Chapter 62 - Never Prepared
Nightmare's POV
I had a feeling someone wasn't sleeping. Getting out of bed, I followed the feeling to the balcony. It was Ink. He was sitting on the bench, staring at the night sky. The moon emblem was hanging from his neck, hugging his brown scarf. The sapphires sparkled under the light.
Me: What are you doing out here, Kit?
Ink: I couldn't sleep.
I sat next to him and enveloped him in a hug. He leaned into my chest while exhaling a tired breath. He didn't bring a blanket with him so he was shivering.
Me: You're cold. You should go to bed.
Ink: I can't fall asleep even though I'm really tired.
Me: I can use magic.
Ink: No.
Me: Why are you so stubborn?
Ink: Because you're an asshole.
Me: Where did that come into play?
He shrugged and I chuckled quietly. He stood up suddenly.
Me: Where are you going?
Ink: Town. You shouldn't be losing sleep because of me. I don't want to become a burden.
Me: What? You're not a burden and you never will be.
He started to cry. I didn't waste a second on not comforting him. His negative emotions were so strong that it was overwhelming to me.
Ink: I'm so scared, Nightmare. What if I'm a horrible parent? Raising a child is terrifying to me. I'm... I'm not prepared for this responsibility.
Me: You'll never be prepared, not until the time finally comes.
Ink: What if I'm not, then what happens?
Me: We don't know. However, I heard that having a kid is the greatest blessing a person can have.
Ink was having a full mental breakdown at this point. He buried his face into my chest and gripped onto my jacket tightly. I held him close to me. I got an idea.
Me: How about we go to town? Together.
Ink: Okay.
(Time Skip)
We sat on the bench, staring at the giant tree in the middle of the town square. The ornaments were lit up by the lights strung in the branches. I wrapped my arms around Ink to keep him warm. Ink couldn't get too cold or too hot because it might harm the child. He stuffed himself into his beige scarf.
Me: I think it's time we go home. It's three in the morning and you need your sleep.
Ink: Can we spend a few more minutes together, please? In the house, of course.
He gave me begging eyes. One of my weaknesses.
Me: I can never say no to you. However, you better go to sleep after this.
Ink: Yay. Thank you.
I hummed in response.
(Time Skip)
He watched me while I brought out a kettle of steamed milk with a small bottle of honey. A blanket was covering him and a pillow was tucked under his head. I poured him a cup and one for myself.
Me: Steamed milk, relieves stress and helps with sleep. Non-alcoholic so it's best for you.
He softly smiled at me as he took the teacup. I sat next to him as we took sips from our drinks silently.
Ink: Remember when we were kids and you forced me to watch 'Child's Play'?
Me: Yeah. You didn't talk to me for a week. You were always a big wussy.
He punched me in the arm and I laughed.
Me: Ow.
Ink: You know I hate scary movies and you still made me watch it.
(Time Skip)
After we finished our drinks, we talked to each other about events from our past lives. Ink started to fall in and out of sleep. A few yawns escaped from his mouth. He rested against the pillow while creating a cocoon out of the blanket.
Me: Kit.
A barely auditable hum came from him.
Me: Time to go to bed.
He didn't move at all. Seems he fell asleep. I tapped him on the arm. Not a single damn thing.
Me: Ink. Go to bed.
He slowly got up and went to bed but took the blanket with him. I chuckled as I cleaned the kettle. Once I was done with the dishes, I went to my own bedroom. As I laid in my covers, my mind went over some memories of my past life.
Nightmare's POV (Age 16)
Ink has been sleeping at my house ever since he told me about his father. He was too scared to see him. Think of it as a very long sleepover. I didn't blame him. His father is a huge dick and deserved to be arrested for his crimes.
Ink was peacefully sleeping in the spare room while I was drinking late-night tea. I couldn't sleep for some reason so I just made myself a kettle.
I heard footsteps as I turned the pages of my book. My attention focused on the stairs. Ink walked down the steps with his rucksack strapped onto his back. He stopped in his tracks when he saw me.
