Chapter 3 - Nightmare's Story
Nightmare's POV (age 10)
My brother and I had woken up early this morning to get ready for school. I wasn't no where near excited as Dream was for fourth grade. Matter of fact, I wasn't excited at all. Ever since I can remember, I was bullied all the way to the point where we had to move to a different town.
I was staring out of the car window, watching the street lights pass by quickly.
Our mother pulled into the school.
Mother: Alright you two, have a great first day of school.
Dream: Okay Mom!
Mother: Oh, and Nightmare... if you start having any trouble, you make sure that you tell someone okay?
Me: Yes mother.
We got out of the car and began walking to the school doors.
We entered a classroom with a monster teacher ready to greet us. She was a goat with a motherly smile, I felt somewhat safer around her. Dream and I greeted her and went to sit down. Lucky, both of our seats were together. The rest of the students were monsters. That's what made me confused. I know that I saw humans in this school. A lot of them. Why is there only monsters in this classroom?
(Time skip brought to you by my lazy ass)
It was around 12:30 when the bell rang for lunch. The teachers had us line up before we left the classroom. It was quite annoying to say the least. Everyone knows that the child mind has a desire to restrain against adult authority.
Anyway, I followed closely behind Dream as we walked down the hallway. We made it to the cafeteria and sat down. The room seemed to be divided into halves. The side Dream and I sat on consisted of only monsters, while the other half had only humans. All of the adults in the room were humans as well. That's when I noticed something that would change my view on life forever. The human children were yelling insults at us and the adults were doing nothing about it!
A small voice brought me back into reality. I turned to see a short skeleton that wore a light blue bandanna around his neck.
???: Excuse me, but can I sit here?
He pointed at the seat in front of Dream.
Dream: Of course you can.
He sat down and introduced himself. Turns out his name is Blueberry. My brother and him quickly became best friends. For some reason, I didn't like him at all. Their conversation was really boring in my opinion so I blanked out for the rest of it.
(Another Time Skip)
Recess.....finally. Dream and Blueberry were getting annoying quickly. I broke off from them and found some shade under a nearby apple tree. I'm happy I didn't forget to bring a book with me. I sat down and began reading "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"
I was almost finished with my chapter when my book was ripped from my hands. I looked up and saw three humans surrounding me.
Human 1: Hey guys, looks like we got a nerd here.
He had a maniacal laugh. For a human, he had strangely sharp teeth and yellow eyes. The two other humans who seemed to be his followers were twins, like Dream and I. They were both brunettes and also had brown eyes.
Me: Give me back my book!
Human 2: Yeah sure, we'll give you back your book
He took the book from his leader and began ripping the pages out and tossing them in front of me. The leader then grabbed me by my collar and slammed me against the trunk of the tree.
Human 1: Listen monster, we humans are the bosses around here. And this tree is ours so if you don't leave, we will beat you. Do we make ourselves clear?
Me: Y-yes.
Human 1: Actually, I changed my mind.
He punched me in the rib cage which stole all of my air. He dropped me onto the ground and aimed for my face. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact. It never came. I slowly opened my eyes.
All three humans were laying on the ground but there was another person standing in front of me. He was a skeleton like me. He was wearing a long brown scarf and had an ink stain on his cheek. Was he protecting me?
???: Hey! Leave him alone!
The human leader stood up rubbing his jaw.
Human 1: W-What are you going to do about it?
The guy protecting me kicked him in the no no square. The leader curled into a ball on the ground. The twins helped him up and walked off. The skeleton turned towards me and kneeled down.
???: Are you okay?
Me: Yeah, I'm fine.
???: Good.
I stared into his eyes. His right eye was a blue iris and his left was a yellow star. I don't know why but, I felt safe in this boy's presence. He sat down next to me and hugged me. He noticed the torn book and pick up the pages that haven't been blown away by the wind yet.
???: Did they do this to your book?
Me: Y-Yeah.
???: I recognize these words. It's Harry Potter.
Me: You read J.K. Rowling?
???: Sadly no but I know these rich detailed words. By the way, what's your name?
Me: N-Nightmare...
???: Name's Ink, nice to meet ya.
He held out his right hand. I hesitated but reached out and shook hands with him. No one has ever been this nice to me other than Dream. I was scared that he would go away, I wanted to be around him more. Maybe we could be best friends.
Ink: You okay? You kinda spaced out on me. Which means you didn't hear what I said.
Me: I'm sorry. What did you say?
Ink: I said "do you want to be friends?".
Me: Really?! You want t-to be friends with me?
Ink: Of course.
