A new year begins - the perfect time to leave the old behind and start again with fresh energy. Now is the moment to boldly tackle goals, try new things and write stories that enrich life - be it a romantic love story or an exciting adventure. Together with the profiles below, we invite you to a competition: Write a story or a poem about the new year and the opportunities it holds for your characters in love or adventure!
ActionCommunity, AfterDarkCommunity, CommunityLounge, childrensfiction, FanfictionLounge, FanficFrancophone, FantasyDE, FlashficCommunity, FicUrbaineFranco, HistoriqueFranco, ParanormalCommunity, PoesieFrancophone, RomantikCommunity, SciFiCommunity, YoungAdultLounge, WattNeverland, WesternCommunity, WortAtelier
➣ All entries must be newly written for the contest.
➣ All entries can be published either as a new separate story or as part of a collection.
➣ All entries must adhere to Wattpad's Content Guidelines. Entries with adult content are allowed. Please make sure to mark them accordingly if necessary.
➣ You can submit up to two (2) entries.
➣ Entries can be written in German, English, French and/or Spanish.
➣ You can submit short stories and/or poems.
➣ All entries can be a maximum of 5000 words long. There is no lower word limit, but entries shouldn't be longer than 5000 words.
➣ All entries must adhere to one of the writing prompts listed below in this chapter and have mentioned it either in the blurb or in the book itself. Please do not mix multiple writing prompts, the entry should only follow one of the writing prompts.
➣ You can choose the genre you use for your entries. Your entries can be written in any genre.
➣ All entries must be submitted via the linked form in the comments section to be eligible for judging.
➣ Entries will be accepted starting today, January 1, 2025.
➣ You have time until January 31, 2025 at midnight to submit your stories.
➣ The winners will be announced by all participating profiles in late February.
➣ All winning entries that were published as a standalone will be included in the winners' reading list of the participating profiles.
➣ All winning entries will be included in the anthology of the corresponding profiles (English entries will be included in the English profiles, German entries will be included in the German profiles, etc.).
➣ All winners will receive a Sticker for the cover of their story.
➣ All winners will receive a Shoutout from all participating profiles.
➣ All winners will receive a Social Media Post on our Instagram profile wattpad.deutsch.
Please note that the competition described here and its rules were created by a team of Wattpadders and have no connection with Wattpad or Wattpad employees. Judging of contest entries is done solely by the creators and is not the responsibility of Wattpad or Wattpad employees. We reserve the right to reject entries for this contest that we believe do not meet the required criteria, are inappropriate, or may be triggering. We are not obligated to provide any form of feedback on entries, and if we do provide feedback, we do so at our sole discretion. Please note that the judges' decision is final, and offensive language or behavior directed at Ambassadors, profiles, or judges will not be tolerated and may be referred to Wattpad's Trust & Safety Team for review.
Prompt 1
Include the following dialogue snippet in your entry:
»That wasn't my plan, but now there's no turning back.«
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Prompt 2
Write an entry with the following title:
»From here to somewhere«
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Prompt 3
Start your entry with the following sentence:
It started with a letter that wasn't addressed to anyone.
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Prompt 4
Include at least five of the following words in your entry and mark them in bold in the text:
Fog, whisper, road, bridge, detour, silence, secret, desire, love, sign, mirror, veil, suitcase, forgetting, mistake
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Prompt 5
Include the following riddle in your entry:
I am always with you, but you never look at me. I am full of memories, but only when you open me. What am I?
Answer: A diary
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Prompt 6
Someone discovers a detail in a New Year's photo that shouldn't have been there.
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Prompt 7
A traditional New Year's fireworks display ends abruptly, and the sky remains unusually dark.
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Prompt 8
During the first spring cleaning, someone finds a box full of items that don't seem to fit in there.
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Prompt 9
When a window is opened after a long winter, a note with an unknown handwriting falls in.
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Prompt 10
With the first warm rays of spring sunshine, a mysterious light shimmers on the surface of a nearby lake.
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