As Good As Dead
Pairing: Corpse Husband x GN!Reader
Genre: AU, fluff to angst, (Gang!Leader!Corpse x Gang!Leader!Reader)
Warnings: mentions of guns/alcohol/knifes, getting cut, getting beat up, blood, fire, & swearing (let me know if I left anything out!)
WC: ~5k
Request: hi can request a corpse husband x gender neutral reader one shot where the reader is a gang member leader and so is corpse but they are from rival gangs but are dating each other without knowing thee other is in a gang y . But they end up finding out and are unreasonably angry at each other. fluff turned angst pls
A/N: I really liked this one especially because it was angsty and I haven't really written any angst pieces on here at all! So thank you!!! Also just a heads up I used the name Adam as his "normal name" cause I've heard some people call him that in fanfics and stuff and I kind of like the name for him as well, so yeah Adam is his name that y/n knows him by, but Corpse will be his alias. Hope that makes sense! Thanks again for the request my love!!
-(a/n) will stand for alias name so you can pick what you'd like to be called!
"What?!" You shouted incredulously into your phone as you listened to your second-in-command, Talia. Usually her soothing voice was telling you nothing but good news and bad jokes that you'd snort at. But lately, you've come to hate her voice and the news that followed.
"I'm sorry, (a/n). They ambushed the drop point and got away with everything." You already knew who she was talking about. There would only be one person stupid enough to continuosly mess with you.
"What's the loss?" You asked as you moved briskly through your one-bedroom apartment towards your bedroom. You turn on the light for the hallway and walk into your sparsely decorated room. One bed, a desk, a chair, a nightstand, and a dresser were the only pieces of furniture in your room.
"About $50,000." She responds as you spot your hoodie on the back of your desk chair. You pull it over your head and search your dresser for some jeans.
"Any casualties?" You ask as you find a pair. You should really organize this place better. To actually make it seem like you lived here.
"Eight of ours are dead and two are injured." She responds in a heartbeat as if she already knew what you were gonna ask.
"Gather everyone who was there into the meeting room and tell them I'll be there shortly to talk to them." You say as you pull on some socks and a banged up pair of sneakers.
"Yes, boss." Talia responds before you hang up on her and pocket your phone into your jeans.
To say you were mad was an understatement. You were livid. Too many times you've fallen victim to Corpse and his gang. They always seemed to be one step ahead of you and humiliated you every way they could. Last time they intercepted one of your drops they left every one of your followers naked, drawing attention from every news outlet in the region. It was an embarrassment to you and your name. And now this. $50,000 gone and 8 good people dead.
You walked towards your desk and pulled open the top drawer. Moving aside loose pens and some unopened mail, you pulled the bottom of the drawer and revealed your gun. A Glock 42 Semi-Auto pistol. It was small, but easier to hide and you weren't one to shy away from pulling the trigger if needed. You put the fake drawer back together, ignoring the puff of stale air that lingered out when you first pulled it open, and tucked it into the waistband of your jeans. The cold bronze of the gun on the skin of your back sent shivers up your spine, but it also felt safe. Like a reassurance.
You make your way through your apartment, grabbing your keys on the dark wooden table by the front door, and open the front door. Your hand instinctively reaches towards your back, where your gun rests securely, as you see a figure at your door with their hand raised in a fist. You let out a breath as you realize who it is. Adam, your boyfriend.
"Woah, what's the rush?" He asks you as he notices the keys in your hand. You weren't expecting him over tonight. He hadn't called saying he was coming over.
"I have to head back to work, what are you doing here?" You lie easily. You used to hate how you had to lie to him countless times about what you do, but you knew it was best if he didn't know. The less he knows the less chance he could get hurt or caught up in your problems.
"I got this huge promotion at work and wanted to celebrate with you. Maybe order some food and some drinks." He said with a big smile on his face. You melted a bit at his words. It wasn't every day he was like this and you hated the fact that you'd have to ruin his good day by bailing on him. But your responsibilities and loyalty to your gang came first. Something you promised yourself when things between you and Adam started to get serious.
"I'm sorry babe, but I got called in for some important last minute project. My team and I are pulling an all-nighter." You say as you start to step out into the dimly lit hallway. Your apartment complex used to be an old hotel, so the lighting was poor, the carpet was permanently stained to be a dark brown color, and the elevator creaked with each stop it took.
"Aww, really?" Adam pouted and you shut the door behind you.
