Chapter 19 - Ghost of C.Q.
Esta es mi gato
Su nombre es Vita
(This is my cat)
(Her name is Vita)
Reaper's POV
I woke up to the sound of birds singing in the morning light. I dislike it.
I got out of bed and went to grab my cloak. But my hand only grabbed air.
'Where is it?'
I started freaking out but then I remembered that I left it with Diana. I got up and stretched, hearing a few delightful pops. I never bothered to change last night so I was still in my clothes that weren't completed without my cloak.
I exited my apartment and entered Diana's. She was still sleeping on the couch. Ragnor lifted his head and looked at me. I put my index finger over my mouth.
I reached out and grabbed my favorite cloth.
Today was going to be a productive one but I wanted to visit Geno first.
(Time Skip)
I knocked on the door. I wanted to be polite this time.
Geno opened the door and saw me. He slammed the door in my face. I sighed and knocked again. This time Fresh answered.
Me: I need to see Geno.
Fresh: He doesn't want to see you. He hates you dawg.
Me: I know.
I start pushing past him.
Fresh: No I mean, like he actually wants you dead.
He stopped talking in his normal voice. He was being serious.
Geno came up behind and pushed past him. He glared at me with an unknown emotion. Something I've never seen him make before.
Geno: Fresh, go to your room. Reaper and I need to talk.
He nodded to went up the stairs. Geno grabbed my arm and dragged me into the living room. I sat on the couch while he took something out of a nearby drawer. The object looked like a pen. He shoved it into my hands.
Geno: What is that?
Me: A.... pen? No, a..... pregnancy test.
Geno: What does it say?
I looked closer.
Me: You're pregnant?!
Geno: Yes. And it's fucking yours. I'll have to quit my job because of you. How will I be able to take care of Fresh?! Now I have to worry about being a mother.
He was flipping his shit. He was freaking the fuck out to where it almost annoyed me. I sighed, tossed the test onto the couch and stood up. I grabbed him by the collar and kissed him. I was able to calm him down. I held him close and whispered to him.
Me: I'll take care of you and the child. I'm not going to run away. I can't anyway, you have my heart.
He hugged me back and started crying. We stayed like that, standing in the middle of the living room, embracing each other. He cried until he became tired and slowly started falling asleep. I picked him up and headed towards his room. I stopped when I saw Fresh sitting on the bottom step of the stairs.
Fresh: So... my brother is pregnant with your child. As long as you and Geno don't turn out to be like our parents then..... I'm fine with it.
For a high schooler with a weird lingo, he was quite mature.
He moved by to let me go to the second floor of the house. I laid Geno in his bed and walked out. I couldn't stay, I had a mission to finish.
I teleported back to my apartment and opened a closet that was always locked. Inside was a sharp scythe. I grabbed it and teleported to the top of the building. Sitting down, I opened my note book to look at the names scribbled down on the pages. My first target was a CEO of a car company. The company made military grade vehicles. Incredibly durable, incredibly dangerous. They were made to kill God-tier magic users. One of the magic users being me. I knew that there were others like me, however I don't know who they are. All I know is that two are Creation and Destruction.
Whelp, guess it's time to go. I stood up and started heading towards the location of my target. I was jumping from roof to roof because I didn't feel like using magic at the moment.
(Time Skip)
I arrived at a giant mansion. It was a modern white home. Sturdy and clean. The walls were lined with windows. Which is a problem for me. I would stick out like a sore thumb. My black clothing isn't exactly made for the light so they would see me. I'll have to wait. Maybe around 18:20 is when I can strike. Normally around that time, families begin to have supper. However, I don't know if this guy had any loved ones to begin with.
I sighed and kneeled down, resting on a rooftop. My hand firmly gripped my scythe, itching to land a deadly blow on my victim. I was never one to wait but killing a guy that could easily hunt me down is a different situation. I could lead danger to Diana. She doesn't deserve any of this. My mind went to something else. Actually, someone. They could hunt down Geno and my child. I couldn't let that happen. Even if the child was fairly new, I still felt fatherly instincts run through me. The thought of my child and crush dying, only fueled the urge to kill within me.
'I need to be patient'
My grip loosened and I laid down. I stared up into the sky and began thinking of the stars. I yearned to see the stars in Italy again. When I was little, my mother would lay next to me while we star gazed.
It has been so long from when I moved to this country, that I've forgotten how to speak most of my native tongue. Now my own memories seem foreign to me.
(Time Skip)
I opened my eyes. The sky was tinted a light shade of indigo. The first stars of the night were twinkling. Like the stars had awakened to preform a beautiful dance.
I groaned as I got up. The hard surface was not good on my back. After a few minutes of stretching, I felt a little better. I looked at the time.
Good, I didn't oversleep. I looked over at the house. Just as I assumed, a group of people were sitting at the dining table, eating. I saw my target. He was a human. A middle-aged human who had a well built body. The light grey streaks in his hair showed his age. The other people must have been his family. Sitting across from him was a beautiful woman. She seemed a few years younger than the man. She had brown hair with blonde highlights. There were two more people. Two little girls. They looked like the daughters of the man but not the woman. She must have married into the family after the little girls were born.
Enough observing, I need to find the perfect time to strike. Maybe when they fall asleep. The very cliche way for an assassin to kill someone.
I waited for a few minutes, then finally, they began getting ready for bed. I expected them to walk up stairs but nope, that wasn't the case. They took a god damn elevator to the second floor. What the fu- why?! What's the purpose of it. It's not that damn hard to walk up stairs. How do I know, I had to walk up stairs to get to my house in Italy! Good fucking god.
I sighed angrily and grabbed my weapon. I focused and teleported into the house. As I was sneaking around the second floor, I felt another presence in the house. One that shouldn't be here. Holding my scythe in a defensive way, I looked into the master bedroom and saw the man and woman both dead on the floor. Drowning in their own puddles of blood. Red and purple soul essence were splattered along the walls and bed sheets. Someone got to them before me. The unknown presence was still in the house. I looked around and found that the bathroom light was on. Getting closer, I saw a person washing their hands and dabbing their sleeves with water, cleaning the soul essence off of them. They had error signs fizzing around them, blue tear lines running down their cheekbones, and mismatched eye lights. My eyes widen. It couldn't be. He's supposed to be dead. That's what Geno said. But my eyes did not deceive me. Standing before me was the assumed dead brother of Geno and Fresh. The assumed dead child of the C.Q. family.
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