeeek!!
Yoshiki: What the hell?! This is like, holy crap big!
Everything is breaking around them
Yuka: Big brother!
Satoshi: Yuka! Take my hand!
Still shaking
Ms. Shishido: Evryone, stay calm! Get under your desks until it passes!
Stiiiiiillll shaaaaaaaking!
Mayu: Aaaah!!
Ms. Shishido: Under the desks! Now!
Giant crack shows up
Naomi, Seiko & Ayumi: Aaaaaahh!!
Satoshi: Wh... What the...?!
Ayumi: No... This can't be happening!
Yoshiki: Is this for real?!
Satoshi: Oh God, I'm falling!
Yuka: Big brooootheeer!
Satoshi and Yuka are falling in the giant hole
Naomi: Satoshi!!
Satoshi: Naomiii!!
Shaking and falling
Everything turns white
No one: ...... Ungh...
Wakes up
Naomi: Ouch! Ooh... Ow, my leg... I can move it, so I guess it's just a sprain...... Huh? Wh...where...? I'm...not at home, am I... It can't be......? It's so dark...I can barely see a thing... Is...this the school? Wha...! ... What's going on...? What the hell is this place?! *gasp* Is that... Seiko?! Seiko! Seiko!! ... This isn't good!
Walks out the back door and back in to help Seiko, trips Oof... That really hurt... My ankle' pretty bad shape... Keeps walking, finds a paper and reads it
Paper: [Heavenly post] 'Third Student Reported Missing' One by one, the young students of Heavenly Host _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ School seem to be disappearing, as now a third student has joined the ranks of missing. Classmates testify that fifth-grader _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was on her way home school, but got separated from her friends in the hall and hasn't been seen since. Police are investigating the possibility of a serial kidnapping and have assigned countless investigators to the case in hopes of a speedy resolution. However, ten days have already passed since the first disappearance, giving parents and classmates ample cause for concern.
Continues to go to Seiko
Naomi: Seiko! Seiko! Sei... (... Thank goodness. She's still breathing...) Seiko! Come on, Seiko! Wake up!
Seiko: Nng... Huh? Naomi?...what's up?
Naomi: Don't you 'what's up' me! I thought you were dead!
Seiko: Hmm? ... Uh... Where... Where are we...? What's going on?!
Naomi: That's what I'd like to know...
Seiko: Nnnnng...rrrrrrrg... GRAH!! Hooo... It ain't bidgin'. These windows are sealed up tight. And it's pitch black out there. I can't make heads or tails of what I'm seeing.
Naomi: What the hell is going on?!
Seiko: ... Well...this is clearly a school building...
Naomi: Don't the desks seem unusually small to you, though? Like an elementary school...
Seiko: An...elementary school?
Naomi: ... It can't be...can it?
Seiko walks up to a paper on the wall
Seiko: ...!
Stands back
Naomi: What is it?
Seiko: The printout...on the wall...... It says, 'Heavenly Host Elementary - Notice to All Faculty and Students'...
Naomi: Heavenly... Host? Isn't that.....the elementary school that preceded Kisaragi Academy? The one that was shut down and demolished?!
Seiko is terrified
Seiko: Oh God! What's happening?! Where the hell are we?! And where are our friends?! And Ms. Yui?!
Naomi: Calm down, Seiko! Don't get so worked up!
Seiko: *deep breathing* ... Sorry...
Naomi: (Seiko and I just stood there in silence, hand in hand.) (It was the first time in my life that I'd been shaking so hard, I could hear my teeth chatter.) (I'd become completely light-headed, and couldn't even think straight -- much less wrap my brain around what was happening to us.) (I kept myself, it's all a dream...some horrible nightmare...but no matter how hard I wished for it, I just couldn't wake up.) (And the silence was the worst part of all.) (I couldn't take it anymore. I had to say something. Anything!) Hey... I don't have the slightest idea what's going on......but how about we try finding a way out of out of here?
Seiko: ...A way out?
Naomi: We can't just stand here quaking in terror. We need to do know? (Besides. I don't want to be in this creepy place any longer then I have to...)
Seiko: But the windows are all sealed shut. And I don't just mean they're stuck, or locked......It's like they're decorations on the wall. I don't think they CAN open! Is it even leave this building?
Naomi: I'm not sure. But there might be an entranceway, or an emergency exit...or something... Some means of getting outside...
Seiko: You're right. And it's a better than just standing around. I feel like I'm going to go all loony in here if we keep this up!
Naomi: Okay, then. First to leave this room. We've got to keep our spirits up. After all, it's probably not just the two of us in here. The others have to be around somewhere, right?
Seiko: Yeah. And if we can reunite with them......we'll find a way out of here together!
Naomi: That's the spirit (I had no reason to believe any of what I'd just said.) (I was probably delirious, to be honest.) (But I knew that if I didn't act. I'd start to go mad. I'd start to scream. I'd be inconsolable.) (So in desperation, I put on the strongest front I could manage...)
Seiko: Come on, Naomi. Let's go!
Naomi: Right!
