also some stuff are obviously arent going to be the exact same as the show becuz i have horrible memory and im too lazy to rewatch the whole show and memorize it XP oh also SPOILERS obviii
Mateo's pov:
''It has been a few days since i havent seen Cooper... I wonder what happened to him?'' I wondered to myself, i then arrived in Mr Oz's classroom. ''Mateo! good to see you, ive been meaning to have a word with you.'' the old man said. ughh.. ''So what did you want to say?''
''Your worksheets.. full of drawings but no answers! Mateo, you have a big imagination and that's amazing! ...but if you keep it up you might not even pass your grade.'' he said in a pretty serious tone. ''i know...'' i answered a bit sheepishly, but i couldnt help myself! its so hard to concentrate in class. espacially after what happened in that dream... nightmare i had.
''Well i guess that sets it off.. Oh! and before i forget, i also have a favor to ask you.'' Mr Oz recollected. ''yes?'' He takes out this weeks homework and hands them to me ''Can you please give these to Cooper? He's been home sick and it seems it's gonna stay like that for a few more days.'' Cooper's sick? ''Yeah ill give it to him..'' i replied. ''I guess that explains why he wasnt there..'' I leave the school and i start walking my way home, but first i need to go see Cooper.
I arrive at his apartment and i sneaked in cuz his parents definetly did not want me here, but i could care less.
The house was pretty quiet and peaceful, which was nice. I find his room and i enter. ''Cooper..? Are you alright?'' no response.. I get closer to him and i see him suffering in his sleep.. it was a horrible sight and i really want to help him but i dont want to be a bother..
''Do you think he needs more soup?'' a familiar voice spoke out... ''Logan!?!?'' I shouted confusingly. ''What are you doing here!?!?'' I asked a bit in a rude manner ''Uhmmm im obviouly here to help out Cooper!! He's MY friend after all!'' Logan responded, god i hated it. ''He was my friend first before you jerkified him!!'' ''That's not even a word!''
I scoffed and layed Cooper's homework on his desk. ''Also how would more soup even help him??''
''Cuz that's what you do when your friends are sick! you give them Soup!'' When i first heard that I just wanted to laugh on how ridiculous Logan is. ''That doesn't even make sense!''
At this point i didnt have a reason to stay since Logan was already there so i left.
SOOOOOOO that was my first chapter and uhhhhh yeah it's pretty short XV if theres any advice to help me get better any of yall would like to give pkease give X3
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