Last Hope
Pairing: Ghoul!Corpse Husband x Half Ghoul!GN!reader
Genre: fluff (mainly)/AU (Tokyo Ghoul!AU) some angst just because there's hinted death (none of the main characters)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of eating flesh (It's Tokyo Ghoul tho so it's kinda a given)
WC: ~4.3k
Request: a corpse husband x gender neutral reader tokyo ghoul au where reader is a half ghoul tattoo artist and corpse is a full ghoul that makes masks for other ghouls . the reader goes to buy a new mask but they are ambushed by the ccg and corpse saves the reader and brings them to a ghoul friendly coffee shop (maybe the owners of the coffee shop could be the amigops)
A/N: OKAY!!! I really loved to write this one, as you can see cause it's over 4 thousand words lmaoo, but really I loved this request and Tokyo Ghoul so much!!! Thanks for the request hun!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! (side note-the title makes it sound super angsty, but I assure you it's not really that angsty at all.) (second side note- yes that is kaneki in the header 😋😋)
"Fuck." You swear under your breath as you take your mask off your face. You turn it around and groan as you notice the cracks on the left side and the big chunk that was missing from the right side. It was ruined. One more hit and it would most definitely be broken. You needed to get off the streets and fast.
You hide the mask in your jacket and pull your hood over your head, before making your way back down the alley. You had to be careful, cautious, and one step ahead of those assholes at the CCG. The doves.
It begins to rain and you're put more on edge as your sense of smell is dulled. You were close to where you lived. You just have a few more corners to turn before you are finally safe. Your lungs were burning with each breath you took and now that the adrenaline has worn off you could feel your left leg burning. You looked down and saw your pant leg soaked with crimson blood.
"Damnit." You mutter to yourself as you power through the pain and finally turn on the street you lived on. You froze before jumping back behind the corner as you saw two figures at your doorstep. "Fuck, fuck. Fuck." You swore to yourself as you peeked around the corner again. Two men, briefcases in hand, were knocking at your door to your tattoo shop, where you had also lived. They knew where you worked and lived now. Damnit, you're screwed.
You take off back in the direction you came from and turn down a different alley, hoping that a friend of a friend would be willing to help you out. He was the closest to you and when you met him to get your mask re-made a few weeks ago he seemed nice enough; a little quiet and shy, but he was your last hope.
He called himself Corpse and he ran a mask shop in an underground basement. He always wore a surgical mask to cover his face; you weren't sure if he did it because he was a ghoul and wanted to conceal his identity, or if he just liked the style. Either way, it suited him and gave him this mysterious aurora. It made you want to know more about him. Plus he makes great masks. But, you didn't know much else about him. You were just hoping he had an inkling of kindness in his heart to help you out.
It wasn't too far away now, just a few more corners and you're there. The pain in your leg was growing and you could feel your entire body starting to ache. Your mind was racing with the many ways this could go horribly wrong and your head was starting to throb. Your vision was getting a bit hazy and you concluded that you've probably lost too much blood. You needed something to eat in order to heal the wound on your leg, but killing out here would be dangerous. You might as well be leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for the doves to follow you. Maybe Corpse would have something on hand. You felt bad. Putting this amount of pressure on this person you've met once. You weren't even sure you would help if you were put in that position. But you didn't have any other choice.
You see the door to his shop and you check your surroundings carefully before limping out to the open and knocking on his door. It was late at night, or maybe early morning, you weren't entirely sure. But you were surprised to see Corpse, still in his normal everyday clothes, looking wide awake. Does he not sleep much? No time to ask.
"I need your help. Please." You plead and he looks you up and down, seeing your injuries and your disheveled appearance. Wordlessly he steps to the side and nods inside, allowing you in. You were shocked. You half expected him to just shut the door right in your face, but you weren't gonna question it.
"Thank you. Thank you so much." You thank him and wince as you step down the stairs that lead to his shop.
"You're injured?" He asks, looking to hear it from you.
"Yeah." You confirm as you make it down the stairs. Corpse walks over to you and bends down to look at your injured leg. He peels the pants open where it was split open and you bite your lip as you hold in your groans of pain.
"Why isn't it healing?" He asks you as he looks up at you and it was only then did you realize that he didn't have his mask on, allowing you to see his entire face for the first time.
"I haven't eaten in a while." You stutter out and look away from him as you realize you were probably staring a bit too long at him. He hums in response before standing back up to his full height and leaving the room. You awkwardly stand in the middle of his shop and take in your surroundings. It was warm here, considering you were soaking wet from the rain, and you were grateful for that. His masks were on display on the wall to the right of you and you took a few painful steps in order to get a closer look at them all.