Me: Where are you going? It's the middle of the night.
Ink: Home. Mom wants me back.
'He's lying.'
The untruthful words hung in the his voice. His eyes didn't have the courage to lock with mine. They didn't dare leave the floor. A plan formed in my head.
Me: Okay, just be careful on the way there. There are some crazy people out in the dark.
Ink seemed surprised. He thought he got away with his lie. I went back to drinking my tea and reading. When I thought he was a good distance down the street, I slammed the book shut and stood up. Opening the door, I followed Ink to his house.
I finally arrived at the home after lurking in the shadows. I peeked into the window. Ink was standing in front of his father. They seemed to be in an argument. By the looks of it, Ink was losing. Suddenly, his father raised his hand and slapped Ink. Something snapped within me, that's when everything went black.
My vision came back to me after mere seconds but my surroundings were extremely different. I was in Ink's living room. However, his furniture was destroyed and his father laid broken on the floor. He wasn't dead but he won't be doing his daily activities for a while. Ink was hugging me, whispering something that I couldn't make out. His mother was standing on the stairs. A petrified emotion was illuminated from her face.
My faded out hearing and voice came back. This only caused my confusion to increase. I didn't know what was going on. My voice was weak but I was able to speak.
Me: What happened?
Ink looked up at me, confusion was clear as day.
Ink: You don't remember?
Me: ... No, I do not.
Ink: You... bursted into the house with a murderous glare in your eye. You immediately started to attack my dad. I ran over to you and yelled at you to stop, but you didn't. "He hurt you." You told me. You didn't sound like yourself. The Nightmare I know is calm, collected, violent towards people our age but not our elders. This current side of you was malicious, unpredictable, and primal. You were like an animal.
Ink whispered quietly. I felt the fear radiate from his mother. Her terror made me feel stronger, in a way. I looked at the broken room once more.
Me: I did all this?
Ink nodded.
Me: Are you hurt?
Ink: No. You pushed me away every time I got close to you or father.
He would've gotten severely injured if he did. That's what I perceived from all the thrown chairs and splintered tables. I hugged him tightly.
Me: I'm so relieved you're not injured.
He hugged back but was pulled away by his mother. She hid him behind her
Ma'am: Get away from my son, you animal. My husband is innocent and you just tried to murder him.
Me: Your husband is nowhere near innocent. Do you know what your husband has been doing to do your son?
Ma'am: What are you talking about?
Me: Your husband has been sexually assaulting Ink for four years. If you don't think that your husband is a criminal, then I suggest you go back to whatever witch's cunt you crawled out of.
She put her hands over her mouth out of shock. She was surprised about the her husband's secret and the fact that I basically called her a bitch.
Ma'am: He was doing this to you. Why didn't you tell me, Ink?
Ink: He wouldn't let me.
(Time Skip)
I watched the police car drive away, with the broken father in the car. Ink was next to me with his mother close by. I looked at her and asked.
Me: How long will he be in jail for?
Ma'am: Thirteen years.
Me: Ink and I will be twenty-nine when he gets out, ma'am.
She nodded.
Ma'am: You two should be well prepared for life. A home, jobs.... kids. Well, it's time for both of you to go to bed.
Ink: Can Nightmare stay over?
Ma'am: Of course.
~~~~End of Flashback~~~~
Ink and I are twenty-nine now, which means, his father should be out of prison. I'm not going to let him come near Ink again.
I protect my family at all costs
A Quick Discussion
Sorry imma bit late. I had this video that I needed to make for creative writing. Please forgive me.
Btw, if you want to know how far along in pregnancy Ink is, Ink will be 17 weeks by Chapter 65. He is in his second trimester. This is about the time where morning sickness goes away and the cravings start to become stronger.
Also, by 65, Geno will be 21 weeks along. He's four weeks ahead of Ink.
Stay safe, love ya and...
Stay Creative
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