Chapter 2: TIME TO PLAY!
When I woke up, I was confused about where I was.
GingerBrave: Huh? Where am I? I realize I'm in a school gym? With 17 other Cookies here?
Cinnamon Cookie: That makes 18 people here.
Wizard Cookie: I think we've been kidnapped here, correct?
Alchemist Cookie: I was invited here, but I got knocked out.
Raspberry Cookie: So let me get this straight, we are all Ultimate Cookies and we were kidnapped and invited to this school?
Eclair Cookie: I checked the gym door, and it's locked. We're trapped in here.
GingerBrave: Pardon my interruption Eclair, but isn't this an "Opening Ceremony?"
Herb Cookie: .....
Chili Pepper Cookie: Phew, I was just getting scared! This is just a prank!
Pomegranate Cookie: Ah, I see. What a good way to scare everyone here.
Parfait Cookie: Let us start with introductions!
GingerBright: Great idea, Parfait Cookie! It can help us get along!
Angel Cookie: So...! Who wants to go first...!
GingerBrave: Very well. I'm GingerBrave, the Ultimate Roleplayer.
GingerBrave - Ultimate Roleplayer
GingerBrave: Pleasure to meet all of you here!
Cinnamon Cookie: Very well, I'll start mine too! My name's Cinnamon Cookie, the Ultimate Magician!
Cinnamon Cookie - Ultimate Magician
Cinnamon Cookie: Nice to meet everyone here!
GingerBright: Yay! My turn! GingerBright, Ultimate DIY!
GingerBright - Ultimate DIY
GingerBright: And I love sweet Candy Jellies!
Parfait Cookie: Now my turn! I'm Parfait Cookie, Ultimate Singer!
Parfait Cookie - Ultimate Singer
Parfait Cookie: Paru-paru-parfait!
Cheesecake Cookie: Ummm.. okay? Anywayyy.. I'm Cheesecake Cookie, Ultimate Actor.
Cheesecake Cookie - Ultimate Actor
Alchemist Cookie: Ah, cool. My turn. Alchemist Cookie. Ultimate Scientist.
Alchemist Cookie - Ultimate Scientist
Wizard Cookie: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyways, I'm Wizard Cookie. Ultimate Researcher.
Wizard Cookie - Ultimate Researcher
Alchemist Cookie: Researcher, huh?
Wizard Cookie: Yep. I might be able to figure something out to help us escape.
Alchemist Cookie: And end up ruining them...
Pomegranate Cookie: Shut up, you two. Anyways, Pomegranate Cookie, Ultimate Curser.
Pomegranate Cookie - Ultimate Curser
GingerBrave: Curser!? Dang, that's interesting!
Pomegranate Cookie: Yeah...
Herb Cookie: .....
Pomegranate Cookie: What?
Herb Cookie: Is it just me, or have we met before?
Pomegranate Cookie: I don't think so..
Herb Cookie: Oh... I thought we met before. But I'm Herb Cookie..! Ultimate Gardner..!
Herb Cookie - Ultimate Gardner
Skating Queen Cookie: Gardner...?
Herb Cookie: It's what I do.
Alchemist Cookie: Uh huh. Sure.
Chili Pepper Cookie: ...At least he isn't the only one with a weak talent!
Herb Cookie: Then what's yours?
Chili Pepper Cookie: I'm a Cookie who likes treasures! Chili Pepper Cookie! Ultimate Stealer!
Chili Pepper Cookie - Ultimate Stealer
Wizard Cookie: Heh. Nice talent.
Chili Pepper Cookie: At least "Pointy Hat" here can help us get out of here!
Wizard Cookie: ......
Skating Queen Cookie: As much I don't like someone getting roasted, I'll get to my introduction. I'm Skating Queen Cookie. Ultimate Ice Skater.
Skating Queen Cookie - Ultimate Ice Skater
Eclair Cookie: Ice Skater. Huh. That's a weird talent. Anyways, I'm Eclair Cookie. Ultimate Historian.
Eclair Cookie - Ultimate Historian
Raspberry Cookie: A historian!?
Eclair Cookie: Yep.
Raspberry Mousse Cookie: (quietly) I can slowly see Eclair's ego going up..
Eclair Cookie: What was that? I didn't catch you.
Raspberry Mousse Cookie: N-Nothing! I said nothing!
GingerBrave: Just say your name and talent, please.
Raspberry Mousse Cookie: Oh, sorry! Raspberry Mousse Cookie. Ultimate Sword Fighter.
Raspberry Mousse Cookie & Raspberry Cookie - Ultimate Sword Fighters
Raspberry Mousse Cookie: And this here is Raspberry Cookie, also a sword fighter!