"Here." His voice makes you jump and you turn around just in time to catch the brown paper bag. It smelled so good. Your mouth instantly salivates and your left eye turns black instantly as you tear open the bag and take a whiff of the lump of meat in your hand. You waste no time in devouring the human flesh in a few bites and licking the blood off your fingers. "I don't have much food on me now, so that'll have to do." He says as you're licking your pinky finger. He's staring at your eye and you wipe away any remnants on your face with the back of your hand.
"I appreciate it," You thank him before continuing, "I'm sorry for troubling you with all this. I don't have anyone else I can turn to." You reveal with a small shrug before turning back to the wall of masks. "How long does it take you to make one of these?" You change the subject as you point to the masks on the wall. You look over your shoulder at him as he takes a few steps to stand next to you.
"A few days if they have a lot of details. Simple ones are usually a day." He responds and you nod as you set your eyes on one that was similar to yours.
"Hey, this one looks like mine." You say as you pick it off the wall, admiring the design up close.
"I really liked your design when you brought it in for repairs, so I made one similar to it." He says and you turn to face him. You pull your broken mask out from your jacket and hold it up to your face, just as the loose piece from the right side falls off onto the floor, revealing your cheek and jawline to the world.
"Your repairs were amazing, but I'm afraid I got into a little fight earlier and ended up breaking it." You say as you hold your mask in your hand, looking at your first mask with a frown. It held a lot of memories, good and bad, but it had served its purpose. "How much are you asking for this one?" You ask as you look back to the newer mask, holding it over your face. "What do you think?" You ask another question, looking to hear his opinion, as you peek from behind the mask. He was covering his mouth and chin with his hand as the other was tucked under his arm. Was he blushing?
"It's on the house. Your mask was the inspiration for it anyway, so you should have it." He says and it's your turn for you to blush. Heat fills your cheeks and crawls to the back of your neck as you shake your head.
"You worked hard on this, I can tell, let me at least pay you something for it. Or I could give you a tattoo! Free of charge! Any size!" You offer excitedly and he just laughs.
"I've never gotten a tattoo before." He says and you can't help the smirk from appearing on your face.
"I'd be the first to tattoo you then?" You ask with a hint of mischief in your voice and you see him grow redder at your question. You were flirting now. It wasn't really something you did often unless it got you something you wanted/needed, but you thought his expressions were cute.
"Y-yeah, I guess." He replies while scratching the back of his neck.
"Well, then I should probably give you my number so you can schedule an appointment." You say as you look around for a pen and paper of some sort. You see a pen on a nearby table and a receipt on the floor next to the table. You pick up the receipt and find a blank spot to write your number and a little smiley face. You hand him the receipt and give him a smile. "Don't be a stranger." You say as he grabs the receipt from your hand, glancing at the numbers before looking back at you with a small smile.
"Yeah, course." He replies and pockets the receipt in his front jeans pocket. "How'd you get hurt in the first place?" He asks and your eyes dart down to the pen in your hand, fiddling with it.
"Got caught eating dinner by some doves patrolling the ward." You answer truthfully, hoping he doesn't have a change of heart and throw you back out on the street now. Just mentioning the CCG in front of other ghouls is enough to silence a whole room.
"How many of them were there?" He asks as he looks back at your injured leg and the small scratches on your skin that were starting to heal, thanks to the meat Corpse gave you.
"Three of them. They caught me by surprise and attacked me. I injured one of them and got away, but there were more at my shop." You say as you recall the events that took place less than an hour ago. You were still scared. You've never had a run in with the CCG before, only heard of the harsh and brutal ways they deal with ghouls. Especially rare ones like you, a half ghoul, you could only imagine what they'd do to you. You've heard other ghouls joke about it with you, "they'd dissect you to see if you're different than regular ghouls," "open you up and compare you to us 'normal' ghouls," "cut your limbs off piece by piece to see if your health regeneration is different." You've heard it all. You've imagined it all. Had nightmares about it.
"You think they were investigating you? I mean, how'd they know where you worked?" Corpse asks and you let out a long sigh at the thought. You hadn't thought about that. How did they know where your shop was? They must've been following you. But for how long? Days? Weeks? Months? Even if they had just started following you yesterday, a lot of your friends would be in danger. And now Corpse...
A knock on the door makes both of you jump and stare at the stairway that led to the door. They knocked again, louder and more aggressive this time and you flicked your head to Corpse, fear evident in your eyes. Corpse held no obvious emotion, but how could he not be scared. If it was the CCG he could just as well be dead as soon as he opens that door. And it would be your fault.
"Go hide over there. I'll answer the door." Corpse says before turning his back to you. You reach out and grab his wrist to stop him.
"Would if it's the doves? They'll kill you if they see anything suspicious. Just wait down here till they leave. They still have to follow the law, so they can't just barge in." You plead with him as they knock again. Your skin erupted in chills and you felt a line of sweat form on your forehead.
