Chapter 90 - Passing You Off - (Part 1)
Ink's POV
I stood in a hotel room with Nightmare standing behind me. He was fastening a brown ribbon around my waist. Today was my wedding and I was shaking out of nervousness. I looked at myself in the mirror.
Error and I decided to have our wedding in a garden. Since it was located in a different part of the state, we had to spend the last few nights in a cozy hotel. Mine and Error's suitcases were located in a corner of the room. Nightmare was with Cross in the next room over. Dream with Killer. Blue with Dust. Lust with Horror. So on and so forth.
When Nightmare was done adding detail to my dress, he stood up and lightly gripped my shoulders. He stared at my reflection. He was wearing an all black suit. The only piece of color on his body was his icy blue eye. A smile grew on his face.
Nightmare: Error is a lucky guy, Ink. You look beautiful.
Me: I don't feel like it.
Nightmare: Why not?
Me: I'm really scared. What if I mess up my vows? What if I just freeze up in front of Error?
Nightmare: Just breathe and you'll be fine.
He spun me around so he could directly look at me. He kissed me on the forehead and hugged me.
Nightmare: This is your special day, Ink. You shouldn't be worrying about these things. If someone judges you for freezing, just ignore them. They're just fucking jealous.
He calmly spoke as he wiped away my unnoticed tears. Nightmare took my brown scarf from the bed and loosely tied it around my neck. He kissed my forehead again before picking up Gray, who was resting on the bed. He took my hand and we walked out of the hotel room. When we exited the building, there was limousine waiting for us. After we stepped into the vehicle, I took Gray and sat him on my lap. Looking at my best friend, I saw him staring out the window as the town rushed by. He sighed and looked at me.
Nightmare: If Error hurts you, I won't hesitate to kill him.
I gave him a smile, reassuring him that he didn't have to worry about that. We held hands as we waited for the limo to reach our destination. Nightmare was the one that would be giving me away to Error. He was closest thing I had to family.
The closer we approached the garden, the more my anxiety grew. That's when the vehicle finally stopped. Nightmare took Gray and got out. I stayed in the car, motionless.
'Okay, Ink. You got this. Take a deep breath and get out there.'
I started fidgeting with my brown scarf and my hand began to shake. That's when a something touched my shoulder. I realized that Nightmare was standing next to the opened car door.
Nightmare: Ink, are you okay?
Me: Yeah... yeah, I'm fine.
I stepped out, praying that I wouldn't trip on my dress in the process. My mother was standing at the entrance of the large garden. She smiled at me. I hugged her and she returned the gesture.
Me: Hi mom.
Mom: Hello, Ink. It's been such a long time. You never told me you were a mother.
Me: I've been meaning to tell you. Could you hold Gray while Nightmare walks me down the aisle?
Mom: Of course.
Taking Gradient from Nightmare, I handed him to my mother. My child somehow seemed to understand what was happening. When he was secured with her, I linked arms with my best friend. Before we entered the garden, mom handed a bouquet of lilies to me.
As we walked into the garden, I observed the area. There were several chairs that were set in neat rows and flowers decorated everything. People sat in chairs, waiting for the wedding to start. Our friends stood at the altar. There was food set up on a table to the right. Error stood in the middle of the altar, adjusting his suit.
Error looked up to see me standing with Nightmare and gave me a smile. This caused everyone to look at me, making me the center of attention. Nightmare put his hand over our linked arms. He was trying keep me from having a panic attack in front of everyone.
Nightmare: Are you ready for this, Ink?
He whispered to me.
Me: Ready as I'll ever be.
We began to walk down the aisle. I felt everyone's eyes on me, waiting to judge me for any mistake. My dress flowed behind me as I moved. Error and I locked eyes with one another. I felt rainbow blush dust my cheeks and I couldn't help but smile. Nightmare held on to me when we made it to the altar. The priest cleared his throat.
Priest: Who is giving away the bride?
Nightmare: I am.
Priest: Who are you to the bride?
Nightmare: I am his best friend.
The priest nodded, allowing Nightmare to pass me off to my future husband. Error and I stared at each other. He took my left hand in his while maintaining eye contact with me. His smile was so sweet that I couldn't resist to smile back. The priest began to read his speech from his book.
Priest: Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Error and Ink in matrimony commended to be honorable among all, and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this, these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.
We stood in silence, waiting for someone to object. No one did.
Priest: Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs in all the days of your lives?
Error & Me: We do.
Priest: Do you pledge to share your love and the joys of your marriage with all those around you, so that they may learn from your love and be encouraged to grow in their own lives?
Error & Me: We do.
Priest: Then you may say your vows.
Error smiled before speaking.
Error: I, Error Queen, take you, Ink Comyet, to be my lawfully wedded wife for the rest of my days. You are my lover and my teacher. You are my model and my accomplice. And you are my true counterpart. I will love you, hold you, and honor you. I will respect you, encourage you and cherish you. In health and in sickness, for rich and for poor, through success and through sorrow. Will you give me the pride and honor of making my life complete and living out your days with me?
He sounded so confident by the way he spoke but his trembling hand told me the exact opposite.
Me: I do.
His smile grew sweeter as he slipped the wedding ring onto my finger. I kept my vows in my mind as I returned it to him.
Me: And I, Ink Comyet, take you, Error Queen, to be my lawfully wedded husband for the rest of my days. You are my lover and my teacher. You are my model and my accomplice. And you are my true counterpart. I will love you, hold you, and honor you. I will respect you, encourage you and cherish you. In health and in sickness, for rich and for poor, through success and through sorrow. Will you give me the pride and honor of making my life complete and living out your days with me?
Error: I do.
I smiled as I put the marriage band on his ring finger. The priest cleared his throat once more.
Priest: Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife.
The crowd cheered loudly as my husband pulled me into a kiss. I reciprocated the gesture after I threw my bouquet behind, not caring where it landed. When we released, we stared longingly into each other's eyes. The world seemed to become silent and time slowed to a stop.
We walked down the altar to find my mother smiling with Gray in her arms. Error picked him up, which caused the little child to laugh. I swear, Error as Gray's favorite parent. I looked at my spouse and child. I couldn't help but giggle at them.
Me: Hey Ruru.
Error: Yes, Inky?
Me: I'm going to catch some air real quick. Besides, I think my mother wants to speak with you. She's going to give you the whole dad talk. Don't let her scare you too much.
Error: Okay.
Spinning on my heels, I walked towards a quiet place to catch my breath from all the excitement. However, before I could find an area, I heard Dust yell out to me.
Dust: Hey Ink!
He called as he pointed towards Nightmare, who was holding the bouquet I threw. I giggled when I realized that Nightmare was destined to be married next. I continued walking to a secluded spot.
After I found one, I leaned against an iron fence and listened to the sounds of nature. That's when I sensed someone behind me. Turning around, I looked to see who it was. Then, fear grew inside of me. Standing in front of me was...
My Father
A Quick Discussion
I'm splitting this chapter into two parts because the revealing of Ink's father worked perfectly as a twist.
The title of the chapter is a message from Nightmare. He is passing Ink off to Error. Saying goodbye to the life he shared with Ink as Ink is now with Error.
Love ya...
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