"Yes really. And trust me I'm not happy about it either." That was the truth- at least the part about not being happy. You were still furious and as you were talking to Adam you were already thinking of ways to get back at Corpse.
"Do you want me to bring you some food later?" He asks and you give him a soft smile before wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. He was cold, the night air still clung fresh on his jacket and skin and he smelled fresh like soap and pine.
"You're too sweet, Adam. We'll be fine." You murmur into his neck before pulling back and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Okay." He says dejectedly as he walks you to your car, hand securely placed in yours as you both walked down the flight of stairs to the garage. The garage was a good 10 degrees colder than the building was and it always had a wet smell to it. Like a leaky pipe had soaked into the concrete walls and sat for years. You were used to it by now.
"Alright, text me when you're done so I can see you." Adam says and you nod your head at him. He knew you'd be done late- technically early in the morning, but it didn't matter to him. Even if you'd text him at 3 in the morning he'd be awake and answering you. Something you've always found a bit peculiar about him.
"Get home safe." You say to him as you give him one more kiss goodbye. He holds you close and you do the same; something you've been doing lately without actually realizing it. You pull away quickly and give him a smile before unlocking your car and getting in. He gives a final wave before walking towards where he had parked and you start your car, turning on the heater.
You would've never thought you'd be in a relationship with what you do for a living. What you were raised to do. Relationships were a weakness and a waste of time; something you've repeated to yourself over and over every time you find yourself falling deeper for Adam. Something you were mumbling to yourself now as you pulled out of the garage.
You were drawn to him. From the first day you had met him he was always pulling you in. Maybe it was the way he talked to you or the way he looked at you. It was flattering and addicting, but it was also terrifying. How easily you let your guard down around him. How vulnerable you were.
This was what you were afraid of- the commitment. You never planned for this relationship to get this serious and you had no idea what to do. You wanted to be selfish and hold Adam close to you, have him all to yourself. To tell him everything you do and have him still love you (if he even did in the first place) and accept you for who you are. To have him risk his life for you. But you couldn't do that to him. To be selfish is foolish; even with this life.
The drive was long and it left you to your thoughts for far too long. The music was blasted to keep your mind filled with song lyrics instead of Adam. But still, your head was clouded with anger and sorrow, but mainly fear. Fear of what you couldn't predict.
The compound came into view as you turned down a windy road that you knew so well. The lush green trees covered the compound's thick concrete walls and only a faint light from the gate could be seen from where you were. Upon seeing your car, the two guards at the gate hold their guns down and signal for you to roll your window down. You do so as they do a routine check of your car, you pop the trunk as one begins some small talk.
"Working late tonight?"
"Too late." You respond and the other guard calls all clear.
"Stay safe, boss."
"You too, double the security up front while I'm here. I've got a bad feeling." You tell him and he nods before talking into his radio on his vest. The gates open and you drive in, taking another 10 minutes to get to the actual compound. You take a left and a small hill leads down under the compound where the garage was. You stop at the keypad, type in the code and a second later the metal door lifts up allowing you to drive in and park.
Another guard is there by the ground entrance and you hand him your keys without a word. He takes them and opens the door for you. The compound is warm and you thank the insulation you splurged on so that cold nights like these don't leak into the building. You take the stairs up in an attempt to warm up your body even more as you push Adam to the back of your mind. This was more important right now, not some conflicted feelings for your boyfriend. God, you felt like a tween.
Talia greets you once you reach the first floor and immediately fills you in on every little detail as you walk towards the meeting room. Her boots clack on the floor and her chains and jewelry jangle obnoxiously as she walks alongside you. You want to tell her to shut up and let you think, but her rambling didn't allow you to speak.
The meeting room wasn't much besides a windowless room with a long round table in the middle of the room, mix-match chairs thrown around it, and an old and rusted chandelier hanging above. It was sparse, but it needn't be too extravagant. Before the last few months, this room wasn't used for much besides maybe the occasional funding meeting. But lately it's been used more often; the layer of dust no longer covers the table and chairs and the stale air was now fresh and breathable.
You open the double doors and the noisy room goes quiet; you'd probably be able to hear a pin drop if one did. You hear the clack of Talia's boots as she struts behind you, keeping a cool composure unlike a second ago when she was talking your head off.
You're silent as you walk towards the head of the table, your members eyes following your form as you sit down in the chair with a sigh. Talia takes the seat beside you and folds her hands beneath the table; fiddling with her fingers like she was just called into the principal's office.
