Woahhhh! Nejire didn't know Ryuko had a second nephew! Ryuko had a niece and a nephew, Eijirou and Momo, but she didn't know about Tamaki.
"Who was that kid?" Yuyu asked.
"Oh, just a friend of my friend. I just wanted to say hi." Nejire giggled, lying to her friends.
School that week was pretty annoying. Graduation rehearsals, curfew, writing college applications. Right now, she was aiming for a college in California so she wouldn't have to fly in an out to visit or anything. She needed a job too, so it'd be better if she stayed in state, near her family. If it really did get too bad, she would just work at the Cafe with her mother and Kaoruko.
"Nejire, how are you doing?" Bibimi Kenranazki asked. She was a tall girl, wore fake eyelashes, wore her hair weird, etc. Nejire absolutely despised this girl, mainly because she was so fake and petty. She honestly liked her fashion sense, but the personality was so icky. She insulted Nejire's mother, talked shit about her all the time, and was just a brat in general.
"Bibimi! Why are you here?" Nejire asked, shriveling up her nose in pure disgust, but held a fake smile.
"Oh? I just wanted to say hi! Oh, and to mention that your mom is gonna be working at my end of school party, can't wait to see you in one of those aprons!" Bibimi giggled, waving her fingers goodbye in the pettiest form of a goodbye.
"I don't work for my mom, you know. But if you're giving me an invitation to your party, I accept it, unless that's not what you were trying to do. Oh! We're you trying to mock me?" She realized. She frowned.
"Uhhh... Yeah." She glared at her, rotating her hand. Nejire rolled her eyes and waved bye at her.
That was just lunchtime. The rest of the day would probably be hellish too, but she was fine with it. She only had a few weeks left of school and then she was done! She didn't have to go to the same college as Bibimi, she didn't have to work at the cafe, and she could stay in town.
At her lockers, Nejire checked her ballet bag for all of her necessary items. Her leotard, her tights, her slippers, and her large scrunchie for her hair. It was below waist length and it was quite the distraction during Ballet so Ryuko taught her how to pin it up.
"Hey Nejire!" A girl from her ballet class said. It was Tatami Toyomitsu. She was Ryuko's niece and, oh god did they look alike. Same teeth, same hair, etc. Tatami was a second year and would graduate next year.
"Hey bestie!"
Ryuko babysat both of them when they were little. Tatami and Nejire became friends really easily because of that. Tatami was most definitely a sweetheart.
As Tatami and Nejire spoke, Nejire looked behind Tatami and saw a tall brown haired boy walk up behind her. She was concerned but didn't know what to say.
The brown haired boy was 5'10 and wore the second year uniform. She assumed they knew each other, especially when he went to reach for her waist, pulled back, and instead decided to lean on her with his elbows.
"It's Yo, isn't it?" Tatami grumbled. Nejire was just happy he decency to not startle her with hands on her waist from behind, and instead leaned on her. Nejire shrugged, not really knowing his name.
"It's me Tati." He laughed, kissing her forehead and letting his arms hang off of her shoulders with his chin on her head. "Woah, who's this, she's really pretty." Yo said, looking Nejire in the eyes.
"This is Nejire, she's basically my cousin. Nejire, this is my boyfriend, Yo." Tatami introduced the two. Nejire blushed at his compliment but laughed at them. "We went to her mom's cafe remember! The one with the pretty fairy lights you liked?"
"Oh! You're Nejire! Your mom is really nice." Nejire nodded.
"I assume she gave you stuff for free?" Nejire laughed, looking through her bag. "Mama always does that. I'm glad though. She gives my friends free pastries." She said, beginning to put stuff away. "We do catering too, so birthday parties are fun. Oh, and Tati, I gotta ask you something later."
"Hm? Ok! Ballet!"
"Ok, I gotta go, but I'll see you at ballet tonight!" Nejire said, running off with her belongings.
That afternoon, Nejire tied her hair into a bun and put on her leotard and tights. She laced up her slippers in the changing room with Momo Yaoyorozu. She was a rich girl who was extremely pretty, smart, and probably the most popular girl in school.
"Hey Nejire! I cant wait to see how good you do!" Momo said. Nejire laughed a bit.
"We both know I'm probably gonna trip up on my own feet." She laughed. "But yeah, have you seen Tatami? I've been looking for her!" She asked.
"Oh, I don't know, sorry!" Momo apologized a lot, it was just something about her.
As they both left the changing room, they saw everyone else. Nejire ran up to Tatami and started stretching with her.
"Hey bestie, I had to ask, who is Tamaki?" Nejire asked, stretching on the bar. Tatami choked on her spit and looked at her, acting like she didn't just choke.
"Huh? Why?" She questioned looking around.
"I met him at the Boardwalk. He was really nice, and he knew your dad. Wanted to know if you two knew each other."
"Uhh... yeah! He's my brother... he was just at a boarding school! Yeah..." Tatami nodded, clearly uncomfortable.
"Oh? Ryuko doesn't talk about him, odd." Nejire shrugged it off and continued practicing. Ryuko hadn't come in yet, she was busy getting dressed."Oh, and I have a quick question,"
"Go ahead." Tatami said, looking straight at herself in the mirror.
"What's Shinya like? Ya know, Ryuko's boyfriend. She's planning on having me meet him, and I'm kinda worried about how it's gonna go..."
"Hmm... I don't really know how to explain it, but he's nice. He brought gifts for us when he first met us. He likes making good impressions." Tatami thought. She was quite the airhead and had to think about it for a while. "Oh, but he is kind of a perfectionist? We had a dinner and he helped set the table, and it was one of those extremely fancy table settings. He's French so that might have something to do with the table?" Tatami thought about her aunt's boyfriend.
"Oh, so how'd you act around him?" Nejire asked, stretching on the ground now, flexing her toes and feet.
"I wasn't exactly nervous, I guess we all just acted like they were about to have kids? Doesn't make sense but we were all really walking on eggshells cuz he used to be our dad's boss before he quit a few years ago." Tatami said. "He's definitely intimidating but he likes kids and stuff. His little sister goes to school with us! All I can really say is just be cool, don't let his appearance scare you, cuz goddamn, he is intimidating." Tatami shivered.
"Oh? That's, a lot... so, be cool but not too relaxed?" She asked, knowing she wasn't going to remember all of this. Tatami just nodded and shortly after, Ryuko walked in and they could finally get started with practice.
Tatami takes Momo's spot, because she was Fatgum's daughter in We're 1-A and I loved that book but had no inspiration for it.
But Nejire is gonna meet Shinya soon lol.
Oh and, Todomomo shippers, I hope y'all are ready, cuz wooh, it's gonna be extremely important in like, twenty chapters if I get that far lol.
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