Walking to the door thdn stops
Seiko: Wait a sec... EARTHQUAKE!!!!! EEK!
Naomi: Another earthquake?!
Seiko: Noooo! Earthquake stops Is it over...?
Naomi: Whew...
Seiko: I've had enough...
Naomi: ...Let's just get out of this room.
Walks out
Naomi: ...!
Seiko: What? What's wrong?
Naomi: This hallway...looks totally different than it did before...
Seiko: ...M-Maybe the earthquake...made more of the floor collapse?
Naomi: ...Y-Yeah... Maybe..
walks to the right and finds a bucket with yellow fluid inside
Seiko: What the heck is this? Pee?
Naomi: Eww, don't say that...
Continues to the right, gets cut off by a gap in the floor, gkes into the door on the right
Seiko: Uhh...hey, Naomi?
Naomi: Hmm?
Seiko: Is something wrong with your leg?
Naomi: Oh, yeah. I was so freaked out, Iforgot all about it. I think I sprained my ankle when I fell.
Seiko: Well, that's not good! Will you be okay?
Naomi: I can walk, at least. I'm sure it'll heal on it's own.
Seiko: Yeah, but you shouldn't push yourself. Here, lean on my shoulder, okay?
Naomi: Okay. Thanks.
Finds a loose board and picks it up, then walks out
Seiko: Hey, Naomi! What about that loose board we found? You think it would support our weight?
Naomi: Like a bridge? Hmm, I dunno. It seems kind of beat up, but I guess it IS pretty solid...
uses the board and crosses to the other side, then goes down stares, walks to the left then right
Seiko: Such tiny shoes... This really was an elementary school, huh...
Naomi: Yeah...
Seiko: Yuu and the others must be getting pretty hungry right now.
Naomi: Oh, yeah, I forgot. Your father's working late tonight, isn't he...
Seiko: Yep. All those mouths to feed don't come cheap, after all! And while Dad's working to put some food in 'em, I get to be the housefrau! Heheh...
Naomi: Yeah, I guess Yuu and them are just little kids, so somebody would need to be around... You're pretty amazing, Seiko. High-schooler and mom, all rolled into one!
Seiko: I'm not sure how I feel about that statement.
Naomi: Hahaha...
Seiko: I just have to get back to them, though! Guess it's the same for you, too. Your mom's waiting for you, Naomi. But we'll make it back. I know we will. One way or another...we'll get out of this place!
Naomi: You bet!
walks forward to the doors
[Entranceway] The heavy door is firmly shut, and seems unlikely (or unwilling) to open through any normal means.
Naomi tries to open the doors but fails
Naomi: ...Urrgh... Oof! ...No good. It won't budge. Didn't feel like it gave at all, in fact. I don't think we'll be able to force it open.
Seiko: Maaan... So close, and yet so far! Well, guess we'd better look for another way out.
Naomi: Yeah...
walks back to the stairs and crosses the board, then part of the floor fell, she then picked up the loose boared, theeeeen uses the loose boared to cross the other other side of the building, and heads into the room on the right. She walks in and sees a skeleton.
Naomi: AAAH!
Seiko: Ow! What's wrong, Naomi?
Naomi: L-look! Over there! Aren't those...bones? Like, PEOPLE bones?
Seiko goes to where Naomi was pointing and sees the skeleton
Seiko: EEEEEEK!! Wh-what... Why... Why is there a dead person in here?!
Naomi: W-wait. Let me look at them more closely. Maybe...they're not real...
goes to check out the skeleton
Naomi: ... They really are...somebody's bones...
Seiko: Noooo...!
Naomi: Seiko!
*: . . . Y o u t w o . . .
Naomi: Eep!
*: two are new victims, are you not?
Seiko: A gh-gh-ghost!
Naomi: Wh-wh...who are you?
*: I was brought here against my will...and confined...just like you...
Naomi: 'Confined'? Do you mean...there's no way out...?
*: I'm afraid not. This school exists in a reality all its own, cut off from the world you know.
Naomi: So why ...have we been brought here?
*: ...'They' brought you. They're constantly bringing new victims into this school. More and more, all the time... Sinless innocents, one after another... This is a cursed, multidimensional nexus...multiple planes of existence, all pilled on top of one another...created by powerful, vengeful spirits. 'Closed space'... Or perhaps, 'closed spaces'... You, and we as well, are the unlucky victims of an inescapable abduction...
Naomi; Closed...spaces?
*: Indeed. And it seems you two are not the only ones to have been brought here. I'm sensing numerous others...
Naomi: What?! (Does that mean...everybody here too?) (...Are they ...okay...I wonder...?)
Seiko: So our friends...are in this school too?
*: I don't know the exact number, but I do know that others were pulled into these spaces at the same time as you... They are definitely in this school.
Seiko: Oh my God, that's SUCH good news! Naomi, they're here! We're not alone!
Naomi: ...
Seiko: That means Mochida's here, too! I bet that makes you feel a lot better, right?
*: can not meet them. They are definitely in this school. But the space they occupy differs from the space we occupy... If you wish to see your friends, you must find some means of entering their space, or bringing them into this space. ...Even then, escape is nigh impossible...but at lest you'll be able to die together...