"8 of us died tonight at the hands of Corpse's gang." You start as you survey their grim faces, "I don't know about you guys but I'm furious." A chorus of agreements and nodding of heads floods the room. You never like to reveal the extent of your plans, especially one as important as this one.
"I want revenge. So, I'm gonna call in some favors and I want everyone who can hold a gun to be ready when I am." You keep it short and the men and women look around at each other before nodding their heads and mentally preparing themselves for whatever you had planned. Their undying loyalty and trust to you was a rush straight to your head. You knew better than to bite the apple of temptation, their loyalty is the reason you're still alive today and the last thing you want to do is take advantage of that. "Before that though, I want all of you to tell me everything you saw tonight."
"Did you have to hit every pothole on the way here?" Talia criticizes the driver, Connor, as the three of you hop out of the van. You hear Connor mimic Talia in a higher pitched voice and you roll your eyes at how childish these two were.
"Cut it out guys." You scold them and they drop their smiles and lean against the side of the van. You know they were only trying to lighten the tense mood, but it was unnecessary and you wanted to stay focused. You spot headlights approaching you from the opposite end of the street you came from and place a reassuring hand on the pistol at your back. Connor and Talia do the same, staying alert as they stand on either side of you. The van stops about 15 feet away from where you were standing and the headlights turn off, leaving you in darkness. It was probably after 2 in the morning by now.
Four men emerged from their dark black van, all appeared to be empty-handed, but you knew better than to think they'd show up defenseless. They were packing. Probably something small enough to hide- a knife or a pistol- in their heavy coats or jeans. You took a census of your own weapons; the gun at your back, small knife in your sock, bigger hunting knife holstered at your hip. You went through a few scenarios if things went wrong, who you'd kill first, what you were gonna use, how to do it quickly and efficiently. You knew Talia was doing the same and you hoped Connor had learned anything from his time spent with Talia to be following along.
"A/n." The biggest one, named Sean, addressed you and you gave him a nod.
"Sean. I'm glad we could meet." You respond and let the silence settle between you. You don't say anything, wanting him to speak first, and by the way Sean rubs his lips together and shifts his weight from foot to foot, you know he's uncomfortable with the silence.
"So, are we gonna do this or what?" He asks. His words say he's annoyed, but the tone of his voice tells you he's a bit frightened by the situation.
"Course we are, but I want you to tell me again what your role is." You ask of him and he chuckles to himself a bit before looking at the other three who shared in his laughter.
"You want us to rehearse our lines? C'mon we're wasting time." He laughs again and turns around to climb back into his van. So predictable.
"1432 Evergreen Palace. Apartment 213. Second floor." He stops and you can't help but smirk as you see him turn to look at you. You want him to be afraid of you, but you could tell he was just as scared of Corpse. He had pledged his loyalty to Corpse, but you always knew Sean could never turn down a mission with a high price, no matter who it was. But you also knew he would double cross you and turn you in when the opportunity rose. So, you made sure that there would be consequences if he just so happened to stab you in the back.
"She's really pretty, y'know. And pretty big too. How far along is she?" You could practically feel his anger radiating off of him. He wanted to kill you. His eyes told you so.
"You son of a bitch!" He yells out before lunging at you. Before he can actually reach you, Talia has him on the ground with her foot on the back of his neck and his right arm stretched behind his back. Connor pulled out his gun and aimed it at him, but as the three other men pulled their own weapons, Connor aimed it at the man closest to him.
"I want you to understand how important this is, Sean. All of you, actually, need to understand." You gesture to all of them and they take a hesitant step back as they watch Sean struggle under Talia. "More than just your life is on the line here. And if any of you get the idea of stabbing me in the back. I'll make sure your family members have a gravestone for you to mourn." You finish and look between the three standing men. One of them was shaking, his gun twitching nervously in his hand. Another was biting the inside of his cheek. The last was glaring between you and Sean. You see that your point has gotten across.
"Connor. Talia." You say their names and Connor puts down his gun, but still has his finger on the trigger, and Talia gets off of Sean. Sean bounces up onto his feet quickly and stares you down. You lift your eyebrows and stare back, waiting to see if he will actually go through with what he's thinking. He huffs, but backs down from you and his entourage puts down their guns.
"Great, I'm glad we've come to an understanding," You clap your hands together and continue, "Now, let's go over our roles, yeah?"