(Big Ass Time Skip)
Nightmare's POV (Age 14)
Ink was at our house. We were sitting under a tree in the backyard. Ink was drawing and I was watching him while eating apple slices. Mother had called Dream into the house to do something for her. Now is my chance to ask my question.
Me: Hey I-Ink.
Ink: What's up?
Me: I was just wondering.....will we always be best friends?
Ink: Of course silly, why wouldn't we be?
Me: I don't know. Just paranoid I guess.
He closed his sketchbook.
Ink: Well, we will always be besties. Nothing will ever separate us.
He hugged me and I graciously accepted it.
The bulling never stopped, it had only gotten worse for me but..... those few words 'Nothing will ever separate us' kept me going.
(Last Time Skip)
Still Nightmare's POV (Age 16)
It was time I got back at those assholes. When I started High School, I became the bully. It only made it easier that I had this new corrupted form. The old me was weak compared to the new me. I bullied a lot of people, humans and monsters alike. I wasn't racist like Grade and Middle School but there was only one person that I protected with my life, and that was Ink. Over the years, he became the nerd and I, the stronger one.
I was watching the morning news when something interesting happened. The news said that ten people had passed a law that made killing legal, if only you had a license for it. I also learned that there was training camp that you could go to receive one of those license. You get paid for it as well, if you get the job done. I have decided, that is going to be my future job.
I looked at the clock and realized that I had to get going in a few minutes.
Me: Dream, start packing up! It's almost time to leave!
Dream: I'll be done in a minute!
(Seriously Last Time Skip)
We had arrived at school. Dream had left to go find Blue a few minutes ago. I was scanning the area for Ink when I saw that Dream and Blue were talking with him. Me being me, I walked closer to them to where I was able to hear their conversation.
Dream: Hey Ink. Do you want to hang out with us during break hour?
Ink: Yeah sure, I can do that.
Dream: Also, since we have the same class, want to walk there together?
Ink: Of course.
Dream took Ink and Blue by the hand and dragged them to their first hour.
'What just happened?'
I turned around and went to go look for my other friends. Horror, Dust, Killer, and my second best friend... Error.
(I lied, Time Skip)
I was staring at Ink hanging out with my brother and his blue munchkin. I was admiring his sweet smile and how his eye lights always held so much emotion. Even though he was soulless. Yeah, that was a surprise to me. He seemed to be happy with Dream and Blue which was fine with me. As long as Ink's happy, I'm- well, you get the idea.
Then I noticed something that Dream did. He did something that Ink and I would always do, share apple slices while reading.
'Mother Fucker'
He's trying to steal Ink away from me. 'Now is it not the time to freak out, I'll talk with him later' I sighed and looked back to watch my other friends be the crackheads they are. You know, I only favored two people but, I like those guys... they're like another family to me.
(That's Do This One More Time)
Dream was finishing his homework while I was making Schnitzel for dinner. I had finished my homework hours ago.... what? A bully can be smart and have a high IQ.
Anyway, without looking or interrupting my cooking, I broke the silence.
Me: Soooo...Dream, I saw that little stunt you tried to pull earlier.
Dream: I don't know what you're talking about.
He was playing innocent and he knew it very damn well.
Me: Don't play dumb with me. I know what you tried to do! Don't you have other people to try and steal their best friend from?!
Dream: Let's face it! He's better off with me. He's way too good for you. He doesn't need you and your negativity in his life!
I growled and slammed a knife into the counter.
Me: You don't understand shit, do you? Do you not realize that he has been my only friend since elementary until now? How many years is that, count them!
Dream: Six...
I stormed out of the kitchen and into my bedroom. Who does he think he is?
I laid down on my bed and picked up my phone. I opened the messages app and went to click of my friend group. I started typing about what had just happened between Dream and I. I finished but my finger hovered over the send button.
'Fuck that'
Yelling out in anger, I deleted the text and threw my phone onto the other side of the bed. Suddenly, my phone started ringing.
It was Ink. Trying to calm my voice, I answered.
Me: Hello?
Ink: Hey, I got a feeling that something was wrong so I called to check on you.
Me: Oh...well, nothing is wrong but thank you for checking on me. You didn't have to though.
I smiled. I liked hearing his voice.
Ink: Why wouldn't I?! We're best friends, we look after each other.
He sighed.
Ink: Whelp, I'm going to bed, it's pretty late. Goodnight.
Me: Night.
He hung up, leaving me to my thoughts and total silence. I stared at the ceiling thinking about Dream stealing Ink. I started laughing. I know that Ink still favors me. His emotions and actions tell me. After all he did say....
'Nothing will ever separate us'
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