Chapter 40 - Respect
Fell's POV
There were several voices that filled the room. People yelled at each other about the situation. I rested my boots on the table and watched words being thrown back and forth. I didn't bother saying anything so I wouldn't cause any problems.
I looked over at Classic. He was hiding in the corner, looking at the original letter. His dog tag reflected the light slightly. His eye lights were gone and only the void filled the empty space. I stood up and cautiously walked towards him. He flinched when my hand rested on his shoulder.
Me: Calm down dude.
Everyone in the room was too busy to notice both of us. Suddenly, General Asgore's voice boomed above all others.
General: I think that the best solution is to go to war with them.
I felt anger begin to build within me.
Me: So what you're saying is... either all monsters die or hundreds of people from both races die.
General: I'm sorry Fatass. There really is no other way around this.
'And the nickname continues.'
I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall.
Me: There has to be another way. We're not soldiers. This is Assassin Allegiance, not another branch of the military. If I wanted to be a soldier, I would have joined the army. There has to be a more efficient way to approach this.
My voice began to raise in volume without control.
Me: People would die in this 'war' and they weren't even prepared for it. What type of General are you?
He slammed his hands onto the table.
General: I want him outside now. He can come back when he's calmed down. I won't take this disrespect.
I stormed out of the room without a second thought. I couldn't believe the nerve of him.
After a few minutes of walking, I was able to find a little stream next to a simple oak tree. Resting under the shade, I reflected back on my life. These past couple of months have been strange to say the least. I went from my home in Boston to this... wherever this is.
Classic: He respects you.
His voice came out of nowhere. My head turned towards him. He was holding the uniform torso in his hands. The silver chain hung gracefully over a clean white shirt. Everyone had a dog tag, including humans but his just seemed more fascinating to me.
Classic: Hey chief, my eyes are up here.
Me: Uh, chief?
Classic: Sorry. I'm trying something new with my words.
I hummed in response and went back to watching the fish swim around in the water. Classic sat next to me.
Me: What did you mean by 'respect'?
I said without looking away from the stream.
Classic: He respects you. Even though you did yell at him.
Me: How did you begin to think that?
Classic: His eyes told me everything. It's one of the qualities we have to have, right? Might as well use it. Put it to good use and all.
Me: I suppose.
I said as I brought my legs to my chest.
Me: Why did you decide to do this?
Classic: I guess I just wanted to save the world. Although, now that I think about it, this is the opposite of the saving the world.
He nervously laughed at himself. My soul skipped a beat.
'Did I get shot again?'
I thought to myself as I put a hand over my soul. We talked for a few more minutes. Every time he laughed or even said something at all, I felt myself become happy inside.
Me: Why are you doing this to me?
I whispered to myself.
Classic: What was that?
Me: Why are you doing this to me?!
Classic: I'm not doing anything.
Me: Yes you are. You're making me feel happy and mushy inside. I feel weak and vulnerable around you. So just shut up.
We sat there in silence. The verbal distance between us started to kill me.
Me: Fuck it, keep talking.
Classic: But you said-
Me: I know what I said.
He gave me a weird look than opened his mouth to talk. The topics ranged from where he was born, his curiosity about the way of life, could time travel be achieved, etc. Out of nowhere, I kissed him.
Me: Okay, now you shut up.
A Quick Discussion
Does anyone else look forward to these, or is it just me? I'm going to start with this. So I always create chapters ahead of time, and that helps me know which ship I'm writing about. I also sometimes put notes for future me. Take 'Racist Boy' for example. The note that I put there for myself was this.
"Note: Cross is trying to get Nightmare to notice him."
Now here's the one I wanted to talk about. When I started writing 'Athena', past me thought that this note would help.
"Note: It's raining"
.....It's raining? It's raining?! How the hell did that help? Another thing I wanted to talk about was 'what ethnicity is everyone?'
Ink: Irish and French
- Born in the country that the book is set in.
Error: Canadian and Russian
- Born in the country that the book is set in.
Classic: American
- Born in North Dakota.
Fell: American
- Born is Boston.
Nightmare: British
- Born in England.
Dream: British
- Born in England.
Cross: Spaniard
- Born in Spain.
Dust: Australian
- Born in Australia.
Blueberry: American.
- Born in Nevada.
Killer: German and Turkish
- Born in the country that the book is set in.
Horror: American
- Born in the country.
Lust: American
- Born in New York.
Geno: Canadian and Russian
- Born in the country that the book is set in.
Reaper: Italian
- Born in Italy.
I guess I can put Fresh as well. Even though he's the same as Geno and Error.
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