You were tied up in the back of Sean's van, lip busted, eyes starting to swell, body sore and covered in blood. You knew Sean would hit you hard- hell, you were preparing to call your dentist after this to fix your busted teeth after this, but surprisingly all teeth were accounted for. Talia and Connor didn't get beat up as bad, but you could hear Connor grumbling about the black eye that would show up and the bruised ribs he had.
"Stop complaining, Connor. You knew this was gonna happen." Talia responds as she wipes away some blood on her nose.
"Why couldn't we have beat each other up than let them have the satisfaction?" Connor complains.
"Then we'd have bloody knuckles instead of them. Even if Sean is stupid, the rest of Corpse's members aren't. They'd tell that this is a setup." You say and feel a soda can get thrown at your head.
"I can still hear you!" Sean exclaims and you roll your eyes. Connor stays quiet and unexpectedly you start thinking about Adam. How were you gonna explain the bruises to him? Would he even believe you? Then you wondered how the situation would have gone if Sean knew about Adam. What you'd do just to make sure he was safe. At the expense of Talia's life? Connor's? You let your head fall into your hands as you tried to think about something else. Anything else.
"Almost there. Put the bags over their heads." You hear Sean say and your heart rate picks up. You were nervous. So many things could go wrong. You are heading straight into the eye of the tornado with nothing but a bag over your face to conceal your identity. In a way, your swollen and bruised face is another factor to help hide who you were. It felt like Sean had done a pretty good job of that, but you couldn't see yourself to check his handiwork.
The man in the passenger seat turns around and reaches out to put the bags over the three of your heads. You took a deep breath, going over the plan for the fiftieth time in your head, and prayed to whoever was listening that you could go back home in one piece tonight. Back home to Adam.
The van stopped and you see the flash of headlights from your van that the other two men were driving turn off, officially leaving you three in the dark. The doors open and close and there's a deafening silence before the back doors open and the cool air slips into the van.
"These are them?" An unfamiliar voice asks.
"Yup. Even got a/n little pet here." You hear Sean say and you assume he rips Talia's bag off her head by the way she spits at him. You smirk under your bag at Talia's behavior; full of fire.
"This one gonna need to learn some manners," the man says before pausing, "What about the other two?"
"Probably some new recruits whose eyes are bigger than their stomachs." Sean replies and the unfamiliar voice laughs.
"Aww, that's sweet that they think they can take us on. If you three live to see another day you should run back and tell that boss of yours to give up now before Corpse decides to actually get serious with them." The man's tone is condescending and you wanted nothing more than to smack the smirk off his face, but you stayed composed. Arms reach out to grab your biceps and you struggle a bit as they stand you up on your feet. Your head swirled as the effects of Sean's punches took their full effect and you're glad this bag is over your head so you don't have to see the world spinning around you.
They drag you through a set of doors and you can only assume where you are from here, but if Sean was telling the truth earlier you'd all be taken to separate rooms in the Western part of the compound. From here, you had no choice but to rely on Sean.
You're thrown into a room and you stumble before falling face first into the floor. Your hands were tied behind your back so you couldn't catch yourself and now your nose was bleeding again. The blood runs over your lips and into your mouth, the copper taste and pain familiar to you. You wondered if your nose was broken with how many hits it's taken in the last hour. You move into a sitting position and drag yourself to a nearby wall to rest on.
After about a half an hour of waiting, you hear the door creak open. It slams shut and you tense as you hear a pair of footsteps walk closer to you. The person is light on their feet, their footsteps making little noise, so they're probably property trained to fight. In this condition, you probably couldn't do much damage to your opponent without an actual weapon in your hand. And Sean had taken all your weapons back when he was tying you up.
"I always knew a/n was desperate to catch up to me. Exact revenge. Payback for everything I've done to them." You're unsure of your hearing things right but, this person- they sound just like Adam. Maybe Sean knocked something loose in your head or you were just trying to convince yourself that he was waiting at his house for your text and not here interrogating you. You weren't sure. The man crouched down in front of you with a sigh and you could smell his cologne. You wanted to cry. He smelled like pine. He smelled like Adam.
"It's just so upsetting to see them give up so early in the game. I mean I was just getting started and they sent me three rejects!? What do they hope to accomplish with this?" His voice gets louder and he lets out another sigh. Your heart is racing as you feel a knife pressed to the skin of your arm. "I just don't understand." His voice is low as he mutters the last sentence and you hiss as he presses the tip of the knife into your forearm.