Seiko: Oh... Oh God... Is there no way out of here, then?
Naomi: You said we were brought here by vengeful spirits, right? Who are they? And why have they taken us?
*: ...I don't know... Neither the motives of our captors... Nor a means of escaping this hell... All I that with some can at leat live out your days together, in the same space. And that alone is a fate worth fighting for. Two heads are better than one. Your chances, and your opportunities, are so much greter when working together... Do whatever you find a way out of here... Don't end us...
the other door in the room opens
*: ...? No...!
the spirit disappears which leaves the girls dumbfounded, they see why he went, a spirit girl in a red dress was sitting beside the shelves
Naomi & Seiko: Eeek!
Seiko: N-Naomi! Run! We have to get out of here! NOW!
Naomi: O-okay.
runs out the door, then sit against the wall to catch there breath in the game they just literally walked out and now they're breathing like they just ran a marathon WTF!
Seiko: *pant* *pant*
Naomi: *cough* A-Are you all right, Seiko?
Seiko: Y-Yeah...but what the hell was that? A child...spirit?
Naomi: It...did kind of...glow... I never believed in ghost before...... Is this really happening?
Seiko: There were...definitely ghost in there. First time I've ever seen something like that!
Naomi: So you saw it too, right...?
Seiko: Yeah...and we were talking to it...
Naomi: I just...don't understand any of this! Except...that there's no easy way out for us... Like it or not...we're stuck in here...
Seiko: ...It-it'll be okay! Let's know...march on with our heads held high...or something!
they went up another staircase, they found the spirit they were talking to before
*: If you should die'll experience the pain you felt at the moment of death for all eternity. Heaven's completely cut off. No paradise. No nirvana. Just eternal pain. ...Gah... Why...did I have to die like that...? Oooh... ...Ooooooooaaaaahhh...
when he's gone there's a key on the spot where he was levitating
Naomi: So...we'll feel the pain of death...forever...
Seiko: B-Best not to think about that...
went back down stairs and back to the room where the girl spirit appeared. she was gone so they were safe. they were looking at the chalk board
Seiko: What the heck is this? Was before?
Naomi: I don't know. But it's... Just a picture, right?
it was a picture of four children missing body parts and a red figure holding a pair of bloody scissors, then reads the paper on the wall
[Heavenly Host Elementary - Notice to All Faculty and Students] I'm going to kill you
after she reads that she gets out of the room, then reads the paper in the hall
paper: no running in the halls. Any student caught running will be severely disciplined.
reads the other paper down the hall, the paper is written in blood
paper: Admit it. You hate all your friends. Eventually, you'll kill one another. wow that's dark
goes into a different hall and finds a smashed corpse hey! that's part of the name of the game! :)
Seiko: AAAAAAHHH!! Oh-oh God! What the hell is this?!
Naomi: *gasp* It's...horrifying...
Seiko: It's like...somebody was thrown from the other end of the superhuman speed......and just...splattered...everywhere... Ulgh, it smells so...meaty...
Naomi: *gulp* she was about to barf! run away! if she barfs we'll all die!AAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!
Seiko: ...! S-Sorry! Are you okay...Naomi?
Naomi: I'm... I'm fine... Let's just...get away from here... *cough* *cough*
Seiko: Okay.
found the infirmary: The door is locked FUCK! finds another loose board, and goes down stairs, finds notes and reads them
Notes: 'We four noble musketeers begin today! Let's meet behind the main gate after school! -Koito' 'I'm in classroom 5-A. Everybody's fine. Yuzuha, come join us! -Asuka'
reads paper in the hall
paper: 'I told everyone...that I'd go with them...' 'So why...have I been left behind...?' '...It hurts... It hurts so much...'
Naomi: Looks like there really have been a lot of different people brought here...
Seiko: ...It'll work out for us, though. I'm sure of it! Eheh... Ahaha...
walks on and finds the spirit
*: If you wish to leave this must take heed of the messages left behind by many other victims who've died here... Many victims have left their thoughts, or even their dying messages, on the scraps of paper that litter theses walls......It hurts... It hurts so much...
finds classroom 4-A but it won't open it really is a hell hole finds a paper on the floor
paper: My head is splitting... It's unbearable... I can't take it. I can't take it. I can't take it! When we found Yashuza's body, I saw a black shadow. But I didn't tell anyone about it. And now, it's killed them all. I'm so sorry, everybody. I'm so sor-- everything else is covered in blood
goes into classroom 5-A finds a key but it's on the other side so they go the other way but then it is on the side they were on, they keep trying to catch the key. They went back into the corridor and talked to the spirit.
*: ...If you don't keep a close eye on it, that light's gone away from you... Pay attention to it's location. Find the exact spot where it once stood and examine it thoroughly... they did exactly what the spirit said
Naomi: When we come in the back, it jumps to the front...... So how about one of us waits for it over there? And they did exactly that
if you made it to the end i am so proud of you, i am so sorry that this chapter is so long. if you didn't you have a lot of time. Buh-bye :)
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