Chapter 4: Don't Go Breaking My Heart
(Fig Cookie will be replaced with Cream Puff Cookie due to them being inactive in the show, they'll also be shown next chapter)
Pastry Cookie: And... This is the exit.
Eclair Cookie: Woohoo! Now we can finally get out of this hellhole!
Raspberry Cookie: Wait, is this real!? Are we finally going home!?
Cheesecake Cookie: Is this killing game finally over?
So this is it?
We are finally getting to go home?
To our loved ones?
Wizard Cookie: Are you all seriously dumb? What if this is all fake? We don't even know if we trust this Cookie. Ultimate Goddess? What is that?
Pastry Cookie: Right... I think I should tell you all... I am the goddess of Reverend Mother Cookie in the Tower Of Sweet Chaos. I was a goddess since.. Red Velvet Cookie was there. Alright! Let's open the exit!
Pomegranate Cookie: Wait a goddamn second! Are you...
Pastry Cookie: Wait, what!? Pomegranate Cookie!?
Parfait Cookie: Can someone tell me what's going on?
Pastry Cookie: .......You say it, Pomegranate Cookie.
Pomegranate Cookie: I don't want to tell you this, but we actually know each other.. We both came from the Tower Of Sweet Chaos.. Red Velvet Cookie actually owns this place. I serve him. You see...
Under the St. Pastry Order, Pastry Cookie ventured into the Tower Of Sweet Chaos to investigate a situation. There, she met Red Velvet Cookie, a Cookie who is the cake and a cookie in his appearance. She learned the tower, the darkness, and the truth that why Cookies were created.
Pastry Cookie: .....
Pomegranate Cookie: On top of that, after White Lily Cookie fell into the Ultimate dough... She became Dark Enchantress Cookie. The ruler of the Darkness.
Pastry Cookie: Yeah.. It's actually true. White Lily Cookie fell into the Ultimate dough.. and was no longer herself. But don't blame her. Blame me. It was my fault. I should've ignored the Tower Of Sweet Chaos in the first place.. I should've saved her. But it was too late. She already fell in there.
Cheesecake Cookie: What? What are you talking about?
Wizard Cookie: Woah, woah, woah, now wait just a damn minute! What are you saying?
Alchemist Cookie: I'm surprised. I never knew that White Lily was Dark Enchantress.
Chili Pepper Cookie: Well, well, well. What have we got here? A culprit!
Strawberry Cookie: Umm... How about we ask questions later..? I'm kinda getting scared here.. Let's just open the door..
Herb Cookie: Well, let's get this door open!
Cotton Cookie: Let's just go... I really want to leave already.
Mono-Cookie: Hold up! Lemme just...
The shield! It's back on!
But how?
Mono-Cookie: Upupupupu! Do you think I'll let you leave here easily!? I don't think so!
Chili Pepper Cookie: GOD DAMNIT!
Mono-Cookie: And who's this Cookie? New?
Pastry Cookie: Enough with your shenanigans, Mono-Cookie. I recommend you that you let them go or you will suffer the consequences.
Mono-Cookie: No can do! By the way, since you're new here, you can become a new student! And hang out with the others!
Pastry Cookie: You know that the future foundation will be here, right?
Mono-Cookie: Not listening! Anyways, it's 10 P.M! Y'all could've been in bed by now!
As soon as Mono-Cookie said that, I headed straight to my dorm and so did the other Cookies.
Ding Dong Bing Bong!
Mono-Cookie: Good morning, students! It is now 7 A.M! Wakey wakey!
As I woke up, I was confused. What had even happened yesterday night?
Did Mono-Cookie put us in a deep sleep?
If so, what did he even use to make us fall asleep?
I didn't actually care. I got up from my bed, grabbed my E-Handbook, and headed straight to the Dining Hall.
When I got there, I was confused.
Everyone was there. Including her.
GingerBright: Oh, good morning GingerBrave..
Cheesecake Cookie: .....
