Chapter 55 - Ink's Story
Warning, this chapter has pedophilia in it. So if you're not comfortable with that type of stuff, I beg you, please do not read it.
This is a mature chapter.
Ink's POV (Age 10)
Me and my new friend, Nightmare, were walking the halls of elementary. I had just saved him from the bullies. I was walking Nightmare to his teacher so he wouldn't run into trouble. When he was safe with her, I went back to my classroom.
(Time Skip)
It was time to head home. All the kids were happily running to their parent's car to get away from school. I was walking when I felt someone tap me on my back. When I turned around, I saw Nightmare nervously staring at me.
Me: Heya Nightmare.
Nightmare: H-Hey I-Ink. Um, I just w-wanted to t-tell you goodbye before y-you left.
I smiled and hugged him.
Me: I'll see you tomorrow.
His arms slowly lifted up and wrapped around me. He let go with a small smile. A boy, looked like his brother, called his name. He ran off with a wave.
Once he was in his parent's car, the smile on my face faded. I spun on my heels and headed home.
(Time Skip)
Me: Mom, Dad, I'm home.
I didn't hear anything but I knew they were in the house. I went into the kitchen to get an afternoon snack. There was note attached to the fridge. I grabbed it and read the words out loud.
Me: Ink, please take a shower after you eat snack. Thank you, love mom.
I stuffed the paper into my pack. After I ate, I went to the bathroom. When I took off my clothing, I stared at my body. The black tattoos that resembled swirls covered my bones. They have been there for as long as I can remember.
As I was showering, I heard someone come in then leave. After I got done, I saw that my clothes and towel were missing.
(Two Years Later)
Ink's POV (Age 12)
When I got home from school, I heard moaning from the living room. Peeking around the corner, I saw dad laying on the couch. His hand was his pants. Without looking at him, I headed to the stairs.
Dad: Stop.
My feet were planted in their place. He looked at me, then stood up. He kept moving towards me until I was backed into a corner.
His hand held the bulge in his pants.
Me: What are you doing, dad?
He didn't say anything, only put his hands on my shoulders and force me onto my knees. He whispered to me.
Dad: I want you to suck my dick.
Me: What? N-No, that's disgusting.
Dad: Fucking bitch!
He said as he slapped me. This resulted in me falling backwards.
Dad: I am your father and you do as I say. I gave you everything you've ever wanted, you selfish brat. I don't want you treating me with this disrespect any longer.
Me: I'm sorry, dad.
Black tears threatened to fall. Dad sighed as he unzipped his pants.
Dad: Now, be a good little boy and suck me off. I might just forgive you.
His dick was in front of my face. Hesitantly, I opened my mouth and starting to suck on his length. I trailed my tongue against it. I prayed that this would end soon.
Dad: You've done this before, haven't you? Damn slut.
Why was he acting like this? He used to be so nice and generous to me. He was a good father... until now.
Suddenly he got pissed and pushed my head into him, causing me to deep throat. I tried hard not to gag but I did anyway.
Dad: You ungrateful whore.
He said as he pulled my head back. His hand tightened around my neck. My breath slowly started to run out.
Dad: The next time you decide to gag, I'll punish you. Go brush your teeth before mom gets home.
A growl escaped from his teeth. I quickly ran off to clean my mouth. After I finished, I stared at the mirror and my reflection stared back. I always believed that a mirror realm existed but everything there was opposite. Maybe dad would have been different there.
I heard the door open from downstairs. Mom was home. Walking down the steps cautiously, I headed to the kitchen where she was located. Dad was also there, his demeanor was completely different. He looked innocent and it pissed me off.
Mom was facing away from me as she asked me a question.
Mom: Hi munchkin. Did you get any schoolwork done yet?
Me: No. I got distracted by... other things.
Mom: Like what?
Dad shot me daggers. If looks could kill, I would be dead. The message was received loud and clear.
Me: I was drawing.
I gave her my best cheerful voice. She laughed and continued on what she was doing. Without turning my back, I went to my room. Locking the door behind me, I took out my sketchbook and began to draw.
(Time Skip)
It was the next day. Kids were dragging themselves to the school building. I saw Nightmare run up to me with a smile. However, it faded as soon as he got near me.
Nightmare: Is something wrong?
Me: What do you mean?
Nightmare: You're acting differently. Is there something going on in your personal life?
Me: ... Nope. Everything is fantastic.
Even though he was my best friend, I couldn't tell him. I didn't want him to worry about me. I should be worrying about him because of the bullying that's happening to him.
I wrapped my arm around his shoulder as we walked to class together.
(Four Years Later)
Ink's POV (Age 16)
I sat in my bathtub while the water fell on me. I felt violated and dirty. My own father forced me to have protected sex with him. Black tears poured from my eyes. I couldn't stop crying. My mind kept thinking of all the things he said to me during the whole session.
"Fucking whore, selfish brat, at least your face distracts me from your disgusting body, ugly slut, you don't deserve love."
My legs curled into my chest as I screamed in my head. When I started to dry myself off, my eyes became glued to the mirror. Looking back at me, was someone unrecognizable. Their eye lights were white, not the normal changing colorful ones. Any trace of emotion was gone. I was used to the whole emotionless thing since I don't have a soul.
Me: He's right. I am ugly. I am a selfish whore.
Kneeling down, I pulled a hidden pistol out from the cabinet. There was one bullet inside.
'Russian Roulette.'
Spinning the chamber quickly, I locked it in place and put the gun to my head. My finger slowly pulled the trigger...... nothing happened.
I sighed.
Me: I guess Lady Luck still wants me alive. Like I'll manage to achieve anything in life.
(Time Skip)
School had finally ended for the day. Before I got a good distance away from the building, I felt someone stop me. I jerked around and saw that it was Nightmare. His icy blue eye was staring into my 'soul'.
Nightmare: What the fuck as been going on with you lately, Kit? Ever since that one day in sixth grade, you've been different. Is someone bullying you?
Me: No.
Nightmare: That what is it, Ink?
Me: It doesn't matter.
Nightmare: It doesn't matter my ass.
He grabbed me by the hand and started dragging me somewhere.
Me: Where are we going?
Nightmare: My house.
(Time Skip)
We were sitting in his room. He was across from me, waiting for me to talk. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth.
Me: My dad has been sexually harassing for a few years now. He forced me to have sex with him last night. I didn't want to tell you because I was scared that you worry about me or worse, start to judge me. So last night, after I showered, I tried to commit suicide.
Nightmare didn't say anything, only watched me. I couldn't read his expression. The lack of words made me anxious and begin to shake out of fear. Suddenly, I felt arms pull me into a protective hug. Nightmare had his arms and tendrils wrapped around me. I also realized he was crying.
Nightmare: Don't scare me like that again. I was so fucking worried about you, Ink.
His voice was shaking extremely.
Nightmare: Suicide is never, never, never the answer to anything. Please Ink, if you have a problem, please for the love of god, talk to me. I'm always here for you. I wouldn't know what I would do if I lost you.
A smile appeared on my face as I felt emotions come back to me. Someone cared for me.
I hugged back and buried myself in his coat. I can tell you that...
Our bond grew stronger that day
A Quick Discussion
I was so pissed off when I was writing this. I hate Ink's father.
I usually wonder what my readers think of me. I wonder if they think that I just wake up and say this to myself.
Me: Oh boy, who can I kill today?
Me: Can't wait to ruin someone's life.
Just letting you know, I do not do that. Also Nightmare calls Ink, Kit, because that's Ink's middle name in this story. Hugs to all of you. Bye.
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