Raspberry Cookie: Hello there!
Alchemist Cookie: Hi!
GingerBright: Sword fighters!? That's cool!
Raspberry Cookie: Thanks, GingerBright!
Angel Cookie: My turn...! Angel Cookie... Ultimate Charmer...!
Angel Cookie - Ultimate Charmer
Angel Cookie: May my feathers bless you with internal happiness....!
GingerBrave: We don't have too much time. So who is left?
Cream Puff Cookie: There's me.. Cream Puff Cookie. Ultimate Wizard.
Cream Puff Cookie - Ultimate Wizard
Cotton Cookie: .....
Cotton Cookie - Ultimate ???
Parfait Cookie: Uhh.. what?
Cotton Cookie: Cotton Cookie! Ultimate Shepherd!
Cotton Cookie - Ultimate Shepherd
Eclair Cookie: Uhh, excuse me? A shepherd?
Cotton Cookie: My lanterns are for someone special. Lanterns come from the heart.
Eclair Cookie: Moving on... Anyways what's your name and talent? You haven't talked yet.
Strawberry Cookie: ......
Wait a minute.. why is she here?
Strawberry Cookie: !?
She looked at me with a surprised look too..
Cheesecake Cookie: Umm...
Strawberry Cookie: Ah! Oh, umm.. sorry.. I-I don't wanna talk about my talent right now.. I-I'm Strawberry Cookie.
Strawberry Cookie - Ultimate ???
Eclair Cookie: Hmm..
GingerBrave: Wait! Hold on a second!
Strawberry Cookie: ...
GingerBrave: H-How are you here!?
???: Brilliant! Everyone is here! Let us start the ceremony!
GingerBrave: ...!?
???: Why hello there my fellow students!
Cheesecake Cookie: ...Who are you?
Mono-Cookie: I'm your headmaster, Mono-Cookie!
Alchemist Cookie: Yeah whatever. Anyways, weren't you responsible for this?
Mono-Cookie: Kidnapping you all and forcing you to stay in the school?
Eclair Cookie: Forced? What do you mean forced?
Mono-Cookie: It basically means that you guys are stuck here forever. All the windows, exits, and doors are locked. You can't escape.
Alchemist Cookie: What!? Let us out! I need to do some alchemy, and alchemy is serious!
Cheesecake Cookie: Same here! I need to throw parties! Parties are fun!
Wizard Cookie: ....
Mono-Cookie: Hey now! I'm a fair Cookie! There is one way to escape!
Herb Cookie: Really!? What is it!?
Mono-Cookie: Kill each other.
After Mono-Cookie said that, I thought I was gonna die just by freaking out.
GingerBright: Wh-What!? Kill each other!?
Mono-Cookie: Yep! Strangle! Drown! Stab! Crush! Poison! Anyway you like! You have to kill someone if you wanna escape!
Wizard Cookie: Hey, what kind of sick joke is this!?
Raspberry Mousse Cookie: THIS ISN'T EVEN FUNNY! LET US OUT!
Mono-Cookie: I'm afraid I can't do that! Upupupu! Also, if ANYONE tries to hurt me, you'll be toast. Understood?
GingerBright: B-But why would anyone try to kill someone!?
Herb Cookie: ....
Eclair Cookie: DAMN IT!
Mono-Cookie: Here are your E-Handbooks! Don't break them! Read the rules! That's all for now, I'll depart! Cya!
Cinnamon Cookie: Woah, hold on a second! Don't we have questions?
Wizard Cookie: Don't even bother, Cinnamon Cookie. The gym door is open. I think there are dorms here, let's just get some sleep.
GingerBrave: Agreed. I'm tired anyways.
Strawberry Cookie: .....
On the way to the dorms, I looked at the night sky.
Why did this happen to me and her?
I... I can't risk her getting killed.
I must protect her no matter what.
Maybe I should go to bed..
I laid on the bed.
GingerBrave: GOD DAMN IT!
I closed my eyes.
I didn't want to believe all of this.
But it was the truth...
Why us?
What did we do to deserve this cruel fate?
Why do we have to suffer in this school?
I must protect my friends.
I can't risk them getting killed.
Or her....
Note: Hey everyone! Thank you for reading Chapter 2 of CookieRonpa! I had fun making this chapter so much! Also, thank y'all for 25 reads on CookieRonpa! It really means a lot!
P.S: This story is inspired by _Ananas_Drag0n_R0ar's story, Cookie Run Flicker, and teamficiton's story, MagicRonpa: Sentenced To Death!
I hoped you enjoyed this story and see you in Chapter 3 of CookieRonpa!
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