Just as I expected, no one was saying anything. Perhaps they remembered about yesterday?
Ever since yesterday, people have been silent about what happened to Skating Queen Cookie and Cinnamon Cookie.
GingerBrave: Cookies, I have a question. What happened to Skating Queen Cookie's body? Do y'all know anything about it?
Herb Cookie: Mono-Cookie took them away, same with Cinnamon Cookie's body..
GingerBrave: Also, has anyone seen Pastry Cookie?
GingerBright: I asked her and she said that she wanted to be alone. She needs some time for herself.
Eclair Cookie: No offense GingerBright, but I think she is lying.. About the Tower Of Sweet Chaos and such...
Wizard Cookie: NO SHE'S NOT! SHE'S TRYING TO TELL THE TRUTH! Look y'all, I know you think that she's lying but she's not. She's trying to tell the truth.
Parfait Cookie: About the Tower Of Sweet Chaos... White Lily Cookie fell into the Ultimate dough... Right, Pomegranate Cookie?
Pomegranate Cookie: Yeah... She fell in into the Ultimate dough... Cooked alive by the Witches. She later became the one and only Dark Enchantress Cookie. She would later travel to the Tower Of Sweet Chaos to learn why Cookies were created but instead she learnt that Cookies were originally made to be eaten. She couldn't accept her fate.
Dang... That's hard.
White Lily Cookie... Falling into the Ultimate dough... Becoming Dark Enchantress..
And being baked alive... By the Witches...
Raspberry Cookie: Hey, look everyone. I know that y'all have questions for Pomegranate Cookie, but we have to wait for Pastry Cookie.
Alchemist Cookie: Well, about last night... Pastry Cookie knows a way out, right?
Mono-Cookie: Not anymore!!! I blocked the exit again!! No escaping!! There is a shield..!
Raspberry Mousse Cookie: Ha! Do you actually know the future foundation will be here, right?
Mono-Cookie: About that, I think Pastry Cookie is right...
Wizard Cookie: Hold on, does that mean we can actually escape!?
Mono-Cookie: YES! And I'm mad about it!
Cotton Cookie: Well, I guess that Mono-Cookie's school trip is cancelled...
Mono-Cookie: I don't know when they'll come back but... I have a Motive for you all...!
Eclair Cookie: Ha, do you know how funny this is? We'll escape easily, so why give us a Motive?
Mono-Cookie: Wait, Eclair Cookie! There's not one, but two Motives! The first one is...
If no one kills in 24 hours, everyone will die.
Second one is..
If anybody kills someone, and they win a class trial, they get to pick someone else to escape. But if they lose...
They'll pick someone else to kill too.
Mono-Cookie: Any flashbacks, Pomegranate Cookie?
Pomegranate Cookie: .....
After Mono-Cookie said that, everyone fell silent.
Without thinking, I cleared my throat and spoke.
GingerBrave: Hold on, everyone! Don't fall into Mono-Cookie's trap now!
Raspberry Cookie: Agreed, I don't think the future foundation will take that long. Just don't kill anyone, GingerBrave.
Strawberry Cookie: R-Right! Stay positive, everyone! Believe in yourselves! Follow your heart!
Cheesecake Cookie: Nice try, Mono-Cookie. Nice try.
GingerBrave: You lose, Mono-Cookie.
Mono-Cookie: We'll see about that, StupidBrave! But I'm gonna go now, see ya!
Wizard Cookie: Good riddance!
Parfait Cookie: Oh yeah, I was planning to make a song to keep the peace together! Does that sound good?
Eclair Cookie: Sounds cool! I can't wait to hear it!
Raspberry Mousse Cookie: I guess that's cool.
Alchemist Cookie: I guess..
Parfait Cookie: Okay! I need 2 volunteers for the song!
Cheesecake Cookie: I will.
Raspberry Cookie: Same thing! I think I will do good!
Parfait Cookie: And Strawberry Cookie! Can you help me too? You can be the 3rd person to sing!
