Chapter 7: Aghh- What
Time skip
Denki P.O.V.
I slowly open my eyes to see the indigo haired insomniac, resting peacefully beside me. As I stare at his peaceful face, I feel my face beginning to grow hotter by the second.
I began to look around me, memories of the past hours began filled my head.
Oh no... Oh no no no no! not againn...
I groaned quietly as I began to climb out of the hospital bed, trying my best to not wake the peaceful creature resting beside me.
The insomniac began to shift uncomfortably due to my movements. I saw that our hands were still intertwined. My face grew even hotter as I jumped out of bed, startled.
Shinso P.O.V.
I lifted my head from the hospital bed frantically so that I was now sitting normally on the bed and saw a startled looking Denki looking down at me.
Oh shi-
Thousands of thoughts ran through my head as my face grew redder each passing moment.
What do I do what do I do- aghhhh- Jfdtktjsrkfj-
"W-what happened! W-where am I! W-why. w-we. hands. sleep. bed." Denki stuttered as he frantically waved his hands around his face redder that an tomato.
I jumped off of the hospital bed and explained, "W-wait, let me explain!!! You've got it all wrong you see whathappenedwasthatafterweallintroducedourselvesIwenttogositdownandthenyoujustsortafaintedlikeoutanowhereandsoIbroughtyoutothenursesoficecauseIdidntknowwhathappenedandstuffandthenIwasabouttoleavebutthenyoustartedfreakingoutsoIjuststatartedtotalktoyoubutlikeIdidntknowwhattosayandthenwemighthavefellasleepcauseIwasprettytiredandIdontknowifyouwherebutyoufellasleeptoandwelosttrackoftimeandnowwereprobablymissingallofourclassesandstuffrightnowandeveryonemightbewonderingwherewearesoweshouldstarttoheadbacktoclassandforgetanyofthishappened!!!" My face kept on getting hotter, and all my words where getting mushed together, I was so embarrassed!!
How could I let this have happened!! Normally I would have just left the person when they asked me to stay!!!
So why did I stay with this one???...
Hey guys sorry if that last part was confusing, I tried to fix it... I hope it's better I can be kinda confusing sometimes... most times. heheh... sorry I am also working on the new chapter rn but I don't really have time to type it cause it's in my notebook rn...
321 words
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-Read my other story/stories
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