"It'll be more suspicious if I don't answer and if it's them they'll call more backup and we'll have no chance to leave. Or it might just be one of my customers." Corpse replies and you let go of his wrist as he walks towards the stairs. You turn to where he pointed earlier and hid in the wardrobe, leaving it slightly cracked so you could peek out.
Corpse adjusted his surgical mask back onto his face as he stood in front of the door, the knocks getting more impatient with each passing second. He reached for the doorknob, taking a deep breath, before opening the door just as a fist was about to knock again. He eyed the two men in suits up and down before looking back up at them. They were holding umbrellas as the rain kept up it's harsh onslaught on them and they held briefcases close to them. The one who was about to knock straightened his posture and put his hand back down to his side.
"Can I help you?" Corpse asked the two men, keeping half his body hidden behind the door and drawing out his kagune. He had a koukaku type kagune, so he was able to hide it behind the door as his kagune wrapped around his right arm.
"Uh- yes. We're wondering if you've seen this person around." The one man asks and the other pulls out a blurry photo of you, most likely taken from far away or from a security camera. Corpse squints his eyes and leans his head forward to get a better look at the picture before shaking his head side to side.
"Sorry, but no." Corpse responds and the investigator puts the photo back in his pocket.
"Do you mind if we come in and ask you some questions about the person in question? We have information that leads us to believe that they live in this neighborhood." The one man says as he takes a step closer to the door.
"I'm sorry, but it's super late right now. I have a kid in the back with the flu who just woke up because of your knocking. So, if you'll excuse me." He lies just before bowing his head and moving to close the door, until a foot is jammed in between the doorway. Corpse swears under his breath and opens the door a crack.
"We have reason to believe you're hiding this one-eyed ghoul, Corpse." The man says as he holds the handle of his briefcase a bit tighter. Corpse flexes his right fist before making the first move, punching through the door and hitting the two ghoul investigators back onto the ground of the alleyway.
You flinched at the loud sound and peeked through the wardrobe again. Your heart was racing. You couldn't see anything, but you were sure that loud bang meant that something went wrong. Suddenly a body was flung down the stairs and hit the wall full of masks; the vibrations caused most of the masks to fall to the floor. You look closer and see a kagune and realize it's Corpse. Instantly you fly out of the wardrobe just as one of the investigators comes down the stairs, ready to attack. You unleash your kagune, a ukaku type, and launch yourself forward, tackling the one investigator to the ground and landing a few punches to his face before he kicks you in the stomach. You jump backward and catch your breath before noticing the other man coming down the stairs with his weapon drawn. A tentacle-type quinque. He swings it and you're fast enough to dodge as it comes into contact with the cement floor, leaving a single mark across the floor.
"There you are, one-eyed ghoul." The man you tackled earlier says as he fixes the glasses on his face and stands to his full height. "We've been tracking you for a long time. Ever since the 20th ward." You freeze. You left the 20th ward six months ago. They've been watching you for six months. Following you.
"Y/n, run!" Corpse yells out at you as he lunges at the man, but your feet can't move. You are too absorbed in your thoughts and wondering how many friends you've gotten killed in the last six months. No- how many ghouls you've gotten killed by the hands of the CCG. Why? Why you?
"Y/n!" Corpse calls out just as you are knocked backwards and thrown into the wall by the tentacle-like quinque of the second man. Your vision is blurring and your head throbs from hitting the cement wall. Your kagune disappears and you feel like crying. Not because you're about to die at the hands of these cruel doves who'll probably laugh about this later. But for all the ghouls that have suffered because of you. How many ghouls have disappeared after you would see them? Your clients? Friends? Enemies? How many friends have turned up dead after you would see them the night before? Their families and friends were mourning their deaths with you. Are they dead as well? And now Corpse. All because they spoke with you. All because you were a one-eyed ghoul.
You open your eyes and see Corpse fighting off one of the men, pushing him back into the opposite wall before lunging at the man about to kill you. He digs his kagune into the man's shoulder before flinging him behind him into the other man who was wobbling back onto his feet. They were both down, for now, and you felt arms pull you up off the ground and then the faint smell of rain filled your nostrils. All at once you felt the cold wet rain pelt your skin and you groggily picked your head up to look at your surroundings. You were outside and on the roof, well hopping from roof to roof. You assume it was Corpse carrying you away and all you could think about was why he wouldn't just leave you behind to die. You were the whole reason his shop was destroyed and his near death experience.
You struggle in his arms, overcome with a bitter feeling of survivor's guilt, and he stops on a roof to set you down. You fall to your hands and knees with a thud as a wave of dizziness overcomes you and you feel Corpse lay a hand on your shoulder.
"Are you okay?" He asks as he bends down next to you, occasionally looking back to see if those two men were following you two.