Strawberry Cookie: S-Sure! I'm not too shy to sing!
Parfait Cookie: Alright then! Meet me at the gym! At 5 P.M! Cheesecake, Raspberry, & Strawberry, follow me!
Pomegranate Cookie: I'm gonna go tell Pastry Cookie about this.
After that, I had some free time. I thunk about what I should do.
Free Time!
Raspberry Cookie: ....
Should I hang out with Raspberry Cookie?
Yes No
Raspberry Cookie: Sure!
Raspberry Cookie & I grew a bit closer.
GingerBrave: Say, this is a weird question, but do you ever get upset?
Raspberry Cookie: I never get upset! I'm a strong Cookie! I never give up for the Hollyberry Palace! Well actually, sometimes I do, but I'm always strong!
GingerBrave: Cool! That explains a lot. Also, why do you carry that sword all the time?
Raspberry Cookie: Oh, this? I carry this because I want to keep my friends safe from any harm or danger! Let me guess the next question... My mission?
GingerBrave: Well.. yeah.
Raspberry Cookie: My job is really awesome! I'm not just a sword fighter, my cousin is too! And I'm happy for him! Also, not to be rude but why are you not dressed?
GingerBrave: ...... I'm not gonna answer that question but... Good talent you have!
Raspberry Cookie: Thanks! You have a great talent too!
GingerBrave: Wow, thank you!
Raspberry Cookie's report card has been updated.
When I got to my room, I didn't know who to talk to next.
But I had more time.
When I got to the hall, I saw Parfait Cookie heading to the Gym.
Parfait Cookie: Oh! Do you need something, GingerBrave? I was about to head to the Gym.
Should I hang out with Parfait Cookie?
Yes No
Parfait Cookie: Cheesecake Cookie is waiting for me but I'm available for 5 minutes for now.
Parfait Cookie & I grew a bit closer.
GingerBrave: Parfait Cookie, I got some questions for you. I know you sing a lot but how do you do it? Don't your toppings melt when you sing?
Parfait Cookie: Right, about that... One of my friends writes the lyrics for me. I tell them what to write. Their name is DJ Cookie. They are the Ultimate Effects Designer. Basically movie or video effects. Not sure if they know I'm in a killing game right now.
GingerBrave: Wait, so they're an Ultimate Student too?
Parfait Cookie: Yeah, they're pretty good at setting up my show.. But enough about them. I'm also inspired by Rockstar Cookie. But sometimes he's really annoying and likes to focus on rock! Setting up my show is more important!
GingerBrave: Right...
Parfait Cookie: Although most of the time I like songs such as "I Promise" and "My Kingdom". Oh no! Look at the time! I gotta go! Byeeee!
GingerBrave: Well, see you later!
Parfait Cookie's report card has been updated.
After I talked to Parfait Cookie, I headed to the Gym.
When I got there, I was surprised by how many Cookies there were for Parfait's concert.
GingerBrave: Hello, Cookies!
Alchemist Cookie: About time you got here. Let us start the show.
Strawberry Cookie: Cheesecake Cookie's at the back stage..!
Eclair Cookie: Can't wait to hear you all do great at the concert!
Raspberry Mousse Cookie: ..... Yeah.. I think.
Herb Cookie: Raspberry Mousse Cookie, is there something wrong?
Pastry Cookie: He's okay, can we start now? I've got some work to do.
Raspberry Cookie: We have to wait for Parfait Cookie.
Cotton Cookie: She'll be here soon.
GingerBright: What's taking them so long?
Chili Pepper Cookie: Yeah ok, I'm leaving.
Pastry Cookie: Oh, look! They're starting the show!
Ding Ding Bing Bong!
Mono-Cookie: A body has been discovered! The class trial will begin after the investigation!
After I saw the body, I wanted to know this was a dream.
But standing in front of me was Alchemist Cookie.
Even though she was the smartest Cookie here, she still wanted to survive.
We will find the killer who killed her.
And they will get what they deserve.
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