Chapter 103 - Seven Years Later - (Part 3)
Crow's POV
It was almost time to go home for the day. My head was hurting from the tests that I had to take for school. Luckily, I had an iced coffee with me.
Fresh was walking next to me as he texted Geno for the day. He moved out a few years ago once he graduated high school. Currently, we were living together in a small apartment. It was enough for us until we were finished with college. We have been dating for seven years now and so far... it was going great.
Fresh: Hey Crow?
Me: What's up?
Fresh: How do you think you did on the exams?
Me: We'll just have to see.
I took a hold of his hand and swung them in opposite directions. Fresh observed the tall buildings that slowly passed by. People were busily rushing past to get to their jobs.
After a few minutes of walking, we came upon a smaller building. It was located next to a café that we would stop by every morning. After we entered our apartment, Fresh flopped onto the couch and took off his shades. Setting my backpack on the floor, I sat next to him.
Suddenly, I got a text on my phone. Picking it up and reading the notification, I saw that Quinn sent me a message. He wanted us to meet up later tonight at the café. I laughed when I realized that he meant the one that was literally downstairs.
Me: Fresh.
Fresh: Yo.
Me: Care to hang out with my brothers tonight?
Fresh: Where?
Me: Downstairs.
He slight shrugged as to say he agreed but didn't really care. After responding to my brother, I leaned backwards against the couch. The long day of school had really drained my energy and the coffee was barely working. Fresh wouldn't allow me to smoke as it was bad for my health.
Standing up, I went into the bathroom to get my pill bottle. Even though I wasn't in the orphanage anymore, my body was still used to the feeling of the tranquility capsule. I stopped taking the Magic Canceller which gave me the ability to use magic but I haven't found a reason for it.
I heard Fresh behind me. Turning around, I saw him leaning against the door frame. It seemed he was giving me a slightly concerned expressive look.
Fresh: You're still taking those?
Me: Yeah. It keeps me calm.
I offered one to him. He looked at it for a few minutes before gently taking it with an unsure manner. However, he didn't put it in his mouth, only stared at it until giving it back to me. I perceived that he didn't want to risk getting addicted to the drug.
(Time Skip)
We sat at a table next to the window and waited for my brothers. I haven't seen them in awhile so I was becoming quite anxious. Porcel was no longer a small child, rather a young teenager. It made me nervous as I was afraid of what he would think of me.
That's when I heard the door open. Fresh sent a comforting smile towards me as to tell me that everything was okay. Two people appeared in front of the table. Looking up, I saw Quinn and Porcel. They still wore their familiar style of clothing.
They sat across from us and made eye contact with our eyes. Quinn started to smile widely while laughing.
Quinn: So the legends were true. You are gay.
Me: Shut up.
My face became hotter as I looked away from my brother.
Porcel: For a twenty-four year old, you are still very expressive.
Me: Just because I'm an adult, that means that I have to abandon my emotions?
Porcel: Well you'd have to busy with other responsibilities.
Me: Why am I always the one to be picked on?
I looked at Fresh for help but he shook his head as he lifted his hands. He was enjoying the fact that I was being bullied by my family members. Sighing, I dealt with the 'pain'.
(Time Skip)
We received our ordered drinks. Fresh and I shared an caramel iced coffee. Quinn just had a normal coffee while Porcel drank a small cup of milk tea.
Quinn: So tell me, how's life for you two?
Fresh: It's great actually. I'm following in my older brother's footsteps by becoming a lawyer. Crow is studying to become a detective.
Porcel: You want to become involved with dead people?
Me: Yeah. You know I've always had a fascination with corpses and all that stuff. What about you guys?
Quinn: I'm out of the orphanage and I've adopted Porcel as his legal guardian. He is going to private school while I tend to my business.
Me: You have a business?
Quinn: Yeah. Lady Luck helped me with the lottery, which gave me well enough to get Cel into school. I started a casino of my own.
They weren't having any problems so that was good news in my book. A few more minutes pass and my brothers were fixing to leave. We hugged before they headed back home. Now, Fresh and I were hanging out in the kitchen. A smile was on my face because...
It was good to catch up
A Quick Discussion
Sorry for late updates.
Please stay with me here.
Love ya...
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