"Why'd you help me? I almost got you killed." You mutter, just barely audible over the sound of the rain pelting the roof. You're left in silence and you grind your teeth together as you pull yourself together. "I appreciate all your help up to this point, but I can't ask for anymore help." You tell him as you stand up to your full height. "I'm sorry." You apologize sincerely and as you go to turn around, he catches your forearm and stops you.
"You think I'm just gonna let you run off and get killed? You're stupider than I thought." He says as he moves his hand down your arm and pulls you along with him towards the edge of the roof.
"Hey?! Stop! I don't want you to get killed for helping me any further." You reveal and he just scoffs before jumping off the roof, both of you landing safely on the ground.
"Stop jumping to conclusions and let me help you." He tells you and you clench your jaw to keep your mouth shut. "I'm taking you to some friends of mine who can help." He states as he turns a corner. He was still holding on to your hand, perhaps because he was afraid you'd run right back into the arms of those doves if he let go. And you were too distracted with your own thoughts to notice until he finally let go and left your warm hand feeling empty and a bit lighter than before.
"We're here." He states simply before walking up to the back door, of what you assumed to be a shop, and knocked four times. He took a step back and gave you a glance out of the corner of his eye. He usually never gets himself into these types of situations. He usually stays on the sidelines, watching from afar, gathering information if needed. But, with you, he wanted to help. He practically did it without thinking, the moment he opened his door and saw how terrified you looked he wanted to do nothing else but help you and protect you to the best of his abilities.
The door opens, knocking both you and Corpse from your inner thoughts as a young man opens the door a crack. He almost shuts it immediately after seeing you, an unfamiliar face, but Corpse's voice stops him from doing so.
"Sykkuno?" The door paused and opened more to reveal more of the young man. Skinny and unintimidating. You wondered how this guy was supposed to help you with the doves. Certainly not through a head on fight.
"Corpse? Who's this?" The man named Sykkuno asks him as he points to you. You feel small and timid in front of this person, unsure of who he was and how to act in front of him.
"A friend in need of some help." He says and Sykkuno looks at you for a few long seconds before pulling the door open more for you two to enter. Corpse gestures to you to walk in first, but you're hesitant. You don't want anyone else to get hurt. Talking with these people will only get them killed once the CCG catches up to you.
"Y/n. Stop thinking nonsense and get inside before you catch a cold." He says to you and you look down at your clothes, they're soaked and suddenly the chill of the night catches up to you as you start shivering. You walk in the building and you're met with the smell of coffee beans. A cafe? Is this a ghoul run cafe?
"Take a seat in here, I'll grab Toast and Rae." The man says before disappearing down the hall. Corpse guides you into a room where a couch and a few chairs are positioned in the middle of the room. A bookshelf lines one wall from floor to ceiling while cheap paintings cover the other three walls. It's a completely bland room, but you're on edge.
"They'll help you hide from them. Give you a makeover, change your look, etcetera, etcetera." Corpse says as he peels his wet mask off his face and tosses it onto the coffee table. Just then, three people walk into the room all carrying towels. You recognized Sykkuno, but the other two, a man and a woman, were unknown to you. The woman approaches you with a warm smile and hands you the towel in her hand while Sykkuno hands Corpse his towel. You take it and slowly dry your face off as the woman begins to talk to you.
"My name's Rae and this is Toast and you've already met Sykkuno," She introduces everyone before continuing, "What's your name?" She asks and you look around at the three new faces. You weren't 100% sure, but it seemed like they were worried for you, a complete stranger. You make eye contact with Corpse as he throws the towel over his wet hair and nods his head, as if telling you it's okay to talk with them.
"I'm y/n." You introduce yourself with a small, forced smile and they smile back.
"Well, y/n, you're in safe hands now." Toast says as he pats a hand on your shoulder reassuringly. "Cup of coffee?" He offers and the thought of a nice warm coffee has you instantly nodding your head. Toast laughs lightly before leaving the room to make a fresh cup for you. Rae pulls you over to the couch gently and instantly starts talking about her plans to change your appearance. You want to be nice and listen, but you're so exhausted. The events of the last hour catching up to you fully now that you're sitting down and out of danger. Corpse notices.
"Rae, we can talk about this tomorrow. Right now I think they want to sleep." He says and she panics slightly and apologizes to you, which you just wave off, before she grabs Sykkuno by the arm and drags him along with her out of the room.
"Get some sleep." He says and you blink a few times before sitting up.
"My coffee-."
"You can have coffee in the morning. Sleep." His tone is commanding, but it's soft and you find yourself zoning out almost instantly. Corpse grabbed a blanket from one of the chairs and draped it over your body, watching as you curl up underneath it and drift off to sleep- quite quickly he might add. You must've been exhausted. He smiles to himself at the sight before closing the door, allowing you a peaceful nights rest.
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