Chapter 14: Valentines Day Special (Sorry it's late- 2000+ words of trash)
I'm sorry this is late my motivation is non-existent.
This is trash, read at your own risk I don't know what I was writing I'm sorry.
- Shinkami
- EraserMic
- There were going to be more but idk how dates work and I'm tired
Shinso's Pov:
I walked into the normally plain classroom, only to be greeted with an explosion of pinks, reds, and whites of all shades decorating the room. It looked as if someone had thrown red-velvet cakes all over the walls, it was a mess. Hearts cut out from construction paper were messily taped onto the walls of the classroom, and white balloons filled with red confetti adorned the doorway.
I looked over to see Aizawa Sensei standing in the front of the classroom, a bright red heart pin stuck to his usual neutral-toned attire, as a frown plastered on his face.
I stifle laughter as I head to my seat. Sitting down, I take my notebook out and begin to scribble down some new ideas for my hero outfit on my idea page. (yes he has an idea page- and yes he and Midoriya share notebooks and ideas. you can not tell me otherwise-)
The page was sloppy, having a large, rushed sketch of a mannequin wearing my hero outfit, with notes along the page as to what each accessory did and how they would be helpful in battle. There were random notes made throughout the school year dedicated to new things to try with my quirk, each housed by a sloppy box surrounding it, distinguishing one idea from another. The corners of the page were decorated with the occasional doodles of his sleeping professor. (I'm totally going to try to recreate my vision of this irl and post it for y'all later-)
The bell rings as I hear the chair beside me scrape along the floor, followed by a loud thump. I look over to see my seatmate sitting in the chair, half out of the desk, resting his head on the table with his arms sprawled messily over the desk as he caught his breath.
I roll my eyes as I turn my attention to the teacher.
"Due to some unfortunate events, today's class will be canceled." Aizawa stated blandly.
Few silent cheers could be heard throughout the class, one being from my seatmate himself. Others let out concerned whispers.
A questioning hand shot up from the mass students, belong to Uraraka.
"Yes?" Aizawa questioned impatiently, turning his attention to the student.
"Uhm, sir, if you don't mind me asking, what is this unfortunate event you speak of?" Uraraka asked quizzically.
"I am talking about the retched holiday you know as Valentines Day." Aizawa replied, scrunching his nose in disgust. (shush you love Valentine's day-)
I roll my eyes as I turn my attention back to the page before me.
"But sir, Valentine's Day is wonderful, full of love and joy. You get to spend it with loved ones, be it a significant other, your family, or just a friend!" Momo exclaimed excitedly. (I don't celebrate valentines day- idk was you do-)
"Yes, yes, love and joy and caring for those you love. While that's nice and all, we could spend this day more productively. If it were up to me, we would be training right now, but it's not." Aizawa explained to the class.
"Sensi, do you have a Valentine's?" Kaminari asked next, finally catching his breath.
"That is none of your concern Kaminari. If I were you, I would focus on trying to raise your grades instead of trying to find out my love life."
A few students laugh at his remark, most belonging to the Bakusquad. I look over to see Kaminari's face turn red as he sinks farther down into his seat.
"If there are no further questions, I would like you all to leave. If you wish to stay in the classroom cause you have a sad, lonely life, don't disrupt me." Aizawa said, sweeping his eyes along the mass of students before him.
The sound of scraping chairs filled the room as most of the students got up to head out.
"Before you all leave," Aizawa interrupted, "you do have homework."
A few groans could be heard throughout the students.
"Take care of yourself, have fun, and enjoy this break. When you come back, expect to be worked until your bones aches. That is all." And with that, he slumped down onto the classroom wall, and into his comfortable yellow cocoon. (yes Aizawa cares for his students I like this)
The students exchanged a few glances, most showing confusion, other showing relief, before finally exiting the classroom.
I, however, was still sitting at my desk, scribbling in my notebook. There were a few other kids that decided to linger in the classroom, but I paid no mind to them.
I would have headed to my dorm room if it wasn't next to Bakugo's dorm. While he was a decent roommate, I didn't want to risk getting a headache from him screaming at a British cooking show. (He watches Gordon Ramsay- change my mind)
I continued to doodle in my notebook until I felt a presence behind me. Deciding to ignore it, I continued my sketch of some new equipment I was thinking of designing. That is until a loud voice interrupted me.
"Hey, that looks really good!"
Startled, I quickly shut my notebook and turn around. My face almost smacks into Kaminari's as he backs away quickly.
I glare at him as a sheepish smile forms on his face.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you like that." He apologizes as he scratches his arm slightly.
I arched my eyebrow in confusion at the gesture. I decided to ignore it as I shift my focus back to him.
"What are you doing?" I ask coldly. I see his face pale slightly before he shakes it off and grins.
"I wanted to see what you were doing! Is that such a crime?" He asked playfully, as he leans his face closer to mine, tilting his head slightly with a grin.
"Yes." I reply coldly, as I turn away from him.
He laughs as he walks next to me, pulling his chair next to my desk.
"I wasn't lying when I said it looked good. What were you drawing?" He asked, clearly intrigued.
Deciding I didn't want to argue or be annoyed, I answered his question, hoping he would leave me alone.
"I was sketching out some new hero equipment that I thought would be useful."
"What does it do?"