"Let's get this off." He mumbled something afterward about 'dying with some dignity,' but your head is too fuzzy to comprehend it. The bag is yanked off and the bright yellow light makes you squint your eyes as you try to adjust to the source of light. You want to see who this man was. Want to be proven wrong, but everytime you open your eyes your head spins and you close your eyes. "Y/n?"
As he says your name you knew your suspicions had been true. Past unexplainable behaviors of Adam had finally started to make sense to you.
"So, your big promotion happened to be my shipment! At the cost of 8 good people! My people!" You shout as your eyes finally adjust to the light. You were furious. Nothing else inside your head besides rage and betrayal. The man you trusted more than you'd like to admit was also your worst enemy.
"What the hell is going on here? What are you saying right now?" He looked concerned, but you couldn't believe that it was concern for you. For your swollen face or for the fact that you were tied up before him. Before you are able to respond, you hear alarms go off throughout the building and Adam- no, Corpse gives you a questioning look. "What did you do?"
"Exact revenge. Payback for everything you've done to me." You repeat what he had told you earlier as the sound of gunshots echo in the hallway just outside the door.
"It's been you this entire time." He asks in disbelief just as the door gets kicked down and Talia, Connor, and four other members of yours barge into the room, guns aimed at Corpse. Talia is first to move towards you, putting herself at your side with a pistol aimed for his head.
"Put the knife down." Talia orders and Corpse finally takes his eyes off you and glances at the knife in his hand, the same one that wounded your arm. He drops the knife and Talia kicks it far away from him before your guys pull him up to his feet and hold his arms behind his back. Talia holsters her weapon and crouches down to untie the knot in the rope. Your arms fall to your side as the knot loosens and you rub your wrist over the ligature marks left on your skin. Talia helps you to your feet, steadying you before turning her attention to Corpse.
"Is this him?" She asks and you nod your head before grabbing the rope from Talia's hand. You tossed it to one of the men holding Corpse.
"Tie him up." You tell him and he immediately starts to wrap the rope around his wrists. You can feel his eyes on you, but you don't wanna look at him. You're too angry. Too scared. Too broken.
"Let's continue with the plan. Take whatever you can and burn the rest. Leave no one alive." You feel like you have to force yourself to say the last part and you hate that. A part of you wants to leave Corpse alive. Even though you hate Corpse, you loved Adam. And you didn't want to let go just yet. Everyone leaves the room besides Talia.
"You too, Talia." You order as you walk to the far end of the room where the knife was kicked.
"That's an order." You interrupt her and she hesitates in her step before finally leaving you and Corpse alone in the room. You knew her well enough though to know she was just a few feet from the door in case things went wrong.
"You don't have anything you want to say to me?" You ask as you approach him with the knife. "Any last words." Your whole body aches and throbs and you weren't sure it was from the beating you took earlier or the anger coursing through you in this moment. He still hasn't said anything and when you looked up at him he was looking straight at you. He still doesn't believe it's been you this whole time.
"I-" He stops himself and his shoulders slump forward. You want to know what he's thinking. If he's just as conflicted as you are. If he's already decided to hate you as his enemy. Or love you as his partner. "I don't know what to say." He confesses.
And you don't know either. So, you don't say anything as you throw the knife back across the room where it was earlier and walk past him towards the door. You take one last look at his back and walk out of the room. As you predicted, Talia is there by the door, waiting for you.
"Gun." You say as you hold out your hand towards her. She hands you her pistol and you take the butt of the gun and slam it down against the doorknob until it falls off and rolls along the floor. You keep her gun with you as you notice she had another one in her hands and begin to walk back through the hallways, where the gunfire seemed to get louder and louder.
"Did you kill him?" She questions. Your hesitence doesn't go unnoticed by her and you want to smack yourself for it. You can't seem weak in front of your members, especially not Talia who looks up to you so much.
"He's as good as dead." You mutter as you both finally reach the exit of the West building. The air is filled with smoke and as a woman runs by with a can of gasoline you stop her and grab the can. You dump the contents out on the only exit of the Western building and open the door to toss the empty can down the stairs. You hold out your hand, for a lighter, and the same woman puts one in the palm of your hand. You light it and take a few steps back before tossing the lighter on the flammable liquid. The flames are immediate and the fire crackles and warms your skin. It feels nice, but you can't enjoy the fire or the destruction of your biggest enemy. Not knowing that by losing your biggest enemy, you'll also lose what could've quite possibly been the love of your life.
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