Chapter 50 - The Wedding
Geno's POV
Today's the day, no turning back now. I could feel my body begin to shake. There are two main reasons why I'm nervous. One, I'm scared that I might be making the wrong decision. Two, I don't know if Error is coming. I haven't seen him in years.
I put a hand over my stomach. I've been pregnant for about eight weeks now and I can feel the slight changes.
I was standing in a room with my friends' children. They had their daughters be the flower girls. Their ages ranged between seven and fifteen. The girls were so cute, dressed in their princess-like gowns and flower petals piled in their baskets. Fresh was also there. He wore a black suit and was wearing normal sunglasses. He ditched his hat back at home. Fresh would be the one to pass me off, since we barely have any other family members that can do it. My friends weren't really qualified for the job either.
We had to wrap bandages around my forever bleeding wound so my dress wouldn't get stained. The fabric of my gown was loose around my chest. The skirt part was big which made it difficult to walk without knocking something over.
Suddenly, music began to fill the room. The voices that once existed vanished. The girls started to walk down the aisle, gently spreading the petals around. The panic inside of me grew until it showed. Fresh noticed me and rushed over. We whispered to each other.
Fresh: Calm down Bro.
Me: I can't. What if I mess up my vows and make a fool of myself.
Fresh: You won't. Just take deep breaths.
Me: I'm going to cry.
Fresh: Please don't. Your white foundation was not cheap. I swear, the makeup stores want you to give them an arm and a leg for their products.
I laughed quietly.
Fresh: That's better. Now, let's knock 'em dead.
We linked arms and started walking down the aisle. Reaper was at the arch with the priest. A fox and a few others were standing next to him. People sat on the benches, watching my every move. This resulted in me slightly shaking.
'There are so many people here.'
Fresh unnoticeably comforted me by tightening his grin around my arm. He was telling me that it was okay.
We finally made it to the end. I turned to face Reaper. His clothing was predictable. Black tux with a white tie. Black and White always look good together. He was smiling at me and held my hands in his. Then the music descended in volume. The priest began his speech.
Priest: Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Reaper and Geno in matrimony commended to be honorable among all, and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this, these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.
The priest stopped talking, waited, than spoke again.
Priest: Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs in all the days of your lives?
Reaper & Me: We do.
Priest: Do you pledge to share your love and the joys of your marriage with all those around you, so that they may learn from your love and be encouraged to grow in their own lives?
Reaper & Me: We do.
Priest: Then you may say your vows.
Reaper's hands started to shake lightly.
Reaper: I, Reaper, take you, Geno, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's divine law. In the presence of the Holy Father, I make this vow.
He took a ring from the bearer and slid it onto my finger. I quoted my vow.
Me: I, Geno, take you, Reaper, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's divine law, in the presence of the Holy Father, I make this vow.
It was my turn to put the ring on the finger. I carefully took the piece of jewelry and put it on Reaper's hand.
Priest: Reaper Ren. Do you take Geno Queen to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Reaper: I do.
Priest: And Geno Queen. Do you take Reaper Ren to be your lawfully wedded husband?
Me: I do.
Priest: Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
My newly declared husband kissed me for the first time as a truly beloved couple. Cheers and claps erupted from the audience. The noise bounced off the walls of the church, making it seem louder.
We released and walked down the steps to the crowd of people. Now, it was time for social gathering, food, and all that fun stuff. We circled around the cake as we watched Reaper cut it. I was given the first slice because I am the bride. Something caught the corner of my eye. In the corner were two people. One of them shocked me.
I rushed over there. Error and a short colorful skeleton were talking together. Error was smiling and it looked like he was having the time of his life. I cleared my throat to get their attention. Error's happy smile faded quickly.
Me: So my schizophrenic brother was able to find a friend that actually existed.
Error: Ah Geno, you seem more dead than the last time I saw you.
Me: Thanks Error, really needed that.
The sarcasm coming out of my mouth was sickening.
Me: Who's this?
Error: This is my boyfriend, Ink. Geno, Ink. Ink, Geno.
He motioned between the both of us. Ink outstretched his hand.
Ink: It's a pleasure to finally meet you.
Me: The pleasure's all mine.
(Time Skip)
Error and I were talking. In all honesty, we were more like arguing calmly. It all stopped when Error looked at Ink. The artistic skeleton was drained of all color. He looked sick to his 'stomach'.
Error: Inky. Are you okay?
Ink: ... I... I'll be right back.
Ink ran off to the restroom and Error followed. I trailed after them just to make sure everything was okay. However, it was fucking difficult to run in this damn dress. I somehow managed to keep up with them. By the time I made it, Ink was leaning over a sink and throwing up. His vomit was black, which was weird. Error was rubbing circles on his back.
Me: Is everything okay?
Ink: Yeah. Lately, I've been getting really nauseated in the morning or in the middle of the day.
Me: Wait... in the morning?
Ink: Yeah.
Me: Error leave.
Error: Uh okay.
After he left the room, I pulled something out from a hidden pocket from my dress. It was a pregnancy test. Ink looked at me weird.
Me: Don't ask why I have one of these, just take it real quick.
He nervously took it from my hands and went into a stall. I stood outside of the room. Then I heard the scream that I was expecting. I walked back in to see a frightened skeleton.
Ink: I'm... pregnant.
Me: Just as I suspected.
Ink: What do I tell Error. What if he runs out on me?
Me: Observing how he acts around you, he won't. Trust me. Let me get him.
Before he could say anything, I pulled Error in. I motioned towards Ink.
Me: He has something to tell you.
Error: What is it?
Ink showed Error the test. Error didn't say anything. All of a sudden, he enveloped Ink into a loving hug.
Error: Oh my god, I'm so happy right now. I get to be a dad.
I laughed at his excitement. Even though I don't know him well, I can tell that Ink will be a great mother and Error...
Will be a great father
A Quick Discussion
Ink has a child growing inside of him, not surprising. This is literally Gradient right now.
Gradient: Day 23 in the chamber. They ain't found me yet but when they do, they gonna be surprised.
Also a big hug to all of you because why not.
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