Chapter 86 - Geno and Reaper's Late Gift to the World
Reaper's POV
Taking small sips from my coffee, I wrote in my journal. Geno cooked breakfast and Fresh was hanging out in the living room. Looking at my wife, I thought about our child. Geno was a month behind so I didn't really know what to think. A vibrate from my phone drew my attention to it. Picking it up and reading the notification, I saw that Seán sent me a text. His message told me that there was a new design for a tablet that he wanted me to check out. Sending him a text back, I responded that I will be there in a few minutes.
I stood up and headed to the bedroom to change clothing. I changed into my black suit and left my trusty cloak behind. When Geno saw me dressed in work clothes, he gave me a weird look. He knew I didn't go to work this early in the morning.
Geno: Are you heading to work already?
Me: It would just be for a few minutes. My assistant has this design I need to look at apparently.
Geno: Okay. Be back in time for breakfast.
I nodded before teleporting to my company. I found Seán standing in my office with a unknown tablet in his hands. He seemed to be happy about something as his tail was swishing back and forth. His fox ears perked up when he heard me walk in.
Seán: Good morning Mr. Ren.
Me: You seem happy about something.
Seán: Well, Mr. Ren, my wife finally had her pups.
Me: That's fantastic. How many?
Seán: A total of five.
Me: The canine subspecies that you're apart of always fascinates me by how many children you can have.
He showed his sharp teeth as he grinned like a child. He really was happy about his life. Reaching out, I took the tablet from his hands.
Me: Is this the design you wanted me to look at?
Seán: Yes is it, Mr. Ren. The case that can be bought for the tablet comes with a Bluetooth keyboard. However, for some reason they didn't add a trackpad to it. I'm planning on going down there and discussing the problem with them. I've read several complaints about the same thing so I thought that it would be best to give them what they want.
I looked away from the tablet and looked at my assistant. He was busy with writing something in the small notepad that he kept in his pocket. Placing the piece of technology on my desk, I pulled out a paper and a pen. There was one thought that went through my mind as I wrote my signature on the paper. Picking it up, I gave it to my assistant. He gave me a shocked look.
Seán: Why are you giving me so much money?
Me: Because, you deserve it for all the hard work you did. Also, maybe the money could be helpful when you're raising your kids.
His ears lowered and his tail wagged.
Seán: Thank you. How can I repay you?
Me: You don't need to. Now I have to get going. There's food at home that is calling my name.
I took my leave and teleported back home. Geno was in the process of setting plates on the counter as I entered the kitchen. Sitting down, I took off my suit jacket. Fresh sat across the island and Geno put himself next to me. I kissed him on the cheek and he returned it.
Looking over at Fresh, I saw that he was thinking about something. I became curious because he has never been this distracted about something. Clearing my throat, I managed to catch his attention.
Me: What's on your mind?
He didn't respond, only stared at me. I couldn't see his expression since he was wearing his shades. I swear, that boy is an enigma. Then, he finally answered my question.
Fresh: I'm thinking about a friend. They're going through some things right now.
However, the blush on his face told me a different story. He wasn't just thinking about what his friend was going through, he was thinking about them in general. As he finished the last bite of his meal, he stood up to leave for school. I shook my head and smiled.
Geno took the plates when we were done with our meal. He wasn't in a rush at all since he was taking a maternity leave. I, on the other hand, was fixing to head to work once again. Tightening my suit jacket, I teleporting back to my work building.
(Time Skip)
Like clockwork, I wasted my time by writing my signature on every document that was put on my desk. I sighed heavily as I supported my head against my arm. As if things couldn't get more boring, one of my workers walked into the room with other papers of designs that were newly created.
After all of that was done with, that's when my day finally got exciting. I received a call on my phone. I saw that it was Geno. Answering him, I heard his voice talk to me through the screen.
Geno: I'm in labor.
Me: Okay, I'm on my way.
Geno: Hurry up, asshole!
He hung up on me. I hurried home to help Geno. I found him in pain kneeling on the floor. Picking him up, I took him to the car.
(Time Skip)
Geno held our baby while I talked to the doctor. I was told that our child was healthy but they still needed to do a few more tests. After they left, I sat down and looked at Geno. A few weeks ago, we learned that we were having a boy so, we got everything necessary to take care of him. We had all the things set up and ready to go back at the house.
Fresh bursted into the room, he looked ecstatic about his nephew's birth. He rushed over and stared at our kid. Fresh looked at me and started asking me several questions. Then, he asked me the one thing I was expecting him to ask first.
Fresh: What's his name?
Geno looked at me, telling me that I could come up with the name. I was actually surprised that we didn't think of a name yet.
Me: His name is...
A Quick Discussion
Fresh is now a uncle because his brother finally had a child. Geno was a month late, that's why Raven is younger than Gradient.
I'm not really one to make a big speech so I'll make this short and sweet. I appreciate all of the support. You're all beautiful and awesome. If the world wasn't engulfed in flames and we could meet, I would give you a cookie. I'm... not really one for hugging.
Love ya...
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