"None of your business."
"Come on, tell meeeee. I'm curious."
I sigh and open my notebook reluctantly to show him the sketch.
"It's a speed enhancer, sort of. It will, hopefully, help me doge physical attacks easier. This is just the basic design, I haven't worked out the final design yet but..." I ramble. (bruh idk it took me 10 minutes to come up with something don't come for me- his stats say that he's low in the speed department)
"That's cool!"
"You think?"
"Yea, It should prove helpful in sparring."
"I hope so. I still need to plan out how it would work and stuff, you know, work out some kinks... Then I'll have to discuss the plan with Mei. I'm sure she'll be happy to take on the project."
A few hours later, cause I don't know how conversations work-
Kaminari and I are now sitting in the UA courtyard. Our conversation shifted from Hero work to personal interests.
I learned a lot of new things about him, such as how he enjoyed reading in his free time and that his favorite animal was an armadillo. (fucking adorable animals-)
I was having a fun time.
Kaminari POV
I was drinking some tea and I listened to Shinso talk. We had visited a Starbucks after leaving the campus, and are now sitting on the grass of the park near the mall arguing whether or not cats are the superior pets.
"I'm just saying, there adorable and don't have to get walked. Little maintenance, very cute. What more could you want?" (Disclaimer, I do not own a cat, sadly, I own a dog. My friend owns a cat so, I'm going off the Internet and what I've been told-)
"Ok, ok, but have you considered a fish." I argue.
He looks at me in confusion as I burst out laughing.
"A fish- you can't even hold a fish."
"Was it or was it not every child's dream to have a pet fish once in their life. You're going to look at me and tell me you never wanted a fish at some point in your life. It never crossed your mind to get a fish?"
"Well, it has but still."
"Exactly, fish are superior. End of story." I declare.
"YOU CAN'T HOLD THEM- WHAT DO YOU DO WITH A FISH-" He argues, flabbergasted.
"FISH ARE MAGICAL- and you can hold a fish-"
He looks at me with concern, "How many fish have you murdered trying to hold it..."
I gasp in shock, "How dare you. I've never killed a fish. Wait actually, I take that back there was that barbie incident, BUT OTHER THAN THAT-"
"Wait, wait, wait," he interrupts, leaning forward and raising his eyebrows in curiosity, "The barbie incident?" He asks, clearly intrigued.
"A sacrifice was needed for the barbie gods." I state, matter of factly, as I stare into his eyes.
Teleporting to another location because I don't know what I'm doing and I want some EraserMic
Aizawa POV
I was sitting peacefully in my sleeping bag. All the students that still lingered in the classroom were long gone, and I was enjoying the quiet. That was until the classroom door flew open. I look over, annoyed, to see Hizashi standing at the doorway.
I groan as I sink farther into my sleeping bag, hoping he would go away and let me rest.
"Shotaaaaa, come onnnnn." He whines as he walked up to my sleeping bag.
I proceed to flip him off. (amazing response)
He rolls his eyes as he grabs my arm and pulls me out of my comfortable cocoon.
"You promised you'll go with me." He grumbles as he pulls me to my feet.
"I only said that to shut you up." I groan, glaring at him.
"I don't care you're still coming." He says as he drags me out of the classroom.
We ended up in front of a small building that looked like a cafe. Before I could comprehend where I was, I was shoved inside the building.
I looked around confused.
It was a small cafe, with dim lights and plush seats. It looked almost empty, having only a few customers.
I turn to Hizashi with a questioning gaze as he talks to the lady at the counter.
We were escorted to a table and seated, being handed a menu each. As the waiter leaves, I look at Hizashi, confused.
"What is this?" I ask as I wave the menu around in my hand.
He smiles, "Our plans, trust me, you are gonna love it!" he exclaims, with an excited glint in his eyes.
I sigh as I turn my focus back to the menu, debating on what to order. That is until a sound caught my attention.
I slowly turn my head to be met with a small black kitten with white tuffs on it's paws and stomach.
My eyes light up as I stare at the cat before me.
End scene. The end. Look I'm sorry but if I write another word I'm going to lose it. This book is going on a break, on Hold, idk Hiatus I'm really sorry I don't want to do this, but I'm stressed, busy and writing is feeling more like a chore than a fun activity. And there are so many of you guys reading this I really never thought more than 10 of y'all were going to be here. Thank you for reading this I really appreciate it and I'm glad that you guys enjoy this book but I'm no longer in the BNHA/MHA fandom, I'm trying to get back into it but I have no time to continue watching the anime or go to the bookstore to read the manga. I'm going to try but it's stressing me a lot that there are more people reading this, and adding it to their Reading list and stuff when it's no good and I don't know what I'm writing anymore. I want to try to focus on my other works, such as other books I'm trying to publish, and my drawing, etc. I haven't found time to do anything and it's not this book's fault, I'm just really stressed and trying to remove some stress off of me, so that includes this book. No, this book is not over, I hope to continue it in the near future but it all depends on multiple factors. I really hope you guys can understand that. I will still be active on Wattpad updating my other books, and hopefully making little snip-bit chapters for this to post for you guys.
I hate this so much- you don't understand. I ran out of ideas at word 600 and kept on going for some reason. This is actual ass I'm sorry you had to read this.
2260 words
Thanks for reading
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